A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 530:

When things got so up, the two men felt their legs trembling, and they were picked up directly by the two guards.

"You two don't want to say anything, please take out your identity certificate first." A leading guard said with a smile.

"You don't have the right to ask us this." One of them said with a stubborn neck.

"Search, I suspect that these two people are believers of ancient gods." The head of the guard waved his hand directly.

"Captain, these two people belong to the Yada family and the Felicole family." The two guards did not dare to resist. The two knew that if they resisted, they would definitely be beaten up. .

The captain nodded and said, "Go and see what properties these two families have within the scope of the Mountain of Gods. Send someone to check if there are any problems. In addition, when the two families enter the city, check more. "

"You, you are revenge." The two cried out loudly when they heard this.

"Hmph, as the guards of the Council of the Gods, we have the right to protect everyone's safety. We are only doing routine inspections. No problem will never make things difficult." The captain said.

The people around you are very disdainful of this. Why? Routine inspections are OK. Generally, you will be checked once a month or two months. If you want to deliberately fix you, it is not too much to check you 30 times a month. Checking you three or five times a day is not too much.

Why didn’t Cook plug these loopholes? The same sentence, interest. If Cook plugs all these loopholes, then if Cook wants to fix people in the future, what should he do? Different standing positions will have different opinions. same.

It’s like the flight of corrupt officials’ funds. Is there really no way to supervise it? Is it blocked? There must be some. It’s just that everyone keeps a way out. If something happens to me in the future and the loophole is blocked, wouldn’t it be my own death? If the corrupt official below ran away, the guy above would be safe.

The people around are disdainful and disdainful, but they all look like a good show. Although these people benefit from the Council of Gods, these people also want to figure out why. Although they are vested interests now, in case this happens in the future On yourself?

With the excitement of watching the excitement, more and more people gathered around. The leader of the guard squadron saw this scene and took out one thing and said a few words.

Cook looked at the space managed by the various elves on the Sky City, and the time was short, but most of the plants in it were very rare. I have to say that the collection of these elves is very rich.

After Cook got the news from the guard, he smiled and said, "Windsor, these are all yours."

"That's not good." Of course, Windsor likes it. The collections of these elder elders make Windsor usually drool. Windsor loves plants most. Women have no bottom line in front of the things they like, and of course men do too.

"It's okay." Cook said quickly. These things are all treasures, but Cook himself definitely has no time to cultivate. If he doesn't give it to Windsor, should he give it back to those elves? Those elves are blind if they don't have such an environment. Of course, Cook's idea is wrong. Even if they are blind, they should be returned to others.

"Yeah." When Windsor heard Cook say this, he nodded immediately, and then hurriedly went to various places to check.

Cook saw Windsor leave and shook his head. Cook let the elves get along with Windsor. He wanted Windsor to grow up quickly, but now it seems that Cook thought he might be wrong. Originally, Cook thought Windsor was a flower elves and The elves have a common language, but now it seems that the flower elves like nature, while the elves like elegant art and also delay the practice of Windsor. This is something that Cook absolutely cannot bear, thinking that Windsor is not yet a god. Life is limited, and those elves who talk about art are god-level powerhouses. The two are not comparable at all. Even if Windsor is willing to learn, it will have to wait until Windsor reaches the god-level before Cook can accept Windsor learning. Art, art is a big pit. Once you get in, it will be difficult to get up again. Prepare to stay in this pit for the rest of your life. (I'm talking about real art here, not the kind of weird behavior that attracts the eye.)

Cook came to the portal of the Mountain of Gods, and a lot of people had already gathered. Seeing Cook coming out, the elves excitedly shouted, "Cook,  Why do you talk about art?"

"Quiet, everyone is here. As the speaker, I will tell you the story first. Everyone said it was reasonable. I Cook apologized on the spot. If you say you have no reason, then I'm sorry, you will not be able to step into the mountains in the future. "Cook said directly loudly

"That's good." The people around are also very curious. The relationship between Cook and the Temple of Nature is not very good. Why did the boat of friendship turn over after it turned over?

"In my wife, there is a flower fairy, which is not enough to be of the **** level, so I want these elves to help my wife grow up quickly. For this, I built a city in the sky. A botanical garden is free for these elves. I must have heard that this botanical garden occupies two-thirds of the sky city. Last time I had a fall out with these elves because they didn’t know who was on it. Master, but then we reconciled. This time, what do these elves teach my wife, art, and what is art? How much time does art need to study and learn, my wife has so much time, and I checked In a moment, there are more than 300 elves in the botanical garden, but there are fewer than ten people who teach my wife’s knowledge, and five of these ten people are talking about art. I need you to teach Is my wife art? And my wife doesn’t like art at all. What is the art of your elves? Is it cutting off a tree and then carving all kinds of trees on the wood, or painting some messy things, no one else can see Understand, this is called art?" Cook said loudly.

"You are blaspheming art." an elf yelled.

"Profanity, my lady of the flower elves just said that only the real nature is art, and your art is man-made.   is not art at all. In her eyes, your art is just repeated lines and lines. Color, color, and true nature, it is impossible for leaves with the same veins to exist, but the shape of the leaves on your art is different, but the veins are the same. Your art is dead, it has remained the same for thousands of years. The art of nature is alive. You cut down trees and carve them into various shapes, or art. You don’t even know that this tree grows naturally. This is art, living art, you You can chop off thousands of vines in order to weave a work of art in your mind, just for a dead thing. You elves are not worthy of talking about art. You are just wearing the cloak of art, pretending to be a group of noble **** who destroy nature. Thank you. "Who is Cook and what is the frequency of his brain reaction? Although Cook doesn't understand art, who can't speak big words?

"Okay!" When the people around heard the speech, they all clapped their hands.

Some people even said loudly: "Living art is real art. Speaker Cook has a high level of artistic attainment. These elves are hypocritical guys. What do you say about protecting nature? Look at the things sold in the elves shop,   are all. What is it made of."



"There are also animal horns." The people around shouted loudly.

Do these people understand art? They don't understand it, but it doesn't prevent these people from stomping under their feet the incomprehensible elves that are usually aloft.

The biggest reason here is the arrogant temperament of the elves. Take humans as an example. If you buy an artwork of elves, these elves will look at you with very contemptuous eyes and ask a lot of inexplicable questions. Later, I sold it to you like a charity, showing that I was very noble and very artistic.

The vast majority of people go to the elves to buy art once, but not the second time, so the elves' shops keep closing one by one, and in the end very few remain, and there is only one of the gods.

"So in order not to delay these masters from going back to chop down trees and carving things, not to delay these masters from going back to strip the vines to do art, in order not to delay the progress of my wife's cultivation, I decided to let these masters of art go away, do you agree? "Cook saw the elves defending loudly, but the voices of the people around had covered the pale voices of the elves. In fact, Cook had poke the elves in their sore spots.

As for the tree cut mentioned by Cook, some elves can cut down trees, but most elves are made of dead wood. Of course, vines need to be fresh, and dry toughness is not enough, especially Cook said a living art. , So that these elves could not refute.

"Agree." People around them yelled loudly. In fact, people around know that Cook’s more anger comes from the huge price he has spent and not getting what he wants. After all, if these elves are trying to help Windsor practice, Will Cook drive people? Certainly not.

Cook waved his hand and said: "Finally, we still give these masters of art a chance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let them explain, otherwise we will say that Cook bullied others."

Not forgiving and not forgiving, falling into the stone refers to what Cook is like now, and taking the opportunity to stabbing a knife is also like Cook.

"This is slander, slander, we didn't cut down trees, we just used dead wood to carve." An elf said before seeing the surrounding quiet down.

"Withered wood, when the dead wood rots, it is the nutrient of other big trees. You take the dead tree back and make the same thing. It is still art. After we humans burn a fire, the ashes will be scattered into the earth. As for you, it is for your art. , So that other trees have no nutrients, don't you believe in naturally the pieces of wood you carve out of your hands? Don't even say that the vines are dried up before you use them to weave things?" Cook fought back sharply.

"You, you are slander, humans are the culprit of destroying nature." The elves are really pig brains, and the contradiction with Cooke was transferred to humans.

"You fart." After Cook yelled out, there was silence in the audience. Everyone present had an idea in their minds. This Nima is the speaker of the Council of Gods, so rude.

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