A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 336: Lions Presbyterian Church

The dragon sheriff kept pondering in his mind that this situation is simply impossible for the diamond dragon, especially the main god-level dragon. Every time the level is raised, the strength will be countless times stronger. Then the reaction time of the action, the law of self-understanding, and the supernatural power possessed will be more powerful. [WWWw.SuiMеng.lā

She was kicked by Cook and couldn't avoid it. How could Nima not shock the main god-level diamond dragon, and if he didn't think about it carefully, if Cook was hostile, wouldn't it be a blow long ago?

However, the Diamond Dragon Sheriff didn’t want to understand what happened. To say that they are of the same main **** level, then the dragon race must be stronger than humans, and the diamond dragon is still the strongest part of the dragon. Race, of course, it should be said that Cook is even higher than the main god, which makes the Diamond Dragon Sheriff not believe it.

But in fact, Cook just used the power of the origin of the wind system. According to the truth, the diamond dragon should be avoided, but the origin of the wind system can control the air, and the moment the diamond dragon dodges is offset by the power of the origin.

Cook didn’t realize this either. Cook just wanted to kick the guy out, and then Cook did it, using the power of the source without Cook deliberately. This actually proves that Cook has stepped into the threshold in terms of the power of the source. .

No matter what kind of power, you have to use it for yourself, it is your own. Cook just wanted to kick the diamond dragon out. He didn't need to actively use the power of the source at all. The power of the source would naturally move. This is in battle. Extremely powerful, because there is no need to be distracted to manipulate the power of the source.

Of course Cook didn't realize this, because Cook didn't think there was anything worth thinking about kicking the dragon sheriff. Of course, if he knew that the dragon was of the main **** level, Cook would be surprised.

Since Cook kicked himself and didn't figure out the reason, the Diamond Dragon Sheriff could only attribute the matter to Cook's strength, so the dragon guard management became more stringent.

"Stand now! Do you still want to be paid? Look at your lazy appearance, and then deduct the payment." The dragon sheriff patrolled the city as usual, and saw a dragon guard dressed a little lazily, and immediately shouted.

"Sir." This dragon guard was only a high-level god, and was reprimanded by the elder, and he quickly saluted in accordance with the guards' etiquette.

"And you, the guard must look like a guard, and you will have to pay for eating someone else's food. If you don't pay, just get back to my territory." Seeing another dragon guard holding a barbecue in his hand, the sheriff Sullenly shouted.

"Yes, I gave the money, they don't want it." The dragon guard immediately explained that if Nima was driven back to the territory, it would be a big loss.

"Hmph, you are not allowed to eat when you work in the future." Diamond Dragon Sheriff immediately hummed coldly.

"Yes." The two dragon guards immediately agreed.

Within the dragon, it must be absolutely obedient. In the dragon clan, if you are not as strong as others and still do not obey, then you will only be beaten. How to say, it is too violent, of course the dragon clan It’s the same to the outside world. I won’t say that I am at the level of the main god, you are at the level of the **** king. I don’t want to do it. From the perspective of the dragon clan, that’s nonsense. Death is strange.

After watching the Diamond Dragon sheriff go, the two patrolling dragon guards sighed, "What is this old guy crazy?"

"Yes, well, get sick."

"Regardless of whether you are sick or not, for the sake of Shenjing, we have to do what he says."

After the Diamond Dragon Sheriff's round of inspections, the attitude of the people in the city that the dragon guards was suddenly improved. They didn't take anything that they liked to eat before. The crooked ones who used to stand on guard are now very correct. , But the dragon guard's performance in this way made the people in the city be careful to avoid breaking the rules, because the people in the city felt that the dragon guard must be holding back something bad.

The bunny and tauren exhibitions have made other orc races jealous, especially the lion clan that borders the tauren.

After learning that Cook would build a huge city for the tauren clan for free, the Lion Man Presbyterian could not sit still and held a meeting.

"I set up to immediately depose the lion clan patriarch and get rid of the situation. This is simply a crime, a crime, and a great loss to the lion clan." The conference leader and the third elder shouted loudly.

"That is, those guys with horns were poor ghosts before. Now, Nima wants to build a city like the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and it's free. The patriarch, tell me, what did you think at the time?" Asked with a sneer.

The lion clan chief was watched the same by several elders interrogating prisoners, and the lion clan chief explained: "When the rabbit chief came to me, I didn't believe it..."

"Don’t believe it, why don’t you believe it, you didn’t even see it, and you didn’t believe it, and you don’t believe in the patriarch of the rabbit clan, you can ask the patriarch of the tiger clan. How much time did it cost you?" The Great Elder immediately shouted when he heard this.

"That is, you, as a patriarch, can't you think about it more, I think you are the patriarch at the end." The fifth elder also sneered.

"Get rid of the situation." The four elders directly expressed their opinions.

"Not only do we have to get rid of the situation, but we can't return to our lion man territory if we die." Thinking of the loss this time, the third elder felt distressed.

The lion clan chief was panicked when he heard that he would not let himself come back. The orcs believed in their ancestors and believed that they could stay with their ancestors after death and be blessed by their ancestors.

"Dear elders, I inquired with the tiger patriarch afterwards, but the tiger patriarch said that the tiger patriarch said that they believed that Speaker Cook had a conspiracy, so they were not prepared to participate..." the lion patriarch explained.

"Tiger? Humph, it’s not easy for tigers to have a messy life. Get out, you get out of me, never go back to the lion-man territory." When the elder heard this, he became even more angry. Whoever listens to others, he won’t. I know to ask Lao Tzu.

"Come on, expel this fellow from the lion-man territory." The second elder was also angry. As a patriarch, Nima actually followed the advice of other races. Then, is there a conflict with the tiger clan in the future, and Nima is going to be a spy?

"Nothing is allowed." The third elder was also angry, and Nima was ashamed to say that as a patriarch, he didn't have the least ability to distinguish right from wrong, so what would he do?

"Elder, elder, I was wrong, I was wrong..." In the voice of the lion clan chief, he was dragged away by the guard.

The five members of the presbytery looked at each other, and the elder asked, "What shall we do now?"

"I think we can go to Speaker Cook. Our lion-man's territory is not small, and there are many magic plants. See if we also build a portal?" the second elder asked.

"I see Xuan." The Third Elder shook his head and said.

The fifth elder said: "In fact, we can use a magical plant to settle the account. That is to say, after Speaker Cook established a portal for us, we don’t need any future profits, even the profit of magic herbs. , These benefits, the profits will be offset to Speaker Cook as the cost of establishing the portal, and the city can do the same, but after the payment is paid off, the portal must be returned to us..."

"Haha, Speaker Cook has a brain disease, will he promise you?" The Fourth Elder attacked mercilessly.

"I don't think it's possible." The Great Elder also nodded.

"Why do you leave a permanent share for Speaker Cook?" The fifth elder muttered. If Lao Tzu said at the beginning to leave a fixed share for Speaker Cook, I'm afraid you guys will talk about me again, yes. Say, you have no doubts.

The second elder asked hesitantly: "But why does Speaker Cook do this?"

When the elders heard such words, they were all silent. Yes, this is a huge investment. Why did Cook do this?

After a moment of silence, the Fifth Elder said: "Whether it works or not, we have to try it."

"I agree with this, who will go?" The elder nodded.

"Of course it's you, the boss, only your identity will do." The second elder looked at the big elder and said.

"But I went rashly, what should I do if Cook doesn't recognize it?" The elder asked with a stretched hand.

"Look for Niu Tai." The Fifth Elder said immediately.

So Niu Tai took the lion clan elders and Shi Heng to the land of the goddess of the dark night.

"Elder Shiheng, I have made everything clear to you, here, you have to pay attention." Niu Tai said.

"I know, it's such a big mess, I must know." Shi Heng nodded and said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regarding the temple elders breaking the rules and being ransacked by the dragon group, it is already a household name in the orc world. , Said everything.

"It's good to know, those dragons are not a good thing, but the temple is not a good thing." Niu Tai nodded.

Shi Heng sneered: "The temple is not a thing, it exists like a parasite."

"What are you going to do?" Niu Tai asked.

"The temple's affairs are resolved, and we are not involved in the temple affairs." Shi Heng blinked and said.

"Haha, that's good, we don't infringe on each other, and we don't participate." Niu Tai knew that the temple had been abandoned when he heard this. What he said was fair, but it meant nothing.

Niu Tai met Cook relatively quickly, but after waiting for two days, Cook heard Shi Heng’s intentions and spread out the map of the orc territory and said, “It’s not impossible to build a portal, but you lion One must first persuade the crocodile man in the Blackwater Marsh."

"The crocodile man, what's the matter with the crocodile man?" Shi Heng asked in a puzzled way.

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