A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 285: What happened to the test?

"This is a good idea. Let our giant dragon complete this experiment. My Golden Dragon City City Master promises that if anyone uses a strength that exceeds the Divine Sovereign level, I will beat them." The Golden Dragon City City Master looked like a big deal.

However, there were more than a dozen dragons present. These dragons stared at each other when they heard the words of the Golden Dragon City Lord, because there must be one Golden Dragon City Lord.

"Lao Tzu is the younger brother of the Black Dragon City Lord, there should be..." another big man with a cold expression said.

"Fuck off, the city lord of the Black Dragon City is here, just you little bastard, who are still here, believe it or not, your brother doesn't know you, I am the city lord of Huanglong City." Another giant dragon didn't wait for this big man to say Finish, stand up and shout.

"Haha, that is, the little **** wants to **** it from us, so go back and find your mother to have milk." The other big man with red hair laughed.

"Who are you, dare to insult me ​​like this, not afraid of Black Dragon City's revenge." Black Dragon City City Lord's younger brother stared at the red-haired man, threatening loudly.

"Haha, I'm so scared. Even your trash brother is here. I don't dare to be so arrogant when I see Laozi. Little boy, hurry up and **** Laozi, otherwise Laozi's patience is limited." The red-haired man laughed loudly. Laughed.

Hearing this, the younger brother of the Black Dragon City Lord didn't dare to speak. The red-haired giant dragon laughed and said, "I see, this is the guy from Black Dragon City, bully and afraid of hardship, go away."

The younger brother of the Black Dragon City City Lord was yelled by this big man, and left with a gloomy face.

"What is noisy, you, and you, you, come together." Seeing that the other dragons were eager to try, the lord of the Golden Dragon City said angrily. He pointed a few dragons with his finger, and the lowest there was a **** emperor. Level of strength.

With such guidance from the Golden Dragon City City Lord, although the other dragons were a bit dissatisfied, they had to retreat and watch with peace of mind.

Seeing that the dragons he pointed out were coming, the city lord of the Golden Dragon City smiled and asked Cook: "Chairman Cook, can we guys do it?"

"Yes, but you can only use the strength of the God Emperor." Cook nodded and said.

When the Golden Dragon City Lord heard this, he eagerly asked: "So are you ready?"

"Ready, but..." Cook activated the defense system of the city wall with a movement of mental power, and then nodded.

However, before Cook finished speaking, the Golden Dragon City Lord yelled: "Give me a hard bombardment."

"Boom!" In an instant, the fluctuations of the divine power of the five emperors made the entire sky change, and a bright light appeared on the city wall. The first to attack the city wall was the city lord of Golden Dragon City, a huge mouthful. The golden dragon's breath sprayed on the wall. When the golden dragon's breath touched the shining light on the wall, a blue stream of light immediately appeared, and a blue beam of light burst out, and the golden dragon There was a fierce collision and a loud noise.

"Water system defense, haha, good." Another giant dragon saw the blue beam of light, laughed, and a huge flame spurted out from the front and shot towards the city wall thousands of meters away.

"Boom." This time, an earth-yellow beam of light was suddenly excited from the city wall. The huge flame touched the earth-yellow beam of light, and there was no sound at all, but the earth-yellow beam of light seemed to have undergone some kind of abnormal change.

"Boom, boom, boom." The attacks of the other three dragons arrived, and the flames, ice storms, and dragon's breath continued to burst open across the wall.

But the defense on the city wall is still the same, but the people watching around have long been excited by this huge surprise: "Five types of defenses, five types of defenses, are simply too awesome."

"That's right. With five energy defenses, this Nima Chamber of Commerce Alliance has made a lot of money, and Speaker Cook is too powerful. It was built in less than a year..." The other person was also amazed.

"Fuck, it's only half a year, can half a year be the same as a year?" But someone was not used to this, and shouted at this person.

"That is, it is not clear for half a year and a year." The others accused one after another.

"Originally, it was more than half a year." This person said stiffly.

"Hey, Nima's half a year, everyone else is a thousand years old, if you say one year after more than half a year, you are really looking for a fight." The person behind heard that the person was still stiff and slapped it.

"How dare you hit someone?" The guy who was hit glared at the person who hit him.

"Boom, boom, boom." In an instant, this guy was beaten dozens of times.

"Go away, I'll see you blindly in the future, so I'll beat you up." The people around scolded.

The person who was beaten saw the appearance of the people around him and went back to file a complaint, but when he went back to file a complaint, he was beaten up again: "You are stupid, this is more than half a year. If we build a city in the future, Cook will follow suit for one year. Time calculation, don’t we want to die, hurry up and practice, waste, thousands of years old or lower gods."

"You guys, quickly speed up the frequency." Seeing that there is no problem with the city wall, the city lord of the Golden Dragon City shouted out loudly, with a bit of trouble on his face, and the guy was constantly attacking in different directions, as if to find out Same weakness.

In the eyes of the people around, this city wall is simply amazing. Nima was attacked by five giant dragons. It was just a defense, and it had no effect.

"Haha, look at my physical attacks." The Golden Dragon City City Lord was a little bit uncomfortable, and he had a thought in an instant, and then turned into a huge body of thousands of meters, and directly hit the city wall.

"Speaker Cook..." The senior officials of the Chamber of Commerce saw this scene and exclaimed.

"It's late." Cook spit out two words without knowing it.

"This..." The high-level leaders of the surrounding Chamber of Commerce heard these two words, feeling blood dripping. This may be the first city in the entire God Realm that was established and then destroyed in less than an hour.

The surrounding people also exclaimed: "Lai Pi, the dragon Lai Pi, there is a city that is just for defense, and it was directly hit by impact."

"Just, shameless, shameless."

"Don't..." Everyone scolded the Golden Dragon City Lord.

The city lord of the Golden Dragon City didn't care at all, but in an instant, the city lord of the Golden Dragon City felt that his surroundings became quiet. Then the city lord of the Golden Dragon City looked around and exclaimed: "Ah!!!"

"Where is the golden dragon?" The surrounding voice stopped abruptly, because the city lord of the golden dragon city saw it hit the city wall, but the city wall seemed to be a phantom, and the whole golden dragon actually penetrated the city wall.

"This is unscientific!" Magic science is also a science. According to the golden dragon's body length, it should have penetrated the entire city wall long ago.

"Cook... Speaker, this... Gu Gu." The golden dragon of the main **** level was gone, and the senior leaders of the Chamber of Commerce were shocked.

Cook saw at least a million eyes looking at him, and other giant dragons were also puzzled. Cook said, "When this city wall detects an energy attack far greater than himself, it will open the giant Portal, the golden dragon was teleported away just now."

"So, where did the golden dragon be teleported to?" Hearing this, the people around heaved a sigh of relief. The red-haired dragon was a member of the Red Dragon City City Lord Presbyterian Church.

Cook spread his hands and said: "At the beginning I wanted to say not to exceed the God Emperor level attack. This wall has an attack system, and the physical attack is greater than the set limit. This time I set the God Emperor level strength. Then the portal will open, but it will be interrupted by the golden dragon."

Hearing Cook's words, the people around murmured in their hearts. The answer was not what was asked, but a clever yelled in a low voice: "Speaker Cook is actually explaining, could it be that the golden dragon was teleported to a dangerous place?"

"What is the danger for a guy at the main **** level?" someone said disdainfully.

"The coordinates of the portal I set are the Battlefield of Ancient Gods. As for the specifics, the space on the Battlefield of Ancient Gods is very unstable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so..." Cook's subsequent explanation made the other four who originally attacked The dragon came down in a cold sweat.

The battlefield of the ancient gods is not only very unstable, it is 100% unstable, and the dangers of the battlefield of the ancient gods are not to be mentioned. There are so many spatial faults, one might get lost in this spatial fault, let alone a main god, Even the ten main gods are helpless.

"Yes, there is no danger, for the main god." The guy who said that the main **** level is not dangerous, said a person next to him quietly.

In the battlefield of the ancient gods, the number of fallen main gods was more than three digits, not to mention those above the main god.

However, someone immediately asked: "Speaker Cook, according to the truth, it is impossible for the portal to be successfully transmitted to the battlefield of the ancient gods?"

"This is the enemy. Whether it succeeds or not seems to be beyond my consideration." When Cook heard this question, he was a little speechless, but he still opened his mouth to explain.

"Damn!" Everyone who heard this answer leaned in their hearts.

Yes, the coordinates of the teleportation are set by me, but have you paid for it? What matters to me is success or failure. As for the result of forced teleportation, everyone here knows that it will be teleported to the destination. For the golden giant For Long, this is a disaster.

However, if the teleportation is not successful, this is also a disaster. Although you know the coordinates of the gods, you don’t know your own coordinates. Moreover, determining the coordinates of the space in countless spaces does not seem to be achievable by ordinary people, even in the comprehension space. The law is not necessarily, just like you have learned to use a computer, but you can’t repair a computer, you can repair a computer, you may not be able to program, you may not be able to program, you may not be able to repair a computer. It is extremely broad.

"Are you still attacking the test?" Feeling the silence around, Cook had to speak to break the silence, and then asked.

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