A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 244:

"Warrior Knights, this name is not good.?" Cook did not expect that the name of the master would be the final name. Of course it was just a name, and Cook agreed.

The next step is registration. Each organization or family has two places. The registration work is handed over to the God of Contract. After the registration is over, the day is over. Cook looked at the people sitting and said, "More than 1,400 For each member, there will be a half-year adaptation period. After the adaptation period, only 1,000 official members will be retained. Each team will have 14 people. After half a year, each team will eliminate four people. Then the team leader will be selected in the following half a year. Then I will equip "Cook is the head of the titular Knights of Warriors, in charge of everything.

"But there are still three people." Dilly said immediately.

"The remaining three do some chores. The entire team also needs a logistics department and an intelligence department. These all need people, but this is the internal thing of our Knights." Cook explained roughly, and then just a Tai Chi Call it over, this is your own business, you can't control it anymore.

In the next few days, the members of the Brave Knights were acquired one by one, and then they began adaptive training, which is to take risks. A team of 14 people, and then Cook set up other institutions. Fortunately, the structure of the Knights is very mature. What Cook has to do is choose people.

Dilly became the head of logistics, the goddess of wealth is the head of wealth, the **** of contracts is the head of discipline, the **** of gambling is the head of intelligence, the goddess of nature is the head of medical care, and the goddess of liberty is the head of discipline, etc. Cook's appointment perfectly interprets nepotism. .

Cook, the person under these supervisors, will not interfere, but Cook has also set the standard, that is, if you do well, you will continue to do it, there will be rewards, and you will get out if you do not do well. This is true for any one.

"Cook, isn't this a lot? One hundred thousand top grade **** crystals." The goddess of wealth looked at the property that Cook gave and asked.

The Lady Liberty rolled her eyes on one side. This is Cook. It would be strange if the goddess of wealth didn’t hug them. Cook waved his hand and said, “Not much, first of all, the site is close to the portal below this mountain of gods. Find a place for a place. We are to maintain the peace of the entire Council of Gods. Once something happens, we need to act immediately. In addition, I will build a batch of artifact weapons and let them go when there are tasks."

"How much?" The goddess of wealth asked with bright eyes.

"This is my logistics department." Dilly heard the goddess of wealth say this, and said very dissatisfied.

"Hehe, our financial department needs to register." The goddess of wealth laughed, but the words were rather blunt.

Cook raised his hand and said, "Five hundred will do. Don't make a noise."

The reason why Cook did this is to contain each other, just like the same thing, logistics storage, financial supervision, without Cook's signature, no one can move, some people say that Cook is worried about Dilly, after all, Dilly is Cook's woman.

In the God Realm, no one believes in anyone, just like various temples. When in the lower planes, they think how united they are. Only when they arrive in the God Realm, they know that a group of people with common interests gather together. , And then formed the temple.

God-level powerhouses have a long life span and have seen a lot of things. In the eyes of god-level powerhouses, interests are the first. Although Cook is confident that those who betray him will pay the price, Cook does not want to trouble. From the bottom of his bones, Cook is not a god, but a person.

As for the deputy commander who has been in charge of affairs for a long time, Cook has not found the right person, who can convince these people. Cook really can't find it, so it is temporarily vacant. This is also because Cook has not established a squadron leader. The reason for the position of captain.

This is also temporarily not set up. Cook has the confidence that this team will be in his own control after a year, at least obedient, the kind from the bottom of his heart, not pure interest.

In Cook’s view, the failure of the Council of the Gods means that failure is to value its interests too much. Once the interests are valued too much, the organization looks prosperous for the time being, but once it encounters a huge crisis, the enemy only needs to pay enough. The interests of this organization will be disintegrated from within. ﹝

So it takes a long time for Cook to change, but in Cook’s view, he has enough time to do this, but the irony is that Cook wants to change this kind of thinking, but has to Start with benefits.

"Cook City Lord, I don’t know if our members of the Council of Gods have any discounts when placing orders for artifacts?" This meeting ended perfectly. At the end of the reception, people around Cook kept coming and going, but This time the low-ranking and third-rate forces didn't care about any circles, and they kept leaning toward Cook.

"Of course, I am also a member of the Council of the Gods, so I will add ten additional orders every month to our internal distribution of the Council of the Gods, and you will discuss how to allocate it, but I am still there. In a word, we must unite and understand the Lord." Cook said with a generous promise when he raised his glass.

"Speaker Cook is generous, thanks to Speaker Cook." When a family chief heard Cook say this, he immediately said loudly, obviously flattering.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Cook also touched the cup.

"Speaker Cook, our temple lacks funds. I don't know if we can ask the parliament for help?" Seeing that Cook was so good to talk, a head of an old organization asked immediately respectfully.

When Cook heard this, he said, "I admit that the strength of our Council of Gods is uneven, and I, Cook, can be regarded as an upstart. If you have any difficulties, even if you come to me, it is like building a city. , Guarding the city, I can give free support."

"Really, Speaker Cook." The leader of the influential power also complained to Cook, but he didn't expect Cook to really agree.

"Don't thank Cook yet. Cook is just talking." The God of Contract just heard this and shouted angrily.

The leader of this dysfunctional force was immediately excited, and he stammered: "Thank you, thank you, I finally saw the benefits of parliament."

"We are all members of the Council of the Gods. It is necessary to help each other. In this way, do you have a portal on your side? If not, I will build one for you. As long as you have convenient transportation, I think your economy will be very fast. It will come up." Cook thought for a moment and continued.

"Thank you, thank you Speaker Cook. This time I flew for a full week before coming over from another city." The leader of this dysfunctional power is just a high-ranking god. I can think of how small this power is, and Within the Council of the Gods, there is only one seat.

"Hehe, what I want to tell everyone is that I Cook here promises that I am going to use ten years to let everyone have their own city and their own portal. I don’t have anything else, but the property , There is also the magic pattern, I Cook can help, absolutely no payment." Cook saw other people look over, he immediately laughed loudly.

"Thank you Speaker."

"Thank you, Speaker." The councillors who had no cities around and no portals were very excited. It took only a little more than ten years. For a **** who lives in tens of thousands, it is hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years, it is almost In the blink of an eye.

And some forces are a little jealous, jealous and hate, such as the big dwarf boss who forged the temple, and the look in Cook’s eyes is a bit resentful, because according to rough statistics, the value of the magic gem ores purchased by Cook is dozens of times his own income, close to A hundred times.

There are also guys from the Temple of the Gods of War. The Temple of the Gods of War is in turmoil now, because Cook has abolished the big boss, and then the two bosses under the big boss don’t like each other, and they all want to be the big boss, and this time Cook formed the Knights of Warriors, with only two places, and there was a contradiction in itself, coupled with the attraction of the artifact suit, the contradiction was even deeper.

For those envious and hateful eyes, Cook does not care. It is mediocre not to invite others to be jealous. Cook thinks he is still a genius. (

"Chairman Cook, congratulations, congratulations." Thousands of representatives of the dragon clan also congratulate Cook, no way, now Cook is in the eyes of the dragon clan, that is the uncle, and now the most lively issue in the entire God Realm is How much is the value of a dragon skin artifact, and this number is constantly rising. Some dragons that get artifacts and equipment are still waiting to see, while those who don’t get it are eager to see through, so this time Cook is in the House of Representatives. After the speaker, the parliament itself had some conflicts with several cities of the dragons. After these dragons got the abbot of the parliament by Cook, they should apologize immediately. The compensation for compensation is nothing like before. The dragons will always be in Show his loud voice on the mountain of gods.

"Haha, thank you." Of course Cook accepted the dragon's compliment.

After the cocktail party lasted for several hours, everyone was in high spirits. Of course, Cook left after it was over, while the others were gearing up to argue about the quota of ten artifact orders each month.

Cook left, but Dili and the others did not leave. These people still have to finish the preparations for the Knights of the Warriors. Although they can let their subordinates do it, how can they show that their existence is not? More than 1,400 people come from all major forces, and there are some benefits in it, such as revealing news about 500 artifacts, etc., and they can always get some benefits.

When we arrive at the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night, Cook’s leisure days are over. There are orders from the dragon family and various external orders. There will be no day or night when I am busy. As for how long Dili and others have been here, Cook is not. very clear.

In terms of refining artifacts, Cook is also becoming more and more familiar with the nature of various materials. A large number of artifacts flowed from Cook's side. The excitement of getting artifacts was unusual. Those who did not get artifacts were in the territory of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. waiting.

Cook just concentrates on refining. Cook has very little time to leave the laboratory. He comes out once in almost ten days. About two months have passed. Finally, there is a magic pattern apprentice ready to assess the official magic pattern master.

"Very well, the five of you are very courageous. Since you are asking for an assessment, first draw the basic magic lines, and then decompose the magic lines. Since you are beginners, the time limit is less than five hours." Cook looked at Of the five Mageweave apprentices, four of them were originally senior Mageweave masters, and the other was a low-level Mageweave master.

Although the high-level Mageweave Masters and the low-level Mageweave Masters in the Alchemy Temple were nothing to Cooke's eyes, these Mageweave Masters were knowledgeable and experienced after all, and could become the first batch of official apprentices. Cook had already expected it.

"Yes, teacher." After hearing Cook's words, the five apprentices of the Mageweave Master all bowed and replied.

"Give you half an hour to prepare, you can use the medicine." Cook said.

However, the confused expressions of these five apprentices of Mageweave made Cook also confused, and asked, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"I don't know what the potion the teacher said?" an older Mageweave apprentice asked respectfully.

"Strength potions can improve one's own strength. Mental strength restoration potions can continuously restore your mind within an hour. Mental strength potions can restore one-third of your mental power. A wakefulness potion can make your brain more awake. , The mental concentration potion can put you into a state of concentration. Have you never used potions?” Cook took out the potions and said the same.

"Teacher, we have never heard of such a medicine." The five people replied in unison.

"Is there no pharmacist in the gods?" Cook was puzzled, impossible.

"Yes, but there are only potions below the sanctuary. The potions have no effect on the god-level powerhouses." An apprentice of Mageweave heard Cook's question and explained in a low voice.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then handed it to the Mageweave apprentice: "Try it."

Watching the Mageweave apprentice pouring a bottle of power potion, Cook looked at the Mageweave apprentice expectantly. The Mageweave apprentice shook his head and said, "Teacher, there is no effect."

"Well, you guys go and prepare." Cook waved his hand to let the five apprentices prepare. ‘

Cook is now full of doubts. The medicine he took out is effective. Cook can guarantee that, but why these guys have no effect when they use it?

What is going on here? After half an hour passed, Cook was still full of doubts. The five Mageweave apprentices were also waiting. It took a long time for Cook to react, and he smiled, "Hehe, sorry, I'm distracted, let's start."

"Yes, teacher." The five Mageweave apprentices breathed a sigh of relief.

Cook put aside the doubts, and then began to pay attention. This is the first step for Cook to take root in the gods. Now it seems that Cook has a lot of orders, but Cook's power is actually one person, but Cook's strength is too strong. Strong, let others ignore it, if Cook wants to take root, he must have his own power, and it is impossible to stay alone.

It’s hard to say, once some people in the God Realm think that the God Realm’s artifacts are enough, then Cook will be in danger. Cook is very strong, but on what basis Cook’s strength is built, The Star Breaker has a strong energy requirement. Once the number of uses is over, it cannot be used. Thunder Tooth is also a need for a lot of energy, madness. This is more durable for Cook, but Cook is an opponent of so many people in the gods. Some people say that it is impossible for everyone to be hostile to Cook, so once the enemy moves, there will definitely be as many enemies as Cooke imagined, otherwise others will not dare to move.

The vast majority of Cook's strength lies in strength, long-range attacks, how many attacks Cook can withstand, not to mention the original powerhouse, although Cook is also, but who is stronger, this will be known after the battle.

Looking at the concentration of these Mageweave apprentices, Cook didn't bother him. Strictly speaking, Cook was not a competent teacher. In the process of learning these Mageweave apprentices, Cook did not give any instructions.

An hour after an hour passed. The refining techniques of these Mageweave Masters were completely different from those of Cook. Cook exquisitely did it in one go, but these Mageweave Apprentices couldn't work. These Mageweave Apprentices learned half of Cook's techniques. .

That is to first form a basic magic pattern in one go, and then continue to decompose the magic pattern on the basic magic pattern, which comes to an end, and then control the magic pattern, detect the magic pattern, analyze the magic pattern, and the entire graded magic pattern is a composite magic pattern. .

For five hours, these apprentices of magic lines were still not completed. Cook looked at one of them and said: "Failure, these magic lines have deviated from the original trajectory, and the following magic lines cannot be drawn."

"Teacher." The Mageweave apprentice looked at the slightly aberrant paths, wishing to cry without tears.

"Failure." It is another failure. The biggest reason for the failure in constructing magic lines is generally insufficient accuracy. The three-dimensional structure of the magic lines is invisible. The distance between certain magic lines is almost invisible to the naked eye. Once they are misplaced, then The following magic lines cannot be constructed, and the magic lines construction fails.

Five people have failed four, and only the original low-level Mageweaver continues to draw. Although it took more than five hours, Cook saw hope of success in this human being.

"Failed." But soon Cook had to utter two words.

"Teacher." The Mageweave apprentice was as tired as a dead dog. Hearing this, he bowed helplessly to Cook.

"The five of you are courageous. Although I failed this time, I made an exception to allow you to enter the laboratory to control and decompose the magic pattern." Cook saw the disappointment of these five people and wanted to let them leave, but Thinking that these five people are the first wave after all, they can't dampen enthusiasm, so I have already considered them.

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher." The five of them were originally disappointed. Hearing Cooke say so, they were immediately excited and almost squatted on Cooke.

"Don't thank me first, you guys tell me the reason for your failure." Cook said with a wave.

There are five apprentices of Mageweave, two of them are dwarfs and three are humans. Two of them were originally senior Mageweave masters. One of the dwarfs said: "Teacher, I am not focused, which has caused the magic lines to be dislocated. "

"Teacher, I have the same reason, and there is power. Now I don't feel the slightest power." Another dwarf said.

"Teacher, my eyes can't stand old, and I see things in two." A human said.

The other two humans also nodded: "Not only is the mental strength insufficient, but the strength is also insufficient."

"In this way, you first learn to manipulate and decompose magic lines, decompose various materials, and refine equipment. The first thing you have to contact is the material. The same material has different properties, and these properties are the key to success. "Since we want people to be coolies, there must be reasons to be coolies.

"In the process of decomposing materials, what are you going to do? You will know the purity of the material, where it is produced, and what properties it has after taking a look at it. After learning this, you have to learn all kinds of materials. The ratio of materials is not so simple that the fire system you learned before cannot be combined with the water system.

"You follow me into the laboratory." Cook took five Mageweave apprentices into the laboratory, the laboratory for refining artifacts. These five people came in for the first time. Cook's previous laboratory was open. , But Cook felt uneasy, so he closed the laboratory.

Cook used wood to light a fire in the laboratory and said, "Look, this is fire. In principle, water can extinguish fire, but look."

"Boom!" Cook directly summoned a small stream of water to rush into the fire. Not only did the fire rush into the fire under the action of a large amount of water vapor.

"Have you seen?" Cook continued to ask five people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~teacher, is this an ordinary flame? "A human raised his own question.

Hearing this, Cook said quite mysteriously: "Ordinary flames, then do you know what the laws are? Do the laws you understand exist in the world?"

"Existence." The five immediately agreed. The reason why they are called the law is the composition of the whole world.

Cook said with a smile: "The power of the source is also understood from these things that are no longer ordinary."

"Teacher, do you mean?" When the five people heard this, they were very excited. The original power, this is the most high-end and most mysterious thing in the entire God Realm. More people don't even know what the original power is, but these The former high-level magic pattern master knew a little.

"As long as you understand why wood burns, why water can extinguish fires, and why trees need water, as long as you understand these things, you won't be far from understanding the power of the source." Cook said in an educational tone.

The five of them were surprised when they heard what Cook said. They all looked at Cook suspiciously. Cook asked with a smile: "Do you think that the power of the source is? The power of the source and the law are actually one, but the same There are many kinds of laws that an origin can express, just like the origin of fire, it can express high temperature, light, etc."

"Teacher, we understand." When the five people heard Cook explain this, they were all excited and all of a sudden said to Cook.

"Get up, I don't hide selfishness." Cook's mouth was tilted at ninety degrees, and the movements of these five people have already shown that they are die-hard.

After the five got up, one of the humans weakly asked, "Teacher, do you understand the power of the source?"

When Cook heard this, he smiled and nodded.

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