A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 529:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

In addition, according to the list provided by the bunny patriarch, Cook plans to establish portals in various orc territories. This time it is for the sewing association, but this is not a hurry, because now there are only four people who will be sewing and Cook. .

Mickey's talent is indeed much higher than that of the two bunny girls. Mickey has followed Cooke to learn to read magic patterns.

After reading the magic pattern drawing, it must be combined with the actual situation. The magic pattern drawing is a standardized drawing, but when it comes to clothes, the magic pattern pattern still has changes. Of course, this requires the skills of the magic pattern master. This requires Cook for the time being. To do it, Mickey hasn't been able to move the magic pattern on the drawing to an irregular pattern like clothes. This is mainly related to the control of the magic pattern and the energy transport of the magic pattern back to lu.

But the two sisters of the Bunnyman are better than Mickey's hands-on ability, which makes Cook a little strange, but Cook is strange and strange, and recruiting new sewing apprentices has to be stepped up, so the one who was given to Mickey A group of orc girls became new apprentices.

There is no need to teach these by Cook himself. The two sisters Barbara and Mickey are teachers. Cook mainly teaches these three.

But the progress is very slow. After all, there are tens of thousands of wires on a piece of clothing that need to be sewn on, like embroidery. This is a slow job, and it takes at least a few days for a person to do it.

So Cook is relatively leisurely in this respect. Of course, Cook prepares some exquisite samples first. The embroidered patterns are beautiful. These samples are what Cook wants to release at the welcome reception. Of course, he needs the best.

"Cook, we should invite some wizard art masters to participate." Mickey said after seeing the finished product.

"I think it's great." Cook looked at the sample and said.

"Big red with big green, Cook, this is also good." Mickey was already unable to complain.

Cook nodded and said, "It's really good. Those art masters are not afraid to participate. Those guys are old-fashioned."

"Who said that, the master of art is the most avant-garde." Mickey immediately disagrees with Cook's view.

"When have you met a master of art?" Cook asked Mickey suspiciously.

Mickey replied angrily: "I saw it at ∧style_txt; in Windsor."

"No, that Xiao Nizi in Windsor won't become a master of art." Cook heard this and said with a flap of his thigh.

"What's the matter, master of art..., hello, where are you going?" Mickey asked when she saw Cook turned around and left.

Cook said angrily: "I'm an ordinary person, I can't appreciate anything from a master of art."

Speaking of art, in Cook’s eyes, I don’t understand what it is, so Cook has to go and see it. Windsor shouldn’t mess around with some art masters. It’s called art.

Cook sneaked up to Windsor's Botanic Garden. After Cook walked in, he walked quietly to the place where Windsor was. It was simply too easy for Cook to know where someone was in a Sky City.

"Windsor, if you see it, this line must be soft, not blunt. There are several forms of art. One is superficial and the other is a mood. The superficial one is only aimed at ordinary people. The things on the page are relatively simple, as long as you feel beautiful, it is enough. As for the artistic conception, this needs to be understood slowly..." An elf woman is teaching Windsor about art.

Cook hurried in: "Ahem, Windsor."

"Cook." Windsor saw Cook come to see him, and didn't wonder how Cook got in, so he rushed over.

"How is it?" Cook said, hugging Windsor.

"It's so beautiful." Windsor pointed to where she stood.

Cook put down Windsor, then grabbed one of Windsor's hands, walked over and said, "It's really beautiful."

"Thank you Speaker Cook for the compliment." The elf woman said to Cook with a smile.

"Windsor, when we study art, we learn the superficial things. As for the artistic conception, I don't understand this thing, you don't need to learn it." Cook said to Windsor with a smile.

Hearing this, the elf next to him became dissatisfied and said: "Speaker Cook, Windsor is very talented in art, so you say..."

"Hehe, I'm an ordinary person, and I don't understand these moods." Cook smiled.

"Speaker Cook, if you don't understand it, it doesn't mean that others don't understand." Hearing Cook's words, the wizard next to him immediately said angrily.

Cook was also annoyed, and said angrily: "I Cook said it is a mess, who dares to say that this is a work of art!"

"You, you are unreasonable." The elf next to him heard Cook say so and immediately yelled.

"I'm just being unreasonable. What does Windsor do? Her cultivation is the main thing now. You two are god-level. Windsor, you teach her these so-called arts, you are delaying him, I think I let It was a mistake for your elves to come to this city of the sky, so hurry up and pack things and get out of me." Cook became more annoyed as he said.

As long as you indulge in art, you will be unable to extricate yourself. The key is that Windsor is not yet at the **** level. If you don’t concentrate on cultivation, what should you do in the future? As for lighting a sacred fire, this also requires the foundation and Cook can help Ignite the sacred fire, and if others help ignite the sacred fire, are there any sequelae? Who knows?

"You..." The elf's face was pale when he heard Cook's more arrogant words.

"Fuck me, whatever, it's reasonable to delay other people's cultivation." With a wave of Cook's hand, all the elves on the Sky City were all teleported to the Mountain of Gods. This is the Sky City controlled by Cook. Good, of course, thanks to Cook's identity as a construct wizard.

When Windsor saw the elves disappeared, he stuck out his tongue and said, "Cook, thanks to you for coming, these elves, when it comes to art, it's endless."

"You don't like art either?" Cook asked in surprise, is Windsor still an elf?

"I like natural things. These so-called artistic conceptions are artificial. There are natural artistic conceptions that are beautiful. When you look at the vines in the painting, many lines are exactly the same, but the real vines, you can't find the same two. Root, in my eyes, these drawn things are almost the same, without natural beauty." Windsor said with a smile.

When Cook heard this, although he didn't quite understand it, he nodded and said, "Yes, it is difficult to find two identical leaves in the forest. These artworks, although these artworks look different, The way of drawing these lines is exactly the same in my eyes."

"Yes, I didn't expect Cook that you and I like nature." Windsor said with joy when he heard Cook say this.

Cook understands this exactly the same. Cook only knows to identify the authenticity of a painter by looking at the trend of these lines. This is just like our handwriting. The identification of the same person’s handwriting is to identify the stroke of the stroke. The trend and the way of writing are impossible for every artist to change. It is impossible to say that your drawing is one way and the other is another way.

"Of course, I am a wood, of course I like nature." Cook said with a smile. In fact, this product understands what art is, and good-looking is art. Of course, in the eyes of Cook, these simple lines are indeed unworthy. It is art, because Cook draws a magic pattern more beautiful than this one, and the magic pattern has more lines.

Hundreds of elves were teleported to the mountains of the gods. These elves had not reacted at first, and were very at a loss. Then one of the elves screamed: "My experiment!"

"What's the matter, why are you here suddenly?" An elder elder asked.

"It's Cook, it's Cook who said that learning art in Windsor is delaying cultivation." The elf who had just been talking to Cook said irritably.

"What, I actually said that art is delaying cultivation, this barbarian." An elf was immediately dissatisfied, and shouted loudly.

"Cook really said that?" asked an elf in disbelief.

"Didn't you see that we were all driven out? This is the second time, the second time." The elf who had just spoken to Cook said immediately.

An elf immediately said angrily: "My experiment, my seed, is this Cook a barbarian? We can't just leave it alone."

"That is, when we elves are not humans, they let us go directly." Other elves agreed.

"Everyone, please leave." While these elves were still aggrieved, the guard next to them came over and said.

"I'm blocking your lu!" The elves also want face, and everyone can't hold their faces because of Cook's tricks, and immediately roared in an angry voice.

"You have blocked the traffic, please leave." The guard said politely.

"Get your Speaker Cook," one of the elves shouted.

The other elves said, "We were thrown here by your Speaker Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ by Speaker Cook. Are you the elves above?" The guard asked suspiciously.

"That savage fellow actually blasphemed great art, bastard." The elf who had just argued with Cook shouted.

"Since Speaker Cook threw you out, then it means that Speaker Cook won't wait to see you, come, throw these troublesome **** out of the mountains of the gods, and are not allowed to step into the mountains of the gods in the future." The guard flew. Scream out loud.

"You?" These elf elders were dumbfounded, there were hundreds of brave knights around, and some giant dragon guards, and more and more people watched the excitement around.

"Everyone said, this Council of Gods is Cook alone, you are still a bit sturdy!" The elf immediately shouted when he saw the onlookers around him.

Of course some people around are dissatisfied with Cook. Whenever a small number of people are dissatisfied, some people shouted: "That's right, you can't just forget it, the face of the elf is not a face."

"That is, what's wrong with art, art is noble." Some people also agreed.

"Who speaks, stand up." A guard looked over and shouted coldly.

"Why, even..." Before this human had finished speaking, he saw the people around him get out of the way, leaving him two standing alone in the middle, and the words didn't go on.

"Two, stand up and say something, please." The two guards came to the two men at once and said with a sneer.

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