A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 283: method

When Cook heard this, he asked angrily: "Then what you mean is that it will not be built. If you do not build it, you will need a crystal in the future, and if there is no way to complete it now, all the previous work will be done. Do it for nothing, your chamber of commerce will lose?"

"Those materials..." The dwarf president of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce heard Cook say so, swallowing a mouthful of water and asked.

"Of course, I used special smear materials for these modules made of these materials. Once all of them are constructed and the amount is connected, the smeared materials will quickly condense these modules together. If you don’t repair them, These materials will have no effect for a long time, and if these modules are to be restored into materials, it is estimated that they are a large amount of energy crystal nuclei, and there is a charge. After all, my promise cannot be said to be dismantling things and not giving them to the gods. And this time work is stopped, and I will build it next time. I can't get it for free." Cook nodded and explained.

"I'll immediately..." Hearing Cook's words, the dwarf president rushed out.

Cook looked at the back of the dwarf president, shook his head, and said angrily: "What's all this."

The dwarf president rushed into the dwarven chamber of commerce and shouted loudly: "Dwarf, you come out for me."

"Please, please." The dwarf president looked at the dwarf president irritably, and then asked.

"Let me tell you, dwarf, materials, materials are needed. If you don’t give materials, Cook will stop working. Then all the materials we put in before will be scrapped, and if we ask Cook to refine them next time, Cook will take God. Crystal, if your Dwarf Chamber of Commerce does not send the materials, then your Dwarf Chamber of Commerce will be responsible for all losses, huh." The dwarf president left a word and left.

When the dwarf president heard the dwarf's voice, he jumped and shouted, "Why let our Dwarf Chamber of Commerce be responsible, damn, damn."

The dwarf president informed the other chambers of commerce one by one, to the effect that if any of you is dragged down, then whoever is responsible for the loss.

This matter was quickly learned by the bosses behind the chambers of commerce, but these bosses were also anxious. The materials were prepared, but some were still in the mine, and some were still being processed. When assessing themselves, they took time. Counted in the time of about a thousand years, so the amount of material is also calculated according to this time.

"This Nima has consumed most of the materials planned for more than two months." The patriarch of the dwarf clan looked at the materials that went out like flowing water. The original dozen warehouses were almost empty. This is a huge amount of materials.

"But Cook said that if it is not built and the special paint used fails, then the entire material is scrapped." The dwarf patriarch also said depressed.

"I have seen clearly in the past few days. More than 3,000 Mageweave masters are refining the kind of modules Cooke said, and the speed is getting faster and faster. I think Cook's words are reasonable, and if we really don't have enough materials this time, In case something goes wrong, won't it be our cause then?" Yinhu said.

This is rather cryptic. The silver fox means that I don’t believe in Cook, but the problem is on my side. Once a major event occurs, the major thing I’m talking about here is the failure of building the city, so it’s my own reason. , And Cook has no problems.

In other words, if there is a problem, it cannot be on your own side, because the loss will be large, and if the problem is on Cook’s side, it is easy to say, as long as Cook’s fingers are leaking, it will be enough for the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Up.

"But there is really not so much material." The dwarf patriarch said with a wry smile when he heard this.

"As for the stock materials, the city is first established now. If it is really established within half a year, this land will be a lot of money. And it was made by Cook himself." A human said.

Everyone present knows what this human said, and the dwarf shook his head and said, "There are not enough materials in stock, a lot of materials are still in the mine."

"Then what to do, buy?" the tiger clan chief asked angrily.

"I guess it's choking, no one has such a large-scale material, and once we buy the material, the price will definitely increase." Yinhu shook his head and said.

"We don't have so many **** crystals when buying our tiger clan." The tiger clan chief shook his head first.

The patriarch of the dwarf clan rolled his eyes and asked, "I know who has the materials, but how do I speak?"

"You mean Cook?" Silver Fox reacted as soon as he changed his mind and asked.

"Yes, but what do we say, what do we have that Cook can see?" The dwarf nodded when he heard the silver fox say so, and then asked.

When the dwarf patriarch said this, the people present fell into silence and asked in their hearts, yeah, what is something Cook can see in the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Shenjing, Cook may have more than the entire Chamber of Commerce alliance, interpersonal relations, it is estimated that Cook’s interpersonal relationship is more extensive, and there is also influence, not to mention, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance Cook is not good at all. Two words.

"I don't think we don't need something that Cook can see, we can borrow it." The dwarf patriarch asked for a while.

"Borrow, how to borrow the method, I am embarrassed, Cook has already worked hard, and now he has to produce materials, I feel embarrassed if I say it." Yinhu replied angrily when he heard this.

When the Tigers heard Silver Fox say this, they said, "In fact, we are not without what Cook wants."

"You know?" The rest of the people looked at the Tiger Clan. After all, the Tiger Clan's brain did not react as fast as the other races present, so they were all puzzled.

"It's actually very simple. Cook is in the God Realm, and his foundation is still unstable. Don't look at Cook's current scenery, but I think Cook is still very depressed. After all, he lives in someone else's territory, or..." The Tiger Clan said.

"You mean to give Cook a territory, then who will come out of the territory?" Silver Fox asked angrily.

"Idiot, who is talking about territorial matters." Hearing this, the patriarch of the tiger clan said angrily.

"Then...?" the dwarf quickly interrupted.

The tiger clan chief said with a smile: "The intelligence system, although the intelligence system of our Chamber of Commerce is not the most powerful, it can be said to be the most well-informed in the God Realm. The intelligence system that Cook uses now is estimated to be..."

"You are asking us to agree to give up the intelligence system. You tiger clan thinks we are all idiots!" the dwarf patriarch roared at the tiger clan.

"Shut up, we can build an intelligence system with Cook and share it, which means that Cook becomes a shareholder." The tiger clan chief pointed to the dwarf chief and roared, and then continued.

After the tiger clan chief had finished speaking, the eyes of the others in the room lit up and looked at each other. The dwarf chief first said, "This proposal is good. First, the intelligence system invests a lot of money every year, but most of the intelligence we collect All of them are useless. After all, we are only involved in business. If Cook joins, the investment in the intelligence system will first be much less, and if the intelligence system wants to grow, then Cook will inevitably come up with a lot of good things."

"Why is the tiger's brain so smart this time? Build an intelligence system and share it together, hehe, this proposal is good." The dwarf clan chief was not angry with a roar from the tiger clan chief, but admired instead.

"That is because you think things are too complicated. Cook has the ability and strength, but what is lacking is the foundation, and we can see through intelligence that Cook has very few cronies in the gods. The intelligence system of other forces, Cook is definitely inconvenient to use, because the intelligence systems of other forces will hide information that is unfavorable to them, while our Chamber of Commerce Alliance is different. Our intelligence system cares about business, and it does not matter to other intelligence. And in this way, it can deepen our relationship with Cook." The patriarch of the Tiger clan was praised by others, and immediately spoke out all his thoughts.

"You can follow this, but this is not our negotiation with Cook. We are looking for Cook to borrow materials and invite Cook to join the intelligence system. We have to treat this as two things to do ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Silver Fox thought about it, and then said.

"Yes, don't talk about the exchange, it sounds like it is not as neat as a direct invitation." A human asked.

But then things came. The chief of the dwarf clan first asked: "Then who of you will talk to Cook?"

"Of course it's you. Your dwarf clan is responsible for the material co-ordination. Didn't you go, shouldn't we go?" The dwarf replied angrily.

The reason why dwarves are allowed to coordinate is because dwarves have a strong talent for overall planning. You must know that there are thousands of minutes of materials for building cities. Although some of them are not very large, they are still in and out. It's very troublesome, and the dwarf clan has more manpower, so let the dwarf do the coordinating.

"You, you guys, okay, I'll go." The dwarf clan leader was furious, but seeing everyone around him was looking at him, the dwarf patriarch could only admit that he was unlucky. Of course, the last unlucky one must be the dwarf chamber of commerce. long.

Cook waited for several hours. During these few hours, due to lack of materials, the refining module also stopped. Cook had already calculated a circle in his heart. This time the Chamber of Commerce Alliance should beg for himself, because In the entire God Realm, the most material is oneself. It is estimated that it is impossible to say that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance gave up the idea of ​​building a city. After all, the loss is too great, for the merchant, this is not worth the loss.

There are many materials from other forces in the God Realm, but as long as the Chamber of Commerce Alliance purchases a large amount of materials, the price of the entire material will surely soar immediately, and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is not that stupid.

"It was actually the president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce who came. Could it be that there was an accident or the use of material reserves?" Cook watched as the president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce hurriedly ran towards him. There was no change in Cook's face, but his heart Muttering.

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