A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 394:

"There are a lot of rewards, artifacts, beast mounts, and the opportunity to get personal guidance from the Great Elder, and the opportunity to condense the Godhead again. You can give this opportunity to others to use." Terry continued smiling.

"So how to calculate the reward specifically?" someone asked again.

"This is the above thing, and don’t think that the things in your hands are precious. As far as I know, our sect has a full set of middle-grade artifacts and master artifacts, so it’s best not to take out the garbage. As for the unclear purpose, someone will appraise it after turning in." Terry said.

"So how big is our sect?" someone asked again.

"How many years do you think the great elder has lived? There is such a secret technique. How many god-level experts in the God Realm will belong to our sect. Maybe some of your elders belong to our sect, so it’s better not to disclose it. Regarding the sect, it may be that the person you talk to is the person in the sect, and you will not know how to die by then." Terry said, of course this is Terry's true thoughts.

When other people heard this, they felt a little frightened. For such a secret sect, who knows how many God Realms there are, and even a few of them remembered that several of their families were suddenly promoted to God level, and they felt a little bit shy.

"Of course, our sect generally does not participate in the struggles of other families and forces, which means that we have no enemies. Of course, the enemies have already disappeared unknowingly. From now on, they will gather here once a month, at a specific time. I inform you, what you should do when you go back and continue to do what you should do. Okay, you're all gone, don't come here to hang around." After Terry finished speaking, he drove people away.

The seven left with a complicated mood. On the one hand, they were excited that they had finally reached the **** level. On the other hand, they were nervous. Why did the sect do this?

Todd and Jim originally wanted to communicate with Cook, but Cook turned and left. Todd and Jim looked at each other and then came to Jim's residence.

"What do you think?" Todd's whole body seemed to have no power.

"Too... abnormal." Jim knew what Todd was asking, and said.

"Yeah, seven people actually succeeded. This secret technique..." Tuod didn't know what to say. The first time Terry's success was a fluke, but this time seven people, Jim and Todd estimated that it would be good to have two successes, and the two were prepared to fail one, but as a result of the facts, all seven were successful.

"Cook, I can't see clearly, but the more I understand, the more powerless I feel." Jim also sighed, then said.

Todd said with a wry smile: "It's not just powerless, I feel it is fear, why does such a person appear in the gods?"

"Fear, I also have it, too abnormal." Jim also wryly smiled.

When Tuod heard this, he raised his head and asked, "You said that if other people in the God Realm knew that we knew so much, what would happen?"

"It's hard to imagine." Jim said, shaking his head.

The two of them were silent afterwards. The more they knew about Cook, the more they felt powerless for Cook. This powerlessness is impossible to face, let alone betrayal, a pervert that is impossible to face. Only fear.

Of course Cook did not know that he had such an impact on Jim and Todd this time. Cook is still busy with Sky City. The construction of Sky City is progressing very fast. After all, Cook has a lot of Mageweave support. The modules refined by the Mageweave Masters greatly increased Cook's construction speed.

Originally planned for half a year to build the Sky City, it only took more than four months to complete the creation of the Sky City. With the completion of the Sky City, more and more people around the mountains of the gods.

Among the busiest ones are the Temple of Wealth, the Temple of Nature, and the Temple of Nature. Almost all the elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Temple of Nature have moved into Sky City. The various simulated environments that Cook has built are really exciting for the elders of the Temple of Nature. Endless.

As for the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, he is busy preparing for the auction. The permanent building of the Sky City is the first time in the history of the gods.

In this auction, there were many unrecognized faces, but the impossibility of looking directly at these people made people know that Nima was an old guy who was shrinking in that corner again.

There are the most old immortals in the God Realm, and not every old immortal lives in everyone's sight.

The staff in the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, who is responsible for screening, are cautious. There are some people who dare not offend. Of course, fortunately, the Brave Knights of the Gods Mountains were once again issued two hundred sets of artifacts and equipment by Cook. The maintenance is too strong.

At the beginning of the Goddess of Wealth Temple, the auction qualifications were set at the upper **** level or higher, but now it has to be raised to the **** king level or higher. The **** king level or higher is the **** king, main god, and super power. Of course, the super strong will be excluded, and the original strong Cook does not want to provoke.

"Is that the elder of the Dark Temple just now?" There are many people watching the excitement, and there are many knowledgeable guys among them.

"That's right, it's the elder of the next generation. I saw it when I was very young. I didn't expect it to be alive for tens of thousands of years." The other person sighed.

"Tsk." The people around sighed.

The elders of the elders of the major forces that were originally confident were originally arrogant, but only when they came here found that they had no capital to show off at all.

It's like the great elder of the Harvest Temple, who is now looking depressed, being directly called out by an old guy: "Tony, hurry up and prove that I am from the Harvest Temple."

The great elder of the Harvest Temple did not react for a while, because no one called himself Tony for many years, until the old man slapped him directly: "Little rabbit, don't listen to what I said?"

"Uncle, you..." Yes, standing in front of the Great Elder of the Harvest Temple is Tony's real uncle, Tony's father's brother, who is the previous elder, but this guy who has disappeared for at least tens of thousands of years, actually still Alive?

"You still recognize your uncle, hurry up to prove it to Lao Tzu, and ah, when the auction is not enough, you remember to give it." Tony's uncle shouted angrily.

Hearing this, the great elder of the Harvest Temple who had hoped had the heart to die. Not only did he have to prove it, but he also had to provide funds. What is this all about?

This scene happened here, not for the first time, nor the last time, and the one who felt most embarrassed was the elders of the Temple of the Dark Night Goddess who thought they were eligible for auction.

"Flap. Pop. Pop." The elders of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night were rounded and slapped by a few old guys, and they were doing it in the public.

"Teacher, mentor, we are wrong." The elders of the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night didn't dare to fight back, only begging for mercy in a low voice. Seeing that the members of the brave knights who watched around hadn't fought, they didn't plan to participate, but just warned.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, the deal with mythical beasts actually made you prodigal guys directly rejected, **** guy, is there mud in your mind?" It's no wonder these old guys are angry. Cook wanted In the dark night goddess temple, the transaction with the beast was carried out, but was rejected by the presbytery. What kind of profit was that.

Next to it, I was surprised to see the excitement, "Isn't it, Speaker Cook had this idea before. How idiotic is it to refuse such a thing?"

"Hey, don't say it, the guys in our presbytery are also a bunch of idiots." The person next to him also shook his head and said.

"Idiot, slap, idiot, slap." When several old guys in the Temple of the Night Goddess heard this, they slapped them again.

"Several elders, don't fight, don't fight." Dilly heard this and rushed over immediately. After all, Dilly was still born in the Temple of the Goddess of the Night.

"Go back, let the other guys wait, we old guys will go back and teach you idiots." The old guys saw Dilly intercede to the goddess of the night ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Several elders shouted, and a few elders hurriedly went back in despair. The mood of these elders can be imagined. They were originally happily preparing for the auction under the envy and jealous eyes of other elders, but now they are slurred in public. You have to leave dingy, can you feel good?

"It's Dilly. I knew that talent was good when you were young, Dilly, those idiots, hey!" An old guy saw Dilly and said.

"Several elders, let's not mention this." Dilly followed Cook, and sometimes said one of us, which made the previous elders feel a little weird.

"Dilly, we old guys want to see Speaker Cook?" The elders said with a smile.

"Elder, please come with me." Dilly could not refuse.

After a few old guys followed Dilly, some sensible people sighed: "The old guys at the Temple of the Dark Night Goddess actually used this way to see Cook. I also accepted it, but the beaten deserved it. I will be beaten in the future."

"Hmph, if the guys in our temple dare to make such a decision, I won’t be able to take care of them if I don’t beat them." An old guy snorted coldly, and the people behind the old guy broke down in cold sweat when they heard this. .

Cook met the previous elders of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, and Cook was not surprised at all. There were many methods used by God-level powerhouses, and there were also many old men in the God Realm.

"Speaker Cook." When the old guys saw Cook, they greeted Cook very affectionately.

"Hehe, please sit down with a few elders, but if you talk about Sky City, you can just find Dilly. She will be the lord of Sky City in the future. I have now transferred the authority of Sky City to Dilly. , It was announced one step after the meeting." Cook said straightforwardly with a smile.

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