A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 376:

Seeing the dwarf like this, Luck left disgustingly, and he had a little thought about the dwarf. Luck saw the endless plain, thinking of the 1,500 kilometers in diameter that Cook said, his supernatural power surged, like a fast running. Get up and take a look.

"What are you doing?" But just after using Divine Power Fluctuation, I heard a few loud shouts around, and a few unknown guys looked at Luck with enthusiasm.

"I just want to run to the end and have a look." Luck quickly dissipated his supernatural power and explained in a low voice.

"Asshole thing, this is not finished yet, you use your divine power, in case any bad consequences are caused, you are responsible." An elder knew Luck and said immediately with a lesson.

"Young man, reckless, be careful." Another elder also taught, and walked lightly. (It's like the first time I walked into someone else's house with wooden floors, carefully.)

Luck nodded quickly, and then Luck asked, "Where are the others?"

"They are all over there watching Speaker Cook doing construction." An elder said.

Luck quickly nodded and left. Luck returned to the vicinity of the portal and walked a distance in the other direction. He saw the building, but it was surrounded by a lot of people. It seemed that most of the people who came up were here.

Before the people arrived, Luck heard someone say: "Speaker Cook, I belong to the Presbyterian Church of the Angels. Our Angels are willing to pay any price. Please, Speaker Cook, you must help us repair the Sky City."

"Deserve it, who made you pit Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, don’t believe those bird people, we have a very deep friendship with Speaker Cook, and our dragon family are willing to pay any price. Build a new city in the sky." The representative of the dragon clan also spoke up, and slandered the angel clan as he got older.

"Dragon, what do you mean?" The representative of the angel family became unhappy, and shouted in a low voice.

"It doesn't mean anything, our dragon clan is honest, unlike some people, insidious, mean, cunning, and treacherous." The representative of the dragon, who has a thick skin, said directly.

The angel representative said with a sneer: "Yes, robbing mankind's wealth upright, a stick robber, actually embarrassed to tell others about other things."

"Okay, okay, everyone, for the time being, it will take a long time for me to build the Sky City. As for the construction of the Sky City, I will wait until my first one is completed and everyone is satisfied, and then come to discuss it, OK?" Ke couldn't help being interrupted, and quickly refused.

"Cook, I admit that our angels sometimes misunderstand things, but our angels don't have any other thoughts on humans and the Council of Gods." The angel representative said to Cook.

The representative of the giant dragon sneered: "Yes, during the War of the Ancient Gods, certain races were late, which caused the fall of a large number of God-level powerhouses in the Council of Gods. Isn't this a thought?"

"Lizard, what do you want to do?" The angel representative jumped and shouted at the dragon representative.

"I'm just telling the truth, it doesn't mean anything. As for you called me a big lizard, you hypocritical birdmen will not be better there." The representative of the dragon is not afraid, and said with a smile.

Cook didn't expect that there was such a secret, and his face was unsightly. After all, Cook was also a member of the Council of the Gods. Isn't the Angels so cheating?

"Speaker Cook, I can only say that our angels didn't mean it at the time, and our angels couldn't help it at the time, and during the battle of the ancient gods, our angels fell almost two-thirds of the population at that time. I haven't slowed down for so many years," said the representative of the angel family.

"Haha." The representative of the dragon laughed.

"Reptile, what are you laughing at!" The angel representative was angered and pointed to the dragon representative's nose.

The giant dragon spread his hands and said: "It's two-thirds, but what level of angels are they? Are you like this?"

Cook saw that the two parties became more and more angry, so he said: "I have no idea to build a sky city for other forces for the time being, and I am still an unfinished work. There may be some defects in the middle. We have to wait for completion before we have the next construction plan."

"Well, since Speaker Cook said that, our angel family is waiting for your good news." The angel family representative answered when Cook said this.

"Okay." Cook nodded.

"Speaker Cook, we are leaving." After the angel representative finished speaking, he left like this and flew away directly. This made Cook a little dissatisfied. This is the sky above the Council of Gods, and flying is not allowed.

But Cook did not show it, the representative of the dragon saw that Cook did not respond, and sighed: "Don't this angel family know that flying is not allowed over the mountains of the gods?"

"Hehe, let them." Cook smiled.

The representative of the dragon is not a fool. Just say it. The representative of the dragon took the opportunity to say: "Speaker Cook, our dragon family can have long-term cooperation with you. Do you need a guard here?"

"Haha, no need. My sky city is established. In the God Realm, it is estimated that no one can destroy it." Cook shook his head, Nima asked the gods to be difficult, and the dragons were all profitable.

"The defense is so strong!" the dragon representative asked.

"Hehe, not only defense, but also attack methods. I will give the guards in my city at that time, and each guard will be equipped with a middle-grade artifact suit. Two or three thousand guards are enough." Cook said a lot. He didn’t blink, but Cook didn’t know. The elders and patriarchs around him heard this. When Cook recruited guards, a large number of original elders and patriarchs appeared at the recruitment site, so Cook didn’t know what happened. Going on.

"Chairman Cook, how much material does this Sky City have? At least millions of people can live in it?" The representative of the dragon asked, and the other dragons also pricked their ears.

"I don't plan to live with so many people. It's hard to manage if there are too many people. As for materials, it definitely needs a lot." Cook nodded.

"Then you, who is stronger in the sky city from the previous birdmen?" the giant dragon representative asked afterwards.

Cook shook his head and said, "The angel clan is a little weaker."

"Tsk tsk, Cook is amazing, Speaker Cook, you also remember our dragon’s request, don’t say anything else, good stuff, our dragon clan has a lot of them, and there will be a gift for him later. Speaker K, you." The dragon gave a gift for the first time.

"Never mind the gift, I dare not accept the gift of your dragon clan." Cook shook his head.

"Hehe, it's not a good thing. It was some useless gods during the war of the ancient gods. Our dragons don't need this stuff." The representative of the dragon smiled, and then directly explained what the gift was.

Speaking of the Godhead, Cook can’t refuse. Although there are many hidden dangers in using the Godhead, the Godhead is the top treasure in the God Realm after all. There is no one, even the main artifact, because the main artifact is not available to everyone. Yes, and there are many people using the Godhead.

"Thank you then." Cook agreed directly.

"Haha, it's easy to say, Speaker Cook, let's go first, if you have anything in the future, just say hello." The dragon representative said with a smile.

"Okay." Cook was very surprised by the way the dragons did this. Why did the dragons care so much about the Sky City? Is there any ulterior secret?

After dozens of dragons left the portal, they teleported directly to the Dragon Mountain. The representative of the dragon looked at the dozens of dragons below and asked, "What do you think of the city in the sky?"

"Hard, very hard. I used eight points of strength. I haven't touched a single bit, and there is no mark left." A golden dragon replied.

"Energy is very cryptic, I don't know what type it is." Another giant dragon said.

"What I am more confused about is where the sky city of Cook comes from, looking at the style of the gods." Another giant dragon was puzzled.

The representative of the giant dragon also nodded and said, "Cook’s origin is not very mysterious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the methods are endless. Let’s not talk about combat effectiveness. I guess I am not an opponent, but Cook’s talent is extremely high. , Equipment, all complete."

"Could it be an ancient god..." a giant dragon asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, it is impossible for the ancient gods to come out so long." The representative of the dragon shook his head and denied.

"Cook’s origins are very innocent. From his childhood, until now, he has only been unable to obtain information in the astral world. From his childhood, he has no talent. Only after a war did he show his talent. All the way straight up, and at that time, Cook couldn't bear the inheritance of the ancient gods at all." The other dragon said again.

"The name Cook Hilton is true, we must be prepared." Another dragon said inexplicably.

"No, absolutely not. Once this secret method is discovered by Cook, who of you is sure to meet Cook's anger." The Red Dragon Army commander said.

"It's just preparation." A giant dragon replied irritably.

"Then you can be sure that Cook won't notice it, or we can make an agreement and prepare for it. Once Cook comes to the door, we will not be responsible." The Red Dragon Army commander said angrily.

"You little red dragon..." the dragon said with a sneer.

But before he finished speaking, an elder of the Red Dragon whispered: "You say another red dragon. Believe it or not, I will beat you?"

"Okay, stop arguing, don't act rashly until you find out Cook's strength." Seeing the conflict between the elders of the two races, the dragon representative immediately stopped.

"That is, let the angels get their headaches first. Without the reincarnation pool, how long can I wait for those angels?" a giant dragon said with a smile.

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