A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 362:

"I don't want to serve anymore." Cook replied with a wave of his hand.

"If you don't want to do it, you have to do it, otherwise our Feng clan is not easy to provoke." Feng clan powerhouse shouted coldly.

Cook looked at the strong Phoenix clan and asked, "Hey, how about bringing this little guy back to raise him?"

"This..." This Huang clan seemed to be a little excited, after all, it was impossible to give up if it could breed offspring.

"Asshole, this is our Feng Clan's private affair." The Feng Clan powerhouse roared at the Phoenix Clan powerhouse.

Cook waved his hand and said, "Man, don't believe what this girl said, this phoenix hasn't appeared in the Feng clan yet."

"Forget it." Although the strong Huang clan was a little moved, he still shook his head.

When Cook heard this, he said angrily: "Hey, I actually don't have time to take care of it. I will let my friends from the Phoenix family take care of this cub. Isn't that okay?"

"I'll report to the patriarch. If your friend has the courage, just come." Feng Clan powerhouse said this and disappeared as soon as he turned around. The speed Cook almost didn't catch him.

The Huang Clan looked at Cook and asked with a smile: "I don't know this bear clan king, who do you mean is our Phoenix brother? There are not many Phoenix clan members?"

When Cook saw the appearance of the Phoenix Clan, he knew that the servant was investigating himself, but the tone of his speech made Cook feel a little close. Cook smiled and asked, "Ge Huang, do you know him?"

"Fuck, do you know this bastard?" When the Huang clan heard Cook say this name, he exploded and asked.

"Yes, is there a problem with this guy?" Cook asked strangely.

"No, no problem. If you let Ge Huang know that you want to invite him to do this, he probably likes it best." The Huang clan asked with a weird look. ‘

Cook became even more curious when he heard what the Phoenix Clan said: "Is it weird in the Phoenix Clan?"

"It's not very weird, it's just that this guy wants to kidnap a Phoenix clan, but the Phoenix clan doesn't fit this guy." The Phoenix clan replied.

Cook asked suspiciously: "What is not suitable, do you also learn that humans need love?"

"No, Ge Huang's bloodline is too high. At present, most of the Phoenix people have Ge Huang bloodlines. You know this." The Phoenix clan explained.

"Damn, is that the longest to live?" Cook asked.

"No, how should I put it? The age difference between us is not very big, but that guy is shameless and likes to use strong. It can be said that at least one third of the younger generation of the Wind Clan are descendants of this fellow. , But there is no Phoenix Clan who likes Ge Huang. That guy is too rude. Not only is he not seen by the Phoenix Clan, but even our Phoenix Clan doesn't want to see him. It's just that he is very strong. We..." The person said.

Cook was speechless. He seemed to be a gentleman, but he didn't expect to be such a person, but Cook said, "You are a clan of sacred beasts, don't you choose your spouse based on your strength?"

"How can I say this? The birth of the offspring will have some bad effects on the bloodline of the Feng clan. If the childbearing continues for a long time, the bloodline of the Feng clan will become weaker and weaker. At that time, the Phoenix clan will be in great danger." This Huang clan said very vaguely.

Cook shook his head and said: "So your Phoenix clan still looks like this."

"What?" The Phoenix clan didn't understand what Cook meant.

"Haha. In my opinion, the inheritance of blood is not necessarily a weak blood. It is just like us humans. Although humans are not very talented, they rely on a huge base. It can be said that they are already the backbone of the Council of Gods. The fertility you said will lead to weak blood, and your Phoenix clan is born immortal, of course I think it’s just a long life, then once your generation slowly disappears, what will the strength of the Phoenix clan look like?" Cook Hehe asked with a smile.

"Hehe, we are a **** race, and we are different from human beings." The strong Huang clan replied.

"What is the difference between the Protoss?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Not only us, your angels, Titans, Phoenix, and Ancestral Dragons are the four great protoss, but how are these four great protoss now? Will they become more and more prosperous as you said? "The strong Huang clan asked.

"Zulong, is it a clan of giant dragons?" Cook asked.

"No, the giant dragon is just a branch offspring left by the ancestor dragon. The blood is thin and pitiful. The strength of the ancestral dragon is comparable to that of our phoenix. It is definitely not comparable to the current dragon." The person said, but when he said this, the strong Phoenix clan didn't want to say anything.

When Cook saw the expression of the Phoenix Clan, he chuckled, and then said, "As far as I know, this Phoenix Clan was originally sealed by an ancient god. I knew that this guy had existed since the ancient gods were extinct. Exists."

"How is this possible?" The Phoenix clan was shocked, knowing that this Phoenix clan was also a person from that era, but how could this Phoenix clan not believe in this one; the egg can take so long to hatch.

"It was placed in magma, but the area of ​​magma there was small and could not provide life force. I only used a lot of life stones to hatch after seeing it." Cook said.

The Huang Clan looked at the tens of meters in size, and said, "No wonder I feel the powerful breath of life in this little guy. I thought it was my own?"

"So, I want Feng Clan to make up for the loss first." Cook said naturally.

"I said, this big bear, don't you really want to find the Feng Clan to lose? Don't you know that the sacred beasts are under the management of the Feng clan? Including your bear-like sacred beasts?" The Phoenix clan heard Cook say so , Asked with a weird look.

When Cook heard others call himself a big bear, Cook's face was a little weird, and Cook was still muttering in his heart, but fortunately it was a big bear, not a big bear.

"I'm not blackmailing them. I used real money." Cook is not afraid of these phoenix clan. First of all, he owns the truth.

"Oh, I said if you are too deeply affected by humans, we are sacred beasts, we are sacred beasts, whoever is reasoning with you, big fists are the truth." This Phoenix clan looked like he was about to faint.

"Really, it's the same with the Feng Clan. You said if I grabbed the Feng Clan and sold you as a wife, would you like it?" Cook heard that the big fist made sense, and he liked it even more. Cook was really afraid Reasonable, why, because Cook is a human being, what are you doing on the side of the beast, and you want to be the king, go ahead.

"You..." The Phoenix clan looked at the arrogant Cook, speechless.

Cook smiled and asked, "Should I keep one for you in the future, or I will sell it to someone else then."

"Haha, try selling one, and see if Fengcheng doesn't demolish the territory of your bear-like beasts." Hearing Cook's arrogance, the strong Huang clan shouted angrily.

"The Feng Clan doesn't dare to demolish my brother's site. My brother is not an ordinary person." At this moment, a voice came over. At the beginning, he had not seen the shadow. In the last sentence, Cook saw Ge Huang.

"Ge Huang, do you call this bear brother?" the strong Huang clan asked angrily.

"Haha, this is not a bear, this is a human being, the strongest...human being in the God Realm." Ge Huang looked at Cook and said with a smile.

Cook felt that his whole body was penetrated by the heat, but just when he felt this way, Cook found that Barry was ready to move. Cook stopped Barry, but Barry did not move. There was a wave of energy in the sealing magic pillar. Dispelled the heat.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and Cook looked at Ge Huang and said, "Damn, do it as soon as you come up."

"Your great king is a human being?" Hearing this, the strong Huang clan dragged a bear-like beast not far away and asked.

"Our great king is the great official of mankind, the great king of the Council of Gods, and of course human beings." This bear-like beast immediately replied when he heard this.

The strong Phoenix clan was stunned, and then asked, "Why do you want a human to be the king?"

"Because he defeated the previous king~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This bear-like beast said it for granted.

Another strong man in the Phoenix clan didn’t know how to answer. Ge Huang also showed his face in disbelief. It was absolutely unkind for Ge Huang to say Cook’s identity. As long as Cook was driven away, then this Phoenix’s The cub, or Cook was besieged by these bear-like beasts, and Ge Huang shot....

But Ge Huang didn't expect that Cook would actually call himself a human.

"Do you know that your great king is a human?" Another strong Phoenix clan still didn't believe it, and asked Bai Fei.

"What's wrong with humans, I can't beat them again?" Bai Fei replied in an angry tone.

"You are sick, this is a human, a human." Another strong Phoenix clan roared angrily.

The surrounding bear-like beasts looked at this strong Phoenix clan with a weird look. These bear-like beasts muttered in their hearts: "Is it a shit? Our king can teach us to do business, and the stone of life is like this. Besides, it’s really human beings. If we can’t fight, should we go up and fight?"

"Damn." Seeing the expressions of the surrounding bear-like beasts looking at him, the strong Phoenix clan was speechless.

"Hehe, could it be said that there is a rule that humans are not allowed to be the king of the beasts?" Cook asked with a smile.

As soon as I asked this question, it turned out that the two powerhouses of the Phoenix clan were speechless. Human beings were the kings of the divine beasts. When dividing the territory, the human race was still scum, and it was good for the divine beasts not to infringe upon the human territory.

"Then if I defeat your current great king, I am also the great king of your bear-like beasts?" Another strong Phoenix clan asked very depressed.

"Of course you can, we don't mind." Bai Fei laughed and roared vigorously in his heart. You guys are fighting the best, Nima sees me coming back to be the king again.

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