A Unique Hunter

Chapter 174: Anjia "Second More"

Thank you for being generous in the day and night!

"Forget it. This is not something you should know, Lina, send this little guy back!" Milo shook his head, then said loudly.

"Haha, little guy, let's go back!" Lina smiled softly, Cook, Mickey, and Xiao Lei, Big Mouth, Ka Ka were all sent back.

Cook's voice came from afar: "Then my title?" The drunk Xiaochao left behind, staring at the surroundings blankly, while Lina grabbed Xiaochao and said with a smile: "I There is still a lack of a guy who tries medicine. This little thing seems very intelligent!"

"Knighthood?" Ernie looked at them, and a dwarf came up next to him. His dark beard had almost dragged to the ground. He blinked and said, "That little guy wants a knighthood, so why don't you give him that place? "

"That place? Where?" Xia asked in confusion.

"Hehe, it's the most controversial place!" The dwarf said with a smile, and the other five people looked at each other, showing a malicious smile.

And Ernie hesitated to ask: "Will it be too that, if you know that place, even an empire's regular army has been wiped out."

"This is the only way to train people, and the most important thing is that the place is the entrance to the ancient battlefield. If there is anything, we can take care of it by the way, but this favor Cook must be repaid with medicine." Said with a smile.

"Well, just that place, I'll go back right away, **** it, what should I do this time?" Ernie said immediately, but at this time suddenly realized that there is an identity card to locate here, and what should I do when I return to my own plane?

"Fucked, **** kid, this is going to exhaust me!" Lina jumped up immediately, and then she had to start to release the space teleportation magic. You must know that the space magic is the slowest recovery, because the space elements are too scarce. The space mage is great, but there are not many famous reasons why the mage has no magic power, just like a gun without bullets, it is a waste.

In a blink of an eye, Cook returned to the private room, and then took Baglu to find Windsor. What caused Cook's headache was what should the dozens of girls do? Cook doesn't even have a place to settle now.

"How about selling it?" But then Cook denied the idea again, but at this moment, the thieves' union sent someone.

Cook went to the thieves’ union. When he came out, he brought another person, a guy in a cloak. This is the wizard wizard that Cook entrusted the thieves’ union to catch. A female elf who is said to be more than 300 years old. Without using a cloak to wrap this female elf, Cook signed a master-servant contract with this female elf in the wizards’ guild. As long as the elf taught Cook’s wood magic, the master-servant contract would automatically disappear. The reason for following Cook.

But what Cook worries most is his family, but without waiting for Cook to return to the Roland Empire, Lori has sent Belle Bessu to bring Cook’s family and Mickey’s family over, together with Ku The branches of the tree of life obtained from the dragon's lair.

"Brother!" As soon as they met, Lily pounced on Cook, and looked at Xiao Lei in Cook's arms in surprise.

Xiao Lei looked at Lily who was holding half of her arms with anger, staring at Lily up and down, obviously Xiao Lei no longer remembered.

"Xiao Lei, call her sister!" Lily obviously still remembers Xiao Lei. She touched Xiao Lei's cheek with her fleshy little hands, and then said with a milky voice. Lily's action caused Cook to let out a cold sweat, but The strange thing is that Xiao Lei did not go crazy, know that Xiao Lei is not something ordinary people can touch.

"Father, mother!" Cook looked at his ruddy parents and felt relieved, but what made Cook laugh and cry was that the two families actually brought a lot of packages, obviously some reluctant to discard things, you must know these things The cost of transmission is a lot of money. Cook did not blame his parents, but smiled slightly.

The large group of people need to be settled, so you need to buy a real estate, and it is not too small. Cook settled everyone in the hotel, and then came to the trading hall of the wizards’ union. Cook chose the noble area of ​​the magic city, there Not only is the law and order the best, but the headquarters of several major guilds are nearby, so there is also the safest place in the entire Magic City, and the only squadron of the Wizards’ Guild Giant Patrol is over there, and it is also monitored by the Wizards’ Guild. Department location.

Although the house there was a sky-high price, Cook found that it was not sold at all. Cook went to the thieves’ union again in desperation. This time Cook got a large estate with a total of more than 100 acres. Up to 300 million gold coins, but Cook still feels small.

"The house of 300 million gold coins is actually too small, so sell my house to him!" The president of the thieves' union said with a wave of his hand, so Cook got a manor of 500 acres, this manor Not far from the mercenary union, the place to live is as much as two hundred acres, and there is a hillside of 300 acres behind, but the price is as high as 2.5 billion gold coins.

Cook wanted to give money, but the thieves’ union said that if you have money you can’t buy this thing, so if you want to buy it, you have to exchange it with medicine. Cook has no choice but to sign a contract. Cook’s total value refers to the fact that the money is only one billion gold coins and one thousand magic crystal coins. This is the number of magic crystal coins in a box. The rest are magic materials and weapons. As for the magic core, Cook knew that You shouldn’t throw most of the ninth magic core into that base~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook settled Mitch and his family. Cook held a small cocktail party to welcome his parents. Although there are not many people, they are full of weight. Five people from Erni came uninvited. Doktor took a look and saw the five people from Erni. They left the gift and left. When the elder saw Ernie, he shrank like a child when he saw a teacher, and then no one came again, so Cook had these five more people at the final cocktail party.

"Uh, Cook, to be honest, why did you treat this ogre* so well? This barbecue tastes good!" Milo burped and asked with a smile.

"Haha, materials, materials!" Cook smiled and cursed inwardly. This Mi Luo had eaten three fragrant roasted lambs, which was bigger than Xiao Lei's appetite. As for Bra, Cook looked at him. The five test lambs that were eliminated were very depressed.

"Okay, okay, leave me a room, I will come to live in from time to time." Milo said directly and shamelessly.

"Um! Well, the small courtyard behind the hillside will be yours!" Cook said with a big wave. In fact, the small courtyard was originally a place for the owner to cool off in summer, but Cook obviously didn't want these guys to disturb him. family.

"Then, Lord Baron Cook, congratulations. This is your proof of title. You have the proof of your domain. The three hundred gold coins for the documents are fine. Just give me a bottle of Dragon Power." Mi Luo took out a stack of documents and handed them to Cook.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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