A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 433:

The mountains in the Red Plains are not very big, and there is no dirt. There are only very low shrubs, weeds, and red rocks. These rocks are quite big. Cook looked around and said, "Thank you for the kindness of Patriarch Silver Fox. No, I don’t need it."

"Hehe, what is Speaker Cook afraid of?" Silver Fox asked with a smile beside Cook.

"Patriarch Silver Fox, your racial charm doesn't work for me, okay, goodbye." Cook replied with a smile, and then strode away.

Silver Fox looked at Cook's back and didn't say anything. Then a voice rang: "Tsk, Chief Silver Fox, don't you know that there is a Fox family lady beside Cook?"

"Huh, long-eared guy, it's cheaper for you Bunnymen." Silver Fox snorted and left.

The patriarch of Bunny watched Silver Fox leave and smiled: "Fox tribe, hehe, there is a day when cleverness turns out to be mistaken."

"The environment of the Red Plains is peculiar, and the plants that grow are different. Many of these plants are the first time I have seen them." Cook's attention is not only on the surrounding movement, but also on the surrounding plants. Here, the plateau plants may also be a good research object.

So Cook began to pick all kinds of plants, especially those with energy fluctuations and first-class weird plants. Of course, the common Cook has never let go. These plants grow in the crevices of the rocks and bloom with flowers of various colors.

"Shoo." With a sound, a plant fruit only ten centimeters high shot out something.

"Puff." Then, there was a puff sound from a red stone not far away, and this thing shot into the stone.

"Awesome." Cook can see clearly that the projected object is not something else, but a plant seed. The small plant seed can actually be embedded in the stone. I have to say this huge power.

Cook did not hesitate to dig out the plant seed, and then continued to search.

"Huh." Cook is digging a cluster of plants. This family of plants has round tuberous rhizomes. When Cook was lifting this rhizome, he found a shadow flashed by, and then the plants in Cook's hands The rhizome is missing by one.

"This robber is very fast." ∑ding∑dian∑ Xiao∑ said, .♀.o↓s_(); Cook looked at the grass in the distance, a little thing like a rabbit, but this little thing was on him. It's scales, not hairs, small things give people a hideous feeling.

Now that it appeared, how could Cook let this little thing run away? Cook's original power moved, and then strode to the little thing and picked it up. Under the power of the wind element, this little thing basically He couldn't move because the air pressure in the area around the little thing suddenly increased.

"Ugly." Cook gave the little thing ugly, and then Cook stretched out his finger, and the little thing fainted. It was not the size of Cook's palm, but it had a long tail and a small and long one. leg.

Now that he uses the origin of the wind element, Cook's speed has increased. A certain originally inconspicuous bush was grabbed by Cook, and when he grabbed it again, it was a bird-like creature, but the bird was not big. , But the feathers on his body are exactly the same color as the grass, and there is a red stone, after being grabbed by Cook, it is actually a snail-like creature.

In less than ten minutes, Cook caught hundreds of creatures of all sizes, the largest being a half-meter-long white bug with rolling flesh.

"Tsk tsk, if it wasn't for the origin of the wind element, who knew that there were so many creatures in this small area, these guys are too good at disguising, more than two hundred creatures, I am afraid it is enough." Cook looked at it. The prey he was carrying, he sighed.

Yes, this red original does not seem to have any living creatures, but in fact there is a lot of biological diversity, but these creatures have a very good camouflage, coupled with the red original energy interference, so it is not easy to be discovered.

Cook looked at the sky, and it hadn't been long before. Cook looked at his prey and shook his head. It was too young.

"I don't know if there is a big guy." Cook said.

Then Cook saw that there were towering stone pillars far away, and the head of Cook Hing came up all at once. This stone pillar was exactly what Cook wanted to study, and Cook flew to the stone pillar.

The stone pillar is a hundred meters high, and at least five meters thick in diameter. It looks very slender from a distance, but when it comes closer, it is very large.

"This stone pillar is a little old." Cook began to study carefully, first of all to see the degree of weathering of the stone pillar.

"The surrounding area was originally very lively." Cook looked around at a relatively flat area of ​​several kilometers around, which was quite different from the abrupt red stone on the periphery, which proved that this was man-made.

The larger the flat area, the more lively there used to be. Of course, this definition is used in the current society. The same is true. The larger the square, the more local people. Of course, there are occasional ones who are not.

"Boom." Cook knocked hard, but there was no response.

"Is it for decoration?" Cook was puzzled.

But then Cook shook his head. Orcs are not humans. Humans like to make useless things and decorations. But orcs are different. Orcs don’t do that. So in the world of orcs, a metal basin with beautiful patterns is carved. , And the value of a metal basin for casting is the same. In the eyes of the orcs, the basin is used to hold water. No matter how many patterns are carved, it is also used to hold water. Isn't it a fool to buy it?

"Ding ding dong dong dong, ding ding dong dong dong." Cook continued to study without giving up, but there was no discovery.

"Tsk tusk, isn't this Speaker Cook? Why, I want to challenge the ancient spirit beast?" A voice said, but the tone was a bit bad.

"Soul beast, is this stone pillar sealing the soul beast?" Cook knew that it was a swan man when he heard this, and Cook asked without looking back.

Soul beast, this is a kind of strange creature, it should be attributed to the soul family, it is said that it can only be found in places with particularly abundant souls.

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Very Hunter-Chapter 433, Indus Fall

The mountains in the Red Plains are not very big, and there is no dirt. There are only very low shrubs, weeds, and red rocks. These rocks are quite big. Cook looked around and said, "Thank you for the kindness of Patriarch Silver Fox. No, I don’t need it."

"Hehe, what is Speaker Cook afraid of?" Silver Fox asked with a smile beside Cook.

"Patriarch Silver Fox, your racial charm doesn't work for me, okay, goodbye." Cook replied with a smile, and then strode away.

Silver Fox looked at Cook's back and didn't say anything. Then a voice rang: "Tsk, Chief Silver Fox, don't you know that there is a Fox family lady beside Cook?"

"Huh, long-eared guy, it's cheaper for you Bunnymen." Silver Fox snorted and left.

The patriarch of Bunny watched Silver Fox leave and smiled: "Fox tribe, hehe, there is a day when cleverness turns out to be mistaken."

"The environment of the Red Plains is peculiar, and the plants that grow are different. Many of these plants are the first time I have seen them." Cook's attention is not only on the surrounding movement, but also on the surrounding plants. Here, the plateau plants may also be a good research object.

So Cook began to pick all kinds of plants, especially those with energy fluctuations and first-class weird plants. Of course, the common Cook has never let go. These plants grow in the crevices of the rocks and bloom with flowers of various colors.

"Shoo." With a sound, a plant fruit only ten centimeters high shot out something.

"Puff." Then, there was a puff sound from a red stone not far away, and this thing shot into the stone.

"Awesome." Cook can see clearly that the projected object is not something else, but a plant seed. The small plant seed can actually be embedded in the stone. I have to say this huge power.

Cook did not hesitate to dig out the plant seed, and then continued to search.

"Huh." Cook is digging a cluster of plants. This family of plants has round tuberous rhizomes. When Cook was lifting this rhizome, he found a shadow flashed by, and then the plants in Cook's hands The rhizome is missing by one.

"This robber is very fast." ∑ding∑dian∑ Xiao∑ said, .♀.o↓s_(); Cook looked at the grass in the distance, a little thing like a rabbit, but this little thing was on him. It's scales, not hairs, small things give people a hideous feeling.

Now that it appeared, how could Cook let this little thing run away? Cook's original power moved, and then strode to the little thing and picked it up. Under the power of the wind element, this little thing basically He couldn't move because the air pressure in the area around the little thing suddenly increased.

"Ugly." Cook gave the little thing ugly, and then Cook stretched out his finger, and the little thing fainted. It was not the size of Cook's palm, but it had a long tail and a small and long one. leg.

Now that he uses the origin of the wind element, Cook's speed has increased. A certain originally inconspicuous bush was grabbed by Cook, and when he grabbed it again, it was a bird-like creature, but the bird was not big. , But the feathers on his body are exactly the same color as the grass, and there is a red stone, after being grabbed by Cook, it is actually a snail-like creature.

In less than ten minutes, Cook caught hundreds of creatures of all sizes, the largest being a half-meter-long white bug with rolling flesh.

"Tsk tsk, if it wasn't for the origin of the wind element, who knew that there were so many creatures in this small area, these guys are too good at disguising, more than two hundred creatures, I am afraid it is enough." Cook looked at it. The prey he was carrying, he sighed.

Yes, this red original does not seem to have any living creatures, but in fact there is a lot of biological diversity, but these creatures have a very good camouflage, coupled with the red original energy interference, so it is not easy to be discovered.

Cook looked at the sky, and it hadn't been long before. Cook looked at his prey and shook his head. It was too young.

"I don't know if there is a big guy." Cook said.

Then Cook saw that there were towering stone pillars far away, and the head of Cook Hing came up all at once. This stone pillar was exactly what Cook wanted to study, and Cook flew to the stone pillar.

The stone pillar is a hundred meters high and at least five meters thick in diameter ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It looks very slender from a distance, but when it comes closer, it is very large.

"This stone pillar is a little old." Cook began to study carefully, first of all to see the degree of weathering of the stone pillar.

"The surrounding area was originally very lively." Cook looked around at a relatively flat area of ​​several kilometers around, which was quite different from the abrupt red stone on the periphery, which proved that this was man-made.

The larger the flat area, the more lively there used to be. Of course, this definition is used in the current society. The same is true. The larger the square, the more local people. Of course, there are occasional ones who are not.

"Boom." Cook knocked hard, but there was no response.

"Is it for decoration?" Cook was puzzled.

But then Cook shook his head. Orcs are not humans. Humans like to make useless things and decorations. But orcs are different. Orcs don’t do that. So in the world of orcs, a metal basin with beautiful patterns is carved. , And the value of a metal basin for casting is the same. In the eyes of the orcs, the basin is used to hold water. No matter how many patterns are carved, it is also used to hold water. Isn't it a fool to buy it?

"Ding ding dong dong dong, ding ding dong dong dong." Cook continued to study without giving up, but there was no discovery.

"Tsk tusk, isn't this Speaker Cook? Why, I want to challenge the ancient spirit beast?" A voice said, but the tone was a bit bad.

"Soul beast, is this stone pillar sealing the soul beast?" Cook knew that it was a swan man when he heard this, and Cook asked without looking back.

Soul beast, this is a kind of strange creature, it should be attributed to the soul family, it is said that it can only be found in places with particularly abundant souls.


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