A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 448:

After the tortoiseshell patriarch came out and saw a large hotel, the tortoiseshell patriarch walked in unwillingly, asked for a glass of ale, and sat there. Not long after, a dwarf sat beside the tortoiseshell patriarch. >>Ya>Wen 8_﹎=`=`==

"Turtle?" The dwarf glanced at the tortoiseshell man who was about the same height as himself, and asked suspiciously.

"Tortoiseshell." The tortoiseshell patriarch was speechless. Of course, the tortoiseshell people and the tortoise people look similar to outsiders, but the tortoiseshell people think they are more literate and knowledgeable than the tortoise people.

"Oh, tortoiseshell man, you also come to Sanjiang City to do business?" The dwarf almost chatted when he drank.

"Come and see." The tortoiseshell man nodded and said.

"I also came to have a look, but I have decided now to come to Sanjiang City." Hearing this, the dwarf said immediately.

"Oh, but I heard that those dragon guards are very...that." The tortoiseshell patriarch said in a low voice.

The dwarf shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

"How could it have nothing to do with you?" the tortoiseshell patriarch asked in shock.

"Of course not. As long as I abide by the rules, what can he do with me? I do business seriously. On the contrary, I think these dragon guards are doing well." The dwarf replied angrily.

"This..." The tortoiseshell man looked at the dwarf incomprehensibly.

The dwarf looked at the tortoiseshell man and asked, "The first time you do business?"

"Almost." The tortoiseshell patriarch replied.

"That's weird. I told you that you want to do business in a city like this. You don't know how difficult it is to do business. I used to do business in a human city. First of all, you have to manage your area. The regional patrol team gave gifts, because in this way you won't encounter some unnecessary troubles." The dwarf said.

"Unnecessary trouble?" The tortoiseshell man didn't understand. ﹎>>雅>文吧﹎`·==`-

"Do business people need to transport goods? Does this traffic need to be managed by these patrols? If you don’t give gifts, well, don’t think about quietness when you transport the goods. Check the vehicles when loading them, and then you have to unload the goods yourself. I'll unload the cargo for you, I'm afraid that the cargo will be damaged. There is also to check your identity. You are working. Let you stop all, and then check your identity one by one. If you don't give gifts, you will come in three days and two days. Check you, there are some gangsters, gangsters, buying things from time to time, and then blackmail you, you give two money, I am not reconciled, if you make a big trouble, the patrol will take you away for review, three to five days It’s good to be able to release it, and sometimes the quality of the things you sell will be problematic. You have to check all your goods and you have to do business. Therefore, the patrol team must give gifts, which are given every month. , And there is also a gift from the consul, otherwise, your business is doing well, you will not rent the house, or you will be cut off from the water, and the passage is forbidden. People have very good reasons to maintain." The dwarf said in a breath. A lot.

"Isn't that?" the tortoiseshell patriarch asked incredulously.

"That’s not even counted. Sometimes your business gets better. The local people in this industry may not be able to trouble you. There are also some powerful guys who will find a crime and get you out directly. He took over the business. I have been in business for so many years, and I have seen anyone." The dwarf said with a curled lips.

The tortoiseshell patriarch’s eyes straightened, and the dwarf said with a smile: "Sanjiang City is very good. First, the public security and the lion clan are completely separated, so there is no internal and external collusion, and my little money, the dragon Don’t look down on it. As long as I don’t violate the rules, the dragon guard will not look at me. As for those who don’t follow the rules, I said that I should do it this way and let those guys go bankrupt. Although there are some taxes every month, But that place does not collect taxes?

"Uh. >> Ya> Wen 8_﹎=`=`==" The Hawksbill Patriarch heard the dwarf say so, and said immediately.

"No, the last time I was drunk in our dwarf's own city, I was robbed. I was also drunk twice here. Although I had to serve for two days each time, I never lost anything." A dwarf at the next table also spoke.

"Haha, that's up to you poor ghost, if you have money, you will be sent directly to the shelter." The dwarf who was with the tortoiseshell patriarch immediately laughed.

"That's better than being robbed. Anyway, there is no life-threatening thing. Isn't it just some **** crystals? If you don't have it, you can make money. If you are robbed, you will have no destiny." The dwarf shook his head and said drunkenly.

"Let me say that the dragon guard is also very good. The last time I delivered a delivery to a city, it took three hours from entering the city gate to the place where the goods were delivered. The distance was less than two kilometers. Those guys were stuck. , There is no order. It’s all right here. It was delivered in less than ten minutes. I can still drink a little wine before going back. I don’t think the messy guys should let them go into the city again." A human also spoke.

"But the dragon guard is too cruel." Someone finally said what the tortoiseshell patriarch wanted to hear, and the tortoiseshell patriarch looked at the human.

As soon as this human speech settled down, he heard only one voice saying: "It should be ruthless, if not ruthless, who of us will come here to do business, especially racial discrimination, this is the most agreeable point. I used to do it in other cities. In business, local races are much more advantageous than ours. Some race cities will even come to grab our things. We also make hard money in business, OK?"

The speaker was a dwarf. In the God Realm, there are many dwarf merchants. The dwarf has a soft spot for machinery and business.

"This is correct. Don't talk about anything else. Sometimes when bulk goods pass by, not only do you have to pay taxes normally, but you also need various management. If you don't, your things will be detained, and you will talk about prohibited items. "Another human also nodded and said.

"Although the practice of guarding the dragon is a bit too much, but for those who do not follow the rules, they should do it. Most of the people who do not follow the rules are powerful and powerful. We civilians, there are people’s opponents. This After the code came out, we civilians felt that we were part of the entire city." A human said.

Everyone is babbling, the patriarch of the tortoiseshell people is very uncomfortable after hearing this. According to the cognition of the tortoiseshell people, many people will be disgusted by the dragon's doing this, but I didn't expect things to be like this. Everyone still supports the giant. The way the dragon guards guards, this makes the tortoiseshell patriarch confused.

The tortoiseshell patriarch's doubts are far more than these. The support of the civilians at the bottom can be said to be safe, but what about the powerful in the city?

The tortoiseshell clan chief thought that if he were himself, he would definitely not do this, so the tortoiseshell clan chief decided to have a good chat with the lion elders. The tortoiseshell clan chiefs are now not talking about a certain patriarch, but to relieve their curiosity.

Similarly, the tortoiseshell patriarch did not see the lion elder, and was also stopped. He did not see the lion elder, but the tortoiseshell met the tauren patriarch.

In the Yinshan City of the Tauren, there was also a dragon guarding there, and the tortoiseshell clan chief expressed his doubts.

When the tauren patriarch heard this, he said with a smile; "Brother tortoiseshell, it’s normal for you to have such doubts. Take our tauren as an example. At the beginning, it didn’t say that dragon guards should be stationed, but you Do you know what the result is?"

"What is it?" the tortoiseshell patriarch asked suspiciously.

"In the entire city, where do you want to build a house, then build one. If you want to build a tent, then build one. Originally, I had plans for Yinshan City, but those who built these houses were all powerful and powerful. And some of them are relatives. What do you ask our leaders to say, so everyone turned one eye and closed one eye. In the end, you can imagine what the whole city looks like. The original wide roads have become small roads, and vehicles can go there. The place, you must walk over, almost all business people are Tauren, and there are few other races, so the dispute came ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone in Tauren originally did business, but some powerful families saw that they were weak When the family business is good, they are dissatisfied, so they look for faults. Then the weaker family will definitely quit. Then the only result is to do it. In serious cases, Yinshan City will have hundreds of fights a day. The normal order of the city has been messed up. Outsiders saw this scene and left one after another. This resulted in a decrease in guests. The decrease in guests made business more and more difficult to do, so the contradiction became more severe. The guards on the patrol only dared to deal with these people when they finished fighting, and the chance of being beaten was very high when dealing with them, because the other party was powerful and powerful, and finally this kind of conflict between the various families gradually emerged, and finally the elders’ meeting The elders have conflicts with each other." The tauren patriarch said.

"It's so serious." The tortoiseshell recognized what the tauren patriarch said. In fact, a tribe looks huge and there are many families, but it is inextricably linked with the elders of the Presbyterian Church. Once this contradiction continues to expand, it will eventually extend. It is completely possible to reach the Presbyterian Church.

"Yes, it was Speaker Cook who saw this phenomenon and recommended that we outsource public security. Our Presbyterian Church had already fallen out at the time. Everyone heard this, but they all agreed. The Dragon Guard was introduced less than half of the time. Months later, the entire street returned to its original appearance. There were almost no fights and fights, and the business environment improved. You know what the tauren elders will find after the dragon guards are stationed for a month and a half?" The patriarch asked.

"I don't know." The tortoiseshell patriarch asked.

"The number of merchants has increased five times, and tax revenue has increased twenty times." The tauren patriarch said.

"How is this possible. If the number of merchants increases five times, the tax revenue will increase twenty times?" The tortoiseshell patriarch asked, shaking his head.

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