A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 284: carry out?

"President Cook, President Cook, good news." The president of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce said to Cook from a distance.

"Has the materials already been gathered?" Cook was puzzled, but he still asked with a smile on his face.

"No, this is the transfer agreement between our Chamber of Commerce and Speaker Cook. I don't know if Speaker Cook agrees?" The dwarf president took out a contract and handed it to Cook.

After taking a look at the contract, Cook took a look at the contract and had to admire the fact that there are capable people in the Nima Chamber of Commerce Alliance. The intelligence system of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is Cook’s weakness. After all, Cook’s current foundation is shallow and the intelligence system he uses It can be said that there is no. Even if there is, the information available is very limited.

"President Cook, this is the general situation of the intelligence system of our Chamber of Commerce Alliance." Seeing that Cook had no objection, the president of the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce immediately drew out another scroll.

Cook took the scroll and looked at it carefully. This is an overview, but the intelligence system of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is indeed powerful. As long as there is a business place, almost all intelligence can be collected, and the number of people is naturally needless to say.

Moreover, the intelligence system of this Chamber of Commerce Alliance is different from other forces. Within the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, a reward system is adopted, which means that it usually seems to be a waiter or boss. Maybe it’s a collector of information in a blink of an eye. What information do you want? , Just issue a reward.

And this kind of reward is not limited to the inside of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, but outsiders, but for those who offer the reward, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance keeps it confidential.

This way of collecting intelligence is a small investment and it is difficult to deal with other forces. After all, these people obey the rules when they don’t collect intelligence, and it takes a lot of cost to seize the handle of these people, because You don't know what information they collected, maybe it was something someone else said unintentionally, maybe it was inquired from another person, there is no fixed number.

"Yes, but why do you want to give me such benefits?" Cook guessed that this kind of thing has something to do with the material.

"Hehe, the intelligence system has invested too much. The intelligence system offers rewards on one hand, and the other is that the information that each member thinks is valuable can be reported. Then we have a special analysis to analyze the intelligence level, and then we must give it accordingly. Reward, but we are a business alliance, most of the intelligence is useless, only part of it is related to business, but we can't just collect business intelligence, because business has never existed alone, so the consumption is very large." The president of the Chamber of Commerce said so much, but he was crying poor.

"What's the point?" Cook heard this and said angrily.

"Chairman Cook, our Chamber of Commerce Alliance wants to borrow materials from you. In the future, you can use Shenjing to settle or repay with materials. Our Chamber of Commerce really doesn't have so many materials now, and you don’t want you to just set up a city for the first time. Let the people around you read the jokes." The dwarf president Abacus said weakly.

But the meaning in the words is not weak, Cook said with a smile: "I don't care, they don't dare to look at my jokes, but they will look at yours."

"..." Hearing this, the President of Abacus opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

When Cook saw the appearance of the President of Abacus, he laughed and said: "I can borrow materials. As much as you can borrow from the Chamber of Commerce, you can pay back as much as you want. As for participating in intelligence, I agree. As for specific things, wait for the city to be established. Say it when you are finished."

"Thank you Speaker Cook." Hearing this, the President of Abacus said gratefully.

Cook waved his hand and said, "I will issue you a certificate, and you can collect the materials yourself."

The President of Abacus quickly left with the certificate issued by Cooke. The first batch of materials from the realm of the Goddess of the Dark Night was transported, and then sent to be decomposed and refined. Cook waited for a long time. Time, finally began to build the city again.

In fact, this is also a challenge for Cook. There are countless modules in the entire city, and each of them must be inspected by Cook himself, and then built. When building, there is a degree of accuracy. The size of the entire module can be said to be the same, if it is almost , Then it cannot be established after the construction is completed. Of course, there is a loose distance. This distance is used to fill the special coating material.

There are more and more lively people around, because the entire city is being built very fast. If you don’t see it in a day, the hundreds of meters high wall will be thousands of meters away. Now the success rate of the magic pattern masters has reached 80. % Now, three thousand mage pattern masters can refine one piece in 20 minutes. Now you can refine three pieces in one hour. Three thousand mage pattern masters are more than nine thousand yuan, and there are hundreds of thousands of pieces in one day. , Because some were refined in less than twenty minutes, offsetting this extremely low success rate.

More than 300 apprentices of magic weave decomposing materials are exhausted, and there are constant needs for such materials and materials. Fortunately, these apprentices of magic weave already know the material consumption ratio and are prepared in advance.

On another highly anticipated day, hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the last piece of the entire city wall. This is also the starting point and the end point. Even more than 3,000 magicweave apprentices have witnessed this exciting scene. It took more than half a year. , The entire city wall was built.

"Speaker Cook, is this finished?" The top leaders of the Chamber of Commerce are all here, and there are tens of thousands of dragons from the dragon family onlookers, and thousands of angels. Among them, Cook can see the light. The figure of God, the most exciting thing is the alliance high-level.

"It hasn't been completed yet, and the last step is needed. Are the cores ready?" The last step requires the cores.

"Ready." Silver Fox, the head of the fox clan, said and took out a wooden box.

After Cook opened it, he saw five divine cores inside. Cook took the box in his hand, then took out the five divine cores and mounted them on the last model.

"Start." Cook spit out two words gently.

This model immediately shined with Yingying's light, the first model, then the three models adjacent to the first model, and then the twelve models adjacent to these three models, and gradually a section of the city wall was lit up .

This kind of fluorescence is like contagion, spreading continuously and rapidly. When it spreads, the whole city wall has not changed at all. These bright rays of light lasted for more than ten seconds, and then the whole city wall returned to its gray appearance. The slightest inconspicuous.

"Speaker Cook, is this over?" After more than an hour, not only the surrounding people were puzzled, but even the senior leaders of the Chamber of Commerce were very puzzled. This Nima was over, and a bright light lit up, and it was over. The city is established.

"Haha, you can give it a try, the modules are still the same as before?" Cook said with a smile. Although the smearing material between the modules will generate high temperature, the magic value of this kind of module is very low, let alone Heat is transferred, and there are also large energy absorption magic lines. When the application material is intensified by energy, the entire magic lines are actually combined, and the excess energy is absorbed by this energy absorption magic lines.

The dwarf patriarch saw that everyone else was looking at him, and his heart was speechless. You guys all looked at me.

"Really!" But the dwarf still went up the city wall, reached out and pushed a module without pushing it, and then pushed it again, still not moving, the dwarf's eyes lit up.

"Really." Silver Fox also tried it.

"This is a miracle." The dwarf patriarch also tried it.

Others experimented one after another, and the whole city wall was inconspicuous. Cook saw these guys eager to try and said, "Should we invite the five powerhouses of the emperor to try it out together?"

"How many divine cores does this consume?" Silver Fox immediately asked.

"The remaining energy of the five divine cores just now can provide five minutes of comprehensive defense. Regional defense is estimated to be no problem in half an hour." Cook replied.

"Then give it a try." The dwarf clan chief said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, you go find someone, so the land in your city is believed to be more valuable. "Cook saw that Silver Fox still wanted to object, so he immediately analyzed it from another angle. With this analysis, Silver Fox immediately shut up.

The news that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance invited five powerhouses at the Emperor's level to test the defense of the city wall just spread, and dozens of people watched the excitement all at once.

"Damn it, roll it all over to Laozi." The big blond man among them roared loudly.

"You have a golden dragon at the main **** level, so I am embarrassed to shoot?" someone immediately retorted loudly.

"You scumbags, you can use the strength of the **** emperor at the level of my lord god. You scumbags at the **** emperor level, if you don't take it lightly or severely, let me get rid of them, otherwise I will beat people. "This guy is the city lord of Golden Dragon City, very arrogant, staring at the speaker and shouting, as if he is about to do battle.

"If you need us, ask Speaker Cook." But the other person was not afraid at all, and instead involved Cook.

Cook didn’t expect to involve himself. Cook hadn’t even spoken yet, and the Lord of Golden Dragon City spoke: “Cook, only us honest dragons will test. We won’t be accused of cheating, and once the wall is sufficient Well, our Golden Dragon City city also needs to be re-established."

When Cook heard the Lord of Golden Dragon City say this, he shook his head and said: "The decision on this matter is not in my hands, but in the hands of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance."

"President Cook, we listen to you." But as soon as Cook's words settled, he heard the dwarf patriarch speak immediately.

Silent, Cook, Cook looked at dozens of enthusiastic people, Cook shook his head and said: "Forget it in the Council of Gods, otherwise others will say that we cheat, but everyone can supervise and prevent anyone from using the gods. strength."

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