A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 421:

"This is your orc business." Cook shook his head, this is not a good job.

"But it's impossible for them to return to a normal society in their current state of mind." The Bunny Chief said.

Cook looked at the patriarch of the Bunnyman and said angrily: "You orcs are such a big race, can't you feed these thousands of people?"

"No, Speaker Cook, it's not that we can't feed. You also know that our orcs are not very united internally."

"Anyway, you guys figure it out. If you can't do it well, don't blame me for being rude." Cook knew that these orcs wanted to throw away the burden.

"But..." The Bunny Chief still hesitated.

"After cleaning up the Temple of the God of War, one-tenth was taken out to house these poor women. That race was willing to accept, and one-tenth belonged to that race." Cook saw the Bunnyman doing this, so he said.

"Sir, our Bimeng clan can accept these women. Although our Bimeng clan is also an orc, we don't have much contact with orcs of other races, so it's the most suitable..." The other orc patriarchs had already pricked their ears and listened. At this point, the big patriarch of the Bimen clan immediately said.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, we tiger people can take care of those women, and we can also give them a complete home." The tiger patriarch immediately interrupted.

"Don't quarrel, I'll talk about this later, there's still something to come." Cook said angrily. When there was no benefit, everyone didn't want it. Now they are all vying for it. What is this.

But the bunny chief looked at dozens of eight-claw star beasts not far away and asked worriedly: "President Cook, what's the matter with those guys?"

"I don't know, but they are fine." Cook shook his head, and Cook couldn't figure out what was going on.

Some people were left to guard these sleepy orcs, and the rest continued to search. In the countless caves around this area, there are roads extending in all directions. These roads seem to be left over from the ancient gods. Some roads have metal tracks. And there are traces of used tracks.

"This is a huge underground territory." Seeing this scene, some people were amazed.

Some people were amazed, and the orcs were a little excited about this. You must know that the underground world is rich in minerals, but the underground world is still crisis-ridden. I hardly saw any life along the way, but there are some mines. Tools, as well as traces of excavation, seem to have been excavated not long ago.

"Are there other races here?" someone asked suspiciously.

Cook and others followed the traces into this path. For people like Cook, tracing traces is very easy. The perception of these powerful people can be said to be equivalent to a high-power microscope.

"Go to hell, blasphemer!" A loud roar suddenly remembered.

"Boom!" But as soon as he remembered the voice in the darkness, Cook waved his hand, and a thunder beam shot into the darkness, making a crashing explosion several kilometers away.

Boom! Boom! Boom! With a dull sound, countless stones continued to fall, but the ones who followed Cook were all strong. These stones were nothing but shattered with a wave of hands.

"It's an orc." Then a dozen people rushed into the darkness. Cook took the lead and came to this place. There was a big pit. There was some minced meat on the edge of the pit, and the long hair on the minced meat. Know it is an orc.

"Everyone acted separately, I guess there are still many orcs still alive, maybe there are other races of ours." Cook said immediately when he saw this situation.

"Damn it, if there are us dwarves, Lao Tzu will tear down the temple of the God of War." The dwarf patriarch roared furiously, and then followed several dwarf elders in one direction.

The elves also rushed in one direction. The orcs took a look and walked in three directions respectively. The dwarves took one direction, the humans chose one direction, and Cook chose another direction.

But even so, there are still countless forks without anyone entering, and the rest have joined together to choose a direction.

Cook didn't stop at the slightest. The whole person moved, and there was no sound at all. Don't forget, Cook has the origin of the wind, otherwise, how did Cook encounter the enemy in the road extending in all directions.

"Come on, you bastards, damn, damn, Council of Gods, you wait for me." But in two minutes, Cook moved hundreds of kilometers forward at least, Cook vaguely heard the sound, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The strong wind element, in the God Realm, but the existence of the super strong.

A breeze blew, Cook appeared in a relatively high place, Cook looked at at least hundreds of orcs below, these orcs are driving some humans, dwarves, gnomes, and even elves, and they are all male. Humans also have metal chains on their bodies, but these people are obviously stronger than the orcs who are locked up, but these people are not very high-level, only occasionally one is God-level, and the rest are Sanctuary Peak, Sanctuary High-level hardly.

"Damn, damn, great Master Roy, we will avenge you." A fox orc roared loudly.

"Shut up, this time we exposed that the Temple of the God of War can't be used anymore. It's all on you. If you have to hold a meeting of the God of War, the great Master Roy will not be hit hard." Another Leopard shouted loudly.

When Cook heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Cook was originally surprised. How could this ancient **** be smashed to death all at once? You must know that in the God Realm, there are many secret methods and forbidden techniques. The guy who died was not Roy himself.

"Don't quarrel, after we migrate, we will slowly develop. This time Master Roy is angry, think about what to do. This is Master Roy's strongest clone." A human said.

However, this person is not a human being. This person looks similar to a human, but has a tail and dense hair. This is a kind of ape-orc in the orc family.

Cook did not stay, but surpassed these people. In Cook's perception, a road with countless fragments of information continued to extend in the dark underground world.

"At least tens of thousands of kilometers." Cook turned into a lightning bird and flew for more than an hour before reaching the target location, but according to Cook's estimation, it should be in the depths of the orc territory. As for the specific location , Cook did not look closely.

Someone wants to say, is Cook so good? In the underground world, he still knows his position?

Of course, don’t forget that Cook has understood the law of space. No matter how the terrain changes, the space coordinates are unique, and the space coordinates are not chaotic, but orderly, just like the latitude and longitude, but the latitude and longitude is a two-dimensional The coordinates of is not three-dimensional, the three-dimensional point is unique, and the latitude and longitude we are talking about is formed by two coordinates, not three coordinates, so it’s like you are standing on a certain latitude and longitude, the coordinates are on your head, and the feet It is also this coordinate. If you add another height coordinate, it is the only three-dimensional coordinate. Of course, the standing posture should be on the straight line at the point of longitude and latitude. If you turn your head and shoulders, then it will not be one.

The space is more advanced than the three-dimensional. As for the several-dimensional, the civilizations of the two worlds are different, so it is indescribable. Just like Chinese medicine and Western medicine, they are not in the same civilization at all.

Regarding traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, some people say that Western medicine is good. Just like jujube medicine for supplementing blood, Western medicine explains that jujube supplements iron, while Chinese medicine does not explain it. But when Chinese medicine says jujube is for supplementing blood, Western medicine is still bleeding and curing diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their strengths and weaknesses. It doesn’t make sense to say which one is the best or which one is not good. There is no reason why Western medicine is stronger than Chinese medicine. On the one hand, it is related to the pharmaceutical company of western medicine. The annual income of the entire western medicine pharmaceutical company in the world is at least several trillion US dollars, and Chinese medicine.

Western medicine can teach a large number of doctors, while Chinese medicine relies on experience. For 50 years of practice in Chinese medicine and Western medicine, it is estimated that Chinese medicine is sweet and delicious, but Western medicine is not necessarily because you can't grasp scalpels.

In addition, we can also see that the population of Chinese and even Asians is so large that it is inseparable from traditional Chinese medicine. Under the primitive conditions in the past, a Chinese doctor and a western doctor saw a doctor at the same time. It is estimated that the western medicine can only catch the blind. It is accurate examination ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chinese medicine is experience.

It can only be said that the times are different, and the development of each party is different. In addition, the income mentioned above, the income of Western medicine is at least several trillion US dollars, so invest one-tenth of the research, and the scientific research results must be higher than that of Chinese medicine.

What about Chinese medicine? How much investment you have, it can be said that Chinese medicine has always been on its laurels. As for research and development, I will hehe!

So Cook still has a set of directions to identify the position, Cook continued to move forward, and here, the traces are no longer felt, it is too obvious.

After flying for another hour or so, Cook finally breathed a sigh of relief. Here, Cook saw the traces of a lot of people's activities. The minerals were being mined, and some caves were planted with mushrooms and ferns.

"Blackwater Marsh!" Cook stopped, and after using the space to locate it, Cook exclaimed.

"It's actually in the Blackwater Marsh?" Cook was surprised. This underground world is actually in the Blackwater Marsh. This is the area that Cook is planning to develop. The biodiversity in the swamp is the most diverse, and it is very useful for the help of potions. of.

After a gust of wind, Cook saw the blue sky again, a huge island with an area of ​​thousands of kilometers. The island is in the middle of the black water swamp, but there are no buildings on this island. They are all living in caves. Here, each There are all races, of course the most are the orcs, especially the crocodile.

"Now that I know this, it's easy to handle." After Cook observed, he determined that this was Roy's lair. As for whether it was the last one, it didn't matter.

With another gust of wind, after Cook left the Blackwater Marsh, he teleported from the dam at Sanjiangkou to the Sky City.

"Cook..." Seeing Cook appeared, Dilly was very puzzled, but Dilly knew that Cook was transmitted from the Sanjiangkou Dam.

"I'll talk about it later." Cook left with a wave of his hand.


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