A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 450:

The tortoiseshell people did not say anything right away. After the tortoiseshell people left the tauren patriarch, they bought a map and studied them carefully. The tortoiseshell people discovered that the route the tauren told him was still very close, but the key was to look at Cook Is there any determination?

"Go and see Speaker Cook." The tortoiseshell man soon had an idea in his heart. After all, he was the patriarch of a race.

The tortoiseshell people find someone to recommend, they find the patriarch of the Bunnyman, because the relationship between the patriarch of the Bunnyman and Cook is said to be very good, and Cook is nominally a half-orc of the Bunnyman, thinking of the bunnyman and half-orc, combined with Cook's strength, Tortoiseshell people think this statement is very strange, Nima half-orcs have such a guy, it is estimated that they will not be discriminated against.

"Haha, I want to see Speaker Cook. It just so happens that Speaker Cook is at the Pharmacy School in our Bunnyman Territory. Let’s go." Hearing the request of the tortoiseshell patriarch, the patriarch Bunny immediately agreed. The patriarch Bunny knows about Cook. The plan, if the tortoiseshell people are willing, it would be better, of course, the rabbit people still have an idea in their hearts, that is, even if you poor ghosts do not agree, don't you dare to stop Cook's plan.

But since some people are willing, then the patriarch of the Bunny also knows that Cook will not insist. After all, his reputation is not good. Although in the gods, reputation is a fart, and what you want is strength, but no one wants to damage his reputation. .

It is not the first time for the tortoiseshell people to use the portal, but the Lion and the bunny people have a portal, which still makes the tortoiseshell people feel very uncomfortable, because everyone is an orc.

"This portal is expensive to maintain, right?" The tortoiseshell patriarch asked after following the bunny patriarch out of the portal.

"It's a lot, but the fees charged are also a lot, and this portal Speaker Cook also has a share in it. We don't care about the maintenance, just take care of the gods." The Bunny chief nodded. ‘

After stepping out of the portal, the tortoiseshell talents are truly shocked. The buildings here are made of stone and wood, but the wide streets and the orderly flow of people, shops one by one on the side of the road.

The Bunnyman said, "To see Speaker Cook, you have to go outside the city. The School of Pharmacy is outside the city."

"Dangdang!" A series of Dangdang voices.

"Let’s go, let’s take the bus once." A large metal box with several wheels stopped in one place, making a sound. Many people who were standing in this place entered through the box. On the other end, people kept coming down, and there were people with big bags.

"This is a bus, a city transportation tool built by a dwarf. Around this portal, there are more than 30 buses, and there are at least 30 along the way, ensuring that the entire city can basically reach any area." Enter the metal box After that, there were rows of wooden seats. The Bunnyman patriarch took out two metal coins and handed it to a Bunnyman who was guarding the door.

"What did you just give?" The tortoiseshell man felt that the metal box was constantly moving. These were not unusual things. The man who controlled the bus was also a dwarf, and the dwarf was very good at machinery.

"It's Bunnyman Coin, a currency used by our Bunnyman, made of some rare magic metal." The Bunnyman said.

"Oh." The tortoiseshell man said, not that the tortoiseshell man did not want to ask, but that the tortoiseshell man was also a patriarch, always asking others for advice, the tortoiseshell patriarch was also very unwilling in his heart.

The tortoiseshell patriarch took a close look. In the middle of the road, metal boxes of various sizes were moving. On both sides of the road, there were long railings. Inside the railings were some pedestrians, and outside were rows of shops.

The tortoiseshell people also found that the large suitcases in the ride would stop at regular intervals, and then some people came up through the front door, and some people came up from the front door and gave things like metal coins.

What made the tortoiseshell person stunned was that the big metal box moved for half an hour, and there were still endless shops on both sides of the road, and some small forks could be seen, and there were shops inside.

The roads used in the Bunnyman’s city are radioactive, and there are no big intersections. Although it is inconvenient in some places, the traffic light is simple for Cook, but he is very receptive to the orcs. doubt.

After spending more than an hour, the Chief Bunny didn't say anything, but the Chief Bunny wasn't stupid. Knowing that the Chief Tortoiseshell must have seen a lot of things along the way.

"Let's go, I'm leaving the city now." The Bunny Chief said.

After everyone came down, a few dwarves hurriedly took tools to inspect the big box. The Bunny Chief said: "Check every time, otherwise it will be troublesome if it breaks on the road."

"No inspection when you leave the city?" The tortoiseshell man asked suspiciously as he passed the city gate.

"No inspection, no inspection when entering or leaving the city, and no taxes." The Bunny Chief shook his head and said.

"Are you not afraid of the enemy?" the tortoiseshell clan chief asked suspiciously.

"First of all, we have guards outside the city, and the other is that this city gate has detection magic patterns. Once there is an abnormality, if you see it, there will be a dragon guard on it. The dragon guard and the flying guards of our bunny people belong to the entire city. The only two types of people who are allowed to fly, once the others fly up, will face high penalties." The patriarch of the Bunny clan turned his head and pointed to a tall house on the wall.

The tortoiseshell patriarch is silent, and the dragon guards what virtues the tortoiseshell patriarch already knows. This Nima is just fine to find trouble. I am not afraid that you will commit a crime, but I am afraid that you will not.

"All mounts are not allowed to enter the city, including large pets. Even small pets must be registered and paid." Then the bunny patriarch pointed to a large place next to the road, where some mounts can be seen inside. .

"Aren't you afraid of running away?" the tortoiseshell asked suspiciously.

"This is where the Yalong subordinate to the giant dragon is here to guard, and the responsible person is also the dragon guard. The fees charged are our rabbit people occupy a certain proportion, and the rest is theirs, and they are responsible for things." The rabbit said Said.

The tortoiseshell people are silent, and Yalong is also very tyrannical, not to mention that there is a dragon guarding it. No matter how awesome the beast comes here, it must be obedient, and it is no use to be beaten up.

"Don't you be afraid that those dragons will eat these mounts?" The tortoiseshell man was puzzled.

"When you store the mount, there will be a registration and a certificate. If you lose it, these dragon guards will have to compensate." The Bunny Chief continued to explain.

"What if the dragon doesn't pay?" the tortoiseshell asked again.

"How can it not be compensated? If they are not compensated, other dragon guards will come to them. Not to compensate is already a violation of the Bunnyman Moonlight City Code." The Bunnyman Patriarch replied angrily.

"Aren't the dragon guards together?" The tortoiseshell man was puzzled.

The patriarch of the Bunny explained patiently: "It's together, but it's not a department, and the rewards are different."

"Clever." The tortoiseshell man couldn't help but exclaimed. It doesn't belong to one part, and finances are not counted together. The dragon guard in charge of public security will definitely not let these guards off the mounts. The dragon does everything for wealth. Can be done.

"Let's go, continue to take the bus, but this is the bus belonging to the School of Pharmacy, free of charge." Another big box came and made a dangling sound, the Chief Bunny said.

This time the big box was full of people, and the tortoiseshell patriarch had no seats. The whole big box was full.

"Full, full, wait for the next trip." The dwarf who operated the metal box shouted loudly, then closed the door, and the metal box continued to move.

"It's very deserted here!" The tortoiseshell patriarch looked at the road and it was very good. There was also a metal fence, and it was several meters high.

"What do you know? This is the plantation of the School of Pharmacy. It's still remote. The land here is more expensive than the city. You can't buy it. You can only rent it. You know how many crystals are obtained from the various facilities under the ground. Is it?" A young tiger man heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately stared at the tortoiseshell patriarch. The height of the tiger was more than twice the height of the tortoiseshell patriarch.

"This is a wasteland." The tortoiseshell patriarch said unconvinced.

"In the future, a constant-temperature plantation will be established in this land. There are not only pipes for conveying water, but also pipes for conveying fertilizers, as well as magic pattern props to maintain a constant temperature. The price of a piece of land is ten high-grade crystals for a year. A plot of land is only 30 square meters, but now that it has been rented out, I rented two." The tiger young man said.

"30 square meters is ten high-grade crystals, such a large piece?" the tortoiseshell patriarch asked in shock.

"Of course, this is from the School of Pharmacy. Do you know how many Mageweave Masters have established these facilities here? A full 500 have been established for nearly a month. This is not counted as tens of thousands of other orc labors." Tiger Renjuan explained.

"Brother, you rented two yuan, I can't come and help when that time comes." A female fox said at this time.

"No, there are already two people helping me on these two plots." The Tiger Youth directly refused.

"Brother, are you a pharmacy apprentice?" The Fox female asked without any dissatisfaction.

"No, I can't do pharmacy, so I want to become a plant trainer." Tiger said, shaking his head.

"Brother, I'm going to take the pharmacy apprenticeship test. I don't know if there is anything that needs attention?" The Fox female still asked politely.

The tortoiseshell patriarch did not listen to these words in his ears, but looked at the endless plots of land. There was only the words of the tiger youth in his mind: "30 square meters a year is the rent for ten high-grade gods."

"How many crystals are in this land!" The tortoiseshell man returned to his senses for a while, and the land outside seemed to be very remote.

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