A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 374:

(猫扑 Chinese) Cook is going to announce the news about the Sky City. In less than ten minutes, it spread throughout the powers of the Council of Gods, the dragons and the dragon cities, and the angels. These forces did not believe it for the first time. This thing is true.

However, the cost of delivering such a message is very high. As for specific forces, there are ways for each force, but in any case, each force does not dare to take it lightly.

And for the first time in history, someone hates the time of this announcement. It will take place in the afternoon, at least five hours or so. Good morning.

For the first time, a large number of forces were almost out of their nests, just leaving enough defensive manpower. Many of the elders of the Presbyterian Church appeared in front of everyone for the first time. As for the patriarchs of the major races, they came more neatly than ever, but In a mere half an hour, the number of people coming is almost the same. Of course, there are some more remote places, like the races without portals in the orcs, which are slower, and there are some small forces that are delayed in getting news.

Even so, the Council of the Gods is very lively, and the Brave Knights are all on duty, and the surrounding area is controlled by the portal. There is no way, these big guys get news, and some well-informed ones get news later.

Sky City, that is a legend in the God Realm, some people want to say, the author, you are talking nonsense, how can it be a legend, how many years has the Sky City of the Angels used?

Haha, the city of the sky has been used by the angels for countless years. However, the city of the sky is at a very high altitude, and only the angels can go up. What everyone sees is just a huge shadow. Of course, no one wants to. You have to take a closer look, but this race of angels can fly, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

So although the Sky City has been in the God Realm for many years, there are very few people who have seen it, and the Sky City is not something anyone can build, because no one can build it before. Although many people don’t believe it, it doesn’t prevent everyone from seeing it. If it’s true, wouldn’t it be an eye-opener.

As a result, the portal of the Mountain of Gods is a bit tight, and the flow of people reaches a peak level in a short time, and the portal has to be controlled.

This is the first time such a thing has happened in the God Realm, but even so, there is still no decline in the flow of people, even Cook is depressed. Cook originally established a new portal on the platform of the warning fort. After the establishment, Cook will definitely have to experiment. The portal on this platform, Cook, can only connect to the portal of the mountains of the gods, but after Cook is established, no experiment is successful, let Cook I was puzzled and had to check it carefully. After finding that there was no problem, Cook flew down directly and realized that the portal was controlled. How could Cook not be depressed.

"Cook." After seeing Cook, Dilly walked over quickly.

"You are here." Cook greeted him, looking very plain, but Cook's plain words still warmed Dilly's heart.

Dilly said, "People from the Presbyterian Church are here too, they are very worried."

"Let you inquire about the news?" Cook understood Dilly's words and asked.

"Yes." Dilly nodded.

Cook then asked: "So are you ready?"

"Get ready to have fun." Dilly nodded and replied.

"Then I won't go back this time." Cook said directly, and Dilly nodded.

Seeing Cook, Rack also squeezed in profusely: "Sir."

"Why so many people?" Cook asked dissatisfiedly.

Some people say, the author, you are nonsense, how can these god-level powerhouses sweat, god-level powerhouses generally don’t sweat, but don’t forget, now there are god-level powerhouses around, and flying in the air is not allowed. Everyone is squeezing each other around, all relying on the power, once the divine power is used, then there will be a big mess, and sweating is normal.

"Speaker..." Luck looked innocent.

"Okay, don't say anything, are you ready?" Cook asked when he saw Luck's innocent look.

"It's ready, Sir, do you announce it outside or inside?" Luck asked.

Cook shook his head and said, "It's better to be inside."

"So allow others to ask questions?" Luck continued to ask. Luck's heart is dead. Cook only explained that he wanted to announce things, but he didn't say the specific process at all. It doesn't matter if you know that announcing general matters, but this Marco is a big matter about the Sky City, how can you not discuss it first.

"Then those who are not members of the council can participate?" Luck continued to ask, knowing that there is basically only one member of membership, and there are no fewer than three members of the Presbyterian Church this time.

"Others won't participate, and it's okay to ask questions." Cook heard Rack two consecutive questions and answered them all at once.

"Okay, please come with me." Luck quickly ordered to the people behind him, and then quickly took Cook and left. Fortunately, when Cook appeared just now, he was surrounded by members of the Brave Knights. Even if the people want to ask questions, facing the brave knights with a full set of artifacts and equipment, they still have to examine it.

Cook walked into the parliament hall, and the congressmen were all there. Seeing Cook coming in, the entire parliament hall suddenly became quiet and looked at Cook together.

Being watched by so many people, Cook was also a little embarrassed, and said, "Sit down, please."

"Speaker Cook, are you here?" A congressman close to Cook greeted respectfully.

"Well, everyone, please take a seat." Cook said again, and then he came to his seat.

"Speaker, who would the Angels and Dragons invite?" Luck asked again in a low voice.

"Let them send a representative." Cook replied directly.

Seeing Luck leave, Cook added: "Don't give them a chance to ask questions. It is still possible within the council, but the time control is as short as possible."

Luck nodded, but he muttered in his heart: "How do you control time for such a big thing."

People from the angel family are not like angels at all, because the iconic things of the angel family, wings, are not there. If it weren’t for the angel’s look different from the dragon next to him, Cook didn’t know that this was actually an angel family. People out.

When Cook saw representatives of the Angels and Dragons coming, he said, "Everyone, I'm here to announce one thing, and that is me. Cook wants to build his own city and is also the first of our council of gods. Sky City, it is expected that in three months, I will hold an auction for my city."

"Chairman Cook, what about the magicweave workshop in the realm of the goddess of the night?" a member of the council can't wait to ask, knowing that over there, Cook built a very large workshop, originally prepared to build the sky city. .

"Hehe, you also said that it is the territory of the goddess of the dark night. As the speaker, it is difficult for me to live in someone else's house for a long time." Cook said with a smile.

"Three months? Then, where did Speaker Cook build Sky City?" another member asked.

"Of course the Sky City was established in the sky, and now the project has been completed more than 90%. I plan to complete the remaining 10% within three months." Cook continued to answer.

Every congressman can’t wait to raise their hands. There are too many questions. Of course, if everyone used to rush to ask, but now it’s the time when Luck appoints someone and Cook answers the previous person’s question. Luck appointed the next person.

"Speaker Cook, can we look at the Sky City?" The people behind continued to ask questions.

"It will not be open to the public for the time being, but as I just said, three months later, the residence permissions and residential areas on the Sky City will be auctioned. First, those who obtain the residence permissions can use the portal of the Sky City ~ www.wuxiaspot. com~Of course, you can live in Sky City, do business, and purchase residential premises if you obtain residence permission, and the residential premises and shops are all permanent permissions." Cook shook his head and denied.

"Speaker Cook, then how do we believe what you say?" the goddess of nature asked.

"Hehe, everyone, please take a look. This is the current Sky City, with an area of ​​approximately 1,500 kilometers in diameter. This is a rough plan. There are Mageweave Association and Apothecary Agreement on it, and artifacts and equipment will be available in the future. It is sold in the Mageweave Association, and orders are accepted. Of course, this is the headquarters. Only a few people can live. For excellent mageweaves and pharmacists, free residence permissions will be issued and it is possible to obtain a place to live." Cook does not Forgot to advertise once.

Seeing the look of the platform, everyone was stunned. This Nima has such a large platform silently. A voice asked: "Speaker Cook, did you build this yourself? How do you have time? Refining such a huge thing?"

"Sorry, I won't answer this question, because this is the core secret." Cook shook his head and denied directly, of course, because the question was a representative of the angel family.

"Speaker Cook, ignore this idiot. I want to ask everything clearly. Our giant dragon also wants to know the secret of your angel family of bright jade, don't you say it too." The giant dragon representative said mercilessly.

Seeing this, Laque said: "Please be quiet, two representatives. If the meeting rules are violated, we have the right to take action."

Rack's hard words gave the members of the Council of Gods present a feeling of exuberance, which was aimed at the two major forces.

"Then Speaker Cook, does this Sky City have the right to purchase?" A member of the Council immediately asked when he saw the silence fell. Mobile phone users please visit Maopu Chinese

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