A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 497:

"Okay." When the dwarf engineers heard Cook’s words, they felt a little bit of pressure. Why, because in the God Realm, some creatures specialize in eating metal, and metal is their food, so if the track is not destroyed, Need to take detours, try not to go to uninhabited places.

But there must be a lot of orcs living in these places, and accidents must be prevented. There are many problems in these places, and they all need to be solved one by one.

"Chairman Cook, I have a very interesting idea here." The business is over. These dwarf engineers are excited to work out their own plans. This is the bold idea of ​​each dwarf engineer. Once Cook takes a fancy , Then Cook will come up with funds, and these dwarf engineers may realize their ideas.

This kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by the top engineers of the dwarf clan. This is also the biggest reason why these dwarf engineers are so active in completing the tasks released by Cook.

"This is?" Cook saw a metal sphere with several huge mechanical arms on it.

"Underwater collector." The dwarf said word by word.

"Understood, collect the things in the water." Cook nodded and understood.

"Yes." The dwarf engineer replied nervously, because if Cook was interested, he would let himself say it. If he was not interested, he would have to leave.

"Talk about it." Cook was obviously interested.

The dwarf engineer said, "Chairman Cook, you see, these are six mechanical arms. These mechanical arms are made of various magic metals and can basically adapt to most environments below the surface of the water..."

"Well, how much money is needed, the magic pattern part can go to the Magic Pattern Masters Association to publish tasks." Cook is still very concerned about this collector, of course Cook does not need it, but the future needs for various underwater materials are sure Quite a lot, it's also very convenient for other people to use. Of course, even if it is a god-level powerhouse, no one wants to be wet underwater, so this time, this thing comes in handy.

"Sixty thousand high grade **** crystals." The dwarf engineer almost fainted happily.

"Wait, Speaker Cook, you look at me first. His gadgets are of no use. For this price, I will buy a crocodile man servant, and everything will be done." But another engineer quit, because Every time Cook gives a limited number of places, you have one first, we will pay more attention later.

"Fuck off, you group of thorns..." The dwarf engineer who designed the underwater collector quit, and he could get the funds immediately, and he was actually upset.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it, everyone." Cook saw the still noisy dwarf engineer and immediately said.

"Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, I am a mechanical handling equipment designed based on a transport ship, mainly for food. You see, this is a huge robotic arm. The inside of the robotic arm is hollow. The front part of the robotic arm is used. It's the disc for cleaning..." The second dwarf engineering department brought out a huge mechanical arm for loading and unloading goods, which is very practical.

When the dwarf engineer left, he left with millions of **** crystals. It was expensive to explore the route of orbital transportation. At the same time, a large-scale processing plant was established in the place near the blackwater marsh of the dwarf clan to produce tracks , And supporting things, whether by land or water in the future, it is very convenient.

For the next period of time, Cook's mind was put on the establishment of the Sky City. Within ten days, Cook was in trouble again.

"President." Hesen whispered in the Tiger City trading market.

"This is the task you completed. What are the drawings of others?" Cook looked at the drawings in his hand and the buildings where the Mageweaves completed the task. This is simply too bad.

"President, those decorative things are not very useful at all, we just want to..." a second-level magic pattern master said.

"You think, your clothes are also decorative things. Why don't you wear clothes and have hair? It's useless. I don't know how to shave your hair." Cook asked angrily when he heard this. .

"Rework, redo, Heisen, you recruit some people to form a supervisory department. If you don't follow the drawings, you deduct points." When Cook spoke, the other Mageweavers stopped talking, and Cook said to Hesen.

"Yes, President." Haisen also feels a bit tricky. The question is what the regulatory authority should do, how much points should be deducted, this must also have a charter, and will it offend other Mageweavers?

Cook then said to the owners of the Tiger City Trading Market: "Don't worry, your project can be completed on time. If it can't be completed, I will build it for you myself, OK?"

"Okay." Although these merchants are looking forward to opening early, they are dealing with the Tiger City of the sacred animal family. Therefore, the building must be reliable. It is not aimed at these sacred beasts, but these sacred beasts cannot be built in the store. This is what these merchants need, if it’s not a tribe of sacred beasts, who would use magicweave buildings to build buildings if they are full?

"Chairman Cook, let's rest assured if you speak, everyone is gone. It is time to prepare the supply of goods to prepare the supply of goods, and to recruit people. We must all make this market up, and we must not let the bear city trading market compare us. "When the merchants heard Cook's promise, everyone was relieved.

These people must know that Cook is going to teach the magic pattern master in Western Zhejiang. After Cook waited for these merchants to leave, he said: "Everyone must follow the drawings to complete the task in the future. Even if you think some places are unnecessary, then You have to communicate with the merchants and then change the drawings. You can’t say that you do it according to your wishes. I am not an alchemy temple. You can do it yourself. We are the Magic Weave Association. Remember?"

"Remember." These magic pattern masters didn't make much sound when they heard Cook's words, but the meaning was obvious. Don't bring the alchemy temple set. It doesn't work for me.

"Hesen, come with me." Cook then called Hesen away.

Two days later, the Supervision Department of the Mageweave Association was established. The Minister of Supervision Cook was concurrently appointed, and the deputy minister was Haisen. There were also some Mageweave Masters who served concurrently. At the same time, the regulations of the Supervision Department were also posted on the Mageweave Association. Inside the hall.

The scope of the supervision department seems to be very large, but it does not have much substantive punishment power. For example, if the construction is not in accordance with the drawings, the supervision department can issue a written warning to the Mageweaver. The written warning has no effect, and then it will be reported to the Minister. , Of course, other people are ministers, and some mage-weave masters may even look down upon others, but if Cook is minister, hey, he is not obedient, you have good fruits.

But to say that the power of the deputy director of the Ministry of Supervision is not great, but there is a right that is very disgusting, that is, the buildings built by the magic line in the future must be issued by the Ministry of Supervision before they can pay the tasks and earn points. If you listen to the Ministry of Supervision, you won’t get points. At the same time, if there is no rectification within the prescribed time limit after the written rectification is issued, or the attitude is not good, the Ministry of Supervision has the right to deduct points punitively, and it is a direct deduction. And you can also freeze your points. The deduction here is directly reported to the points management department, and it is directly deducted. All you get is a written notice that you have violated certain regulations and failed to complete the rectification within the specified time. How much will you deduct? Points, and freeze points until they are changed.

Regarding the rights of the Supervision Department, the Mageweave Masters were very muttered in their hearts, but when Cook was Minister, who would dare to say that the Supervision Department was wrong, I was afraid that someone would report it immediately after finishing talking about it.

The Supervision Department of the Mageweave Association, Cook had planned originally, but this time the Mageweave Masters did something wrong in advance, and Cook had to set up this supervision department in advance.

Now that the Mageweave Supervisory Department has been established, the Supervisory Department of the Pharmacist Association has also been established, but the pharmacy apprentices do not have any substantive tasks, so this department is now Cook's department alone.

Of course, the rules are just copied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no difficulty at all.

After dealing with the Mageweave Association, the orcs came to Cook again. The tortoiseshell clan decided to cooperate with Cook to build a dam. Not only was the tortoiseshell clan willing, but the Chiken clan was also very willing to cooperate with Cook to build a dam.

Cook was very in favor of this move. The Chiken patriarch looked at Cook with a smile and said: "President Cook, it would be better if a dam could be built on the Emerald River."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. The origin of the Emerald River is Molan Lake, which is the territory of the swan people." The tortoiseshell patriarch shook his head and said.

"Yes, it's difficult to look like the swan man is arrogant," the Chiken also said.

"Why don't I see Molan Lake on the map?" Cook asked.

"Hehe, that's because it's too remote over there. The map in your hand, Speaker Cook, was drawn by humans. There are also human merchants in our hawksbill clan, but the Emerald River, there is no human footprint at all. Now, it's normal to have no map there." The tortoiseshell patriarch said.

"In fact, we orcs have four large lakes. The largest lake is Sanggan Lake, as well as Emerald Lake, Molan Lake, and Tianhu. These four lakes are in our orcs. That is the holy land of orcs. It is said that we orcs are from these four lakes. Big Hu began to multiply." The Chiken Patriarch explained.

"Four Hus, the Blackwater Marsh?" Cook asked.

"Swamps and lakes are completely different. There are not only swan people, but also cormorants, mandarin ducks and other races in Molan Lake. The largest Sanggan Lake has almost no orcs inhabited. It is said that it has become a multi-headed snake. Territory, Emerald Lake is the territory of the crane people, as well as the territory of other small orc races. As for the sky lake, it is the most mysterious place of the entire orc family. No one can tell where it is." The man with a hat began to explain. Tao.

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