A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 469:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

"Well, I said Cook still likes me the way I am, Cook, we also want to bring a group of tribesmen to my plantation. What do you think?" Windsor heard Cook say this, immediately. Said directly to Cook in a carefree manner.

Cook nodded, this kind of straightforward words sounded like the original Windsor: "That's your plantation, and you are up to it."

"But now a lot of places over there are occupied by those elven elders, and I don't want to drive them away, after all, they are still very helpful to me." Windsor said even if the elven patriarch is still here.

"What do you mean...?" Cook asked with a bad feeling.

&; "Cook, don't you want to build a huge place and make me a garden..." Windsor said, holding Cook's arm.

"No, I said, there can be no outsiders on it." Cook shook his head quickly, joking, and gave you another garden, what do other women think.

"Cook, in fact, it's wrong for you to do that. People like us living in such a big place will feel lonely." Windsor shook Cook's arm and said coquettishly.

"How can I be lonely? My laboratory will be there, and I will stay there in the future." Cook shook his head and said.

"Cook, Cook, you always need someone to take care of the garden. In such a large area, what are you going to do? Are you planning to cultivate new magic herbs? Our flower elves can help. It doesn't matter if you pay less." Windsor's reason came immediately.

This can be regarded as saying that Cook's heart is up, and the patriarch of the flower elves said: "President Cook, we flower elves are only sending people of the **** level, and those above the **** level will never go."

"It doesn't matter. I'll talk about it later. Give me a few days to think about it." Cook shook his head. Although Cook wanted to agree, some magic medicinal materials could not be treated at the **** level.

"You have agreed, and I will take my mother and the others together." Windsor said directly that Cook agreed. Of course, there are still many flower elves in Cook's natural ring.

The patriarch of the flower elves has been shocked since seeing Windsor, because the vitality shown by Windsor is too strong, and the vitality and physique of the flower elves are relatively weak, but Windsor is not only combined with Cook, but also has such a strong body. After further contact, the patriarch of the Flower Elf found that the natural aura of Windsor was too strong, and the natural aura of the Flower Elf was like a human talent, so the patriarch of the Flower Elf was shocked by what Windsor had encountered, so he asked Windsor to be so presumptuous. Of course, Cook didn’t know the request. In fact, the patriarch of the flower elves is very opposed to the combination of the flower elves and humans, because the physique of the flower elves is fundamentally unbearable to combine with humans.

But from the moment I saw Windsor, the Flower Elf patriarch's heart was shaken. The Flower Elf patriarch could see that Windsor and Cook had already had a relationship. According to Cook's strength, this Windsor should not be like this, but Windsor’s natural breath Too rich, the flower elves patriarch would offer such presumptuous conditions. If he knew the secret, the fertility of the flower elves would be greatly improved.

"Okay." Cook just remembered that Windsor's mother and a large number of flower elves are still in the natural ring. It seems that the natural ring is too big. Cook hasn't counted it carefully, but immediately took a look. The total number of flower elves exceeded 50,000, and Cook was ashamed.

In fact, the flower elves live in Cook’s natural ring. The rich life energy strengthens the flower elves’ physique, and the number of times the physique increases. The probability of having offspring is higher when the physique is good. It has multiplied so much in so many years, and there is no fixed date for the pregnancy period of the flower elves. It is like gestating seeds. As long as the seeds are mature, they will naturally land. And the environment in the natural ring will not be said much. In the space of the artifact, the natural atmosphere inside is certain.

Of course, when Cook left from the sanctuary, he also took away a lot of the flower elves, this number occupied most of the flower elves, and the remaining part stubbornly believed that Cook had a conspiracy, and Cook was too lazy to explain that. Many, of course, in Sanctuary, Cook's words still count, even now, not many people dare to trouble the flower elves.

"Go, patriarch, follow me to my plantation." Windsor said immediately.

The elven patriarch said quickly: "I will go with you."

"Okay." Cook nodded and glanced at the elven patriarch, who was very relieved.

Windsor took the people and left and arrived directly at the plantation through the portal. However, it is conceivable that there will be conflicts between the elves and the flower elves, but Cook does not care about that much.

"Well, Cook, let's sign an agreement." La Milano finally finished the argument, and La Milan said somewhat unwillingly.

"You don't need to sign an agreement. If you don't do it well, you will not be allowed to do it immediately." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Cook, you are so able to help outsiders to bully me, I am a woman with a big belly, am I easy? I, our fox widow, let you bully..." Ramlan shouted loudly.

"Stop, you keep crying, and your pocket money will be halved in the future." Cook didn't expect La Milano to learn this trick, and immediately said.

"Sign the contract." Ramlan looked at Cook.

"I signed the contract. Do you think the appraisal contract is over? If I breach the contract, what can you do with me?" Cook said angrily.

"Hmph, if you breach the contract, I will run away from home, and then find a post-dad for your son, and let him fight every day." This shows how sturdy La Milan is.

Cook looked at the Patriarch Thunder Dragon, who slapped his chest: "President Cook, I can guarantee that Ramalan would not do this."

"La Milan, you will say this again in the future. When you give birth to your son, I will let you go directly." Cook's voice became a little cold.

When Ramlan heard Cook say this, he had nothing to say. The patriarch of Thunder Dragon said quickly: "President Cook, Ramlan is just talking angry."

"I am the least afraid of the **** character. Go back and reflect on it." Cook said angrily.

"Huh." Ramlan left directly.

Cook looked at the Leilong patriarch and sighed and said: "La Milan is too fascinated by money, I am worried that things will be screwed up, you should look at her in the future.

"We will never let La Milan mess things up." Leilong Patriarch quickly assured.

Cook signed a contract with the Thunder Dragon family. In fact, it was some shops, letting the Thunder Dragon family operate or rent it out. It could not be a simple means of making money. After the Thunder Dragon family saw the contract, they knew that Cook was sending money. Yes, I like it even more in my heart. Several elders of Thunder Dragon decided to make La Milan obedient. The rent of this shop for one year, there are examples, let alone how many shops in this area.

The Thunder Dragon clan left happily, and Cook said to the Titan Patriarch: "Let's go."

The five giants of the Titans followed Cook. Cook also placed the Titans on the farm next to the Mountain of the Gods. What they are doing here is of course to maintain the trade between the Council of the Gods and the Beasts. Of course, these Titans I can't live in the market, I just get a salary, but the environment of the gods makes these Titans' strength increase very quickly.

"Sina, take them there and put on this badge." Cook gave five badges. This badge is equal to an identity, that is, this is my person from Cook. As long as it is not excessively against the rules, there will be no People find trouble with these people.

"This is a sacred beast, Xinna?" Chief Titan looked at the big man who came and went, and the scent exuding made Chief Titan very disturbed. Chief Titan asked.

"Yes, it is the beast of Bear City." Xin Na nodded.

"Big Brother." Xin Na yelled when she saw a Titan from a distance.

"Sina." Seeing Sina, Sinta greeted from a distance.

The patriarch of Titan looked at Xinta and the others' costumes, and was shocked, because the costumes of Xinta and others could be a kind of standard equipment, while the patriarch of Titan looked at the equipment of his few people, which was obviously mixed and matched.

"Brother, this is the mountain of the patriarch of the Titan tribe, this is the great elder Shantai, this is the second elder frozen, and the third elder..." Xin Na said.

"Sinta has seen all the elders." Xinta performed a titan's courtesy.

"Hehe, Xinta, it's nice to meet you. Are you here as a guard?" The mountain asked with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, our Titans are here as guards. Cinta nodded.

"Are these sacred beasts?" Shan Yue continued to ask.

"These are the sacred beasts of Bear City who came here to buy things. Our main task is to watch these sacred beasts and prevent them from making trouble." Xin Ta replied. ,

Bingfeng smiled and asked, "These sacred beasts will listen to you?"

"Yes, as long as we say, these sacred beasts will listen." Xin Ta nodded.

"Could these mythical beasts reason with you?" Shantai asked in a bad mood.

Xinta didn't answer, and another voice sounded: "You rock heads, why don't we make sense?"

"Huh." Shantai looked back and saw that there were dozens of big guys. These big guys were also two meters tall and two meters wide. They were typical meatballs. This is the big guy in Xiongcheng.

"Our people in Xiongcheng are the most obedient, rock-headed." Bai Xiong said provocatively.

"Who did you say rock your head?" the mountain asked with a gloomy face.

"Oh, I'm so scared, I didn't know it was those guys who ran away when they were pissing." Bai Xiong said angrily.

Sinta saw that the two parties had a grudge, so he said, "Don't quarrel, everyone is gone."

"Hmph, luck for you rock heads today, if it weren't for here, we would blow your rock heads." The white bear snorted coldly, and then left with hundreds of bear city guys.

Xin Na looked at the mountain and asked, "What's the matter?"

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