A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 499:

"You only have the right to use these artifacts, and everyone is mine. [Read the latest chapter...]" Cook said with a smile and shook his head.

"That's okay," the chief of the Chiken said. The chief of the Chiken was really envious and jealous.

"Of course I do." The tortoiseshell patriarch said eagerly, and at the same time glared at the Chiken patriarch. Why is the tortoiseshell patriarch unwilling? It's like you are being interviewed by a big company. The interviewer said, our company is. , Equipped with a car, but you only have the right to use, this is for sure, will the company give you the car for nothing.

Cook then said: "But I'm not a stingy person. When that happens, we will sign a contract for how many years I will work for. This artifact is their own."

This method is very common for large companies on the planet, such as equity incentives, houses, cars, etc., but in the world of God Realm, this is basically impossible. The boss is the boss. of.

"No problem, no problem, I will personally lead the team when the time comes." The tortoiseshell man will barely stretch his arms and legs. In this posture, if anyone does not do well, it must be a fat beating. In fact, in this world, not just Orcs educate people to beat them with fat, that is, dwarves, gnomes, and humans are like this. Elves are better, but elves educate their descendants to close the cabins. When did they reflect on and when they came out, Cook sometimes estimates what the elves look at. Is it because of the torture that was caused when he was young?

Cook nodded, and then Cook asked: "Then do you know that there are freshwater mermaids in this God Realm?"

"Freshwater mermaids have been extinct for many years, but I believe they must still exist, but they are hidden." The Chiken patriarch actually knew.

"Oh?" Cook was puzzled.

The tortoiseshell patriarch said, "Actually, the freshwater mermaid was also a member of our orcs before, but in the age of the ancient gods, the mermaid family belonged to the ancient gods. To be precise, the relationship with the ancient gods was very good. Other races are very demanding, but they like the freshwater mermaids very much. The singing of the freshwater mermaids is very sweet. Those ancient gods like to sing mermaids the most, so after the ancient gods were overthrown, the mermaids were hit by Imaginable."

"Wrong, you are wrong, our Chiken people have recorded that mermaids are not what you said. Mermaids are actually persecuted. The mermaids are on the side of the ancient gods. They are like pets. Something is wrong. Severe punishment, in the end the mermaid was not hit, but killed by the ancient gods." The Chiken patriarch said.

When the tortoiseshell patriarch heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "We have a record of the tortoiseshell clan."

"We have a record of the Chikens," the Chiken patriarch shook his head and said.

"Our patriarch of the tortoiseshell clan worked in the library in the age of the ancient gods. What we recorded must be true." The patriarch of the tortoiseshell clan stared.

"We Chikens are servants of the ancient gods." The Chiken patriarch also stared.

When the tortoiseshell patriarch heard this, he said angrily: "What kind of attendant is the toilet."

"You tortoiseshell people are just cleaning the floor in the library, and you have to lie down on the ground to do things." The Chiken also refused to admit defeat.

"We tortoiseshell people at least don't need to smell the smelly smell

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