A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 337: committed to

Cook explained with a smile: "Blackwater Marsh is a saltwater marsh. There are some special magical plants growing in it. Only these are valuable. As for the magical plants of your Lion Land, Bunny Land and Tauren Land. There are many, and if it is to be established, the location of the portal and the city can only be here, Sanjiangkou. ~~щww~suimеng~lā"

Sanjiangkou, as the name suggests, is the location where the two rivers join. Shiheng heard Cook’s words and said with some embarrassment: "Sanjiangkou is a bit bad. There are some scaleless murlocs living in it. These guys are very Cruel and numerous."

"So you have to persuade the crocodile man." Cook said with a smile.

Shi Heng looked at the map. Sanjiangkou belonged to the lion man’s territory, but it was already not far from the crocodile man’s territory, and the danger in Sanjiangkou was relatively high. The danger here refers to ordinary lion people. To live, there must be ordinary Lions.

"Speaker Cook, I think the hippopotamus is fine too." Niu Tai said.

"The hippo can't deal with these murlocs," Cook said, shaking his head.

When Niu Tai heard this, he smiled and said, "Speaker Cook, maybe it didn't work before, but the Warsong Aura can be used. If you equip it with some equipment, the hippo will be very strong."

"Why don't you talk to the crocodile man?" Cook asked.

Shi Heng heard Cook's question and sighed and said, "Speaker Cook, the crocodile race is very bad. It has almost nothing to do with our lion, and the crocodile has a grumpy temper and a lazy temperament."

"And the relationship between the crocodile and our lion is very tense. Those guys can come and go freely in the blackwater marsh, and often rob our lionman tribe. It can be said that the relationship is almost hostile, so they are in the blackwater marsh. In the border area, we have very few Lion tribes." Shi Heng continued to explain.

Cook didn't expect it to be like this, and Cook asked again: "Then the Crocodile came out of the Blackwater Marsh, what race is there?"

"There are many races living in the Blackwater Marsh, and alligators actually have many races." Niu Tai said.

"You mean..." Shi Heng also understood somewhat.

"Haha." Niu Tai laughed.

Cook looked at it and said, "The portal and the city can still be built at Sanjiangkou, which is really impossible. When that happens, I will send a giant dragon to guard it. I think the crocodile will definitely not open their eyes."

"That's OK, but will those dragon guards stay there for a long time?" Shi Heng asked worriedly when he heard this.

Cook said with a smile: "You lion people can rest assured about this, you can ask Niu Tai, are there any excessive actions by their dragon guards on the tauren side?"

"Do you have a dragon guarding over there?" Lion glanced at Niu Tai.

"Yes, but those dragon guards have gone on patrols. You can rest assured that those dragon guards will not act excessively." Niu Tai nodded and replied.

Lion Heng is not a fool. The dragon guards are stationed in the Tauren territory, and the lion elder doesn’t know it. So it goes without saying that there is a purpose in it, it’s just that those dragon guards are suffocating. Up.

Recalling what happened recently, Shi Heng knew that if someone wanted to deal with Cook and make trouble in the territories of Tauren or Bunnyman, they would be ruined.

But Shi Heng saw another point, that is the degree to which Cook attaches great importance to this matter. Although I don’t know what price Cook paid for these dragon guards, Shi Heng knew that the dragon’s appetite was not good. Small, Cook’s expenses will certainly not be cheap.

What's more, Shi Heng is a kind of inexplicable jealousy for Cook's actions. Jealous of the tauren will find such a good backer, but Shi Heng then smiled, because now he is not and will have the same backer.

Shi Heng nodded and said, "Well, it's built in Sanjiangkou."

"That's good. After you go back, send some people to Sanjiangkou first. As for the scaleless murlocs over there, I will also purchase these guys. A sanctuary-level scaleless murloc will give me a high-grade crystal, god-level. I will give a thousand top grade **** crystals." Cook said.

"The meat of those murlocs is not delicious, they are all thorns, their skin is sticky, and it is very fishy." Shi Heng said quickly.

"Hehe, I used it for experimentation. Some medicines require a lot of experimentation." Cook laughed. Any medicine is inseparable from experimentation. Although these murlocs are in the form of beasts, they are better than the number. Individual differences are not big, and the most important of these murlocs are not within the scope of the beast.

As for the price offered by Cook, the number of god-level murlocs is definitely not much. Shi Heng was a little excited when he heard this. In the river at the mouth of Nima Sanjiang, these murlocs were in groups, only I'm afraid there are dozens of millions, which is another great fortune for the Lion.

"But there are a lot of murlocs." Shi Heng's only concern is that Cook does not need much.

"Try to catch the big ones and don't catch the small ones. The experiment is not done in one year. At least 500,000 pieces are needed each year." Cook said a number.

This number is very conservative for Cook. Why? Because of the establishment of the Pharmacy Association, there will be more pharmacy apprentices. The second animal experiment is what pharmacy apprentices must learn. Of course, they assisted Cook at the beginning. .

Cook knew how wasteful the experiment an apprentice needed, because the apprentice couldn't control the dosage, and the medicine formulated had any side effects, so Cook looked at these murlocs.

The main reason is that the murlocs are not part of the beast system, that is to say, even if the murlocs are destroyed by Cook, no one will trouble Cook, and the murlocs are not high in combat power, which can be solved easily. Change to other numbers. Races over a million are not easy to provoke, not to mention their backers.

Of course, this is related to the low intelligence of these murlocs. There are very few god-level powerhouses born in these murlocs, and their intelligence is similar to that of ordinary beasts. Therefore, in the places where murlocs are infested, low-level creatures are almost extinct. Fortunately, this fish Humans are omnivorous creatures and eat everything.

And Sanjiangkou is a good place here, along the two tributaries, you can quickly reach a large area, and various resources in these areas can also be transported to Sanjiangkou by water transportation at a low cost.

Transportation is also a huge problem in the God Realm, but these are Cook's next plans.

Shi Heng was very happy when he heard the number of 500,000. This means that the entire Lion clan will add 500,000 high-grade crystals each year. Although this is not a big number for the tens of millions of Lions, But these 500,000 high-grade **** crystals brought more than just this benefit.

The lion can see this very clearly. After the portal is established in Sanjiangkou, guards must be sent, and the acquisition of murlocs requires people to catch murlocs. Although half a million murlocs are not much, it is only for the entire lion. For the human race, at least tens of thousands of Lions can complete the task, and it takes almost a year. When these Lions gather, they will drive a group of merchants, equipment, food, hotels, taverns, and at least millions of high-grade gods. Jing's business.

In addition, Cook will build a city in the next step. The purchase price of daily necessities for the entire Lion Clan will be reduced a lot, and the savings will be even greater. Not to mention that Cook will definitely establish a Pharmacy Association, which will bring a lot of huge business.

Shi Heng, an orc who has lived for many years, doesn’t know much about the economy, but he also knows that the capital must flow to bring benefits. Putting 500,000 high-grade **** crystals there will always be 500,000, but Once it flows, the profits will roll around, and it will get bigger and bigger. At the level of elders like Shiheng, you can have this kind of talent. Even if the orcs have low IQs, they have learned a lot over the years. I understand. many things.

These thoughts just flashed through his mind, Shi Heng nodded and said, "Well, but the Pharmacy Association branch?"

"The same will be established, which is why I would suggest that you build it in Sanjiangkou, because your territory is very close to the Yinshan City of Tauren, and Sanjiangkou is on the other side. The purchase price at the portal is both Same, I won't be unfair at this point." Cook nodded and promised.

"Then thank Speaker Cook, we will go back and prepare." Shiheng heard Cook's promise, and his heart was completely relaxed, but the establishment of the portal requires a lot of preparation.

Not to mention the other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is where the elders now live, they must move past, after all, after the portal, the economic and political center will definitely move, and this is also the way for the elders to get rid of the temple. An approach.

"Don't thank me, you can notify me at any time after you arrive." Cook saw Shi Heng wanting to leave and stood up and said. Of course, according to Cook's current identity, it doesn't matter if you don't stand up, but Cook is A man of courtesy.

Shi Hengpitian left, while Niu Tai stayed on Cook's side and reported to Cook some recent preparations of the Tauren tribe.

"President Cook, there are some troubles at the Sanjiangkou. There are two rivers at the Sanjiangkou, one is the Heixia River. This river is the dividing line between the Lion and the Leopard. Now it is said that the Leopard is very dissatisfied with Speaker Cook. After Niu Tai finished the report, he said.

"Is not satisfied because of their elder?" Cook asked.

"Yes, Speaker Cook, among us orcs, the relationship between the Pantherman Realm Civil War God Temple and the tribal patriarch and the elders is very close. The leopard elder chased by the dragon and several elders of the tribal elders They are all relatives." Niu Tai nodded and explained.

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