A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 470:

Shantai watched Bai Xiong and the others leave, and asked Xinta in disbelief, "They really left?"

"I'm the guard here, they still want to listen to what I say." Xin Ta didn't like Shantai and the others. Because Xin Na asked, these guys didn't have an answer. As for the patriarch, for the Titans like Xin Ta. Say, what's the matter, I didn't see these monsters actually bullying these guys like this.

"Then why are they obedient?" Bing Feng asked.

"Because the rules here are made by Cook." Xin Na replied, Xin Na was still very disappointed with these Titans.

When Shan Yue and others heard this, they couldn't help but re-examine Cook's position here. You must know the city on the side of the beast, but for other races, they don't buy it. How can these beasts buy this Cook?

"Why?" Shan Yue continued to ask.

"What and why?" Xin Ta asked suspiciously.

"Why do these beasts obey the rules set by Cook?" Shan Yue couldn't figure it out.

"This is Cook's territory. Cook specifies the rules. Is there anything wrong?" Sinna's tone was a little unkind.

Frozen opened his mouth and added: "What do we mean is why do these mythical beasts obey the rules?"

"In someone else's territory, can you not follow the rules?" Sinta's tone was somewhat ironic.

Shanyue and the others are speechless, don't these people know that it is impossible to reason with the beasts?

However, Shan Yue and the others looked at the beasts around them, and found that they were in order, and there were no fights or conflicts.

"What is the relationship between Cook and Bear City?" Shan Yue asked.

"Please pay attention to your words, there are some things that you should not inquire about." Xin Ta said angrily, then turned and left.

Upon hearing Xinta’s words, Congressman Giant immediately complained: “What do you Titans want to do, don’t ask about things that shouldn’t be inquired.” In comparison, Congressman Giant doesn’t value the patriarch of the Titans very much. What's so great about the group of poor ghosts in Nima.

Shan Yue and others remained silent, Xin Na sighed and said: "You go, we are living well here."

"Sina, you are still not the Titans, I am the patriarch of the Titans." The mountain looked at Xinna and asked.

"What are you going to do, what is your attitude?" Senator Giant shouted immediately when he saw Shan Yue talking to Xin Na like this.

"This is a matter for our Titans, you giants had better not interfere." The mountain looked at the Giant Congressman and roared in a strong tone.

Congressman Giant was frustrated by these words. Of course, he was more worried. To know who Sinna was, if something happened, the giants of Nima would be in trouble immediately.

"Damn rocky head, I warn you, if you or him talk to me like this again, our giants will cut off ties with your Titans in the future, a bunch of poor ghosts, I don't know how high the sky is." , Shouted loudly. Of course, Congressman Giant said so, also to attract firepower.

"Are you the chief of the giant clan?" Shantai asked with a sneer.

"Come here, come here, somebody here is bullying Mrs. Sinna." The then-knowing giant raised his throat and shouted loudly.

"Who? Who bullied Mrs. Shina?" As soon as the giant's voice fell to the ground, several big men appeared around him. It is not the white bear who is the leader. This white bear also has a wine barrel in his hand and his mouth is full of oil.

"It's just these rocky heads. They actually said that Mrs. Sinna is a matter of their Titans. Mrs. Sinna told them to leave. They still questioned Mrs. Sinna." The giant congressman can't wait to choke these titans.

"What, **** it, give it to me." The white bear also only recently learned about Sinna, and it starts with Sinta, because Sinta is the identity of the brother-in-law of Cook, and the white bear only knows about Sinna, the white bear and the Titans. There are grievances, of course, it is not Sinta, because Sinta is Cook's relatives, and they dare not lend the white bear a courage, but now that he has an excuse, the white bear roars.

"Roar!" A dozen of the bear clan monsters suddenly turned into giant bears of a height of 100 meters. With a roar, huge slaps hit the five Titans.

"You beasts this time, look for death." Several titans gleamed with magic patterns and turned into giants hundreds of meters high.

"Beep beep." At this moment, a beep sounded.

"Who dares to make trouble here!" shouted a group of giant dragons, a group of giant dragons, and the leading giant in the sky.

"Fuck, big reptile, don't get in the way here, or grandpa, I'll beat you together." Bai Xiong sneered and shouted.

"Stop arguing, these Titans don't know how to promote them, and they want to be against Mrs. Sinna." Congressman Giant said quickly.

When the dragon in the sky heard this, he immediately stood on the frying pan: "What, these rocky heads dare to do this, Bai Xiong, get out of the way, this is something our dragon guards."

"Fuck, I've seen these rock heads a long time ago, young ones, give grandpa a hard hit, these **** rock heads." The white bear roared, and at the same time he had an extra stick with a thick arm in his hand, and then it slipped. Rushed over.

At least a dozen big guys in the bear city around him had an extra metal stick in their hands. They didn't grow bigger, and rushed directly from under the giant bear that was more than ten or hundreds of meters high.

"Despicable, the Nyima mythical beast used a divine weapon, and it even sneaked on, shamelessly." The dragon sheriff saw this scene and shouted angrily.

"Ah!" Five Titans that were hundreds of meters high screamed and fell. Suddenly more giant bears emerged, and the voices of the Titans became weaker and weaker, and finally there was no sound.

The metal rod in the hands of the white bear was also hundreds of meters long, with a diameter of more than a dozen meters in thickness, and it slammed on the waist of Shantai: "A group of hillbillies, actually dare to find in front of Grandpa."

"That's right, these rocky heads are... slap." The white bear slapped the white bear before he finished speaking.

"Hurry up and get dressed, I haven't seen a woman here." Bai Xiong shouted angrily.

These bear-like beasts quickly transformed, and then put the skins on their bodies. The white bear called to the dragon sheriff: "Big guy, these gangsters have been subdued by us, now they are handed over to you."

"I'm pooh, get out of here." The dragon sheriff really has nothing to do with these bear-like beasts. If usual, the dragon sheriff would have jumped up and smoked these bear-like beasts, but the things involved today are different. Sheriff Long could only endure his anger.

"Mrs. Sinna, don't be afraid. These rocky heads will annoy you again in the future. I will lead people to flatten the territory of these rocky heads." The white bear shook his head and flattered Sinna.

"No, no need." Xin Na was dumbfounded. It was just a few blinks of an eye. How could things become like this?

"The dog day, dare to be rude to Sinna, bang, bang, bang." When Xin Ta and the others heard the news, it was already now, and Xin Ta took the weapon in his hand and smashed it down. , The five big guys who were in a coma suffered immediately, were beaten and convulsed, but they just didn't wake up.

"Come here, grab these five guys and take care of them strictly." The dragon sheriff shouted.

So the five Titans were caught by the dragon and flew away. Only then did Xin Na react and eagerly asked, "Where were they caught?"

"Deserve it, sister, is it okay?" Xin Ta said irritably. Of course Xin Ta knew how tragic it was to be caught by the dragon guard.

"It's okay." Xin Na shook her head quickly.

"What happened just now?" Xin Ta asked.

"It's nothing. I just asked them to leave. I said that we are living well here. The mountain asked me if I belonged to the Titans. I don't know how to answer. The giant congressman scolded the mountain, and the mountain said This is Titan’s business, it’s not his business..." Xinna said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xinta breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and said unhappily: "These guys are nothing. Good thing, we live here, there are different Titans, and I want to use the identity of the patriarch, shit, Giant Senator, thank you."

"Yes, it should be." Looking back at this time, Senator Dragon had reacted a little too aggressively, but Senator Giant also knew that some things were overreacted and some were not bad. As long as the person who shouldn’t have the trouble was fine, then what happened to others, That's not your own business.

"This matter has to trouble the Giant Congressman to report to Cook. I don't think there is any need for the Titans to join. Now I want to order us and dream." Xin Ta said.

"Oh, this Titan clan has become less and less effective since it was controlled by the Rock Titans. It is said that they still have conflicts with the mythical beast clan, and eventually had to migrate." Congressman Giant sighed.

Cook also heard the news. Of course someone reported it. Cook rushed over and saw that Sinna was fine. Cook was relieved. Cook asked what happened and said: "Sina, since you are willing Living here, just join the Council of Gods, even if you don’t join, it doesn’t matter what those guys love to do."

"Speaker Cook, I think Mrs. Sinna should not join the Titans, but should join the Council of the Gods. Now the Titans are full of contradictions. There are many contradictions among the various tribes. The poorer the place, the more contradictions. , Now Mrs. Sinna has a lot of wealth. Those poor ghosts will be jealous, and Mrs. Sinna’s clansmen are not very strong, and there will be a lot of trouble." Congressman Giant said.

"That's the truth." Bai Xiong also said.

"By the way, why do you Bear City have an enmity with the Titans?" Cook looked at the white bear and asked directly.

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