A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 341: thought

"This method is good, but there is no need to discuss it. Some of the methods are that if Cook succeeds, then we can order Dahang to find the descendants of those big families and powerful forces, so that our descendants can enter. , Of course, when you look for it, you need to find more people, and then how to choose, it is not our final say, but since this way, will Cook have objections?" The God of Contract said. [WWWw.SuiMеng.lā

The **** of gambling said in an angry voice: "There is a fart objection. On what basis are we all built on the basis that Cook can ignite the sacred fire. Without this, can we help others to ignite the sacred fire?"

"What I mean is to say to Cook first, so that Cook will know about it later and he will be dissatisfied." Hearing this, the God of Contract explained.

Hearing this, the God of Gamblers nodded and said: "Of course I want to say it, but the time is not there. This is just our plan. As for the success or failure, it depends on the truth of what Cook said."

When the contract **** heard this, he said: "Cook has a secret method. I believe this, but I am not completely sure. However, it is a little unbelievable to ignite the sacred fire, but we have not listened to such a secret method. Said it?"

"This is hard to say, but according to what I know about Cook, Cook would not say that for things that I have no certainty about. From Cook came to the gods, we can understand what we did. Have we heard of it? "The God of Gamblers shook his head.

When the contract **** heard this, he sighed: "Oh!"

"Oh!" The God of Gamblers also sighed, because Cook's rise caused many people to sigh, and sigh that they have lived on dogs for so many years.

"But Cook is really...very charming." After a sigh, the God of Contract said with a smile.

"Not charm, but profit." The God of Gamblers said corrected.

"No, the benefit you said is that other people surround Cook, and I'm talking about Cook's humanity." The **** of contract shook his head and said.

When the gambling **** heard this, he asked angrily: "Tell me, what's the difference?"

"The benefits you mentioned are correct, but let’s analyze it. First, the benefits you mentioned refer to Cook’s Mageweave Master level. Although this has attracted a lot of people, the alchemy temple was so huge before. But did the alchemy temple be like today, when dragons and angels came to maintain law and order, and Cook also smashed the sky city of the angels and ransacked the silver dragon city of the dragons? Why do these two races Come to help Cook, and look at the dragon clan, how good is it to maintain the city's public order?" asked the God of Contract.

After hearing this, the God of Gamblers curled his lips and said: "But all this is still a benefit. The angels have to come, because Cook still needs to repair the Sky City, and the dragon is for Chi Guoguo's benefit."

"Benefit is of course one aspect. It is impossible to have no benefit, but while giving benefits, others must abide by the rules you set. Who in the God Realm can make angels and dragons do this?" the God of Contract asked.

"That's because they couldn't beat Cook." The Gambler interrupted.

"Can't beat it? Are you sure these two races can't beat Cook?" The God of Contract asked angrily.

The God of Gamblers was not sure. The God of Contract saw that the God of Gamblers did not speak, and continued: "Then I will ask you again, if someone else has Cook's technology, they will be like Cook and set the price of the artifact so low. , Of course, it seems that Cook needs a lot of materials and crystals at one time, but let’s compare the previous alchemy temples, not to mention anything else, first you have to find a magic pattern master who can refine the equipment for you. Energy, how many crystals, how many relationships, and not everyone can find, but Cook’s side, everyone is equal, as long as you take out things, even if you have no backing, no background, you will be practiced. In the realm of the goddess of the dark night, in the past, although there were rules for each realm, but you said that it is so equal when Cook is here, you may not know that the population gods of the entire land of the gods of the dark night There have been an increase of 300,000 people above the level of God, and more than 6 million people below the level of God. Is this Cook’s personality charm? If I had skills like Cook, I would definitely not be like him. I will start to squeeze from the upper ranks of the power bit by bit, and squeeze out all your wealth."

"This is Cook's ability." The God of Gamblers was still a little dissatisfied.

"Hehe, you can admit that you have the ability. Let's look at Cook now. The establishment of a portal for the orcs and the establishment of a medicine association there. How much are these investments? Don't we have many magic plants?" God of contract Asked.

"Cook will earn it too." The God of Gamblers said irritably when he heard this.

"Cut, if you change you and let you go to the orc world to earn money, you won't go, not to mention such a big investment, four portals, can you be willing to?" The God of Contract said angrily.

The **** of gambling is speechless, let alone four, just one, and the temple of the **** of gambling will not allow it. Where is the place of the orcs, there are all poor ghosts, and how profitable it is to open a casino. As for the rich in the orc world, come Just bet here.

"Well, I admit that Cook has a charisma." In the end, the God of Gamblers had to agree with the God of Contract.

"Don't deny it, if you don't have the charm of personality, you will have the things you do today. The guy who only looks at the benefits is worth our thigh?" The God of Contract gave the final blow.

"Well, you won. I admit that Cook is indeed charming." The gambling **** is speechless. You said it earlier. If you said it earlier, I can say that I have no vision?

When the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract were planning to establish a secret sect, the Goddess of Wealth was still entangled, because the secret was too big, and it was so big that the Goddess of Fortune could not sleep well. Although the Goddess of Wealth did not believe it in her heart, but What if, what if, what if?

The Goddess of Wealth wanted to analyze why Cook was looking for herself, but she didn't analyze it. No matter in terms of relationship or knowledge, Cook shouldn't ask herself. Goddess of Wealth decided to ask someone to ask. As for who to look for?

Of course it is to find Cook, but the goddess of wealth can not meet Cook casually, the goddess of wealth waited for several days without seeing Cook, the gods of gambling and the **** of contracts waited until Dahan had settled the matter, and In the designated area, in fact, somewhere outside the city, I bought a residence. The God of Contract and the God of Gamblers came to see Cook together, and then I met the Goddess of Wealth.

"Oh, isn't this our beautiful goddess of wealth?" The **** of gambling immediately laughed when he saw the goddess of wealth.

"It's you, do you come to see Speaker Cook too?" the goddess of wealth asked.

The God of Contract nodded and said, "I want to ask Speaker Cook about something."

"I also came to see Speaker Cook, &bsp;&bsp; it has been three days, and I haven't seen it yet." The Goddess of Wealth couldn't help complaining.

When the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract heard these words, they had a clear heart. The relationship between the goddess of wealth and Cook was really not good. The God of Gamblers smiled and said, "Speaker Cook is also busy. If anyone wants to see it, Then Speaker Cook don't even think about refining equipment. Those who want to see Speaker Cook can queue out of the territory from here."

"Since I can't see Speaker Cook, let's come back in a few days." The **** of contract does not want to deal with the goddess of wealth, although the contract temple has many intentions to cooperate with the goddess of wealth temple.

The God of Gamblers was surprised when he heard the words of the God of Contract, but he went out with the God of Contract. After going out, the God of Gamblers asked, "Why are you leaving?"

"Speaker Cook clearly doesn't want to see her. If we want to see, isn't it because this lady is making money." The **** of contract explained.

The God of Gamblers nodded and said, "It seems that what Cook said last time is true, but why did you say Cook asked this girl?"

"Hehe, I guess... I need to ask Cook for this." The **** of contract chuckled and said.

"Get off." The gambling **** said irritably.

The Gambler asked again: "Should we go to the orc to see?"

"Why, do you want to participate?" the **** of contract asked.

"No one wants to miss the chance of money." God of Gamblers said with a smile.

The **** of contract shook his head and said, "I think we'd better not get involved."

"Why?" God of Gamblers asked without understanding.

"If we still want to continue our current identity, that's okay, but if we want to follow Cook, we'd better be taken." The God of Contract shook his head and said.

"Huh?" The God of Gamblers hummed irritably, obviously not understanding.

"You said you want to have a subordinate who knows everything you do well, what do you think?" The contract **** said angrily.

"Of course it is to prevent..." The Gambler replied directly, and then he understood.

"As long as Cook doesn’t let us do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we’d better not do it. Even if we want to do it, we have to ask. This is for our own good. Of course, if we don’t want to follow Cook, then Whatever." The contract **** said.

"Well, then don't go, no matter how much Nima earns, it is also from the temple." The **** of gamblers changed his mind and immediately felt that it was too much better.

Dilly didn't know where she came out, looking at the God of Contract and the God of Gamblers and asked; "Then what do you want to do with Cook?"

"Then... you mean the goddess of wealth, I don't know." The God of Gamblers didn't react, and asked, &bsp;&bsp; asked a word, and then he understood, shook his head and said.

"I don't know either." The God of Contract also shook his head and said.

"This lady waited for a few days and looked a little weird. I didn't tell Cook that everyone wanted to get in front of Cook. That's true." Dilly said angrily.

"Cook isn't there?" Hearing this, the God of Gamblers reacted immediately and asked.

Dilly looked at the God of Gamblers and asked suspiciously: "How do you know that Cook is not there?"

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