A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 474:

"Hehe, I've been solving difficulties for a few days, so feel free to say anything. One" Cook said in his heart.

"Speaker Cook, everything is fine." Remy said directly. In fact, what Remy said is true. In terms of safety and other aspects, there is nothing to worry about. You must know that Cook brought out the top grade. Shenjing, this thing God Realm wants many people, many, of course there will be no difficulties.

Cook looked at Solar and asked, "What about you, giant?"

"Chairman Cook, it is difficult to transport the formwork used for pouring. You also know that the formwork will be removed after the metal pouring is completed, but at this time the metal is often still hot and cannot be operated directly on it, which is a bit troublesome." Solar said.

"Well, you mean you can't use it?" Cook nodded and asked.

"Yes, these templates are very heavy, and the cast metal must not be contaminated with dust, because the metal coating is also applied on it. We usually lay wooden boards, but this is very inefficient." Solal nodded.

"Then can you use more templates?" Cook asked, turning his head to look at Remy.

"Chairman Cook, now our dwarf family's templates, the order has been half a year later, because ordinary templates are not very valuable, so." Remi explained.

"Then equip you with space equipment, can you solve the problem?" Cook asked.

"Yes, of course." Remy quickly replied when he heard this.

"Well, then you write an application. I will let people prepare space equipment. I think with this space equipment, it will be much faster to move the template?" Cook asked.

"That is, that is." Remi's head was pecked like a chicken pecking at rice.

Solal said, "This way the efficiency can be doubled. First of all, there is no need to prepare the planks, nor does it require manpower and material resources to move the template. It just needs one person to move the template, and other people can do other things."

"Hehe, that's good." Cook said with a smile.

"Speaker Cook, this is your wine bottle." The dwarf who got the good wine from Cook behind, grabbed the wine bottle tightly and said.

"Hehe, I gave it to you. This is space equipment, so keep it well." Cook laughed and said.

"Thank you Speaker Cook." When the dwarf heard this, he almost fainted. When the dwarf poured the wine, he felt that there was a lot of wine in the bottle. It looked like it was just a glass of wine, but it was poured. Hundreds of cups, of course, just enough for a sip.

Cook continued to ask: "So do you have any other difficulties?"

"Speaker Cook, I have, I have." The dwarf behind Cook asked.

"What's the difficulty?" Cook stood up, turned and asked.

"Speaker Cook, I also want to have one for this bottle." That said the dwarf actually said so.

"Haha, this is difficult." Cook said with a smile and spread his hands.

Cook spoke to these dwarves for a while, and then left with someone. After Cook left, the people in the tavern still did not disperse. The tavern owner looked at the wine cart and his mouth cracked. Now, the wine that was supposed to be half a month old is almost finished in less than half an hour, and looking at this trend, it is estimated that it will be cleaned up tonight.

"Pay attention to the giant just now." Cook said casually.

"Yes." Next to Cook was Jim, the original **** of gamblers.

Cook wandered around the construction site where the road was built, watching the progress of the construction site and the quality of the construction. You must know that a big boss like Cook came down in person, and those working below would definitely not dare to cut corners. Of course, Cook. It is also capable of discovering that, unlike those doing engineering on the earth, the big boss does everything well when he sees it, because the big boss does not have the strength of Cook as strong, and the mental power cannot penetrate, so even if it is cutting corners, no detection means is needed. It can't be checked.

Cook wandered around and solved a lot of difficulties. Jim quickly found out Solal's identity. To be honest, his identity surprised Jim.

Solal’s family is not small among the giants, otherwise there would be no such members as Sodor. Sodor and the giant patriarch Soka belong to the same family, but Sodor was defeated after he failed to compete for the position of patriarch. Soka was exiled in the Council of the Gods, but it was known that the nameless institution of the Council of the Gods rose to a very important position after Cook came.

As Suoduo's eldest son, Solar was actually doing coolies. Yes, the metal roadside pouring was what coolies did.

After Jim found out, he passed the news of Solar to the secret sect, and naturally someone came into contact with Solar.

Now there are only a hundred people in the sect, but among the more than one hundred people, half of them have already condensed the godheads. These people are the guys in each family whose identities are important, but their strengths cannot keep up. If these guys never have When they reach the **** level, the status of these people will become lower and lower, and eventually they will even disappear. In the **** realm, there is no human rights if they do not reach the **** level. After condensing the **** level, no one dares to kill at will, but below the **** level , There is no human rights.

At the construction site where Solar was located, a group of manpower was added a few days later, and this group of manpower included some humans.

In the eyes of other people, they were all very common, and Thoral soon knew a human being.

"Solar, go and drink." This human being is very enthusiastic and very generous.

"Quin, I have to treat me for a few days, otherwise I won't go." Solal looked at Quinn and said.

"Solar, today is for me to celebrate, let's go." Quinn looked very excited and said.

Solar said, "Don't lie to me, you have excuses every time."

"No, no, buddy, what I said is true, this time I am leaving." Quinn said solemnly.

Solal asked angrily: "Then tell me, what needs to be celebrated?"

"I can't say this, but if this matter is successful, I will tell you." Quinn said seriously.

"Don't go, don't go, I don't believe you." Solar shook his head and said. Solar meant to treat himself.

"Haha, well, after I come, you will invite me." Quinn said.

Solar shook his head. Although Solar was not sure about Quinn’s specific identity, in Solar’s ​​eyes, Quinn’s every move was full of etiquette. Obviously, his background was not simple, and because of that, Solar thought that he and Quinn were the same kind of people, and Quinn was often drunk. Most of the time, Quinn would scold someone when he was drunk. If he scolded this or that, Solal saw Quinn usually. Smiling, but heart is very depressed.

Solar thought that Quinn was joking, but, the next day, Quinn left without saying goodbye, and Remy cursed Quinn a few words, so Solar knew that Quinn was saying the truth.

"Sigh." Solar sighed.

However, after seven or eight days, Quinn appeared again. Seeing Quinn, Thoral said very happily: "Go, I invite you to drink."

"Okay, let's go and drink outside. I brought good wine this time." Quinn said very readily.

"Well, you are really not suitable to appear in the temporary camp. Remy has cursed people several times." Solar said with understanding.

The two came to the nearby mountain, which was originally the site of various beasts, but the road was built and the dragon guards flew by from time to time. As long as they saw the beast, they would immediately drive them away. If they didn't leave, it would be death.

"Quin, do you want me to explain to Remy?" Solal sat down and asked. Solar didn't know what was wrong, thinking Quinn was very pleasing to the eye.

"Haha." Cook laughed.

"What's wrong?" Solal looked down at Quinn.

"No, Solar, I succeeded." Quinn shook his head and said.

Solal looked at Quinn suspiciously: "Success?"

"Yes, I condensed the Godhead." Quinn was really excited. Approaching Solar this time is actually the task Quinn accepted. Only if the task is successful, then Quinn can get the chance to condense the Godhead~www. wuxiaspot.com~Queen is now a god-level powerhouse.

"It's impossible." Solal also wanted to condense the godhead, but he has learned a lot about the condensed godhead, knowing that in just a few days, it is impossible to say that the godhead is condensed.

"Haha." Quinn smiled, and a momentum on his body immediately locked on Solar.

Solal fell on the ground all of a sudden, joking, the aura of a god-level powerhouse was simply beyond the reach of Solal.

"Sorry, I just condensed the Godhead, so I am not very proficient in retracting and releasing the divine power." Quinn quickly dissipated the divine power and said sorry.

"Here." Solal believed. It was divine power just now, that kind of majestic energy, Solal felt.

"Solar, do you want to condense the Godhead?" Quinn asked straightforwardly.

Solal simply lay on the ground and shook his head: "Yes, but my talent is too bad. I guess there is no hope in my life. I also imagined it before, but after waking up, I realized that the fantasy is still a fantasy. Realistically, I think life is very good now."

"Haha, haha. Solal, you think so, you think I can’t tell, and your origin is not simple. This is also the reason why I quickly became friends with you, Solal, you think you are now Life is good? This project will end. What about after it ends?"

"I'll talk about the future." Solar shook his head and said.

"I’ll talk about it later, don’t you plan to marry a wife and have children, and pass on your father’s career, do you endure other people’s ridicule, ridicule, do you want to live so humble, I originally wanted to be like you, but You will find that if you are not at the **** level, you are bullied everywhere." Quinn said angrily.

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