A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 363:

"Ahem, Huang Qi, stop making trouble." Ge Huang saw the uncontrollable development of the situation, and shouted.

"Ge Huang, why do you say that to me, we are a generation, isn't it that you are the strongest of our generation, you can talk to me in this tone?" Huang Qi pointed at Ge Huang again. Shouted angrily.

Ge Huang sighed and said, "I'm doing this for your own good, and Cook is no ordinary person."

Cook didn't expect that the matter would develop into the Phoenix clan's internal conflict. Cook said with a smile: "Haha, I am definitely not an ordinary person. Can an ordinary person be the Lord of the Divine Beast City?"

Huang Qi heard Cook say this and immediately shouted: "Shut up, human."

"Ge Huang, are you trying to stop me?" Huang Qi asked, looking at Ge Huang.

Ge Huang took a step back: "I just kindly remind you that as for what you do, that's your business."

"Your bear-like beasts have no opinion on me being your great king?" Huang Qi asked the surrounding bear-like beasts again?

The surrounding bears shook their heads, and then replied, "Of course not?"

Originally, the status of the Phoenix clan in the world of sacred beasts is high, that is, without Cook, there is a guy in the Phoenix clan who wants to be a king. As long as the strength is strong enough, who can oppose? As for the matter that Cook is a human being, cough cough, maybe before Cook took out the stone of life, there were still beasts who cared. As for now, even if Cook is a human being, everyone has one eye closed. Eyes, of course, it is more that the king of the beasts does not have much power, but there are many obligations to be fulfilled. The king of fights comes first, and the most important thing is that Cook has no idea about the beasts of the females. You must know that the beasts want to find A spouse is also more difficult. What's more, the bear-like animal has long believed that Cook is a powerful bear-like animal. Seeing that, even the Phoenix tribe thinks that Cook is a human being. This Nima should be so powerful, so similar. The neighbors who are not in harmony, shall we let the king take them around?

As for the Phoenix clan becoming the king, it would be easier. The Phoenix clan walks sideways in the sacred beast territory, but all the high-level sacred beasts must show some face. After going out, you can shout loudly: "Lao Tzu’s king is a Phoenix, I know Are you there, get out of me now."

Not to mention the little abacus of the bear-like beasts for the time being, Cook felt nothing wrong with this Huang Qi ignoring himself. Cook asked Ge Huang: "It seems that you are not welcome in the Phoenix clan!"

"Later, I'll start, this guy is stingy." Ge Huang shrugged helplessly, this action already resembles a human being.

"Haha, depending on what you said, I'm afraid that your Phoenix clan will trouble me." Cook laughed and said, but after a little pondering, he knew that Cook did not agree to Ge Huang's request.

Ge Huang frowned when he heard Cook's answer. He obviously heard that Cook didn't answer himself. Then he looked at Cook, and the Chaofeng cub who shook his head walked over.

"Human kid, get out, I will do it when the time comes. Don't blame me if you fall." Huang Qi looked at Cook and shouted.

Cook shook his head and said: "The rule of being a king is to fight a game. Now there is no fight. You let me go. I have no face. We humans are the most face-conscious."

"Huh, face, let's go, this place cannot be used." Huang Qi looked at Cook and said with a cold snort.

Cook shook his head and said, "No, just stretch out your hand. As long as you take my move, it's okay, even if I lose."

"Wen Dou?" Huang Qi asked while looking at Cook.

"That's right." Cook replied.

"Can you dodge, can you fight back?" Huang Qi asked again.

"Able to dodge and fight back. As long as you pick up my move and fight back, it means I've lost." Cook digs a hole, and Ge Huang, who is already checking the Phoenix cub, shook his head secretly. Endlessly, the surrounding bear-like beasts heard Wen Bi, and they all murmured to each other with excitement. Obviously, this legendary fighting method made the bear-like beasts excited, so they decided to watch it, and then they would write texts later.

"All right, but if I fight back, is it a foul?" Huang Qi asked with some excitement.

"Ahem, this won’t work according to the text ratio. I ask you if you’re ready for writing. If you say you’re ready, I’ll attack you. You can only dodge, not fight back, and then you’ll ask. Am I ready? If I say I am ready, you will attack me once. Everyone will attack each other like this until one party fails, but this time I will only attack you once. If you do not fail, I will lose." Cook had no choice but to Helplessly explained.

Huang Qi heard this and said, "No, doesn't this violate Wenbi's rules? I will attack you when that happens."

Cook felt a bit painful, and you still attacked me, but in order to solve the trouble as soon as possible, Cook had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay."

"Come on, come on." Huang Qi shouted with excitement when he heard Cook agree.

"Bang!" Cook's figure disappeared. The next moment a huge stick slammed on the top of Huang Qi's head. Huang Qi finally showed an unbelievable look because Cook's height suddenly changed. At kilometer high, Cook did not disappear, but became taller.

Huang Qi was torn out from the ground by Cook, and had passed out. Cook touched the sealing magic pillar and then resumed his transformation.

"Cook, you are in big trouble." Seeing Huang Qi doing this, Ge Huang said with a sigh.

"Although I am afraid of trouble, but the trouble is really coming, I can still solve it." Cook replied indifferently.

"What Huang Qi meant just now was to ask you to start asking him, so you just shot..." Ge Huang explained in an angry voice.

When Cook heard this, he said, "Where did I know? I thought he let me attack him."

Ge Huang shook his head and said, "You should stay with the Phoenix cub, I don't dare to take over."

"What?" Cook knew about this Ge Huang's reputation, but he didn't expect that this fellow would have time to stop.

Ge Huang sighed and said: "This is the Phoenix Clan that has been reborn for the ninth time. After growing up and awakening the memory, I am a scum in front of her. I am a little good person. Don't do it."

"Damn. It's the first time I've said bullying and fearfulness so openly. Believe it or not, when her memory wakes up, I will tell her that you touched her ass?" Cook said with contempt.

"Cook, do you want to compare with me?" Ge Huang squinted.

"Hey, anyway, if you want to find a way to get this guy away, I can't afford it." Cook said with a smile, meaning that if you don't want to do it, just hit it.

Ge Huang sighed, "It's difficult, the Feng Clan guesses that seeing this guy, he won't take it back."

"Why is this?" Cook asked irritably. This guy with such a strong Nima, his own race still doesn't take him in.

"In the future, who has the final say in the Feng Clan?" Ge Huang looked at Cook playfully.

"Sister Ni, do you just rely on me?" Cook heard this and barked his teeth at Ge Huang.

Ge Huang smiled and said, "I can do nothing about this."

"You... Fuck!" Just as Cook was about to say something, he felt a burst of energy rushing towards his face. Cook quickly flashed away. As a result,   Cook found out that Huang Huang had disappeared. Cook understood at once. Si ran away, ran away.

Even the phoenix on the ground was gone. Not only did Cook curse loudly, the surrounding bear-like beasts were shocked. Two phoenixes in Nima ran away. The legendary phoenix among the beasts ran away, and one was killed by his own king. The beater fell down, and the other one ran away directly.

"The king is mighty." A bear-like animal shouted loudly.

"The leader is mighty, the king is mighty." The other bear-like beasts also shouted. (PS: Regarding the relationship between gods and beasts, the author referred to Journey to the West. In Journey to the West, when the great sage was beaten, he went to the fairy world to find those bosses. The fairy soldiers below were beaten, and they all went to look for the great king one after another. , The king is not good! Haha.)

Cook hurriedly yelled; "Stop barking, you have to take care of that phoenix. Those who should be eaten will be eaten, and the ones that should be drunk will be drink."

"We listen to the king." The surrounding bears and beasts all agreed.

"Okay, I'm going to walk around with humans and see if you can go to the world of humans." This harvest can be said to be beyond Cook's expectations. Cook did not expect to harvest so many nuclei.

In Cook’s view, what is the biggest role of the magic core, that is, it acts as an energy storage system for the magical tool. One magical tool is inlaid with two magical cores, which is at least improved compared to non-inlaid magical weapons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At one level, when someone else uses your own divine power, you are using the power in the divine core, and when the energy in your divine core is used up, you use your own energy. The other party’s divine power has long been consumed, and the divine core is Can absorb energy to replenish.

Originally, Cook hadn’t wanted to launch a magical weapon inlaid with God’s core. Of course, there can be weapons inlaid with God’s crystal. But God’s crystal and God’s core are basically the difference between a disposable battery and a rechargeable battery. As for the energy contained, the God crystal Just keep investing.

Cook waved his hand and left. As for whether anything would happen to the Phoenix cub cubs, Cook was anxious. This is troublesome. Of course, it is predictable that the bears do not have the courage to abuse the Phoenix cubs.

But what Cook didn’t know was,  When Cook left the territory of the bear-like beast through the underground portal, the Phoenix cub who ate and slept unexpectedly showed an anxious look, and then rose into the sky. Surprised the surrounding bears.

"What, let those sacred beasts come here, Cook, are you kidding?" The Diamond Dragon Sheriff asked angrily when he heard Cook's words.

"That's why I came to you to ask, is there any way for your giant dragon clan to deal with these divine beasts?" Cook explained.

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