A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 340: God of Gamblers' plan

After hearing this, the contract **** said in surprise: "Okay, do you still consider so much?"

"In the world of God Realm, interests are paramount, what family, what temple, in front of absolute interests, that is rubbish, but I think that Cook is at least in our generation, no one can transcend.~~щww~ Suimеng~lā" The God of Gamblers' expression is very plain.

The God of Contract looked at the God of Gamblers with some incomprehension. The God of Gamblers laughed at himself and said: "Remember the last time Cook was in the casino? That crisis actually caused many people in the temple to make me face the crime, and also I want to drive me out of the temple, I also spent a lot of effort to keep my identity, and by comparison, this man is kind, at least he has feelings for people, and will not betray us for profit, of course. , And there is no interest that can make Cook betray us. This is what I have been thinking about afterwards. This time it is just an opportunity."

"No wonder, let alone our generation, those old guys are not necessarily Cook's opponent." The God of Contract said.

"And Cook is still very, very young. If Cook's things are true this time, I will have offspring." The God of Gamblers said.

The **** of contract nodded: "If there is such a good thing, I will definitely not miss it. Thinking about our future generations are at least god-level, my heart is much more relieved."

"Haha, let's go, let's go shopping first, the first person must be more careful, character is the most important." The **** of gamblers said with a smile.

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract walked for a long time before they came to a settlement, like a town. Although it is only half a day away from the Dark Night Goddess City, it is already very remote. You can see from these buildings. There are not many god-level powerhouses here.

After all, the big cities here cannot use traffic to radiate the surrounding areas. Even a lot of supplies are transported through the portal. Of course, some ordinary things are still provided by the surrounding areas, but the god-level powerhouse It's been a long time since I walked for a long time, and the most common things consume food, but the food eaten above God level is different from below God level.

"Welcome, what can two guests drink?" The tavern is still the standard configuration in the God Realm. The tavern has become the center of people's social activities, where you can exchange news, accept cloth tasks, and even consign things.

"Here are two cups of blue flames." The God of Contract didn't know how to speak, but the God of Gamblers spoke instead.

"Two, these are blue flames." The tavernkeeper handed two cups to the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract. The cups were made of a certain kind of wood, not enough for this wood to be cold, obviously a magical plant.

The God of Contract saw this so-called blue flame, it turned out to be a blue fruit wine with some red things floating on it, which seemed to be the fruit of some kind of plant. Obviously this was a relatively inferior fruit wine.

"Two guests are here, what's the matter?" the tavern owner asked tentatively.

Don’t look down at the tavern owner. If the tavern owner thinks that the two have an unknown purpose, he will notify the sheriff. If he thinks it is dangerous, he will also notify the sheriff. Although the tavern owner knows many thieves, robbers, and murderers, But the tavern owner does not like outsiders disturbing the public order, because it will make the tavern business decline, after all, this is not only a tavern, but also a social place.

"We need someone." The God of Gamblers said directly.

"What kind of person?" Hearing this, the barkeeper asked with a smile, which means that business is coming.

"Sanctuary pinnacle, people who are willing to die." The Gambler said directly, for the tavern owner, this sentence is enough.

When the tavern owner heard this, his mouth burst open. This kind of business is big business and requires people to work hard. This is big business. The tavern owner continued to ask, "What are the requirements?"

"There is no background, there is no backing, the character is better, the mouth is important." The God of Gamblers said.

"The mouth matters?" the tavern owner asked suspiciously.

"He's fortune-telling if he's not dead, but things can't be said." The God of Gamblers explained.

"There are many people who are willing to sell their lives. I have at least hundreds of them here, but there are not a few with good character. As for the mouth is important, there are only three people. Are you sure you need to read their information?" This is about the price.

"Fifty top grade **** crystals." The gambling **** said directly.

"I'm afraid that fifty is not enough." The tavern owner estimated, then said.

"I can give you ten more." The God of Gambler said with a grin.

"The deal, I recommend one to you." The tavern owner smiled and said.

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract looked at the information in his hands, and the tavern owner explained: "Fifty is just enough to hire this person. There are only two people in this person's family. One is himself and the other is his sister. The two siblings are taking an adventure. In the middle, the younger sister was severely injured and needed a god-level light element powerhouse to take action. At least thirty high-grade **** crystals were needed. There was no backing and no background."

"How is your character?" The God of Gamblers asked.

"The character is okay. My younger sister is already disabled. Unless there is a high-level angel using high-level magic, otherwise, it is a useless person. Now only the part above the neck can move. This person has been taking care of my younger sister for ten years." Tao.

The God of Gamblers looked at the God of Contract and said, "It's him."

"Okay, I'll ask him out for you." The tavern owner grinned, and then served two glasses of good fruit wine to entertain the gambler. The tavern owner also noticed that they did not drink the wine they wanted. Obviously, the background is not small. , But the tavern owner is very clear that there are some things that should not be inquired, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble. This is summed up by the tavern owner after tens of thousands of years.

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract saw the man who the tavern owner said in a basement behind the tavern.

"You want to hire me?" The man has a big skeleton, but his body is not very strong.

"Not to hire you, but to buy life, because it is dangerous, and if you don't die, your life belongs to us." The God of Gamblers shook his head and said.

"I still have a younger sister, I want to treat her first." The man was silent for a while and said.

The gambling **** nodded: "Yes."

"My name is Dahang." The man was silent for a while when he heard the gambler's answer, and then introduced himself. Obviously, he agreed to the deal.

"This is a hundred top grade **** crystals, and fifty is your reward. After you treat your sister, buy a building in this place, and then wait for our follow-up orders." The gambler threw a bag and took it. Out of the map, pointed to a place on the map, and said.

"What kind of specifications does the building need?" Daram asked in a daze.

"Whatever, but it can't be too shabby." The God of Gamblers said, and then the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract stood up and were ready to leave.

"You just left, aren't you afraid that I will run away?" Da Heng stood up and asked, watching the two of them leave.

"Haha, only one hundred top grade **** crystals." The gambling **** laughed, and then left.

After the two left, the tavern owner patted Da Hang on the shoulder after hearing the incident: "Hey, kid, don't run away, such a person is obviously not easy."

"Not easy?" Dahan thought, but the tavernkeeper stopped talking.

The tavern owner obviously smelled something wrong with this thing. After he bought his life, he didn't say anything. He gave the money to let the boy buy a house. What is this? Obviously, he has to prepare for something big, and if things are revealed, it must not be. Clean up, this made the boy come forward. Thinking of this, the tavernkeeper wisely decided to forget about this matter, especially what they were like just now.

"By the way, kid, don't say what I introduced to you, otherwise others will have opinions again." Finally the tavern owner asked.

"Understood, uncle, I'll go first." Da Hang left with 95 high-grade crystals. As for the least five, it was a commission from the tavern owner. If it weren't for the tavern owner to feel that something was not right, I'm afraid More than five are to be collected.

The God of Contract looked at the God of Gamblers and asked, "Is this what happened?"

"Of course, it will be this big show in the future, let's show up once." The Gambler nodded and said.

"Is it a bit sloppy, what if this character?" The God of Contract was a little worried.

"Personality, what does the God Realm's humanity say?" the gambling **** asked angrily.

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the God of Contract, the God of Gamblers said angrily: "I, you, there is a Cook on it, who dares to rebel and doesn't want to live anymore."

When the contract **** heard this, he asked angrily: "Since I want to retreat behind the scenes, how do I control it?"

"You are stupid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will not scare them, just say that this can help you ignite the sacred fire, but it can also cause your godhead to be destroyed." The Gambler's IQ of the **** of contract is really questionable.

"Oh, yes, if those guys saw that Cook could ignite the sacred fire, they would definitely believe that the godhead would break down directly. I didn't expect it." The **** of contract also understood that there is no problem with the **** of contract IQ, but I didn't expect it. Just use this method.

The God of Contract then said: "It looks like you are very proficient in the crooked ways in the God of Gambling Temple."

"Dahang is just a guy who shows up. As long as Dahang succeeds in concentrating his divine personality, then the second batch should find our own people. Don't tell me that you don't have a few credible people in your family, but there is some trouble in it. , First, we can’t come forward, and second, let Dahang choose directly.” The God of Gamblers continued.

"You mean we want dual control?" The God of Contract really didn't think of this, and asked after listening.

"Of course, you think it's just to scare Dahan. We still have to have countermeasures. This also requires detailed planning." The **** of gamblers replied in an angry voice.

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