A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 281: Start of construction

"Teacher." Some of the surrounding first-level Mageweave masters had seen Cook for a long time, but they did not speak, and some did not see them. When they heard Cook said, they immediately saluted Cook.

"Well, tell me, what do they need, why doesn't your Chamber of Commerce have it?" Cook hummed, then asked.

These fox races in the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce lowered their heads lower when they heard Cook’s words, but no one spoke. Cook pointed to the side and did not speak. Instead, some of them seemed to be watching the lively first-level Mageweave Master and asked: I remember your name is Guardian. Tell me, what do they want for such a loud noise?"

"Teacher, these guys actually want a constant temperature furnace. How could these chambers of commerce have these things, and these guys also want the fox maids." Guardian heard Cook call out his name, and then heard Cook speak loudly. Immediately spoke.

"The constant temperature furnace needs to be exchanged with points, but you do not have points now. You can get the constant temperature furnace from me and deduct it from the points. However, if you want a maid of the fox clan, this is actually not difficult, but I am leaving. How did you tell me when I wanted to find the maid of the fox clan, then you can leave. I Cook doesn’t need anyone who is disobedient.” Cook was a little unhappy when he heard Guardian’s words, it seems this alchemy Some bad habits passed down from the temple had to be dealt with, so Cook said such a thing.

"Teacher, no, teacher..." The several first-level magic pattern masters who shouted loudly just now turned pale when they heard this.

"Is what the Guardian Mageweave Master said is true?" Without hesitation, he interrupted the words of these Mageweave Masters and asked a fox family in the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce.

This fox clan seemed to be in charge, nodded and said, "Yes, Speaker Cook, they don’t want a fox maid, but they must be a virgin. Even if they don’t meet their requirements, we have the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce. uneasy."

"Well, before I get angry, get off." Cook said coldly when seeing these people still wanting to plead.

These people were so coldly said by Cook that they were so scared that they didn't dare to say anything. They trot and left quickly. Cook patted Guardian on the shoulder: "You have done a good job and dare to expose those improper behaviors. I reward you for a set of top-grade constant temperature furnaces."

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher." Hearing Cook's reward, Guardian fainted with happiness. As for the hateful gazes in the crowd, Guardian didn't care. Guardian was originally in the alchemy temple and was a high-level Mageweave master. I can't get used to these middle and low-level Mageweave masters, who look like a turtle. As for Cook's reward, in the eyes of Guardian, this is his own ability.

Guardian doesn’t get along with Cook a lot, but Guardian has studied Cook and found that Cook is very strong, and the people below are best to do what the strong people say and do. For those who are driven away, Guardian can guarantee that the days will be very sad. As for Guardian’s heart, Guardian is eager to have some unopened ones to serve as the ladder for his promotion. This is the senior mage pattern master cultivated in the alchemy temple originally, only in his eyes interest.

When Cook saw the look of Guardian, he knew that this was a vicious dog. Of course Cook needed more such vicious dogs. Guardian was a role model. Cook didn’t need the unity of these people. A group of coolies wanted to calculate each other. , As long as you don't delay what Cook ordered, as for the loss of Cook's overall strength, ha ha, there is no right, and the intrigue is only a low level.

Cook turned his head and said to others: "Okay, you can get everything you need, and you can deduct points later. The better the equipment, the faster you can refine things, and you will get more points."

"Teacher, I need a constant temperature furnace, a variable temperature furnace, a vacuum magic pattern generator..." Cook just finished speaking, and there were less than a thousand people in line immediately.

"Well, there are 36,000 points in total. This is a contract. You can sign it after you check it out." Cook nodded, and then took out a contract.

After reading the contract, the first-level Mageweave Master looked at the points. He hesitated and said with a smile; "The things I refine are very secure. If it's not due to man-made things within ten years If the reason is broken, you can trade the old for the new. The contract says it’s clear."

"I sign, sir." The first-level Mageweave Master heard Cook say that he had traded the old for ten years, and he immediately felt relieved, but more than 30,000 points, which is not a small number.

But there is no way, these things are necessary for refining things, and other things in the laboratory can be made by yourself, but these kinds of experimental supplies require high precision, and they are definitely not as good as those made by Cook.

"Very well, you can set up these equipment. As a reward for your promotion to the first-level Mageweave Master, this space ring will be rewarded to you. It contains the experimental supplies you need." Cook took out a ring and passed it. Give this magic pattern master, of course, this magic pattern master has to sign a contract first.

In order to show the importance of these Mageweave Masters, Cook distributed them one by one, although in the view of the Chamber of Commerce, this is a bit redundant, because each Mageweave Master needs almost the same things.

There were more than 990 first-level magic pattern masters. After the distribution was completed, it was already the next day. Then Cook went to give some pointers. After all, these equipment are his own. At this time, these first-level magic pattern masters I know the value of the things I use for free in the realm of the goddess of the night.

Now some first-level mageweave masters envy those mageweave apprentices. At least things worth tens of thousands of points can be used for free, but I think that you can earn points after refining items, and you can use points to redeem many things on Cook's side. Emotionally.

The original one hundred teams, but now a few are missing, Cook drew a few from the realm of the goddess of the night to make up a thousand people.

"This is the drawing of the refining item you need to complete this time. I want to ask for accuracy. You can be slow at the beginning, but you must never make a mistake, because after a mistake, the material will be wasted. Once the material is wasted, the original 10 will be deducted. % Points are like this drawing. Ten points are refined. Once the refining is unqualified, not only will there be no points, but one point will be deducted, because these refining and scrapped materials are not cheap, so, Be sure to ensure accuracy at the beginning. I have a suggestion here. There are more than 40 kinds of drawings here. It is recommended that you each team specialize in one drawing, so that the progress will be accelerated when you become proficient. Now all you have to do is earn points. , And then exchange for something with me, as long as there are points, even a full set of artifacts, I welcome those who have the ability, the more capable people, the more I like this person, well, you can discuss Click, or randomly select a certain drawing, what materials you need, just tell the chamber of commerce, and it will be delivered.” Cook said a lot.

In the eyes of these first-level Mageweave masters, Cook is simply thinking for himself and knows the importance of points. Of course, in Cook’s view, building a city requires various modules. If all of them are refined, Cook is so As for building a city, as for a full set of artifacts, if you work hard, you may be able to exchange for a set of artifacts within ten thousand years.

But in Cook’s view, Wannian has a set of artifacts, and it’s worth it. Cook thinks so, but the people below don’t.

The people below looked at this weird thing, which was similar to what was filtered and refined. This thing has ten points, and the materials and everything are readily available. As long as you get started, this Nima is not one half an hour?

Ten points in half an hour, then in a day, how many points, hundreds of points, thousands of points a month, tens of thousands of points a year, ten years is hundreds of thousands of points, hundreds of years is millions of points, This set of artifacts is enough.

These Mageweavers overlooked one point. First of all, the time it takes for the city to be established, half a year or a year. This simple thing seems to earn points, but it is only used to build a city.

And Cook wants to create other, new drawings, which requires a proficient process, and failed to deduct 10% of points. From the perspective of now, one point is also deducted, but the further you go, the refinement The more complicated things are, although there are more points, but the probability of failure is also very high. No, once you fail, the points deducted will increase accordingly, so calculate it, ha ha.

The magic pattern master below started to install various equipment under the guidance of Cook. These constant temperature magic furnaces used for alchemy are detachable things, not the kind of things that are fixed in the temple of the goddess of the night, but they are convenient for these first-level The Mageweaver took it away.

When preparing on Cook’s side, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Chamber of Commerce Alliance also began to operate. First, a new big market was established outside the ruins of the city, and all kinds of materials were sold. After all, the business was still to be done.

The manpower that Cook needs is also prepared. Cook has divided these manpower into several groups. Not one of them is assigned to the apprentices who disassemble the magic pattern to transport various materials for decomposition and purification, and some of the purified materials are given to the first level. The Mageweave Master, and then a part of them transported the refined things to Cook, and Cook built the city.

Everything is ready, the president of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and hundreds of thousands of people from all directions see the excitement. Many people have to see with their own eyes the spectacular scene of the city built by a thousand magicians.

"Give it to me in turn starting from the 1st, and keep repeating it, do you know?" Cook said to the dozens of dwarf tiger tribes who messed with him.

"I see, Speaker Cook." These dwarves and tigers carefully carried the rectangular modules over. These dwarves and tigers didn't even know what these things were for.

"Okay, let's get started." When Cook saw the cautious look of these dwarves and tiger races, he wanted to say that this thing is very hard, but Cook imagined, let it go.

Cook took the No. 1 module, then applied a reagent on this module, and then placed it on the flat ground, and then the second, third, and fourth pieces, each of which must be coated with this Reagent, this is a special kind of reagent. After all is completed, as long as the energy runs, these reagents react with the energy to form a high temperature and melt the surface of the material. The high temperature time is very short. After all, there are not many reagents. The modules are glued together, very hard.

"What is Cook doing?" The people watching the show didn't understand, and asked in confusion.

"Exactly?" The others didn't understand.

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