A Unique Hunter

Chapter 173: 1 group of old monsters "first more"

Cook drank the potion in front of the five people and Mickey, and then began to tell the story of how he gained control of the base. Of course, Skyeye Cook would not explain, and the core devices for making magic props are I don't know what to say, I said the rest, even so, the five people looked at each other and looked at each other.

Lina asked suspiciously: "You said that as long as there is a level 9 magic core, one kilogram of space magic crystals can be produced in a year?"

"Yeah! There was a mental memory that rushed into my mind like this, but I don't have a ninth magic core!" Cook explained in the subconscious that the spiritual memory is emitted by the eyes of the sky. Cook was nervous. Perhaps the magic potion had defaulted to Cook's statement, so Cook found that his face had not changed.

"There are more than five hundred magic crystal cannons, how to control it?" This is what Milo cares most about.

"Using an ID card is this thing, not only can users communicate with each other, but also can control the things in the base according to their authority." Cook took out his ID card.

"Well, we have the ninth-level magic core, let's go and see!" Lina took out a staff without waiting for Cook to continue, and then chanted the spell. Lei and the five of them all disappeared in the private room, the drunken little bad and the big mouth were no exception, and Bagrus outside didn't even know.

Cook only noticed that the scenery had changed, and then a few of them were near the base. Cook opened the entrance of the underground passage through the ID card, and then gave five ID cards to the five people. The more they looked at them, the more surprised they were. The more I look, the more surprised.

"Then the core control area here is here?" In the core control area, here is a crystal ball full of height. The base of the crystal ball is covered with fine magic patterns. Xia just glanced at it. Asked.

"Yes!" Cook nodded quickly.

Facing the gazes of several people, Xiah said helplessly: "It is indeed something of ancient relics. These magic circles are smaller than hair, and they use magic silver, **** gold, which is not a product of this era at all. I don't understand!"

"Haha, Cook, this is a ninth-level magic core!" Lina smiled and took out a fist-sized blue magic core and handed it to Cook.

"This ninth-level magic core is exchanged for our right to live here. Of course, part of the control authority must be opened to us. I want another kilogram of space magic crystal!" Lina continued without waiting for Cook to speak.

"Yeah! We don't have to change places anymore. This ID card is really good, as long as you go home in an instant, so I won't hold your kid accountable." Milo said with a smile, because Milo was exposed to light The church was chased and killed so badly that the five-man team had to be transferred frequently. If it weren't for Neil's influence in the thieves' union, the five would have been forced to live in a barren mountain.

Cook was depressed, because these identity cards were in the hands of the five people. It was like a city return scroll that could be used countless times. Cook also got the explanation from the sky because the strength of these five people could barely break the space. And even in the space transmission, its own defense is sufficient to resist the energy erosion of the different space, and the identity card only plays a guiding role, and the Cook transmission relies on the huge energy of the identity card to explode, so two Those are not to be compared.

"Hehe, I just need a perfect level of invisible potion, whether it is high-level, low-level, intermediate, or elementary." Ernie said with a smile.

"The dragon's power potion, I also want to be at the perfect level!" Bra still asked for this.

"As long as I can live here and study, then kid Cook, now you take us to see those rooms where books are stacked!" Xia looked at the dense magic circle around her, with a happy expression on her face.

When Cook took the five people to the room where the books were piled up, the five were not too disappointed, but began to clean up. As expected, these guys swept through with huge mental power, and then raised their hands. This pile of dust is automatically thrown into the trash can, and it only takes a few seconds for a room.

Looking at the cleaned pile of rusty metal, the five people were disappointed. Then the five people came to the huge three-story space in the middle. Lina first spoke: "I want ten!"

"I want ten rooms too!" Xia was also unwilling to show weakness, so five people occupied fifty rooms.

When Cook was still wondering what these guys occupying ten houses, the five began to arrange them, watching the piles of things being placed, Cook could not help but envy, there is no shortage of space magic. There are basically three props, these guys have three space rings. Although they are not large in size, they are large in number, and the space bag is the most. These things are taken out one by one, leaving Cook speechless.

"Haha, the potion given is actually just a potion that has expired." After Lina said triumphantly, she twisted* into her room.

Cook secretly rejoiced, and the five people didn’t care much about the authority of the ID card. The authority of the Magic Crystal Cannon only required one hundred authority, and the remaining four hundred were in Cook’s hands, but then Cook knew that the old guy was the old guy.

"Well! In view of the safety of the base, the five of us felt that the six of us should set up a safety committee, and half of the people must pass through the ten magic crystal cannons." West Asia called for Cook, and the seven people sat together. These five people The place where I live is the three-story space in the middle. The hall of the middleware is arranged as a living room. As for the room where books are stacked at the back, it is designated as a warehouse and a laboratory by five people. You must know that there are 500 rooms. More, of course this is hidden by Cook.

"Uh, uh, Mickey also has an ID card! Besides..." Cook said quickly.

"Hmph, this little girl is okay, so don't think about it!" Lina said with a cold snort.

"But there are only eight people!" Cook asked in surprise.

"Okay! Add one more!" Milo seemed very relaxed. He was very satisfied with this place. He didn't have strong defenses, hidden terrain, and even on the different planes. It made Milo feel very comfortable. Milo even hoped that those guys from the church would come and provoke him to see how powerful the five hundred magic crystal cannons could be.

"Okay, but give me ten more ID cards!" Lina said afterwards.

"me too!"

"me too!"

"me too!"

"Me too!" The others immediately said with their eyes brightened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They all stared at Cook, and finally added Connie's name.

"The silver and white ones are gone, only the lowest-level black!" Cook looked at the five people, gritted his teeth and said, black means that he cannot enter the core area. In fact, this is all prescribed by Cook himself. After all, Cook is the highest authority. The owner.

"Hey, black is black, and we won't let those **** enter the core area." Bla said with a grin.

"That gang of bastards?" Cook was surprised, and then Cook finally learned. In less than half a day, there were a dozen more residents in the base. Looking at these dozen people, Cook was dizzy.

Elves, dwarves, gnomes, barbarians, orcs, dragons, and even a necromancer with a skeleton staff, Cook muttered in surprise: "Who are these people?"

"Hey, they are all old guys. Don't worry, these guys will not cause trouble. These guys are all old guys who have been expelled or wanted by their respective races or major forces. Seeing that the orc is not there, he has been taken by the orc's war temple. Wanted for one hundred and fifty years, he is said to have enlarged the belly of a certain saint. The dwarf, the black-bearded dwarf, was expelled from the dwarf kingdom because of the wife of the patriarch of the fornication... These are all of us in the ancient battlefield. A loyal adventurer on the Internet!" The more Miró looked at Cook, the more pleasing his eyes, explained one by one with a smile.

"Ancient battlefield?" Cook asked in surprise.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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