A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 472:

Soka said angrily: "Go, go, take your son."

Suoduo smiled: "Patriarch, thank you, I'm going to the mountain of gods first."

"Go ahead, be sure to clarify the meaning over there." Soka said.

"Patriarch, I must do it." Suoduo patted his chest. People who didn't know saw it and thought how loyal Suoduo was!

Soka watched Suoduo leave, and said angrily: "Go, go and take the two wastes from Suoduo's house."

"Patriarch, there are none of the two trash gods, let's go..." a giant said suspiciously.

"After you take it, let them stay in the temporary base. It's nothing to get paid. There are so many nonsense, so quickly go and handle it." Soka shouted.

"Yes, yes." The others were very dissatisfied, but there was no way. Now the reward is pulled from everyone. You must know that the dwarf works at the piece rate.

Suoduo's heart is still very proud. Suoduo's two children are not young anymore. The older one is more than 200 years old, and the younger one is more than 100 years old. The larger one is the peak of the sanctuary, and the younger one is the height of the sanctuary. Rank, in God Realm, that is scum.

"Solar, what do you say to trash like you, do with us, if it's me, I won't go." A group of giants walked on a roughly shaped road, which was hundreds of meters wide, and Some orcs work on the road.

Solal, Sordo’s eldest son, Solal has a gloomy face. Next to Solar, a younger giant sneered and said, "Soski, we have a good father. What if it’s a waste?"

"Haha, Sorado, do you admit that your brothers are rubbish?" Soski said with a laugh.

"We giants never raise waste. If I were to be ashamed of you, I would come here to get paid for nothing. You must know that these payments are pulled from us." A giant beside Soski said with a mockery.

"Trash, we are trash, how about it, you bite me, come bite me." Sorado said loudly with a very disdainful look.

In the face of Solardo’s cheeky, everyone around was speechless, but Solar’s ​​expression became more and more ugly, Soski continued to mock and said: "Solar, look, your brother actually paid Admit it to be trash, what about you, Solar?"

"Enough, don't you just want us to go? Lado, let's go." Solar yelled immediately.

"Haha, haha, you go, you go, this is not our giant's territory, this is the dwarf's territory, I really doubt whether you two wastes will be starved to death." Soskiy roared with a laugh. .

Solar turned and left the team, but a giant leader blocked Solar, "Solal, you really want to leave, you don't need to care about some people."

"Uncle Suomo, I want to leave." Solal said firmly.

"Go along the road, there is a dragon guarding on the road, go find your father." Somo looked at Solal, and gave Solal a bag. Everyone around looked at him, Soski felt something wrong. Up.

"Brother, eldest brother, you really want to leave, wait for me." Solardo yelled as he watched Solar leave.

Soski laughed after seeing the two Solar brothers leaving, "I finally left without getting paid."

"Yes." The surrounding giants also agreed.

Suomo said with a sneer: "What good things will happen to the Council of the Gods in the future, don't count on you guys, Suoduo will definitely not report your names."

"Idiot." One of the other giants who hadn't spoken sneered.

"That is, Uncle Sodor is a member of the Council of Gods. I want to join the Brave Knights in the future. Without Uncle Sodor's nomination to the Council of Gods, you will never want to leave the territory of the giants." Another person also said.

When Soski and the others heard this, their sullen expressions changed, and the look in Somo's eyes changed. Soski and the others only now know that they and others laugh at Solar and others. Somo is the leader in charge. Why didn’t stop it? That’s because Soskie is very talented in giants. If the Brave Knights expand, or the Council of the Gods has to do something else, then the nomination is absolutely indispensable, but now that’s the case, Soskie There will be no chance for others.

Suoduo was careful. He had been squeezed out by the struggle for power before, but he was on the verge of knowing whether the council of the gods was actually him. The entire giant clan hadn't had time to react, so no substitutions were allowed.

And now Sodo is a celebrity of the giants, and after this incident, Soski and others have no chance to enter the Brave Knights, so among the rest, the chance of Somo’s son entering is very high. I have to say that calculations are everywhere.

"You shame me, So Mo?" Soski asked angrily after being shamed, although he was a generation shorter.

"Brain!" Suo Mo pointed to his head, and sneered out two words.

"Also, you'd better give me obediently, because the payment is reported by me. If you don't want to be deducted, just give me obedient, otherwise, get out of me, some of the high-grade Shenjing will be earned by people." Suomo sneered Said that Soskie's talent is very high, but his IQ is really not good. Of course, whether Suo Mo and others have contributed to the flames, this is not known.

When other giants who were eager to hear this, they had no reaction immediately. For these giants who have just been promoted to the **** level, the role of the high-grade **** crystal is very huge.

"Go, build a temporary base before dark." Suo Mo said with a smile when he saw this.

On the other side, Solaro looked at Solar and said, "Brother, are we really going to find father?"

"No, let's find a job by ourselves, I don't believe we are really rubbish." Solar shook his head and said.

"What did Uncle Suomo give you just now?" Sorado asked.

"Some crystals, let's go to Gear City to see." Thoral said.

"Let's go." When Sorardo heard Solar's words like this, he was looking forward to it, and the two giants marched towards Gear City.

Gear City, the nearest city in the Gnomish Territory near Blackwater Marsh, is called Gear City because it is famous for gears. Due to the ore, the metal here contains traces of other metals, the same metals, The wear resistance of the metal here is much higher than that of other places, so the metal here is made of various gears. Over time, the dwarf named it Gear City.

"Move to the side, step to the side, ordinary people step to the side." A voice floated over the two Thoral brothers, and the shadows of several giant dragons passed across the ground.

The two Solar brothers hurriedly walked to the right. In fact, the road was already paved with stones. To be honest, it was much easier to walk than the road in the Giant's Domain.

"Hey, big man, big man?" A dwarf stopped the two brothers.

"What are you doing?" Solal asked.

"Big man, are you here to find work?" the dwarf asked loudly.

"Yes." Solar nodded.

"Great, we are short of strong labor here, I don't know if the two are willing to come to us?" The dwarf pointed to a temporary camp on the roadside and asked.

"What do you do?" Solar really wanted to find something to do, and Solar didn't want to go back and not laugh at others.

"Here, here, we are all ordinary people, what we have to do is... Look here, pour a layer of metal on this roadbed." The dwarf took out a drawing and said.

"Pour the metal!" Solal asked in surprise.

"Yes, our task is to melt the transported metal and pour it on the road where the template has been fixed, but you also know that there is some strength in it, but ordinary people like us don’t want a group of uncles to come. After seeing you, I tell you that the reward we settled is also the top grade **** crystal." The dwarf can speak well.

Solal asked, "Just the two of us?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is mainly a template, of course, sometimes we need help, and not only our dwarf, but also the orcs, but there is no god-level uncle." The dwarf shrugged and looked up at Solar. Speak.

"Big brother." Sorado didn't want to work, so he pulled Lassolar.

"Sorado, I want to work here." Solar thought for a while, then said firmly.

"Brother, I don't want to do coolies here." Sorado said, shaking his head.

"Then you go." Thoral said very positively.

"Brother, how can I go by myself!" Sorado asked, dumbfounded.

"Big man, where are you going? I tell you that our job is for Speaker Cook. If we have a chance, we can meet Speaker Cook. And if we do this, no one dares to bully us." The dwarf doesn't want Sorado to leave, because it just needs two giants to fix the template.

"No, brother, I'm going to my father's side." Sorado didn't think so much.

"Well, big man, where is your father?" The dwarf immediately asked when Sorado was about to leave. The dwarf asked because he was afraid that Solar would also leave.

"Mountains of Gods." Sorado replied triumphantly.

"In this way, we have a metal convoy that will pass through the outpost fortress of our dwarf clan. There is a portal over there, but I need you to keep one." The dwarf can be said to be a threat.

"No problem." Solal replied, meaning he stayed.

The dwarf heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that one was left. If there were no giants, all kinds of machinery would be used. These machinery took a lot of time, and there was a giant who was flexible.

"Welcome to the temporary camp. My name is Remy. How about you, big man?" The dwarf immediately yelled when he heard Thoral staying behind.

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