A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 395:

After being said by Cooke, several previous elders looked at Dilly in surprise. Yes, this is simply impossible. Dilly knew Cook’s mind well. How can I say, these previous elders? Although it hasn't been out for a long time, the strength is definitely not low, and it can be regarded as a maiden family. Cook said this, just to give Dilly a face.

"Cook has too many things, I can't do it, I can only help a little." Dilly said very modestly.

"Okay, very good, it is worthy of the genius from the temple of the goddess of the dark night." When several previous elders heard Dilly's words, they almost vomited blood in depression. What is this all about, the little girl film is the lord of the city. , My own old guys didn't even have a place to live, how do we old guys live!

"Several elders, praised." Dilly smiled.

"Dilly, do you see if the auction number plates will be issued to the elders, so there is no need to review them, and the price can be reduced." Cook suggested to Dilly.

"No, no, we old guys don't have anything else, we still have savings, everything goes through the procedures, we can't let Dili be said no." Several previous elders immediately refused.

"Several elders, please come with me, I will take you to the Sky City first." Dilly was very happy with Cook's attitude, and said to the elders.

When the elders heard this, they couldn't sit still right away. Although it was said that a few old guys could also fly in the sky, flying is flying, and living is living, just like taking a plane. Is living in the sky a concept? Certainly not.

Cook watched Dilly take the people away, and Cook quickly slipped away. There are too many people looking for Cook, and they all want to be familiar with each other, and then there is no need to say anything.

The auction of the permanent building of the Sky City has become the biggest event in the God Realm. Even the exchange with God has gradually been forgotten, and the faces of the members of the Council of Gods are all red, the words of the Council of Gods The power is getting bigger and bigger, which is definitely good news for the parliamentarians.

The people in the Temple of Wealth are also very well prepared. There are hundreds of appraisal masters, because the main currency unit of this auction is not crystals, but various items. Hundreds of appraisal masters appraised items. The value is high and low, of course, there are more than a dozen witnesses, all of whom are big elders of various forces.

"Next, on behalf of Speaker Cook, I welcome everyone to participate in the construction auction of Sky City. I am Dili, the lord of Sky City. Next, I would like to invite the agency responsible for this auction, the representative of the Temple of Fortune, to introduce the auction procedure to you. "Dilly said, standing on the stage very beautifully.

"Welcome to participate in this auction. The auction procedure is freely set by you. This time it needs to be bartered. As for the value of the item, there are 110 appraisal masters who will give the highest value to the winner. In addition, once the various reconstructions of Sky City’s buildings are involved in the future, they must be reported to the city lord, and then approved by the lord, the changes will be made by professionals. Any unauthorized changes will be unconditionally disqualified." The goddess of wealth walks with a smile. On stage, he said.

"Are there any auction restrictions, just how many sets can be sold?" a person asked.

"One person can only shoot one set, but this gentleman, I think one set is enough for you to bid, because there are only 300 sets of buildings auctioned this time. Please look at the image of this building." The goddess of wealth said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being stunned. They asked, "How come you have 300 sets of you? Isn't it more than a thousand kilometers in diameter?"

"This is not for me to decide." The goddess of wealth shook her head and said.

The people present turned their heads and found that there were at least a thousand people at the scene, which means that at least two-thirds of the people had to leave empty-handed.

"Will you save the remaining buildings and sell them later?" someone shouted.

"Hehe, no, it’s sold this time, and there will be no more in the future. I will tell you that the family of Speaker Cook lives on this sky city, so when you live there, you are listed as It is best not to enter the restricted area without authorization, otherwise the result is unpredictable." The goddess of wealth reminded with a smile.

The people present were even more excited when they heard this. Don't say anything about the safety of the place where Cook himself lives. As for the restricted area, who is an idiot who will go into the restricted area? Isn't it impatient?

"Hey, old man, should we join forces and auction a building?" Someone started to connect.

"Well, I think it's okay, let's take a look at the situation when that happens." Another old guy groaned.

"Is everyone ready? Let's start the auction of Building No. 1. This is the architectural image of Building No. 1, both inside and outside. You are welcome to bid." The Goddess of Wealth was very excited. This is a grand event. I can participate in it. What a glorious thing that is.

The auction lasted for a full month. The main reason was that there were too many people. It was very troublesome to identify, and the prices were increased from time to time. Of course, once they were obtained, they immediately obtained the permission to teleport to the Sky City. Hurry up and enjoy it.

As for what was not photographed, I felt regretful. A large number of rare items were delivered to Cook. Looking at these rare things, Cook secretly sighed that there are so many good things in the God Realm.

"Cook, this is the ancient mystery realm. I didn't expect that the temple of the goddess of wealth would also auction the building." Dilly said, pointing to a box.

"Haha!" Cook laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Dilly didn't understand Cook's answer.

Cook shook his head and said, "This thing is of little use."

"How could it be useless?" Dilly asked incredulously.

"Didn’t I explain it before. This thing is a tasteless thing in other people’s hands. I want to lose it, but I don’t want to. I want to open it. I’m afraid I can’t stand it. Now I’m changing it to a building in Sky City. The temple of the goddess of wealth has made a lot of money." Cook shook his head and replied.

Dilly rolled her eyes angrily: "That's your side words, but I know someone still wants this thing."

Cook opened the box. Inside the box was a seal magic pattern. What made Cook a little puzzled was that the seal inside the seal magic pattern could not be seen clearly. This is a bit strange. After all, this kind of internal seal should It can be seen from the outside, but the situation is different now.

"It doesn't seem to be right." Cook looked at the sealed box and said.

"What's wrong?" Dilly also stretched her head to look.

"Don't come here." A silver cross gleamed in Cook's eyes, and then Cook shouted.

Dilly was also taken aback when he was drunk by Cook, and then Dilly saw Cook disappear into the room at once. Then Dilly felt that the sky was dark, Dilly hurriedly went out to take a look, a huge guard The hood immediately wrapped the city of the sky, and a huge black shadow on the city of the sky suddenly blocked the sun.

"Huh, I know forbearance, but if you meet me, Cook, you are unlucky." A giant is suspended in mid-air. How big is this giant? Anyway, it covers the sun. In the hands of this giant, there is a huge giant. Something like slate.

When Cook saw the slate-like thing, his heart relaxed a lot. This slate was exactly the same as the slate that Cook had obtained in the Institute of Astral Realm. Obviously, the inventory in Cook's hands was also related to the ancient gods.

"No, it's the ancient mysterious realm." Someone who understands shouted loudly.

Everyone was amazed, how could this ancient mysterious realm appear, Dilly said loudly, "Don't move everyone."

"But why is the Ancient Mystery Realm like this?" asked someone who didn't understand.

"The ancient mysterious realm is an independent space. The ancient gods need to go through a special device to go to the secret realm. For convenience, the ancient gods sealed the space in this huge stone slab, and then the stone slab was built on the ancient gods as a foundation. When we obtained the residence, we could only seal the whole slate with the seal magic pattern." The understanding person explained.

"Oh, it is equivalent to a large space equipment?" The rest of the people understand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, but the construction of the secret is a very large space, so the structure is very complicated. We only have the overall seal. This is the ancient mysterious realm where the seal is loose. "Someone continued to explain.

Seeing this slate, Cook is relaxed, but he is not less vigilant. The slate fell on the ground and directly hit the surrounding mountains of the gods. Of course, if it hadn’t been for Kuktor to lift it, I don’t know how many unlucky people were smashed. To.

"Speaker Cook is going to conquer the ancient mystery." Everyone was very excited to see this scene.

When everyone was talking about it, the slate released huge energy fluctuations, and a dark shadow rushed out of the slate.

This black shadow is a huge red bear. This red bear is burly, but very thin. In the eyes of ordinary people, the red bear is a thousand meters high.

"Roar..." The red bear roared as soon as he came out, but the sound stopped abruptly afterwards, because the red bear saw the huge height of Cook, who is now more than six times the height of the red bear.

"Call?" Cook looked at the red bear. The energy fluctuations emitted by his whole body made Cook breathe a sigh of relief. The energy fluctuations emitted by the whole body were not very strong. Cook held the broken star hammer in his hand and the seal Magic Pillar, once there is any reaction from this servant, Cook immediately kills.

"Master, my great master, I can find you." Everyone present was stunned by the huge body of the red bear. Then, under the eyes of everyone, the red bear actually screamed, and then the red bear unexpectedly Turning around again, to run to this ancient mysterious realm.

"Bang!" Everyone present saw a big stick hitting the red bear's head, and then the red bear fainted. Seeing this stick, everyone felt their scalp numb.

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