A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 473:

Solardo left, and Solar stayed. What Solaro had to do was to place the heavy pouring template used in the designated location, of course, sometimes he needed to do some other things.

The progress of casting is not very fast, but it is not very slow. The entire road is a whole, but there is still a gap in the middle of the road, and there is a thick metal railing in the middle of the road, as well as on both sides of the road.

Originally, Solar didn't understand anything. In a few days, Solar had already understood a lot, including transportation lanes, sidewalks, and rest stops, and so on. Solar also understood the drawings.

And Solar felt comfortable here for the first time, yes, because all the people who worked were people below the **** level, everyone was basically at the sanctuary level, and there was no discrimination between each other.

"I'm not going back." Solal looked at the giant guard who came to pick him up. This giant guard is the personal guard of the Solar family. Although it is not an artifact suit, there are at least several pieces. Solar knows this is himself. Father's henchman guards.

"Solar, don't care what others say, they are jealous." The guard had no choice but to enlighten.

"I know, but I am very happy here and there is nothing unhappy. Here, I have many friends who can drink together, sing together, and dance together. I can feel that they are sincere and don't want me to be in the family. Inside, it looks fake, even the eyes of the guards looking at me are full of perfunctory." Solar shook his head and said.

"Solar, this is your father's order, and I must carry it out." This guard is speechless. You are not a god-level guy. It is enough for others to perfuse you. Do you want others to respect you, if not Saying that your father is a parliamentarian, it is estimated that others will not perfuse you perfunctory.

"Hehe, the dragon is responsible for the security work here." Thoral grinned and said.

The guard was speechless. But the guard knew what the concept was if it was caught by the dragon, so he said, "This is our private matter."

"Big man, are you talking to my workers?" The dwarf foreman walked over at this time and asked. From the dwarf foreman's point of view, Solal is simply a qualified worker, not only without the slightest pretensions. He didn't complain at work and was very diligent. Such workers went there to look for them, but the foreman didn't ask just now because he wanted to see what Solar said. Now that Solar is not leaving, the dwarf shouted.

Before the guard could speak, the dwarf stretched out his finger and pointed at the guard and said, "You kid figure it out. We are now working for Speaker Cook. We have delayed the construction period. Can you be responsible?"

"Also, you'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite, I'm afraid it won't feel so good after being caught by the dragon.

When the giant guard heard this, he stared at the dwarf, the dwarf foreman was not afraid, and then drew out a metal whistle, and the giant guard turned and left.

"Big man, don't go." The dwarf foreman yelled.

Seeing the giant guard leaving, the dwarf foreman looked at Solal and said, "Go, big man, drink, no one dares to mess around here."

Solar replied with a smile, "Yes, foreman."

The dwarf foreman shook his head and said, "No, no Solar, this is off work time, my name is Remi, Remi, remember it, it’s not a foreman."

"Yes, Remy." Solar enjoys the time with these gnomes.

Then a big giant and a short dwarf walked into the tavern of the temporary camp. The tavern of the temporary camp was provided by mobile merchants. In fact, they were surrounded by several large carts and then pulled animal skins between the carts. The shed, a simple tavern is formed.

These taverns do business for these people, but in this temporary camp, there are no taxes and fees, so the price is very attractive. Of course, in such a temporary camp, you don’t expect to sell at a high price, and What a premium wine.

Solar has never drunk such inferior wine, but Solar thinks this is his favorite place. After drinking here, everyone tells the truth, without the cumbersome etiquette.

A few dwarven engineers were drunk and opened their clothes, revealing a chest full of chest hair and bronzed skin. The slaps of these dwarves were patted on the buttocks of some maids passing by, not at all. It looks like when the engineer works.

There are more dwarves in this place, as well as orcs. When the orcs are too drunk, they can beat the blood for small things, but once they wake up, there is nothing to do. Even Remi, the foreman, is drunk. Also full of nonsense.

Of course, even more eye-catching is a group of patrolling guards. These guards are dragons. If it weren’t for Remy’s words, Solar wouldn’t believe that it’s a dragon drinking inferior wine, but the glass in these guys’ hands is this tavern. Solal weighed the smallest barrel, and if it were a higher-end wine, it was estimated that drinking these dragons for one night would be enough to consume hundreds of top-grade **** crystals.

"Wow, good news, good news, Speaker Cook is here." The atmosphere is lively, the atmosphere in the tavern is lively, that is, the sound is getting louder and louder, which means the atmosphere is getting better and better.

What rushed in was a god-level dwarf guard. On the road around this temporary camp, there was a patrol team composed of god-level dwarfs at any time to make cross patrols with the dragon guards to ensure the safety of construction personnel on the road.

"Boom!" Under Solal's surprised gaze, Remi, who was already drunk, actually touched the table with his head. You must know that the tables in this tavern were made of palm-thick iron wood planks. , Just to prevent drinking and making troubles and breaking things.

"Remy, how are you?" Solal asked with concern.

"Much better, much more awake." Remi touched his forehead, found no bleeding, and said.

Solar was speechless. This was how to sober up. Amidst a burst of noise, a group of humans walked in.

"President Cook!" The sudden voice shocked Solar, and this was Remy's loud voice.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard. You have done a good job. I am very satisfied. I invite everyone to drink tonight, no matter how much you drink, but don't delay tomorrow's project." Cook saw that most of these are sanctuary level The dwarf, the orc, and the dwarf said.

"Chairman Cook, you are too stingy, a person of status like you actually invited us to drink this kind of wine?" a dwarf engineer called out loudly.

"That is, Speaker Cook, you should have a good drink." Another dwarf engineer also called.

"Haha, I was wrong, but I have good wines, and I don’t have a lot of them with me. So, I will ask everyone to drink 500 catties of good wines. After the project is over, there will be enough good wines at the celebration ceremony. How?" Cook said with a smile.

When Solal heard this, he felt very puzzled and at the same time very comfortable.

"Good!" everyone in the tavern shouted.

Five hundred catties of wine is a lot to talk about, but there are more and more people at the scene. Almost all the people in the temporary camp entered the tavern, and no one stopped them. As for the good wine that Cook brought out, it still needs to be blended, because Such a good wine sanctuary level cannot bear, the energy contained in it is too much. Need to be diluted.

"Don't mind if I sit here, right?" Cook looked at the tavern, and there is still room on Solar's side. No way, the giant has a big butt, and people everywhere are full, waiting for Cook to accompany him. In fact, the staff at this time don’t want to drink much, but to talk about a kind of atmosphere and a kind of face, so I met the employees with the big boss and clinked glasses.

"Big man, move your **** over a little." Remy said to Solar hurriedly.

"Speaker Cook, you sit down." Solar simply sat down on the ground, almost squeezing the dwarfs standing around and fell to the ground, but even though Solar was sitting on the ground, the head was more Michael ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Haha, good. "Cook saw Solar's movements and sat down with a smile.

"What's your name, Giant?" Cook saw Solal at first sight, no way, this Solar is too conspicuous here, just this one.

"Solar." Solal lowered his head and replied.

"Little man, how about you?" Cook turned his head and asked Remy again.

"Remy, Lord Speaker." Remy immediately replied respectfully.

"You're welcome, are you having any difficulties doing the project here?" Cook asked, taking out a wine bottle, pouring a glass for both Remi and Solar, and then pouring a glass by himself, and then just casually Passed the wine bottle in his hand to the other dwarfs watching the excitement behind.

"Wow!" The dwarf around exclaimed, and the dwarf who got the bottle was even more excited. If it weren't for the eye-catching gaze around, the dwarf would have taken the bottle of wine as his own, but the dwarf looked at the bottle. I grasped it tighter, this wine bottle is my own.

"Thank you Speaker." Solar thanked him very politely, and held the glass with both hands.

When Cook saw Solal's action, he didn't speak. This is actually a courtesy in the giant, and Remy hurriedly thanked him, but Remy still held the wine glass with one hand. This shows that the status is different. Strictly speaking , Remy's behavior is impolite, of course, Cook does not account for it, but from this move, it can be seen that Solar is not a low birth.

According to Cook’s current status, Cook sits with Solar and Remy. If Remy is of height, he will stand up immediately. Even if Cook’s performance is close to the people, there is a gap between Cook and Remy. That's still very big. Remi should at least get up and be humble. Cook said to sit, then sit. As for Solar, it's nothing, because they are already sitting on the floor. This is obviously a status gap.

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