A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 375:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

"Of course there is. First of all, we have to satisfy our council of gods, and this sky city is only part of the temporary plan." Cook nodded and said.

"Plan? Sir, are you still planning to build a second sky city?" a member of the assembly asked incredulously.

The other congressmen all looked at Cook with weird expressions. Of course, in Cook's eyes, it was very weird. Cook coughed and said, "We plan to have more than this for now."

"So specific? Your Lord Speaker." Some other congressmen blurted out when they heard Cook's words, and then realized that they were so impolite, so they added a title.

Cook shook his head and said, "This depends on the plan, such as whether there is demand, and what materials are there."

"So what materials are needed specifically, that is, what materials are needed to build a sky city?" The next member of the Diet asked loudly.

Cook shook his head and said: "This can't be said. The price of materials will rise again. However, it is foreseeable that the Sky City cannot be measured by Shenjing. As for the specifics, a confidentiality contract must be signed at that time. ."

The dragon representative couldn't help complaining: "Speaker Cook, you are too uninterested. Our dragon family has always been a good partner of mankind. There are still many dragon knights in human history. Our dragon must be involved."

"Let’s talk about this later, and we will talk about the Sky City in private." Cook gave such an answer. In some people’s opinion, this is Cook agreed, but in others’ opinion , Cook did not agree to this, and this is not open and transparent, who knows if he is fooled?

But no one at the scene dared to say it, but some members still asked unwillingly: "Sir, can't we visit this city in the sky?"

"Yes, but you have to wait until it is fully established." Cook nodded and replied.

"Sir, your move is the legend of our Council of Gods. We can't wait to see your great work." The God of Gamblers said flatly.

Cook smiled and said, "Well, go up the portal, let's talk about it first, you can't move things after going up."

"We supervise each other, who dare to move a finger, who shall we beat." The gambling **** said immediately.

Hearing that Cook was about to open up the city in the sky, all the members were inexplicably excited. You must know that the Council of the Gods has been in a very low position among the three powers until Cook appears, and the major forces of the Council of the Gods are equipped With the artifact equipment, the strength has been improved.

What does the appearance of the sky city mean now? It is also an increase in its own combat effectiveness. The combat effectiveness of a sky city is very powerful. It is like a fortress, and it is still high in the sky.

Someone wants to say, can angels and dragons fly up high in the sky?

What I want to tell everyone here is that angels and dragons have the advantage of high altitude, so the major forces of the Council of the Gods are in a relatively low position. These two races can be said to be talents for flying, and they can be done with almost no divine power. However, the strong human beings can’t, but with the city of the sky, although the angels are not as flexible in the sky as the dragons, the defensive power and offensive power of this thing are not comparable to those of the two races. .

The portal of the mountains of the gods was originally controlled. When Cook decided to let everyone go up and have a look, the portal was completely closed, and then the distance between the mountains of the gods and the portal was cleared.

When the congressmen walked out of the parliament hall, the people around were not calm. Of course, those who were able to stand in the cleared distance were all powerful elders.

All the senators were very excited. Seeing the elders and patriarchs in the past, they looked envious now, and they were even more proud. However, those who should report still have to report, and those who should report still have to report.

When these elders and patriarchs heard that they were going to visit the Sky City, they were also envious and hated, and for the first time they looked down and asked the councillors to ask whether they could increase the number of visitors.

The elders who couldn't help but were not moved, this is the city of the sky, I have not seen it in my life, who knows how long it will be the next time I have such a chance?

A congressman may not have the courage to ask Cook, but the elders and patriarchs behind all the congressmen are like this, so everyone only goes to Cook for instructions.

Cook heard these councillors’ requests, one or two, Cook can refute, but obviously, it’s almost all of them. Cook waved his hand and said: "Well, the brave knights will follow me first, Luck, the rest You can check, the patriarch and those above the patriarch level can teleport, and the others will be open for five hours."

"Yes, Lord Speaker." Luck didn't expect that he would fall into such an errand, but this is a good thing. The status of patriarch or above is also considered a matter. The Elder Nima will temporarily issue an appointment. We can go, of course, those who are not at a level enough want to go, no way, uncle, we have the status, other scums don't come to join in the fun.

"Speaker Cook, do you look at us?" The representative of the dragon also looked at Cook.

"Same, same." Cook waved his hand, a sheep drove, and a flock of sheep did it for five hours anyway.

Cook took fifty members of the Brave Knights and set them up in the Sky City. You must know that the Sky City is only a platform. As for destruction, Cook is not afraid of it. This thing belongs to the Star Realm. Stuff, these guys in the God Realm want to covertly sabotage, I'm afraid it won't work, unless you zoom in on the move, and if you can't sense it by zooming in on it, then Cook will be in vain.

As soon as Cook left, Luck was squeezed by people behind him, and they shouted at Luck one after another: "Asshole Luck, let me go up first."

"I'll go first."

"Luck, I'm here too, you old man, let me go up quickly." Luck's father also came, shouting angrily.

Lack heard the voices of the people around him and shouted loudly: "Don't squeeze, squeeze me again, everyone don't go up, come one by one, isn't it five hours?"

"Asshole, is there no difference between five hours and one hour?" Luck's old man slapped it.

"Don't go up anymore. Without my consent, let me see who of you dare to go up." Luck also stiffened and shouted loudly.

"Okay, line up." Luck said loudly, seeing the unkind look of the people around him.

With a bang, everyone lined up right away, but it was so crowded. After lining up, Luck just glanced at it and waved to let him go. As for those who want to get through, don’t need to puck, the others just squeeze it. out.

Soon there was a strange scene in the line. The one behind the line only had to look at the front and slapped his shoulder immediately: "Man, who are you, what is your name, and where are you from?"

"Man, don't do anything. Who am I should you ask? Huh?" Someone answered like this.

The person behind said to the person behind him; "The big guy sees it, this guy is not qualified, and he wants to get in, what should everyone do?"

"Get out, Nima is not qualified to be in front of us. Believe it or not, we cut you to death?" Who in the back didn't want to go to the Sky City earlier, when he heard this, he immediately shouted.

"Damn, I said, I said, I'm the third elder of the Ladoferi family, called..." The man in front saw this scene and immediately said his name and identity.

"Does anyone know this guy?" the person behind still asked unwillingly.

"Yes, yes, this is our family elder." A member of the Diet quickly introduced.

The people behind did not speak anymore, but the third elder of the Radoffier family squinted at the person who had just photographed him, and asked, "Man, who are you, didn't you get through it?"

"I am the elder of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth. There are many people who know me. Do you see that, that, that, that, that knows me." When the people behind heard this, they quickly explained. Was beaten by a fat man.

Not to mention, there are really violent beatings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some people are from small families, and no members of the council have identified them for a while. They were violently beaten and thrown out of the team. Of course, there are some bold ones. Was violently beaten.

The speed of the portal is very fast, two or three seconds is the speed of a dozen people. The members of the Council of the Gods plus the elders, patriarchs, and patriarchs are only a few thousand people. It will be over in ten minutes. Up.

Rack went up last, and he felt very quiet as soon as he left the portal, and he couldn't help but feel very strange, but immediately a brave knight shouted: "The core is heavy, go quickly."

"Yes." Luck hurriedly followed the direction indicated by the brave knights. There was no way. These brave knights were the treasures of the major forces. The backers behind him were not small, and this was Cook's territory.

"Huhuhu, Huhuhu, Huhuhu." After leaving the building, there was a gust of wind, and the temperature dropped suddenly, but for people like Luck, it was not a problem.

"How is this flat?" Luck asked in astonishment when he saw the endless plain.

"Shabi, don't the Sky City still need a foundation to build, this is the foundation." The narrator cursed angrily.

Luck saw that it was a giant dragon. He was so angry that he turned and left. Luck looked at the ground and stroked a handful of it. He was even more surprised: "Is this all metal?"

"Of course it is metal, and it is an extremely rare composite metal. Regardless of its strength and toughness, it is not comparable to other composite metals I have seen." After finishing this, a dwarf licked the ground below with his tongue. Doubts.

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