A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 449:

The tauren patriarch glanced at the tortoiseshell patriarch: "How much tax did those powerful and powerful people pay?"

"Huh?" The tortoiseshell patriarch saw his eyes looking at the tauren patriarch, and he felt awkward in his heart. How should I put it? Actually, the leaders of the orcs don't know that the entire orc tribe is almost the poor subsidizing the rich.

Why do you say that? The powerful and powerful take advantage in all aspects, taxation, population, and even the distribution of land, because they hold the power. As for the poor, as long as they should pay, there is no less, just like For a race, the annual expenditure is definitely not a small figure. The rich can't keep it up. What should I do? Disband the leadership? Certainly not. It can only be passed on to other people. What is this other person? As for people, the entire tribe only has the term rich and poor.

Even in the most primitive orc tribe, there is no tax, but in terms of food distribution, the tribal elders have priority. It is not said that the tribal elders will be starved to death, and only other people will starve to death.

Of course, once the elders of these tribes encounter a major crisis, for example, if other tribes want to invade, their fate is definitely more bumpy than others. As for surrender, there is this saying in human society, but in orcs In the tribe, once surrendered, it will be looked down upon by everyone, including the object of your surrender. Orcs will fight to death.

"Although there are quite a few people who oppose the dragon guard, but from the perspective of the development of the entire tribe, as the patriarch, I still welcome the dragon guard to station. This must be said to be an ironic thing." The patriarch shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"Uh!" When the tortoiseshell people heard the tauren's words, how did they feel that the style was wrong, what irony thing, these tauren barbarians could say such things?

"Now our monthly tax revenue in Yinshan City exceeds 200,000 high-grade **** crystals, and all the forces under the Council of the Gods are going to cancel the level tax. In the future, the level is only for inspection and not responsible for tax collection." Then he said again.

"Since this way, isn't the income a lot less?" The tortoiseshell patriarch asked when he heard that no taxes were collected.

The tauren patriarch shook his head and said, "I don't understand the specifics, but Speaker Cook gave me an example."

"Speaker Cook also understands economics?" The tortoiseshell patriarch was even more surprised.

The tortoiseshell patriarch was surprised because even if he is a god, it is impossible to say that he is proficient in all fields. Speaker Cook is strong, so he needs to exercise his strength most of the time and can refine artifacts. Do you still understand economic.

"That's for sure. Look at what life the rabbit people, our tauren, elephant, lion, beimeng, and butterfly tribes live in now. I don’t know what else, the average per capita of our tauren tribe for half a year The income reaches 30 high-grade **** crystals." The tauren patriarch said.

"So many!" The tortoiseshell patriarch was surprised. Of course, the tortoiseshell patriarch didn't know the set of the tauren, the magic herb hunt.

"Chairman Cook said that reducing the level of taxation is very beneficial to us orcs. To give a very simple example, the current merchants transport a batch of daily necessities from human society, and they have to pass several or even dozens of forces on the road. Every site must be taxed, so the original thing of a low-grade **** crystal, when it comes to our orcs, there will be hundreds of low-grade **** crystals. After the level is cancelled, the price will be reduced by at least 50%, which is the lowest It is estimated that if a trade route is formed, it is estimated that the reduction will reach 70%, then the original price of one thing we can buy can buy two or even three. When these merchants go back, they can also carry the goods of the orcs from various tribes. It’s not that the goods cannot be sold, but there are too many levels on the road, causing the things bought by the orcs to go back to be more expensive than those produced locally. This is why merchants are not very willing to come to the orcs. Now the price of the goods is high and extremely large. Some orcs can’t afford it. The merchants want to deliver more goods but are afraid that they cannot sell them. So they have to bring less goods. The cost of bringing less goods will definitely increase. These are still in the price of the goods, and there is nothing to carry when they go back. Yes, so this part of the price is also in it, which results in a low-grade **** crystal in the human world, and we orcs have to sell one hundred or even two hundred low-grade **** crystals.

After the abolition of the tax, it seems that income has decreased, but on the one hand, the price at which we orcs buy things has dropped, and on the other hand, the special products of the orcs, such as dried meat, can also be sold. For ordinary orcs, one can enter one. Export is a large amount of income, and the increase of merchants will make the territory prosper. Merchants have to collect taxes for selling things. If there are more merchants and more goods are in circulation, then income will not decrease, but will increase. When ordinary orcs enter and exit, they also have money in their hands, so they will buy more things, attract more merchants, and tax more. "The tauren patriarch remembered Cook's speech at the Council of Gods very firmly.

After hearing this, the tortoiseshell patriarch nodded slightly, and had to admit: "It seems there is some truth."

"Haha, Speaker Cook calculated it, and now we have to sell five hundred lower-grade **** crystals for human food here. If there is no tax, at most less than two hundred upper-grade **** crystals, we orcs are not afraid of being hungry. "The tauren said with a smile.

"Oh!" When the tortoiseshell patriarch heard this, his heart was slightly acidic, because the tortoiseshell had no human food to buy.

Orcs eat food just like humans eat meat. Orcs eat more meat and feel that the food is delicious. Humans eat more food and feel that the meat is delicious. Of course, the orcs do more calculations. A pound of meat is not enough for an orc to eat, but the food for a pound of meat is enough for an orc to have a full meal. A full belly is actually the wish of the orcs for a long time. Yes, of course for ordinary orcs. As for the elders, cough cough, have you ever seen that the big and small bosses worry about buying a house?

When the tauren patriarch saw this tortoiseshell patriarch, he shook his head and said; "In fact, strictly speaking, the price of food that you tortoiseshell people can buy in the future will be cheaper."

"How is it possible, we are the furthest away from the human world." The tortoiseshell patriarch shook his head and said.

"Water transport, through the Blackwater Marsh, along the Red River all the way up, you will reach the territory of your tortoiseshell." The tauren patriarch also brought a map and said.

"Don't be kidding, the Blackwater Marsh can go in and out freely? And the tortoiseshell people in the Red River dare not go down... You mean?" The tortoiseshell man reacted later.

"The dam, you have also seen it. After the dam outside is established, how calm is the entire water surface? As long as you build three dams in the Red River, you will have a huge lake for the hawksbill turtles. I don’t say you also understand. , How important this lake is to you tortoiseshell people." Tauren said with a shrug.

"But this dam was built by Cook." The tortoiseshell patriarch was very excited. The tortoiseshell people actually like to live by the water, and the water of the tortoiseshell is good. As for the tortoiseshell living in the sea, it is the tortoiseshell, this It's a tortoiseshell person, different. (Author: hehe.)

"The ownership of the dam is in Cook, but the lake in the dam is always not yours to tortoise shells, and just like the dam in Sanjiang City, Lion Man and Bimon can also be used. As long as it is not damaged, of course, the premise is that you can It's damaged," the tauren said.

"But the creatures in the Red River are very powerful." The tortoiseshell man hesitated.

"Haha, I'll show you something. It took me a lot of high-grade **** crystals to get it." The tauren patriarch took out a magic crystal and started to operate it.



"It's amazing." When the magic image was released, the tortoiseshell man's surprised voice never stopped. Two hours later, the tortoiseshell man reacted from the shock.

The tauren patriarch said, "How about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is such a dam? The safety of your hawksbills is guaranteed. As long as they are within the protection range of this defeat, let alone other creatures, they are the beasts. You have to weigh it, and do you think Speaker Cook will not be stationed to protect him after he builds the dam?"

"It's so amazing, these hundreds of thousands of crocodile people have been defeated like this?" The tortoiseshell asked incredulously.

"I don't understand the medicine. Anyway, when I rushed over, I could only catch the poisoned crocodile in the water. One of our guards also captured two female crocodile and went back to be slaves. Haha." The tauren patriarch said.

"Disgusting." The tortoiseshell man heard this and said.

"I also feel a little bad, but I guess that next year there will be many children of other races among the crocodile people." The tauren patriarch nodded. The combination of the orcs is strange. The child is only one of the races of the parents, just like the tauren and the fox The child born is either a tauren or a fox, and there is no other type. As for what it is, it will not be known until the birth.

"Can magic plants really be exchanged for **** crystals?" the tortoiseshell man asked unwillingly.

"That's for sure, and the purchase price of the entire God Realm is the same. After all, Cook has money, but I don't think the price of medicine will be very low in the future." The tauren patriarch nodded and said.

"Can you really build a portal?" The tortoiseshell asked again.

"I don’t dare to say this. After all, I don’t know how Speaker Cook planned it. But I think it’s absolutely not wrong to find Speaker Cook first. Look at us. At first, I heard Cook’s Bunnyman. , Nima city has been established, and there is also a pharmacy school. The income that this pharmacy school creates for the rabbit people in a year is at least tens of millions of gods." The tauren said jealously.

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