A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 339: Tangled Goddess of Wealth

The goddess of wealth is entangled. According to the truth, not only Dilly, but also the **** of contract and the **** of gambling are the closest to Cook. Even the goddess of nature is closer than the goddess of wealth, and it involves such a major issue. Why should Cook ask himself instead of others?

The reason why the goddess of wealth wants to find out why Cook asks himself is to find someone else to ask if he knows that Cook can ignite the sacred fire. This matter is too important for the goddess of wealth, and it is also too demanding. People were shocked. If it wasn't for Cook who was not the kind of liar, the goddess of wealth thought Cook was going to lie. *WWW.suimeng.lā

The relationship between the Statue of Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth is good, but in the past few days, the Lady Liberty looked at the Goddess of Wealth with a very worried look, and couldn't help but muttered in her heart. At the **** level, she basically won’t reveal anything about her expression, so obvious. So the Lady Liberty asked, "Hey, are you okay."

The goddess of wealth shook her head: "It's okay."

"There must be something." The goddess of wealth replied, and the goddess of liberty said affirmatively immediately.

The goddess of wealth sighed and asked: "I ask you something, do you analyze it?"

"Hmm!" When the Lady Liberty heard that something was really happening, of course she immediately agreed.

"It's just that someone told a person who is not very close, a very important secret. This person has many close people, but he just asks someone who is not very close to talk about the important secret. Why do you say this?" The goddess of wealth asked.

The Lady Liberty read these words silently, and then asked: "Someone tells you important secrets, but isn't your relationship very close?"

"I'll let you analyze, it's me there." The goddess of wealth quickly denied.

The Statue of Liberty shook her head and said, "This must be someone who has fallen in love with you before telling you a secret."

"Cut." The Goddess of Wealth made a cut. The Goddess of Wealth knows how important this secret is, and she still sees herself, and she doesn't need to say such a big secret if she is fancy.

The Lady Liberty asked, "What did Cook tell you?"

"What did Cook say to me?" The goddess of wealth was surprised, but asked with confusion on her face.

The Lady Liberty looked suspiciously at the Goddess of Wealth, and then asked, "Isn't it Cook?"

"Why Cook or not Cook, I will let you analyze things, don't you make trouble like this?" The goddess of wealth said irritably.

"People who are not very close to you will tell you important secrets, unless that person has a problem with his brain." Lady Liberty also said angrily.

When the goddess of wealth heard this, she left with a helpless sigh. She didn't get an answer from the goddess of liberty, and the goddess of wealth really didn't know what to do.

The goddess of wealth was puzzled: "Why do you want to tell an outsider such an important thing? Do you really have any thoughts about me?"

But this idea was quickly abandoned by the goddess of wealth. What a joke, Cook is not that kind of person. Of course, the goddess of wealth wished that Cook was that kind of person, but if Cook was that kind of person, he would not say such a big deal to himself. The secret.

"Headache!" The goddess of wealth felt a headache, and it had been a long time since such a headache.

When the goddess of wealth was struggling, Cook was also depressed. After asking for a long time, there was no answer, and the secret was revealed. How could Cook not be depressed.

In the unknown situation, Cook didn't dare to let the people condensed in the spirit of Xia and others. Cook wondered: "Would you like to find someone to test it?"

There was a thought of experimentation, and Cook suddenly became enlightened. There must be a lot of people who need to condense the gods. Cook pondered it and found the **** of gambling and contract.

"You mean you're going to find someone to test and ignite the sacred fire?" The God of Gamblers was also taken aback by Cook's thoughts and asked incredulously.

"Yes, I don't know if I will succeed if I haven't tried it." Cook nodded.

When the contract **** heard this, he said with a serious look: "Don't dare to leak this matter. After the leak, the trouble will be big."

"So I have to discuss with you." Cook also knows that such a thing can't be leaked, and it's leaked out, I'm afraid this dark night goddess territory will be overwhelmed.

The God of Gamblers asked, "So besides the two of us, who else knows about this?"

"And the goddess of wealth." Cook was silent for a moment, and replied with some embarrassment.

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract glanced at each other, and Cook saw the expressions of these two people, and he was speechless, and said: "I just want to ask the God of Condensation what you need to pay attention to when lighting the fire. Then I know. Just say it, but she's not sure."

The **** of contract heard Cook say this and asked: "Then Cook, how do you want to experiment, in that respect."

"According to the goddess of wealth, I want to try the size of the ignited fire, the quality of the condensed godhead, and whether it affects the godhead." Cook replied directly.

When the gambling **** heard this, he nodded and said: "It's very simple to find someone. If you go out and shout, how many people are there..."

"Idiot, since he can go out and shout, Cook still has to find us?" The God of Contract scolded angrily.

"I'm analyzing, can you not interrupt other people's speech, that is very impolite." The gambling **** also shouted angrily.

Cook waved his hand and said, "Stop arguing, keep talking."

"I think we should be more concealed. Although there are suitable ones in our two families, it is not convenient for us to come forward. I think it is more appropriate for us to build a secret sect." The God of Gamblers continued.

"Secret sect?" Cook repeated.

"God of Gamblers means like we are all hidden, even if it is leaked out, no one will know that we did it." The God of Contract agrees with God of Gamblers' approach.

When Cook heard this, he nodded and said: "I agree with this approach, but what about the executor?"

"In fact, we don’t need other executors. We only need to look for those guys who are at the peak of the sanctuary, especially those who are very downcast, and have no background and no backing. As long as one succeeds, then this guy will come forward. What happened, no one else can find out from this guy." The God of Gamblers said.

"Well then, this candidate will be handed over to you." After listening to Cook, he directly handed over the task to the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract.

"So what should this sect be called?" the **** of contract asked Cook.

Cook shook his head and said, "Don't ask me for the named thing. You can take care of it yourself. Once the thing is done, come to me again."

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract have left, and Cook put the matter aside. There is no way. Cook has a lot of things, but Cook can't tell others about the things. To be honest, Cook is in the God Realm, and there really is no way. What a confidant, oh, those more than three hundred Mageweave apprentices count, but those Mageweave apprentices Cook can't let them handle these chores.

After the God of Contract and the God of Gamblers left, the two dressed up carefully and went out of the city. The city in the realm of the Goddess of the Night is extremely prosperous, but there are still a large number of poor people outside the city. The poor here refer to those who are in despair. The sanctuary-level guys without the slightest background live entirely on their own. As long as there is a family, the sanctuary-level will not be too difficult.

"How do we find?" The God of Contract asked in a low voice.

"Hehe, come with me." The God of Gamblers chuckled, and then walked further away.

When the God of Contract heard the words of the God of Gamblers, he asked, "Why are you talking about establishing a secret sect today? Let’s just arrest people and conduct experiments. It’s impossible for the arrested person to know who we are. ."

"Idiot, the method you said is simple and effective, but have you ever thought about it? The idea I came out was to tie you and me to Cook, and we have to plan for the future." God of Gamblers Said angrily.

"Oh?" The God of Contract looked at the God of Gamblers suspiciously.

The God of Gamblers sighed and said: "Although the two of us say that the scenery is very good now, can we really sit in this position for a long time?"

"How can it be impossible, as long as our relationship with Cook..." The God of Contract didn't say it halfway through.

The God of Gamblers said with a curled lips: "It's not about Cook's relationship. Then, once our temple conflicts with Cook, we will be the first to be unlucky. As long as the thing that Cook explained is done well, the God of Gamblers will not do it. , Nima does things every day, and still feels angry every day."

"Can the God of Gambling Temple let you open?" the God of Contract asked.

"Why don't you let us leave? Some people are eager for me to leave now, these bastards, don't tell me, your contract temple is big enough." The God of Gamblers said with an angry tone.

The contract **** said with a wry smile: "If I had a backer, I wouldn't be the contract god. I won't say any credit, but if there is any responsibility, I must be unlucky."

"This is not the end. The hidden sect has tied us to Cook. Cook can ignite the sacred fire. Can you imagine how huge this sect is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~?" God asked.

"This is just an experiment done by Cook, you really..." said the **** of contract angrily.

"Bullshit, that's what Cook is talking about now. As long as this sect can play a role, Cook will give up?" The God of Gambler interrupted without hesitation.

The God of Contract looked at the God of Gamblers, and the God of Gamblers continued: "Who are the people who want to gather the godhead? One is the guys we are looking for now who have no strength and no backers. These guys can be said to be desperadoes. Just let them gather. Godhead, let them do anything. After all, after they become gods, no matter how great the grievances are, they will not directly let others fall. There are too many such people in the God Realm. Such people can do many things. And on the surface, Cook is still the speaker of the Council of the Gods. Even if something happens, Cook maintains the previous regulations and these people will have no problem."

"Furthermore, there are those offspring who were abandoned by the big family. These offspring have no complaints or anger towards the family. Once these people gather their godheads, we don't say let these people rebel against the family, but collect information on each family. This should be okay. Imagine whether our intelligence network will be useful for Cook in the future, and will Cook participate in these things himself? It’s not the two of us.” The God of Gamblers continued, and then looked at the contract. God's response.

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