A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 350:

As for West Asia itself has a talent for pharmacy, the Ring of Nature can help Cook study, but West Asia needs to understand the law, and theoretical research is not enough. In Cook's view, the most important thing in the making of pills is theory.

And this magic plant has another characteristic, that is, magic plants in different places have slight differences in their medicinal properties, and these slight differences will also change the formula of the pill.

The stable output of artifacts relaxes the hearts of those who are waiting for orders for artifacts. From the perspective of those who place orders, Cook is not doing his job properly. What kind of pharmacy association and what helps the orcs build cities? Is it important for Nima to refine artifacts?

Although the heart of waiting for the artifact was slanderous, but did not dare to show it at all, only waiting patiently.

There are a lot of people in the realm of the goddess of the night, some are guys waiting for artifact orders, others are guys waiting to place orders, and more are merchants who trade materials.

It can be said that in the realm of the goddess of the night, there are no materials that you can't buy, all materials are available, and the price of the star beast materials that used to be very expensive, now the price is not the same, this is mainly because of Cook.

But now there are more merchants, more merchants selling magical plants, the establishment of the Pharmacy Association, the establishment of the Academy of Pharmacy, the recruitment of pharmacy apprentices, and Cook personally teaches them. Regardless of the profession of pharmacist, everyone values ​​this identity. Becoming a Cook student is just about this, and now it is the whole people refining medicine.

Cook is now the direction of the gods. Cook refining artifacts, Nima materials have skyrocketed, Cook built city walls, metals have skyrocketed, and the ore, miners, and mines are rising. This wave is not over yet. The material has gone up again.

It can be said that the God Realm has never been so prosperous, and the deepest feelings of these changes are the people at the bottom who are not at the God level. It was difficult for these people to obtain God Crystals before. Now, the mines go to carry ores. , Mining, or adventure in the wild, the harvest can be exchanged for the **** crystal, as well as various magic plants.

Magic plants are better to deal with than animals. One of the biggest shortcomings of magic plants is that they cannot be moved. This allows enemies of magic plants to find various ways to deal with them. Animals are different. Animals are not only secretive, but can’t beat them. The servant will run away, and the magical plant will move, but sincerely it is of little use.

Terry returned to the tavern where his home was located. In the past, the tavern was full of people, all of them below the **** level. Now the tavern is very deserted, but the task wall of the tavern is almost full of tasks. Want to see a task, but it is not easy.

"Da Heng, are you back?" The tavern owner smiled and greeted when Da Heng came back.

"I'm here to thank the boss." Terry took out fifty high-grade crystals and handed them to the boss.

"This..." The boss was puzzled, fifty top grade Shenjing, this was a huge sum of money.

"Boss, I have a strong personality, so you leave." Terry is still very grateful to the tavern owner. It is because of the boss that he will change, but Terry knows what he will face, then this The boss is in danger.

"Really leaving?" The tavern owner felt the divine power fluctuations on Terry's body, and was shocked. Hearing Terry's words, the tavern owner knew that Terry was involved in a huge event. In just a few days , Just condense the godhead, how can this be possible, unless it is using a ready-made godhead.

"It's better to leave. I don't want to cause trouble for the boss, and the boss is better not to contact the people now. The farther you go, the better." Terry turned around and said, then Terry left. For Terry Saying that he has done it, as for the reaction of the tavernkeeper, it depends on him.

The tavern owner saw Terry leaving and gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, I knew there would be such a day, damn, my property, but I still have to leave. The nima water is too deep, and the scum has a godhood. , Damn it, bastard."

The tavernkeeper changed people quietly. I have to say that the tavernkeeper's wisdom is not low. Terry returned to his home, picked up his sister, and then left, without saying a word to any of the original people. Everyone didn't care about Terry's departure. After all, it was just a waste that no one wanted after the decline of a big family.

Terry didn't say anything about his sister, but Terry also knew that the adults above his sister would definitely understand it too, and did not intend to hide it.

Terry was then ready to execute the orders of the God of Gamblers. First of all, the big families, the unwilling descendants of the big forces. It is good to know that all forces have big families, and these families have many descendants.

But if you want to know the descendants of these big families, Terry can’t do anything about it. After all, these big families are still very secretive to their descendants. Even in taverns and secret intelligence organizations, they dare not sell such news. After all, in the God Realm. , What pays attention to is strength, and the rules are also customized by these people.

A week later, the God of Gamblers came to the door. The God of Gamblers didn't even look at Terry's sister, and took Terry into the secret room.

"How are things going?" The God of Gamblers asked directly.

"My lord, I know the big family, but what kind of descendants these big families have, those who are not interested, I have no place to get such news." Terry replied respectfully.

Hearing this, the God of Gamblers was not only not angry, but a little happy, because according to the plan, Terry was considered a puppet. Under Terry, there must be people from his own family, so that he could control the entire organization, of course. Not all of them belong to their own family.

When the gambling **** heard this, he replied blankly: "Wait, I will bring you the information tomorrow."

Then the God of Gamblers left, and Terry let out a sigh. The God of Gamblers didn't blame it, which was what Terry wanted to see.

After the God of Gamblers returned, they found the God of Contract, and then the two of them compiled the list of people who were oppressed by the major powers and the direct descendants of the major families, but they had nothing to do, and were rejected. After all, the two temples The intelligence system is not a joke.

When Terry saw the list the next day, the whole person became more respectful. The God of Contract said in a cold voice: "This list, you'd better keep it in your head, and then destroy it. If it is revealed, you will die a hundred times. Not enough."

"Understood, sir, may I ask your sect, what is the name of our sect?" Of course, Terry knew that the entire sect was really not easy to obtain such detailed information.

Of course, killing Terry would not have thought that the two temples who presided over the affairs of the temple would play such a role. In Terry's view, the entire sect had a large number of infiltrating forces.

"Mystery Sect." The God of Gamblers didn't know what his name was for a while, and said with a groan.

In Terry’s view, this is the **** of gamblers thinking about telling himself. As for the name of the sect, Terry really doesn’t care, and in Terry’s view, the name of the occult sect is very common, so it means very Difficult to find.

"When choosing people, pay attention to proportions, don't be rash, remember the list and burn it down." The **** of the contract again asked.

"Understood." Terry is not a fool, and the fool will not survive the fall of the family.

The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract have left. Terry’s sister doesn’t know much about Terry, but she is also very worried when she sees the mysterious appearance of the God of Gamblers and the God of Contract.

"Brother..." Terry's sister replied looking at her brother.

"Sister, this is the pharmacy formula, as well as the pharmacy test procedure. This is the raw material. Go and participate in the selection of pharmacists. If you can become a pharmacy apprentice, I will rest assured. Brother now chooses his own path. I can't stop." Terry put a bunch of things in front of his sister and said.

When Terry's sister heard this, she silently took the things Terry gave, and Terry said, "Sister, if you become a pharmacist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ maybe you won't have any trouble."

Terry is not a fool, knowing that he can’t get out, but his sister may be able to select pharmacists. Although Terry doesn’t know who his sect is, Terry knows that no matter who he is, he dare to fight The sky city of the angels was smashed, and Cook, who was sacked by the Silver Dragon City, had no chance of winning, not to mention how many people were involved in Cook’s surroundings. Even if it was a few temples, he did not dare to fight Cook. In this way, let alone this hidden sect, the only thing to worry about is the talent of his own sister. There is no choice at this point, and Terry is only hopeful.

"Brother, I will definitely become a pharmacist." Terry's sister looked at Terry and said firmly.

"Do it well." Terry patted his sister on the shoulder, and then left.

Terry has already selected several candidates, but for the water system talent required by the God of Gamblers, Terry first chose two water system talents. Terry is going to observe for a period of time and then understand. For human nature, Terry still With his own unique insights, Terry needs that kind of miserable guys, only these guys will not fear the reputation of the hidden sect.

What Terry didn't know was that a huge organization began to form, and Terry was the starting point of this organization. This organization later developed into the largest intelligence organization in the God Realm. More and more people joined, and finally became the number one in the God Realm. Great power, yes, the largest power in the entire God Realm.

Cook has been busy for several days, and finally received the news that the Lion has arrived at Sanjiangkou and began to clean up the mermaid. Cook did not leave the laboratory, but he was caught when he left the laboratory.

"President Cook..." The goddess of wealth saw Cook come out and rushed up immediately.

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