A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 373:

"Cook, those four people seemed to have a problem just now." Barry's voice rang in Cook's mind.

"If there is a problem, there will be a problem, and I am not afraid." Cook said so-called.

"Don't be afraid, those are the four strong roots, and there is some organization?" Barry asked in confusion.

When asked by Barry, Cook moved in his heart and asked, "You really don't know?"

"What do I know, I haven't sensed your activities for a long time." Barry replied angrily.

When Cook heard this, he asked a little excitedly: "Is it the origin of wind?"

"That is, you are in a weird state. You actually ignited the source of fire. None of the four had been ignited just now, but your source of power is not as deep as those of those." Barry said.

"Barry, I knew these guys had a problem, thank you for your reminder." Cook said to Barry with a smile, of course, as long as Cook sends a message to Barry, there is no need to say it.

Barry suddenly appeared in front of Cook and asked, "I knew it a long time ago?"

"Haha, of course." Cook said with a smile.

"How did you know?" Barry asked without understanding.

"Logic, logic of thinking." Cook said these words. In fact, the biggest difference between humans and other races is the difference in thinking logic. It is precisely this difference that makes humans produce many products to assist themselves. , Yes, all commodities exist to assist human beings, whether it is cars, airplanes, or arms, or food, clothes, pants, etc., nothing is wrong.

To what extent have humans evolved now? The entire planet has evolved to serve humans as auxiliary services. The oceans produce fish, and the continents produce minerals, trees, food and other resources. The biggest reason for doing all of this is the logic of thinking.

An elephant knows that bananas are delicious, but elephants will never grow bananas. An ordinary farmer, buying a bunch of grapes in the market feels very good, so he searched around, bought two grapes and planted them at home. If the chicken is delicious, then the chicken will be caught, and the rooster and the hen will reproduce offspring. This is the expression of the logic of thinking, that is to say, you can infer things far away from the surface phenomenon, but other creatures will not work.

This is still the case in the God Realm. Cleverness is one aspect, and thinking logic is another aspect. The thinking logic also gives humans unparalleled creativity.

"Logic of thinking?" Barry was really puzzled. ,

"Yes, it's a very simple analysis. Isn't the age of these strong roots a long time ago?" Cook asked.

"Of course." Barry replied affirmatively.

"But these few source powerhouses, except for one Vulcan, can be said to be born in ancient times, the other three, I have never seen the white crows, metal puppets, don't tease me, the metal puppets of the gods can understand the source. Power, isn’t the entire God Realm going to be ruled by metal bumps? And that woman is even more mysterious. What is the probability that humans will understand the power of the origin? And these people know the Star Realm very well, but I said later, they The person who organized out of the star realm never came back. Isn't this contradictory?" Cook said a lot in one breath.

"What if it's from the age of ancient gods?" Barry asked again.

"Well, if there are strong people in the ancient gods, can they be defeated by the angels, dragons, and phoenix clan?" Cook said angrily.

"Really there is a problem." Barry was analyzed by Cook, and once the various situations were connected, he knew that there was a problem.

"It is estimated that it is something left by the wizard, especially the metal puppet. It is estimated that it is a secret method. Anyway, this metal puppet cannot be the body of the strong origin." Cook said affirmatively.

Barry didn't expect Cook to think of so much. Barry asked, "Then you are not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? I haven't paid attention to these four. I have nine times the madness, the wizard book, the broken star hammer, and the thunder tooth. I will kill them in minutes." Cook said with a sneer.

Thinking of the perversion of the wizard book, Barry did not speak anymore. Nima now Cook can release hundreds of attacks from Tier 2 wizards, and can release these hundreds of attacks at once. Of course, this is mainly Cook's wizards. The book is of high quality, and there is also the Star Breaker. This thing belongs to the giant. These four people definitely don't know. If they knew, they would have said it just now.

"Cook, if you do, the Vulcan will give me a sigh of relief." Barry said to Cook in a very intimate tone.

"How does it work for you?" Cook asked.

"Of course it's useful. I felt delicious in that guy." Barry nodded and said.

"Okay." Cook nodded and agreed directly.

"That's the promise?" Barry muttered incredulously, of course Barry wouldn't say it stupidly.

And Cook just agreed. If you want to start with these four, it depends on the performance of those four. If you want to provoke yourself, then Cook won’t keep your hands. Cook doesn’t care, because Cook has that. Strength let these four know what despair is.

Cook's current vision can be said that he didn't put these guys in the gods in his eyes. Of course, Cook couldn't say that he was nervous and beat him. That is because his brain is sick.

However, Cook felt that he still had to raise the wizard level quickly when he analyzed the four of them. Sometimes, once the analysis in his mind was told by someone, he would have a deeper understanding. In Cook’s view, these four are the best. That is to say, it is unlikely that some of the wizard's related households are wizards, because it is impossible for a wizard to have no way to move in the star realm, but to go to the desolate place of the gods.

In terms of element purity and richness, the God Realm is compared with the Star Realm. That is scum. Anyway, Cook now feels very comfortable on the Star Realm. Of course, Cook is a person in the God Realm, and he is not very comfortable with the environment here. Repulsive, but the coming of the Star Realm will suffer.

After chatting with Barry for a while, Cook began to build his own place to live. Considering that there are many in his family who are not god-level, and there are unkind people like Yuanqiang, Cook has spent another time on building defense Some thoughts.

Of course, after the Sky City has been established, these strong origins will never be allowed to live in. The lethality of these few is too great, so the overall defense will be increased.

"It looks like I have to go to the star realm to get some big killers, if you don't open your eyes..." Cook thought to himself.

This platform was originally a warning fortress platform. There is no problem with energy supply. Of course, it is still difficult to establish a complete control center. After all, Cook is now a second-tier construction wizard.

Of course, it is not impossible. This is also an experimental process, because the most difficult and core part of the security fort is this platform.

Just like a big airplane, as long as you get the platform out, as to whether it will be used as a passenger airplane, or a military airplane, or loaded with missiles, then it will be a subsequent modification, and the difficulty will be much less.

And for Cook, adding weapons is a good opportunity to increase his experience in construction, and Cook will not let it go.

A huge town-like building began to appear on the platform. No way, the population of Cook's family is quite large, and it will increase foreseeably, as well as guards, servants and other idlers.

With the construction module in hand, Cook's speed is extremely fast. Cook makes an occasional appearance in the God Realm, and the rest is busy on the platform. On the one hand, Cook's appearance is to handle some things, on the other hand, he has to complete some orders.

The project on the orc side is still continuing, but after hearing that Cook is not in a hurry, the progress of the project has slowed down, and the dragon guard has begun to make a name in several orc territories.

And what the dragon clan didn't expect was that there were merchants who asked the dragon to **** the transport team. This is simply amazing. Don’t you know that the dragon’s greed is very famous?

But the dragon family actually agreed and signed a contract. For bulk goods in the God Realm, they still go through other transportation channels~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Generally, they are mounted creatures, and the portals just take some valuable goods and are light in weight. Of goods.

When Cook heard this, he only smiled, because these giant dragons have already begun to integrate into civilized society. The representative of civilized society is the spirit of contract, and like the giant dragon, there is no spirit of contract. Those who just want to grab hands have no friends. , And no one wants to associate. Those merchants made such a bold decision after seeing the dragon in the realm of the goddess of the night and the situation on the orc side.

"Luck." Cook came to the gods, saw Luck who was on duty, and shouted directly.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Luck came over and asked when he saw Cook coming.

"Assemble all the members of the Council of the Gods, and also invite the dragons and angels to send representatives to participate. I have important things to announce." Cook directly ordered.

"What about the date?" Luck continued to ask.

"Are there any rules?" Cook asked.

"There are no rules." Luck replied, shaking his head.

"So how long will it take for those guys to get here when notified?" Cook continued to ask.

"If possible, two hours will be fine." Lacker said a very conservative figure.

Cook nodded and said, "Then this afternoon, I have been very busy these days."

After talking about Cook, he was about to leave, but Rack immediately caught up and asked: "Sir, what is the notice to say?"

"Just talk about building the Sky City." Cook waved and left.

Luck repeated: "Sky City, what... Sky City!"

After screaming, Luck hurried to give the task. Luck knew that such important news, let alone two hours, half an hour, those guys will come.

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