A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 282: Unbelievable speed

"Cook is so generous to let us see, how do I look like those dwarves build cities with piles of stones?" Another human being was also puzzled.

In the God Realm, to build a city, the magic weaves do is very confidential. The entire city-built area is designated as a forbidden zone and covered by various means of shelter. Of course, the time to build a city is at least a hundred years. As a unit, although I haven’t seen it before, it’s not very similar to Cook like this.

Not only were the people watching the excitement muttering in their hearts, even the Chamber of Commerce Alliance members were muttering in their hearts. The big hands behind the Chamber of Commerce Alliance were also hiding in the Chamber of Commerce, watching them quietly.

"I said, what is Speaker Cook doing? Is it all right to put that thing on it?" The dwarf patriarch asked with confusion when he saw Cook's appearance.

"I don't know, but according to Cook's level, it shouldn't be enough?" The patriarch of the dwarf clan had no bottom in his heart.

The head of the tiger clan spoke: "Why don't you go ask?"

"Why don't you ask?" the dwarf and dwarf said at the same time they were angry.

"Isn't it talking about a thousand Mageweave Masters? How come there is only Cook alone?" The Silver Fox watched as a group of dwarves and tiger tribes were busy there, and then Cook was alone, and now a section of not short was built. The city wall, this speed is too fast, you know, the thousands of years of building the city, but the Chamber of Commerce alliance can be tossed enough, those magic pattern masters are like the uncles, they need to take good care of them, what food, beauties, and There are some weird requirements.

Of course, at that time, the Chamber of Commerce hoped that the Mageweave Master would need these things. At that time, being able to establish a relationship with the Mageweave Master meant getting rich.

But this time is completely different. On the first day, the Mageweave Masters also asked for this request. In fact, the Chamber of Commerce has already defaulted these requirements, but this is to sell Cook's face. As long as Cook speaks, everything will be taken immediately. come out.

"What do you think about this?" Silver Fox asked the humans in the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

"We trust Speaker Cook." A man behind the chamber of commerce gritted his teeth and said the speaker heavily.

The patriarchs of dwarves, dwarfs, and fox tribes were very disdainful when they heard this. Human beings are well-known for loving face. If you say this at this time, you must have a drum in your heart.

When these people talked about Cook, Cook felt a little painful. Why? Modules are not available. One thousand mageweave masters can be refined according to one mageweave master in half an hour. The success rate is 50%. It should be 500 in half an hour and 1,000 in an hour. , There are at least tens of thousands of modules in the world, and mass production has reached hundreds of thousands, but in this half an hour, Cook also saw more than two hundred modules, one is one meter long, half a meter high, and one meter Wide, how long it takes for such a speed, Cook calculated it, it will take almost ten years.

Thinking of such a long time, Cook’s egg hurts. Cook feels that his steps are too small. Cook sighed in his heart: “Hey, other wizards in the construction are at least tens of thousands of apprentices, and here, I, There are only a thousand scum, so if you don’t choose some, there is no loss anyway?"

Cook said that there is no loss, that is, the success rate is lower, but there is the decomposition of the magic pattern, but the work intensity of the 300-odd magic pattern apprentice is greater, and the energy consumed is more.

But what about Cook, Cook thought about it, and felt that this was not the way, so he said: "You put things here first, don't confuse it."

After talking about Cook, he left. Hundreds of dwarves and tigers watched Cook leave without daring to say anything. Among them, the clever ones would have to report to the top, but the top of the Chamber of Commerce can pay close attention to Cook. The movement here.

"Speaker Cook, what happened?" The dwarf patriarch rushed over first and asked respectfully.

Cook saw the eagerness of the dwarf patriarch rushing over, and when he heard this, he said: "There are still not enough staff. I will go back and find some people. The progress is too slow."

"No slow, no slow, Speaker Cook, this progress is fast enough. The last time we built a city, it took a full thousand years." The dwarf patriarch came over at this time. Hearing this, he hurried. Said.

"Don't compare me with those scumbags. I originally planned to complete it in three months. Now it seems that the time will be much longer. It won't work without increasing manpower." Cook shook his head and said angrily.

"Three, three, three months?" The presidents of the Chamber of Commerce behind, as well as the big hands behind the Chamber of Commerce, almost fainted when they heard this, and Silver Fox stammered even more.

"Of course, and this time it was mainly too hasty. If the city lord is established in the future, it is estimated that it will take half a month." Cook decided to build the city's modules. After this incident, he immediately stocked some, anyway, his own materials. Many don't know where to use it.

"Half, half, half a month, Speaker Cook, isn't it a joke?" The dwarf patriarch's eyes almost occupied most of his face.

"How strange, how long did you need to refine the artifact in the past? How long does it take me to refine? Okay, I won't tell you, I'll go back and find someone." Cook didn't want to explain so much, he immediately went back to gather people. .

Seeing Cook left, no one dared to stop, and no one wanted to stop, the dwarf chief kicked the dwarf chief fiercely.

"Dwarf, are you kicking me?" The dwarf patriarch almost fell to the ground after being kicked, but the god-level powerhouse reacted quickly and immediately stabilized his figure. The dwarf patriarch looked at the dwarf and asked suspiciously.

"No..." The dwarf patriarch was also puzzled. Could it be an illusion just now, or why the dwarf didn't know that I kicked him, so he denied it and kicked him again.

"Ah!" the dwarf screamed, because the dwarf drew out a hammer, and the dwarf kicked it right on the hammer.

"Humph." The dwarf grumbled as he looked at the dwarf patriarch.

"San Cun Ding, you are looking for death." The dwarf watched the light on the dwarf hammer dissipate. This hammer is a divine tool, so it doesn't hurt to kick it.

"Dwarf, you insidious dwarf, it's no wonder that you are not tall and your heart is so dark..." The patriarch of the dwarf clan also scolded.

When the other people around heard this, they all had black lines on their faces, and they slandered to themselves, that the dwarf is a little bit taller than yours.

"Hmph, I'm taller than you." The dwarf chief snorted as expected.

"Tall, no matter how tall it is, it is called a dwarf." The dwarf's mouth is not forgiving, and he immediately replied.

"Okay, stop arguing. How do I feel that building a city in these three months is not reliable? Look at the city wall, it's just put on it." The tiger clan said, pointing to the module placed by Cook .

"Isn't it reliable to find someone else?" The dwarf is in a bad mood, and the dwarf has no way to answer it. Yes, no matter how tall you are, you are also a dwarf.

"I didn't say, I just have a question." The Tiger Clan replied angrily when the dwarf said so.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, I don't think Cook can tell lies." Silver Fox didn't say all that he believed Cook said, but believed that most of them believed something.

The rest of the people didn’t know what to say, and a steady stream of modules were sent over, but these people at the scene looked left and right, they couldn’t understand it, and the dwarves and tiger people who were messing around at the scene didn’t know what was going on. .

Cook went back and forth very fast this time. In just two hours, Cook brought more than two thousand people to come, and these two thousand people were also very excited. The first-level magic pattern master can already earn points, and then Ku After distributing the refined equipment, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance freed up a warehouse and divided it into hundreds of laboratories.

After everything was done, it took two days. In two days, tens of thousands of modules have been refined. Cook also knows why his calculations are wrong.

Because of the problem of mental power, Cook did not pay attention to measure it according to his own standards, but in reality, the spiritual power of these magic pattern masters can hardly support continuous refining, refining a piece, and rest for an hour and recover. Then continue refining.

Two days later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came to watch the city building not only from the Council of Gods, but also from the dragons and angels. Because the construction of the entire city wall was too fast, the blocks were shipped. Come out, under Cook’s magic eyes, the qualified ones are used up, and the unqualified ones are returned. Even so, one week after the construction started, the city wall has reached the required height, and then Cook takes hundreds of meters per day. The distance stretches the city wall, and with the proficiency of these Mageweavers, after two months, Cook can build a two-kilometer-long city wall in one day, making the surrounding crowd dumbfounded.

And after such legends were spread, there were millions of people watching the excitement. Fortunately, the city is very big and there are places for viewing around, but for the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, the pressure is too great, because the Chamber of Commerce The alliance’s materials are calculated according to the millennium construction speed. Now it’s just the operation of the materials, which prevents the Chamber of Commerce Alliance from making a move. I watched as the business opportunities of hundreds of people were snatched away by the miscellaneous fish chambers of commerce. It's dripping blood.

"President, it's not good, there is no star gold." Just as the president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce sat down, he heard a roar.

"Hurry up to the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce and see, these **** dwarfs, how come Star Gold hasn't arrived yet." The president of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce shouted immediately.

"It's not good, president, there is no blue gold." Before the president of the dwarf chamber of commerce took a breath, another dwarf called out immediately.

"Nima, this **** short boy, drag us back," the president of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce heard this and jumped out.

Cook looked at the president of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, and asked in confusion: "There is no material, haven't you prepared the materials?"

"President Cook, we are building at a thousand-year-old construction speed..." The president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce looked at Cook pitifully and explained.

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