A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 432:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

Cook came down soon. The dozen or so patriarchs who followed Cook looked at the bundle of weapons on Cook's back, their faces turned green.

"What's your expression?" Cook snickered. Since this is the place of the orcs, these orcs patriarchs must know these weapons. If they don't, then forget it.

Why does Cook know that these orc patriarchs know these weapons, because Cook knew when he got the weapon just now, this is a totem weapon, and a weapon that can withstand two hundred times the gravity, no difference, you can say It is not an exaggeration to be an artifact.

"Chairman Cook, behind you..." the Bunny chief stammered.

&nb "; "Oh, there are these weapons, these two boxes, and a big tent. I don't know who lives on it, but the owner there may be dead, leaving a pile of bones." Keoh let out a sound, and then explained.

Hearing Cook's explanation, the orc patriarchs were breathing quickly. Cook looked at the silver fox and asked with a smile: "Patriarch Silver Fox, thank you, let's go, let's go..."

"Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, we have something to say." The lion patriarch said immediately.

"There's something, something to say?" Cook said as if you had something to say.

"Chairman Cook, you see you have so many weapons, can you give me one, do you think I don't have any good weapons?" The bunny chief did not know where the courage came from, and said to Cook with a hippie smile. Look like.

"You also want these tattered things. I will give you people who simply lost my Cook. Another day, another day I will give you a divine tool, a divine tool!" Cook was obviously deliberate.

"President Cook, don't tease us." Patriarch Billum had to say that sometimes his brain is very bright.

"Well, one of you, I think there are totems of various races on this weapon, you can take it back if it belongs to your own race." Cook threw the bundle of dozens of weapons on the ground and said.

"I know that Speaker Cook is not a stingy person." Chief Billon grabbed a mace-like thing and said with his mouth open.

More than a dozen patriarchs couldn’t be angry at all, and they started to use each one with a weapon. The Bunnyman’s is a pestle-like thing, which looks like a big match, and the Tauren is like a long machete. The Tiger Man is a long spear, but there are three shoulders on the spear, which are very strange anyway.

"Don't, don't, Silver Fox, why don't you take it too, but you said you want to give it to me." Cook saw Silver Fox holding something like a small drumstick and said immediately.

"Humph." Silver Fox snorted, and then directly stuffed the small drum into the animal skin around his waist.

When Cook saw that the animal skin worn by the silver fox was just like a short skirt, Cook curled his lips, looked at the remaining weapons and said: "Okay, the rest is mine, no problem. ?"

"No objection, these weapons are Cook yours." The Bunnyman replied with a charming smile holding a weapon like a pestle.

"Okay, don't tell me, next time there will be good things, I will still remember you, but who can tell me, are these weapons so important?" Cook looked like the boss divided the spoils, and then asked.

"Speaker Cook, you should have heard the legend of the first God of War. The first God of War is proficient in the transformation of seventy-two kinds of beast souls, and the seventy-two kinds of beast soul transformations, each with a unique weapon, And the unique tactics. The weapons in our hands are one of the seventy-two weapons used by the first God of War. My name is Jiang Mochu..." the Bunnyman said.

"What, drop the magic pestle?" Cook asked in surprise, of course he was even more shocked.

"Of course, our first generation of war gods used this descending magic pestle to reduce the energy intensity released by the opponent, and the ancient gods collectively referred to divine arts as magic, which can lower the level of magic, called the descending magic pestle." The Bunny nodded and said.

"Oh, that means there is a weakening aura." Cook understood. There is a weakening aura in the warsong aura. Low-level magical spells are directly invalidated. They are not defeated or invalid, that is, they have no attack power.

Cook can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but it’s just that little bit. To be honest, if Cook chooses to return to Earth now, Cook will not necessarily return, because Cook’s concerns here are far greater than those on the earth. Don't talk about status or anything.

"Yes, these are all totem weapons, which are the main artifact level of human beings, but our weapons have a greater auxiliary effect." The lionman patriarch said.

"Okay then, let's go." Cook took the remaining pile of weapons three times, ran down the steps, put the weapons, chests, and animal skin scrolls into the natural ring, and Cook came back to the ten Several patriarchs said.

"President Cook, your space equipment is probably..." The Bunnyman looked at Cook and said hesitantly.

"Artifact level." Cook nodded and said.

"Oh." The patriarchs of the orcs certainly didn't believe what Cook said, but there was no way. After all, dozens of totem weapons, and they are of the level of artifacts, can hold these artifacts, it is definitely not ordinary goods.

"Chairman Cook, go this way." The Bunnyman patriarch said, and then walked past the third floor platform. The entire platform can be said to be a huge platform around a boulder.

It didn't take long for Cook and the others to come to the back of the rock, which was like a mountain range. Behind it, Cook discovered that there was a cave.

The buildings are buildings built on huge rocks, and these buildings are all built using animal bones.

The height of the whole building is almost as high as the stone. The whole building can be said to be based on the stone. The style of the building is extraordinarily crude, and the crude meaning can also be interpreted as simple.

It's just like that kind of frame-like building, but the bones of animals are used here. The bones are **** with a huge rope. The material of the rope can be seen as the veins of certain creatures. As for the roof , Is also a large piece of biological bones, the largest skeleton of the entire roof is tens of meters wide, and Cook does not know what creature has such bones.

"This is the Temple of the God of War." The Bunny Patriarch explained.

"Oh." Cook said.

"Before we would worship here, but later the worship was taken over by the God of War Temple, but as far as we know, this place has been abandoned by the God of War Temple for a long time, and the address of our meeting is under there." The Bunny Chief said. Said.

"Then why do we have to go down here instead of directly below?" Cook asked in confusion.

"Haha, this is the tradition of our orcs." Silver Fox said with a smile. Cook knew that these guys were obviously testing himself when he heard Silver Fox's laughter.

"Only by going down from here, the guys below will not object to Speaker Cook's decision." The lion clan chief said.

Cook understood it. This was one of the tests. When Cook and the others left the stone and came to this skeletal building, there were already many orc races.

The Medusa snake man, the green mantis man, and the proud eagle man, rhino man and other races, so that Cook is also an eye-opener, there are at least hundreds of people here.

"Some races split from the original races. The Medusas were originally snake people, but they were not enough. Then they split. There are also swan people and hawk people, which were originally a race, but they also split in the end. Mr. Cook, don’t care about it.” The Tauren Patriarch said.

"Yeah." Cook hummed, then said.

"You?" A swan man looked at the weapons of Cook and others in surprise, especially the weapons of the lion, tauren, tiger, and leopard races.

"This is what Speaker Cook helped us obtain from the God of War Mountain. It is the totem artifact of each of our races." The Bunny Clan chief said.

"What, you bastards, let a human step into the God of War Mountain?" The swan man's voice was very high.

"Li Cha, please pay attention to your language. To be precise, Cook is a half-orc, with one-eighth of the orc bloodline. In addition, Cook's war song talent is higher than everyone present." The tiger patriarch said. .

"High talent, haha, good, I'll try this half-orc after a few days." The swan man called Li Cha said with a sneer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the bunny man explained to Cook: " You must face the challenges of these guys in the future. Don’t give us face at that time and beat them fiercely with war songs. These guys and us are completely two factions in the orcs. These guys promote the orcs’ way of life. In the realm of race, humans are not allowed to enter at all. These guys say this is tradition.

Cook nodded, and dozens of people including the swan man looked at the bunny and others with jealous eyes. Among them, the head of the werewolf wandered around Cook.

Werewolves can be said to be a powerful race among the orcs, but because of this, the werewolves split into several races. On Cook's side, there is also a werewolf patriarch, but Cook can't tell the difference between the werewolves.

"So when do we start?" the tauren asked.

The beginning is to start hunting, and then decide who will preside over the meeting. This is the tradition of orc meetings.

"Let’s get started right away. The entire Red Plains are hunting grounds. Some people don’t want to get through it, because the creatures of Red Plains are different from the outside." The Swan Man said, and then pointed out.

"Okay, let's get started. Before tomorrow night, come back here." When the patriarch Bimen heard this, he also spoke.

"That's good." The lion nodded and said, and the others nodded. Then, without a referee, everyone attacked and dispersed. Cook saw this situation and started walking in one direction. .

"Speaker Cook, do you want us to be together?" The Silver Fox shouted loudly not far behind Cook.

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