A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 280: The truth

When Cooke said so, the people present were all overwhelmed. These people suffered a lot of oppression in the alchemy temple, and they could not see their days in the alchemy temple, and at most they would be more advanced slaves, because of alchemy. The temple also has interests above all else, and the interests of the family are above all else.

"Okay, you guys, Hesen, first tell others about what needs to be done. I'll go to arrange and decompose the magic pattern first." Cook left a sentence and walked directly into another warehouse.

Several people in Haisen saw hundreds of eyes all around them looking at themselves, while several of Haisen’s companions said, "Haisen, you are."

"Well, let me just say it. Instructor Cook let us decompose materials. This is the most basic thing in the entire refining process. No matter what equipment it is, it cannot be separated from materials. Instructor Cook once said, I don’t understand The magic pattern master of material characteristics is not a qualified magic pattern master..." Haisen began to explain.

After talking for a while, Hesen gave the opportunity to several other companions, and said: "I am not the most proficient in dissolving materials on Dao, but my companions are the most proficient. Let them follow you. Tell me what to pay attention to when breaking down materials."

"Hehe, Heisen's words are modest. When decomposing the magic pattern, when decomposing the material, there is nothing to pay attention to, but there is a lot of knowledge in it. How much energy should be used is the most cost-effective, and what should be the material? In such a state, if some materials are processed a little bit, the speed of decomposition will increase. This decomposes magic lines..." Several other people started talking.

And the three hundred people below listened attentively. The three of them respectively talked about their own experiences. In the eyes of the other three hundred people, this is a little weird. Such a situation would not happen in the alchemy temple, because there , Every point of experience requires a lot of effort to get.

The last person really didn’t have anything to say, so he had to say something else: “Ms. Cook said, just give us a piece of material, when can we tell where the material was produced, what material it contains, and what characteristics it has? At that time we can become an official Mageweave Master."

"Wow." The remaining three hundred people were amazed.

"Don’t make a fuss, you have also seen this screening. The instructor only needs to touch it and you will know what is wrong. And as someone who has passed by, I tell you, as long as you have any questions, just ask the instructor and the instructor will explain it clearly , Do you know how many artifacts the instructor has refined?" Haisen felt that he had to shake these guys again.

The other three hundred people looked at Haisen with very wanting eyes, and Haisen stretched out a slap and said: "At least five thousand artifacts, five thousand, most of which are made from materials on the dragon. You only need to learn one-thousandth of the teacher itself, which is five artifacts in one year, not to mention that Teacher Cook did not refine the artifacts most of the time, because the five of us decomposed the materials not enough for the teacher. "

"Ah!" more than three hundred apprentices exclaimed.

"Heisen is right. The decomposing materials seem to be ordinary, but the materials we have come into contact with are the top ones, including the teeth of the patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan, the skin, the materials of the main god-level dragons, the materials of the star beasts, the teacher. There are both sides, and the teacher can easily identify the material of the star beast, and tell the living habits of the star beast." Another Mageweave apprentice said.

"So powerful?" The rest of the Mageweave apprentices were shocked, Star Beast, what a high-end creature this is, it even has living habits.

Haisen curled his lips and said, "Did you see the fist-sized hammer on the teacher's waist? It's so dark and inconspicuous. That hammer is what smashed Sky City. What level of weapon do you think it is? Do you know the middle-grade artifact set that the teacher refined for the goddess of the night?"

"Set, isn't that a dozen middle-grade artifacts?" The magic pattern apprentice below asked eagerly.

"Who said no, how powerful is a middle-grade artifact suit, you know?" Haisen asked.

Everyone shook their heads, and Hesen said: "The teacher once said that even if it is a master **** level shot, anyone with a medium-grade artifact suit can retreat all over, and if it is cruel, even the master **** can be hit hard."

The people below were completely stunned. The Lord God was in the eyes of everyone, what was that? That was the ruler of one party, and it was a high-ranking fellow, who could actually suffer heavy losses.

"Okay, you will know the extras later, but what we are talking about today, you'd better keep it in your heart. I think you know better than me what kind of character the teacher is." Finally, Hesen also warned.

Everyone nodded, it must be clear, dare to sack a dragon city, dare to smash the sky city of the Guangming Protoss, dare to destroy a temple alone, plus the speed and quality of refining equipment, let alone other things , As long as Cook speaks, there will be countless people who want to take the pole to help Cook finish things.

Cook doesn’t know that Heisen has done such a thing. Cook is preparing to decompose the magic lines. This time, it takes more to decompose the magic lines, because all the materials have to be purified first, and then they are shipped out. This kind of material that has been purified does not require any Level 1 Mageweave Master to further purify it.

This kind of thing that seems to be beneficial to the first-level Mageweave Masters is very deadly. Of course, someone knew this in time and did not dare to oppose it. This is Cook's deterrent.

It takes a while to set and decompose the magic lines. During this period of time, Cook also mainly gave these three hundred people a time for communication. As for the results of the communication, Cook will of course care about it.

To provide the materials used by a thousand magic lines, it can be said that the pressure on the decomposition of the magic lines is not too great. Even so, it took Cook three days to arrange the entire decomposition of the magic lines.

In fact, this has reduced a lot of configuration, just like the energy used is various magic crystals and magic cores, instead of using energy to absorb magic lines, because there are many magic crystals and magic cores prepared by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

In the past, Cook thought that all the gods in the God Realm used God Cores, God Crystals and the like, but only when they came to the God Realm did they know that God Cores and God Crystals are very valuable things, but they are magic crystals. Here, it is not very valuable.

The energy in the magic crystal and the magic core can be used, but the magic crystal and the magic core are on the lower plane, which are mainly used as war preparation reserves, such as inlaid on equipment, used to supplement magic power, etc., but used for alchemy. a lot of. The magic crystal core of the lower plane is very expensive.

But in the God Realm, because the elements are richer than the lower planes, there are a lot of magic crystals and magic cores. However, in the Gods realm, it is not magic crystals and magic cores that are used as strategic reserves, but God crystal crystal coins. Magic crystals and magic cores are not very useful in equipment inlays, because small magic crystals and magic cores cannot provide huge energy for equipment use, and large ones are not very convenient.

Therefore, the magic crystals and cores that were originally used in the lower planes were used when there was only alchemy in the gods, and the city's reserve energy, mainly because these two places did not care about the volume occupied.

Dozens of rooms with decomposing magic patterns were isolated by Cook in the warehouse. These dozens of rooms are divided into several areas. According to the different materials, there are metal materials, plant materials, and biological materials.

Metal materials are divided into magic metal materials and ordinary metal materials.

And there is a separate room for mixing various reagents.

Each room can work in groups of two at the same time. The working time of each group is half of the day. After this group is used, there will be another group of rotation. The decomposition magic pattern in the whole room can be said to be almost no Stopped work.

In three days, these 300-odd apprentices were also very familiar with the work flow.

After Cook came out, seeing that Heisen and others were holding the data book they recorded before explaining it to others, Cook nodded, as a group, what we want is unity, and of course internal competition mechanisms are also necessary. Without a competition mechanism, the entire group will regress or even perish.

Moreover, this kind of competition mechanism is benign, not the kind of vicious competition calculated between each other. Of course, this needs to be guided by Cook, and finally such an atmosphere is formed.

"Very good, I think it’s great to see what you are like now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can combine freely below, a group of two people, each day is divided into two classes, each class is used by two people. A decomposing magic pattern, you need to check some magic patterns every time it is handed over. Once there is an accident after the handover, it is the matter of the latter team. As for the use of decomposing magic patterns, Haisen, the five of you first give it Demonstration of these newcomers, and at the same time, ask for newcomers in accordance with what I asked you to do. Do you understand?" Cook opened his mouth and said to several people in Hesen.

"Understood, teacher, don't know the material we are decomposing?" Hesen asked, at the same time a little proud. After all, Cook's words are equivalent to the five of his own leaders.

"Go to the abacus president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce to receive the materials. After you receive the materials, you will start to disassemble them. You can go to the abacus president for all the materials you need. As for the materials needed by other magic pattern masters, you will receive them. Everyone must have strict registration for how much materials they receive..." Cook asked for the rules and regulations again, and then Cook left the three hundred magic pattern apprentices excitedly and began to decompose in Hesen and the others. Various materials.

"We really don't have the kind of thing you said here." When Cook came to the city, it was actually in the middle of the original ruins, a Fox Clan from the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce was whispering.

"No, neither, nor like that, there is no constant temperature magic pattern furnace, how do we refine things?" A first-level magic pattern master pointed at the fox clan and shouted loudly.

"That's right, we are here to help you. You have this attitude. There is no such thing, and that is not..." Another first-level mage pattern master also pointed at the chamber of commerce and shouted, very dissatisfied.

Cook didn't expect these guys to be like this, but Cook still planned to ask first, so he asked the Fox Clan of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce: "What do they need?"

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