A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 351:

"Is there anything?" Cook is really helpless, this money fan simply can't provoke him.

"Speaker Cook, can we talk in private?" When the goddess of wealth heard Cook say this, she firmly believed that Cook's words were valid.

"I'm very busy. I have something to tell you directly." Cook can't talk privately. Cook also feels that he has made a bad move. As for why he didn't absorb the goddess of wealth into the secret sect.

Hehe, what do people like the goddess of wealth say. Although people who believe in money are better in control, people who believe in money are very crazy. As long as they give money, they dare to kill and arson, let alone anything else.

So Cook didn't dare to absorb the goddess of wealth, so the entire sect would be a money-giving machine.

"Is it true that igniting a sacred fire?" The goddess of wealth looked at Cook directly.

Cook nodded: "This is true, but it's not me, but a friend of mine who has this secret method."

"What friend?" The goddess of wealth asked with a shock.

"I can only say that it belongs to the Phoenix family, and there are many restrictions, so I asked you to find out." Cook replied.

When the goddess of wealth heard this, she smiled and asked: "Then Speaker Cook, how do you know the Phoenix family..."

"This is a secret, okay, I'm going to be busy." Cook feels very uncomfortable in getting to the bottom of the goddess of wealth. You know, in this world, it is very impolite to inquire about other people's secrets. thing.

Watching Cook leave, the goddess of wealth was a little disappointed. Yes, there are many legends of the Phoenix clan. The Phoenix clan can be reborn. It is said that it can ignite the divine fire and re-consolidate the gods and other secret techniques.

As for the relationship between Cook and the Phoenix clan, people at the top probably know this, because Cook and the Phoenix clan have an intersection.

Cook directly teleported to Sanjiangkou through the gate of descent. When Cook appeared, the first two big rivers that came into view were two big rivers, and the rivers were very gentle here. And it is the place where the two rivers converge. The two rivers flow into the Blackwater Marsh. Blackwater Marsh is a large lake in the orc territory. The entire swamp area is very large. It is the territory of the orc family of amphibians. The lion’s territory is the crocodile territory.

"Sir." The spatial fluctuations caused by Cook's appearance have long made the surrounding lion-man powerhouses understand. After Cook appeared, he rushed over immediately.

"Everyone." Cook said hello with a smile.

"Speaker Cook, where do you choose to build the portal?" Shiheng Kaiku asked.

"Are you here?" Cook asked, looking at Shi Heng.

"You are not familiar with the other elders and the chairperson. I am specifically responsible for receiving you." The lion clan knows how much the rabbit people earn when they build the city. Tens of millions of high-grade **** crystals make the lion clan envy. Envy and hate, the original patriarch was violently beaten several times after being driven out of the territory.

Thousands of tribes around the Bunnyman have sold out everything. Why are the Lions not anxious, so after knowing the specific situation, all the Lions elders will be dispatched, and the tribes will pull the people. , Directly slapped the tribe’s head and brain, and soon pulled up a 100,000 Lions team, and took away most of the residents of the original Shixin City. After coming to Sanjiangkou, One hundred thousand lion people caught the murloc and beat them with great strength, killing more and catching less alive. This is clearing the site.

When Cook heard this, he smiled and said, "Just that place."

Shi Heng looked at a huge mountain in the distance that Cook was pointing at. There was a huge platform on the mountainside of the mountain. After Shi Heng saw Cook choosing there, he continued to ask: "Then Speaker Cook, what needs to be prepared? Is it?"

"There is nothing to prepare, go, let's go." Cook passed by in a flash.

Lion Heng also followed closely. For people like Lion Heng and Cook, a distance of tens of kilometers is very fast.

The place where the mountainside is flat is still very large, about two kilometers wide and five kilometers long. The more Cook looked at this place, the more he liked it, Shi Heng asked, "Where should I choose?"

"Just in the middle of this flat land." Cook said, pointing to the flat area on the mountainside.

Shi Heng asked with some doubts: "Chairman Cook, it is not very convenient to establish a portal here."

Yes, the portal needs to be convenient. The area on this mountainside is limited, and it will definitely be inconvenient in the future. Cook nodded and said: "It is very convenient here, and the mountain peaks will be leveled in the future."

"The mountain is leveled!" Shi Heng looked at the huge mountain, dumbfounded.

Yes, although many cities in the God Realm are built on flattened peaks, they were caused in ancient times. The peak to be flattened is still more than ten kilometers high, and the radius below is at least three hundred kilometers. The mountain can be flattened.

Cook began to explain: "After the mountain was flattened, all the rocks blocked the mouth of the three rivers. From now on, the area under this platform will be a huge lake."

"But, but what is the use of this lake?" Shi Heng couldn't understand, what is the purpose of building a lake here, wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with murlocs.

"This is naturally useful for me. Rest assured that you don't need your effort to flatten the mountain, but you will need your Lions to move it." The Star Breaker in Cook's hands is not vegetarian.

"This is no problem." Shi Heng heard this, although he was very confused, but it is not easy to stop Cook's approach. What Cook said just now is useful. Although Shi Heng wants to know, he can't ask.

"Then get out of the way, I'll talk about it after establishing the portal." Cook heard this and immediately said to Shi Heng.

It is also an experiment for Cook to stop Sanjiangkou. Of course, on the other hand, it is also to connect the territories on both sides of the Sanjiangkou Orcs. You must know that the opposite is the territory of the Giant Beast, which has more resources. Instead of building a bridge, Ku Ke is more inclined to build a dam. What Cook wants to do is of course to generate electricity. At least Cook can build Lionheart City into a city that never sleeps.

Of course, this means of generating electricity, in the eyes of others, it is a heretical civilization, but Cook now has such a position, not afraid of others.

Shi Heng quickly stepped aside, and the Lion Guard also chased after him angrily, and then began to alert. The alert does not mean that he is afraid that Cook will be disturbed, but that he is afraid that Cook will hurt others. There is no one, but the pomp is definitely going to be talked about.

With three hits and two hits, a large piece of ground was directly dented by the hammer to a depth of tens of meters, and then Cook began to construct the portal. The architectural style and size here are similar to those of Bunny and Tauren. all the same.

This time it still took two days. There is no way. The portal module is not very large. The magic pattern used in the portal can be said to be the most. According to the skills of those magic pattern masters, it cannot be fully established, so Cook When dividing, the model is divided into smaller ones, so that it is possible to succeed. It is not like building a city wall module. A module with a height of half a meter, a width of half a meter, and a length of one meter has only a few thousand circuits inside. Inside an egg-sized module on the door, there are hundreds of thousands of magic pattern loops, and then the unit area is reduced to complete these magic patterns.

But the smaller the module, the more time and energy it takes to build Cook, but there is no way to do it. The higher the level of the Mageweaves behind, Cook will be easier.

It can be said that two days are enough for Cook to refine a portal by himself, but why Cook doesn’t refine it? This is mainly because Cook wants to train his team. Besides, this model is constructed with Cook’s refinement. There is a big difference in the middle, but there is definitely no big problem in use, and it will not happen under normal circumstances. Of course, special circumstances must be treated specially.

"Okay, who of you go in and test it?" After the establishment, Cook still handed over the authority to the Lion Man Presbyterian Church~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course someone would ask Cook if he has a share and why he should give all the authority. Get out.

Of course, if you think that Cook does not have any countermeasures in these portals, then you are very wrong. In addition, if there is a problem with this thing, the only one that can be repaired is Cook, so Cook does not need to stay. Under the authority, if Cook leaves the authority, it will create an illusion of insecurity for the Lion clan. Of course, in Cook's view, this thing has authority but not authority is the same for himself.

The elders of the Lion Clan, as well as the patriarchs of the Lion Clan, and the patriarchs of the large tribes of the Lion Clan onlookers, the Lion stood up and said, "I will go."

Shi Heng was the first to step onto the platform under the portal, and then the space was slightly distorted. Shi Heng was gone. Soon, the space was twisted again, and a woman appeared on the platform.

"Unbelievable, the elder Lion Heng has become a female, and he is still a..." a Lion tribe chief exclaimed loudly.

"Bang, shut up." But before he finished shouting, he was beaten severely, and the rest of the words didn't come out.

"Am I the first to arrive?" The goddess of the night Dilly looked at Cook and asked with a smile.

"It's the first one." Cook nodded and watched Dilly come out, then Shi Heng appeared again.

"Haha, a great experience." After the Lion crossed out, he looked at the portal in front of him. This is something of the Lion people, the pride of the Lion people, and the dream of the Lion people. It has finally come true. Shi Heng used to walk through the portals of other people's homes. There was a huge difference. First of all, there was no need to line up or pay. As an elder, he still had this privilege.

"Cook, I'm looking for you in a hurry." Dilly walked up to Cook and said in a low voice. Mobile users please visit m.piaotia

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