A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 245:

"God." The five of them nodded when they saw Cook. They jumped up excitedly. In the God Realm. The Lord God is in the eyes of these people. It is an extremely top-notch existence. As for the original source, that is almost in the legend. This is the reason why the advanced magic pattern masters are more knowledgeable. The general background is not very strong, and they don't know the existence of the strong origin.

"Okay. As long as you work. If you have any questions in the future, you can come and ask me." Cook drew a pie.

Someone asked. How is this called painting a pie? Hehe. This is not what painting a pie is. Everyone understands the law differently. Then the way to understand the power of the source is different. Cook teaches this. Although for Cook This is a big pie.

But these five Mageweave apprentices don't think so. Because these five Mageweave apprentices don't know what the source of power is. They thought that with Cook's guidance, the understanding of the source of power would have a direction. The five were crawling excitedly. Ground.

"Teacher. We must work hard." Creeping on the ground. This is a special etiquette in the God Realm. It is absolute obedience. Absolute loyalty. Official members of the temple would not do this when they salute.

"Okay. Next, I will guide you how to use the decomposition magic pattern." Cook was very satisfied when he saw the reaction of the five people. He said.

"Teacher. There is one thing. I think you may not know." At this moment, one of the five humans said.

When Cook heard this, he didn't care. He asked, "What's the matter."

"Teacher, you may not know. Most of the artifacts you refined are in some chambers of commerce. These chambers of commerce take out the artifacts from you and sell them at several times higher prices." The human said.

"Oh. How did you know." Cook frowned.

"Teacher. I also went to the chamber of commerce to buy advanced materials. I found that there were none. The chambers of commerce were still purchasing advanced materials at a high price. These chambers of commerce even secretly asked me if I wanted a artifact. Later, I inquired about it carefully. Teacher, among the artifacts you refined. Most of them have entered these chambers of commerce. Although the price of your refining is cheap, the teacher, the number of refining is limited. Some people are eager to equip them. In addition, the teacher, you did not use bloodmarks on these people in person." The human Mageweave apprentice replied.

Cook nodded: "Okay. I see. From now on, you will be the leader of the five people. If you have anything, you can tell him. Then you come to me."

"Yes. Teacher." The human being heard Cook say so. His heart was very excited. The others regretted it.

"Okay. The control of decomposition of magic lines is very simple. The first is energy. Generally speaking, the decomposition of magic lines I use does not need to adjust the energy system. But when you use it, you don't need to describe the energy conversion system. Decompose materials. Different types of energy should be used according to the type of material. For example, fire-based materials. You must use wood-based or fire-based energy. This will not cause abnormal changes in the material. If it is water-based energy, it may cause materials. The waste of..." Cook explained to the five Mageweave apprentices.

"The decomposition of magic lines is generally automatic. What you have to do is control. Then replace the magic crystals. Collect materials. In this process, you must accurately record the various materials that are decomposed. This is for you to grasp the properties of the materials. Very helpful." Cook continued. Then he began to have five Mageweave apprentices start to demonstrate.

Five apprentices of magic pattern used mental power to control and decompose the magic pattern. It was found that the manipulation was not difficult. One of the magic pattern apprentices sighed: "It's better to use the teacher's method. When I was the magic pattern master, I refined it. Materials for more than a hundred years. Then did they enter the laboratory as an assistant. For more than a hundred years, it is the task of receiving purified materials every day."

"That's right. I used to be a second-level magic pattern master. But the number of magic patterns I came into contact with was only two. One was to identify the magic pattern. Mainly to identify the purity of the material. The other was the communication magic pattern. Communication with seniors. Then accept the task. "The lowest level of the five also said.

"Hehe. I am here and you have to do at least three years of material purification work. During this period, you must not only master the nature of the materials, but also master the ratio of the materials. Then I may let you start refining equipment. Say. As long as you can learn one-tenth of my skills from me, there is no problem in refining lower-grade artifacts. It may also be that the success rate is a bit low." Cook laughed. Looking forward to the future for the five people.

"We must listen to the teacher." The five quickly affirmed that the future is bright.

"Yeah. The only thing to learn how to match materials is the drawings. I'll talk about it then. Working in my laboratory. There is subsidy. You are now apprentices of magic pattern. Ten high-grade **** crystals per month. If it is a magic Master pattern. That is one hundred high-grade crystals. Work hard." Cook smiled and paid. Ten high-grade crystals. That’s nothing to the five people in front of you. But don’t forget. There are many magic pattern apprentices. There will be a lot of coolies in the future.

After Cook assigned a lot of tasks to the five people, he left the laboratory. After he left the laboratory, Cook's face was a bit ugly.

"I didn't expect these blood-sucking worms to be parasitic on me. Huh." Cook is really dissatisfied. What Cook wants is the growth of the entire Council of Gods. Of course, what Cook hates most is that these guys actually take their own Artifact. Then directly double the money.

But Cook didn’t say anything. Instead, he turned his head and entered another laboratory. Cook refining artifacts requires a lot of potion assistance. Cook looked at the potions. He was very puzzled: “Why these potions are useful to me. Other gods The strong are useless."

"So is the auxiliary halo useful?" Cook was puzzled.

"Then what is the difference between me and other god-level powerhouses?" Cook has an analysis model of wizards. In addition, Cook himself is not a fool. Whenever he can't figure it out, Cook will analyze it. Find out the difference The place. Then further analysis. Find out the reason.

Cook first thought of the difference between himself and the god-level powerhouses of the gods. That is, the god-level powerhouses of the gods. They all have the gods. Cook himself does not. Of course, the energy body condensed in Cook's body is also It's not clear what it is. It is a star core. It is a magic core. It is a **** core. Not only does it have a huge amount of wind energy, but it also has original power.

"This is the biggest difference. In addition, my body is stronger than the bodies of other god-level powerhouses. But this may not be the reason. Maybe it is the reason of the godhead." Cook thought about it again and found the biggest It may be the reason for the godhead.

Now that we have found the reason, we need to analyze it further. Cook took out a piece of paper. Now making paper is very simple for Cook. And Cook uses magical plants. And made of animal fur Paper. The toughness is very high. It is very convenient to write.

"The role of the medicine is first absorbed by the cells of the body. Then the energy in these medicines will work with the unique cell structure. The therapeutic medicine directly acts on the muscle cells. It allows the muscle cells to divide in a large amount. The effect of healing is achieved. The mental power recovery medicine It acts on the brain and the soul. It replenishes the consumption of the brain and the soul. And accelerates the recovery speed of mental power. Stimulates the potential of mental power. The concentration medicine is the focus area of ​​the brain. It greatly improves the vitality of this part of the brain. To achieve the effect of concentration. This is the principle of medicine. Could it be said that other god-level powerhouses have no effect when taking medicine. It is because of the energy movement." Cook analyzed carefully.

"Could it be that after the energy passed through the godhead, it was transformed by the godhead, and thus lost the effect of the potion." Cook thought of a possibility. Record it again. But this needs to be verified.

After analyzing it over and over again. Then it needs to be verified. But who should be verified. Cook has some consideration. Since he wants to solve this problem, Cook must work hard. But once this potion can be used by other gods Use. Then it has a great influence on the pattern of various forces in the gods.

"That's right. There are still pills. I don't know if the pills in the star realm are useful for the powerhouses of the gods. If it works, I don't have to think of other ways. Just think of ways to improve the pills in the star realm." But then Cook thought of a way.

"Teacher." Cook walked into another laboratory. This laboratory is used to decompose various materials. Five Mageweave apprentices are divided into two groups. They are decomposing materials in an orderly manner.

"Well. I have an experiment that requires one of you to cooperate. I don't know who wants to." Cook said directly.

Hearing what Cook said, the five people immediately rushed to do the experiment with Cook: "I. Teacher. Choose me."

"It's not a great experiment. Just you. What's your name." Cook pointed to the little boss of these five people. It was Cooked himself.

"Haisen Hesek," the human youth replied respectfully.

"Heysek. Haha. I have heard of this surname." Cook laughed. Why didn't Hesek family Cook know. One of the magic families of the Roland Empire. Although he had an unhappy relationship with Cook at one time. But in the end The Hesek family is still softened.

Hesen heard Cook say so. He asked in surprise: "Teacher. The entire God Realm Hesek is our family. What you said is."

"The Roland Empire. I myself came from the Roland Empire. The Hesek family can be said to be of great help to me. One of my wives is the Hesek family. The entire Hesek family is a magic family in the Roland Empire." Ku Ke doesn't mind saying these things. After all, there is no need for Cook to hide these things.

After knowing that Cook had said this, Hesen asked excitedly: "Teacher. The Roland Empire you are talking about. Does that plane still have the Ceylon Empire, Arran Empire, and Wushuang City? Yes. Magic City."

"Ah. Did you come from our plane too." Cook was surprised when he heard this.

"Teacher. I am the third-generation Patriarch of the Hesek family in the Roland Empire. I only advanced to the **** level 20,000 years ago. Only now is the pinnacle of the lower gods." Haisen said excitedly.

"Hehe. It's really fate." Cook was a little embarrassed. Nima said for a long time. It turned out to be the ancestor.

"Teacher. Have you heard of the Clary family. The ancestors of that family are also in the gods. But they are middle gods. The talent is better than me." Hesen asked without seeing Cook's expression.

Cook completely believed it now. You must know that Lori's mother belongs to the Clary family. Clary's grandfather is one of the guardians of the Roland Empire.

"Yes. It seems that we are really destined." Cook is extremely depressed. Nima is okay to say anything. This is all right. Another ancestor is here.

I don’t know that Haisen said excitedly: "Teacher. There are a lot of people coming out of our plane. Or I will start a party. I know and know other people."

"I have no opinion. Okay. Let's do the experiment first. The Hesek family is also strong in Sanctuary. You can find out if you have time." Cook said with a smile.

"Teacher. Those of us alone have no way to understand the situation of the sanctuary. The gate of descent is not something that everyone can have. And the cost of using it is too high. And even if we join other temples, we cannot use it without reaching a certain position. Yes." Haisen shook his head and said with a wry smile.

When Cook heard this, he didn't say anything. Instead, he said, "It's very easy for me to do this experiment. I have a pill here. You eat it...what's your expression?"

"Pill... Teacher. What kind of pill is it?" Hesen stammered and asked with a pale face.

"If something goes wrong, I will be responsible. Eat it." Cook said irritably when he saw Hesen like this.

"Teacher..." Hesen looked at Cook pitifully.

"Eat." Cook was depressed. This Nima is not poison.

Hesen saw Cook's wide-open eyes. Then he looked at the gray pill with white spots in his hand. He swallowed it as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Is there any feeling?" Cook asked after seeing Hesen swallow it.

"Yes. Yes. I feel weak." Haisen's face turned paler.

"Impossible..." Cook heard this and said subconsciously. The pill is a powerful pill. It increases strength.

"I feel it. It's hot in my body. Teacher. Am I poisoned?" Hesen screamed without waiting for Cook to finish.

"Bullshit. It's a warm feeling. You see if your strength has increased." Cook said irritably. Originally, there was no strength. It was scared. And the hotness in the body was the effect of the pill and the muscles.

"Increase strength...it seems to have some." Hesen heard Cook say so. Although worried in his heart, it is something that increases strength. It is probably not poisonous.

"Hey...has it been increased? Be careful." Cook slapped Hesen in an angry slap, shouting loudly.

After being slapped by Cook, Heisen almost slumped to the ground. Then he closed his eyes and felt it.

"How about it?" Cook asked when he saw Hesen like this.

"I don't know." Hesen heard Cook ask. He opened his eyes and asked with a sad face.

"You..." Cook wanted to scold someone. But he held it back. Although he said Cook’s current status, reputation, and casual scolding. Others accompany them with smiles. But after all, others are not slut. I am not satisfied with it. Yes. A superior should pay attention to these things at all times. People have bad times. Sometimes bad luck. Others will fall into trouble. Or they will send charcoal in the snow. A large part of it depends on the usual accumulation.

"Try it." Cook then shouted angrily.

"Yes. Yes." Heisen felt that there was no great danger. It was much more relaxed.

There is something for testing power on Cook's side. After all, it is a laboratory. The laboratory built by Cook can be said to be the most top-notch. Although it is not necessary to test power, the configuration must be configured.

"Boom." Haisen smashed the past with a strong punch. The test of power is a pillar with magic patterns. There is a crystal ball on the pillar. The magnitude of the power is related to the energy passed by the magic pattern. Then it is reflected in the crystal ball. .

"How is it?" Cook asked, looking at the numbers in the crystal ball.

Hesen looked at the numbers, turned his head and replied weakly: "I don't know how much power it was before."

"Get off." Cook heard this, roared, and told Hesen to get out.

Heisen left quickly. Cook took a deep breath. Then he found another Mageweave apprentice. First, he tested his strength. Then he took Dali pills.

"Teacher. Strength increased by 21%." The Mageweave apprentice looked at the crystal ball data and said excitedly.

"21%. Not bad. Continue testing. See how long the duration is." Cook heard this. The data increase is a bit small. Not only depends on the increase data. It also depends on the duration.'

So this human Mageweave apprentice who didn't even know the name of Cook slammed the instrument for testing power with grief, while Cook was recording the data.

"Not bad. It lasted for two and a half hours." Seeing that the strength gradually decreased, Cook had an answer. This powerful pill uses herbs from the astral world. The increase for the god-level powerhouse is still very strong. Two Half an hour. It does.

"Teacher. I don't think it's very useful. When fighting is using energy. If you really compete with power..." The Mageweave apprentice couldn't help but say when he heard Cook's words.'

When Cook heard this, he yelled angrily: "Nonsense. There is also an upgraded version of King Kong pills."

"King Kong Maru." This name made this apprentice mageweave remember.

"Okay. The experiment is here today. Tomorrow will continue." Cook put away the recorded data. Then he blasted away the apprentice of the magic pattern.

Cook did not waste his energy for more than two hours. Not only did he record the fluctuations of power. Cook also recorded the fluctuations of energy. Cook had an energy wizard model.

"The difference between a pill and a medicine is that one is a liquid. The other is a pill. The effect of the liquid comes quickly. That is to say, the body absorbs quickly. But the pill is different. Although the pill has been purified, it is after all Solid. The absorption rate is relatively slow. But there is one of the biggest variables. The material of the pill comes from the astral world. The herbs of the higher planes..." Cook recorded the analysis. Some of these things need to be individually adjusted. Solution. Some need to be verified. This is the reason why the use of potions by the god-level strong is ineffective.

Higher-level pills. King Kong pills Cook is not yet ready to experiment. Things in different planes. Who knows what will change.

"Teacher. Teacher. I found that my strength has increased by 5%. It seems to be permanent." Just as Cook was thinking about where to start, the magicweave apprentice in the second test rushed into the laboratory excitedly .

Cook said irritably, "I know this. Every time I take it, my strength will be permanently increased. It just feels obvious the first time."

"This..." This Mageweave apprentice didn't expect that Cook knew about it. This Mageweave apprentice saw Cook like this. Turned around and left. This Mageweave apprentice felt very weird. You must know the god-level powerhouse Want to increase a little bit of strength. How difficult is it. Only when you understand the law further, will you increase your strength. And Cook’s potion increases by 5%. This is 5%. The strength is increased out of thin air.

Cook did not realize this. Strength potions. It is to increase strength by stimulating and dividing muscle cells. Although the effect of the drug is over, the number of dividing cells will decrease rapidly. But some will remain. These cells are permanent. It's not surprising that the power increases.

For a pharmacist like Cook. In the lower planes, it is difficult to permanently add an attribute. But in the view of Cook now, it is very easy. Power is to divide cells. But pay attention to division The survival time of the cell. The effect of the medicine should not be too strong. Then it is matched with the water of life. It is not impossible to permanently increase the strength.

But this increase has a limit. To put it more popularly, the genes in the cells determine the strength of the cells. Every advancement in cultivation is the deeper evolution of genes. Therefore, there is a limit to dividing cells.

Cook understands this principle. But others don't. After the Mageweave apprentice returned to the decomposition laboratory, Hesen asked, "How about it."

"Hey. The teacher gave me a powerful pill. It permanently increases my strength by 5%." The Mageweave apprentice said triumphantly.



"Daliwan." The other Mageweave apprentices asked in confusion.

"Yes. It is said that Daliwan has an upgraded Vajra. I don't know how much power it increases." The Mageweave apprentice continued braggingly.

When Haisen heard this, he said in an angry voice: "Hurry up and work. There are too many words."

"You..." The Mageweave apprentice looked at Haisen unconvinced.

"I am the leader designated by the teacher. And the teacher and I are from the same plane. And one of the teacher's women is from our family." Haisen's eyes widened. He said to the Mageweave apprentice.

"Humph. Teacher asked me to do the experiment again tomorrow." The Mageweave apprentice heard this, and started to work. He said to Hesen at the same time.

When Haisen heard this, he snorted coldly: "Humph." Then he turned and walked out of the laboratory.

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