A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 420:

The lion man’s legs had been twisted, and it seemed that he had been interrupted alive, but now it was healed. The lion man could no longer walk upright and could only move on the ground.

"What's going on?" The Lion Man chief asked angrily.

"Patriarch, patriarch, when we came here, our legs were broken, and then we were given leaves and grass roots every day, and we would draw blood every once in a while. Once we were going to die, we would throw them directly into the black forest, even with bones. It won't be left." The lion man wailed.

"That is to say, as long as you come here and don't go back, it's all like this?" the lionman patriarch asked angrily.

"===m No, those who go back are all with them. These guys will keep abducting other people. As long as they are not in the same group, don't even think about going back when you come here." The lion man replied loudly.

"Damn it!" The lion patriarch was angry.

"Those guys in the temple deserve to die." The Bunny Chief was also angry.

The people present are silent, because every year there are orcs heading to the God of War Canyon, and a large number of people do not go back every year, let alone every few years, there is a God of War meeting. There are more people coming to the God of War meeting and do not go back. There is more.

A conservative estimate is that the entire orc family will come here every year at least tens of thousands, or even as many as hundreds of thousands. So many people are missing, and the patriarchs have never suspected that this will be the result.

Seeing this situation, everyone helped together. Countless orcs were rescued from the cave, and the other caves were women of the orc clan. These women also had children, and more orc women looked sluggish.

"Scum!" Cook became angry after hearing the situation of these women.

These women are the playthings of those guys. As for the children who give birth, they will be enshrined to their master Roy, and once these orc women get tired of playing with them, they will be thrown into the black forest.

"The entire Black Forest at least swallowed hundreds of millions of orcs, and this was all done by the God of War Temple." The tiger said with gritted teeth.

Cook's face was ugly, and God of War Canyon didn't expect it to be such a place. Dwarves, dwarfs, elves, and humans were also very ugly. Even the dragon frowned.

"Smash the deformed legs of these people and connect them again." Cook said.

"But..." an orc questioned.

"It's nothing but, I have the essence of life here, I can't die, just mentally... I can't do anything." Cook looked at at least a thousand orc women, feeling very uncomfortable.

Hearing Cook's words, the eyes of the orc patriarchs immediately lit up, and other races looked at Cook with eagerness. The most eager ones were the elves of the Temple of Nature.

Seeing Cook took out a wooden barrel, everyone else was puzzled. Isn't this a wine barrel? Only a few elves saw the barrel with an incredible look.

"This, is this the trunk of the Million Years Tree of Life?" an elf stroked the barrel and stammered.

"It's a dead branch." Cook explained.

"God, this..." the elves exclaimed.

"Baby!" The dragon looked at the barrel in Cook's hand, with these three words in his heart.

Million years is an unreachable number even for the gods of the God Realm. Although the tree of life is a natural magic plant, creatures that can live for one million years are all treasures. of.

"Dead branches, which means that the tree of life is dead." The dwarf said with some disappointment, knowing that a leaf of the tree of life for millions of years is extremely precious.

"No, I became a tree man." When it comes to this, Cook is very depressed. The natural ring used to be the site of Windsor, of course, thanks to Windsor's care. After Windsor left, a group of tree men took care of it, yes. , Is a group of tree people, there are hundreds of tree people into the tree of life.

These trees of life are the ones that Cook personally planted. Due to several changes of the natural ring and the unique environment in the natural ring, these trees of life have transformed into trees for more than 100 years. According to the age outside, the tree of life will take at least millions of years to transform into a tree.

Although the tree of life is very long-lived, the tree of life itself is very precious, so there are few that live to millions of years, just like some precious trees nowadays, what golden nanmu, when it comes to a certain time, it will be powerful Naturally, these things will become things in their wallets.

The same is true for the tree of life. If the tree of life is an ordinary tree, it is of no use, and it has the powerful vitality of the tree of life, and it will be easy to live for millions of years.

"Tree, treeman, is this left over from the transformation of the treeman?" The voices of the elves were a little sharp.

"Yes, hurry up, go as instructed..." Cook nodded and replied, and then said angrily, but Cook was speechless when watching everyone around him staring at the barrel in his hand.

"Waste, waste, use such a thing to install the essence of life, Speaker Cook, do you know that the energy contained in the trunk of the tree of life that has transformed into a treant is more precious than the essence of life." The elf said bitterly.

"Hurry up and work, so much nonsense." Cook didn't know this yet.

"Speaker Cook, I'm coming. I'm coming." A dwarf jumped over to Cook and was about to take over the barrel in Cook's hand.

"Go!" But in an instant, more than a dozen weapons blocked the dwarf and rolled away.

"Well..." The dwarf retreated obediently after seeing this scene.

"Hurry up, and everyone will give you a piece of such a branch after you finish it." Cook saw this scene, knowing that he couldn't bring something out, so he said.

"Kacha." As soon as Cook finished speaking, the lion patriarch directly interrupted a deformed place of lion beside him.

"Ah!!!" the lion cried out immediately.

"I said you are too unlevel." Cook took out the Feng Mozhu and released a drowsy halo. Hundreds of thousands of orcs immediately fainted under the gray halo.

"Hurry up and let me release the essence of life." Cook saw that the people around him were still still, and he shouted angrily.

Hearing what Cook said, everyone secretly smacked their tongues and hurriedly acted, but everyone was shouting in their hearts: "This is a hundred thousand people, this is a hundred thousand people, and hundreds of people are still there. Among these hundreds of thousands."

Cook didn’t want to show anything in his hand just now, but in the eyes of others, it was precise casting and great power. The cave occupies a full ten kilometers away. At such a distance, Cook Yi The wave is in place, what level is Nima.

Attacking is just like throwing something. The greater the power, the farther the object is thrown, but when it reaches a certain level, like one hundred meters to one hundred and one meters, the increase in strength is not just a little increase. That's a lot, let alone from one hundred meters to two hundred meters, this is not as simple as twice the power.

The magic arts of the gods are generally within a range of several kilometers, even if they are single magic arts, most of them do not exceed 15 kilometers.

Of course, these **** in the God Realm are in the lower plane, which is a distance of hundreds of kilometers, but the God Realm people are in the lower plane. Just like the difference between the current army and the ancient world, ancient weapons can hit two kilometers away. , That are all leveraged, and the emperor who is against the sky will be shocked, but now society, let alone 500 meters, is 500 kilometers, 5,000 kilometers, that is not a thing.

Therefore, the attack range of the gods on the lower planes is completely different from that of the gods, but in terms of large-scale attacks, the greater the distance, the lower the accuracy.

Everyone said, isn’t there a mental power lock?

Yes, yes, but the more the mental power is extended, the greater the mental power required, and the greater the interference. As for interference, there are several aspects. One is energy fluctuations. Energy fluctuations will cause certain errors in mental power perception, fluctuations. The more severe, the greater the error.

Of course, the God Realm also has some secret techniques such as joint strikes, forbidden techniques, and attacks released by weapons. Ten kilometers is not very far, but don't forget, Cook just waved casually.

There are also magic arts that need to attack hundreds of kilometers away. They need preparation work, all kinds of auxiliary methods must be used, and some necessary materials, necessary props and so on.

With a single wave, it not only has to reach more than ten kilometers away, but also accurately release each orc and beast. This is a bit difficult. This is like a sniper's original gun with a range of only 2,500 meters, but this guy It's not surprising how it can hit the opponent accurately with a distance of five kilometers.

Of course, this is just an analogy, but it can also be achieved, such as tailwind, bullet extension and other factors.

So hundreds of people smashed the deformed parts of the orcs first, then returned the bones inside with their hands to their original positions, and then shouted: "Okay."

Then a little green thing submerged into these orcs' bodies, and within a few seconds, the deformed parts of the orcs were completely healed.

"After these orcs go back, their strength will definitely increase." A dwarf saw that this orc was originally as flesh and blood, but after he was healed, his face was suddenly red, and the whole person also recovered.

"Essence of life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is hundreds of thousands of drops, the lowest value is tens of millions of high-grade **** crystals." A giant dragon said very painfully.

"Hurry up and work." Cook heard the dragon's words and shouted angrily.

Hundreds of thousands are not a small number, but there are at least three to four hundred people at the scene. It only takes ten seconds for an orc to heal. For these powerful people, it is very difficult to accurately smash the deformed parts. Simple things, splicing is the same.

In just a few minutes, more than 180,000 people were cured.

Someone has to ask, if an orc heals in ten seconds, it would take 18,000 seconds for one hundred and eighty thousand orcs, and at least three hundred people would only take sixty seconds. How could this take a few minutes?

This is not an assembly line, and Cook's release of life essence is not so fast, so a few minutes is already the fastest.

"Speaker Cook,

What about these orc women? "The bunny chief saw the remaining orc women and asked Cook for instructions.


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