A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 539:

Faced with the problem of Silver Tiger, dozens of orc clan chiefs were speechless. Yeah, could the Scarlet Fortress be occupied by ogres? This is too unreasonable. Although ogres are fierce, they are ogres. There is no large-scale, formed army, and no decent equipment. Some are just hard sticks or bones.

"Anyway, if we can't capture the Scarlet Fortress for another month, then we will leave." The patriarch of the Pig clan said in an angry voice.

"Yes, we won't be able to capture the Scarlet Fortress in another month, and we will spend the winter on the wasteland." The patriarch of the bear clan also said in agreement, with a deep disappointment in his eyes.

When it comes to going home, all the clan chiefs are a little sad, because it seems that the jihad has no effect at all, and a huge amount of manpower, material resources, food, livestock, and casualties are wasted.

The patriarchs of the three royal families glanced at each other, and there was nothing to say, because this holy war was called by the Temple of God of War, but it should be said that the three royal families had the greatest gain this time.

Dozens of tribes not only consume huge animals. You must know that these animals cannot grow up in a year. They can travel tens of thousands of kilometers. There are only some large animals such as cows and horses. It was eaten on the way.

Moreover, with the large number of young and middle-aged people leaving, the food production in the rear is definitely low and pitiful. It can be expected that in the next three to five years, these tribes will only tighten their belts, so for the three royal clans, it will be again. A major development opportunity.

And this time the temple can be said to have suffered a heavy loss, not only lost the holy artifacts of the temple, but the werewolf priests left early, and it is estimated that they were split from the temple, which was never expected by the three royal families.

"Well, within ten days, the cat people must give accurate information about the Scarlet Fortress. If it doesn't work, we have to go home. I don't think everyone wants to spend the winter outside." Yinhu looked around and stood up. Said.

The elders of the temple wanted to say something, but they were blocked by Yinhu's sentence of spending the winter outside. The elders of the temple also knew what the empire's winter was like.

The meeting ended in such a dull atmosphere. After the elders of the temple returned to the station, they looked at each other, and a high priest of the fox tribe said with a wry smile, "You said we were wrong."

"I don't know. No one thought of this incident. It will eventually be such a result. From now on, we orcs will probably never have the opportunity to enter the human empire." A cat clan leader The priest stood up, looked at the bright starry sky outside the window, and sighed involuntarily.

"Could it be that the adult's prediction was wrong?" another deer priest asked suspiciously.

"No." Several high priests present said immediately.

After a moment of silence, the deer priest asked again: "You said what happened to the Medusa Snakeman, and actually left."

"Cut, those small tribes must have done nothing this time, so they left first." The fox high priest said disdainfully.

The people around silently acknowledged the words of the fox priests. Among the priests, the fox and wolf clan have the most, but the werewolf clan has already left. Now the fox priests are the most frequent, and the others belong to other races.

Tauren, Deer, Swan, etc. Among them, the high priest, in the temple of the orc empire, the high priest is an honorific title, not the title of the priest. The high priest has a standard, that is, at least ten formal Priest students, such priests are called high priests.

Of course, it is not easy to bring out ten priests, because the development direction of priests is the same as that of magicians. There are many types. There are three types of auxiliary, defense, and offensive types in the priest's aura.

And a qualified tutor should guide the students on the way forward, and the knowledge required is even more massive, so once they get the title of high priest, their status in the temple will immediately rise.

Because nothing else, the forces behind the ten priests are united, and it is not a small force, let alone in the orc empire, the relationship between teachers and students is the same as the relationship between parents and children.

There are ten priests who succeeded, but there are probably more who did not succeed, and these priestly apprentices are not useless. After most of the priestly apprentices have learned a lot of knowledge, they will be entrusted with important tasks even when they return to the tribe. , Because in the orc empire, the only inheritance of knowledge is the temple, as for the inheritance of the various tribes, it is simply too little to see compared with the temple of the **** of war.

Even though there are more than a thousand active priests in the Temple of God of War, there are only a few who can become high priests. The first is the restriction of race. For example, it is easier for a fox priest to become a high priest. One is the fox. There are many people, and the chance of awakening the priest is higher, so more priests will be born.

And like the Medusa Snakeman, I am afraid that the entire Medusa Snakeman priests add up to only a dozen. How could there be a high priest and a swan man. The priest of the swan man has the highest probability of giving birth, but the entire Swan man only There are only tens of thousands, and there are fewer than fifteen poor priests.

Besides, it’s impossible for my fox people to tolerate a priest of another race as a teacher. The problem here is not clear. Even if it is a sincere professor who is a teacher, people of different races are still a little worried.

Therefore, the high priest is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Once these high priests reach an agreement, the students brought out by the high priest will certainly not object. However, the Presbyterian Church is not the only decision-making body in the Temple of God of War, because there is also a holy priest on it. .

A holy priest is a ninth-level or legendary powerhouse similar to a magician. As for what level it represents, it is not easy to evaluate because there is no holy priest to fight against a ninth-level magician.

However, the focus of the priest and the magician is different. The magician pays attention to the individual combat power, but the priest emphasizes the strength of the team, so there is no way to compare.

In this holy war, three of the three holy priests from the Temple of the Gods of War came out, but the werewolf holy priests had already left. One of the swan priests and the tortoiseshell priest were left.

I have to say that this is another strange phenomenon in the temple. Even though the fox and werewolf priests occupy half of the number of priests in the temple, there is only one holy priest, as if it is destined to have only one per race. Holy priests are generally.

This tortoiseshell priest is the longest-lived priest in the temple. He has lived for more than 400 years. The tortoiseshell is actually a race of the tortoise people, but it is worth mentioning that there are only two tortoiseshell priests, one of which is still Low-level priest.

The swan priests were also weak, so things in the coalition were almost controlled by the presbytery. The swan priests and the tortoiseshell priests were also very wise to ignore.

Rather than fighting against a group of guys who violate the yang and the Yin, it is better to practice steadfastly, and now this situation is beyond the control of the Presbyterian Church. The loss of the holy relics and the failure of the jihad need people to bear.

Of course, the presbyterians did not have the courage to let the holy priests bear this mistake. The high priests of the presbyterians just wanted to ask what to do.

However, when several high priests came to the place where the two holy priests lived, they discovered that the two holy priests had been missing for a long time, which shocked the people of the presbytery, and at the same time had a very bad premonition.

At this moment, a fox priest ran in profusely, then whispered to a fox high priest, and then took out a sealed bamboo tube.

"Everyone, I have something to do. Let me leave first." The fox high priest's face changed a lot and he hurriedly left, and the other fox high priest who was accompanying also followed.

"Brother, what happened?" The high priest of the fox tribe who followed looked at the high priest in front and asked in confusion.

"Brother, it's the teacher who wrote." The high priest of the fox clan hurriedly opened the scroll and replied as he opened it.

"Teacher." The man named Junior Brother was immediately shocked, knowing that the two Junior Brothers are the same teacher, and their teacher is the only fox priest.

"Junior Brother, take a look, the sky has changed." After reading the content on the scroll, the senior brother had a strange expression on his face.

The high priest named Junior Brother looked at Senior Brother’s face strangely, and then hurriedly took over the scroll. After reading it, Junior Brother’s mouth opened wide, and he stammered and asked, "Master... Senior Brother, this, This is real."

"That's right, this bamboo tube and scroll were brought by the teacher's demon personally." There was no response to the sound of the senior brother, and then he explained.

"Well, how is this possible, werewolves, werewolves are the most powerful tribe in the orc empire, as well as tauren and bears, this is the vast majority of the empire's combat power." Junior brother asked incredulously.

"Don't say anything, do what the teacher ordered. As for what is going on, we will naturally understand when we go back." Although the senior brother was also very puzzled, he still resisted curiosity and commanded.

The younger brother was silent for a while, and then asked: "Would you like to tell others."

"No, the two holy priests are gone. We must have received the news. Let's just go our own way." The senior said with a sneer. In fact, in the orc empire, the internal contradictions are very serious, ethnic hatred, land disputes, and tribes. Contradictions and so on, Brother Dao can already guess the reason why Master Tao told him to wait for someone to go back.

This night is destined not to be an ordinary night. The fox priests walked silently, but some people still know that they are the guards of the temple. The guards of the temple are the elites of all races, bear people, tauren, pigs, and elephants. When these guards discovered that the fox priests had disappeared, they did not immediately report to the three royal clans, but to their patriarchs.

The bearman patriarch asked incredulously: "The fox priest has disappeared."

The bearman patriarch hadn't even realized what disappearance meant, so he bit the word disappearing very seriously.

"It's just gone." The temple guard who reported the news immediately explained.

"Damn." The bear patriarch rushed out immediately, and the guard of the temple who reported the news looked at the patriarch in pants, almost staring down.

When the bear patriarch flew into the coalition army tent, he found that all the patriarchs were gloomy, and the patriarchs of the three royal clans looked even more ugly, because the incident was so sudden this time, the bear patriarch asked loudly, "What? what's going on."

"Two holy priests, one hundred and twenty fox priests are gone." The chief of the Pig family replied heartlessly.

"Nima." The patriarch of the bear people almost fainted, knowing that all the races hope to fight hard at last, otherwise, after returning this time, the tribe will be poor again, losing livestock, population, and no family at all. How much has been gained, I am afraid it will be sad this winter, but all the holy priests have left quietly, even the fox priests have gone, this is the backbone of the temple.

Because only a few priests of a few races have participated in actual combat, after all, actual combat is dangerous, and some tribes have only a few priests, one or two priests, as treasures, how can they take risks, so among the priests were werewolf priests and foxes. The priests of the clan have combat experience, and the rest have combat experience are very rare, so there is a fox clan after the werewolf is gone, but this fox clan is gone, and what is even more disturbing is that the two holy priests are gone. , How can the patriarch of the orc tribe not gloomy.

Compared with the weird atmosphere in the orc coalition camp, Connie also faced a weird person. It should be said that he was a little old man about 1.8 meters tall, but it was this little old man who walked into her command room without anyone else. Connie is now in the inner city of Golden Wolf City. There are five guards outside, and the number is as many as 20,000. But for these guards, the soldiers actually bend over and salute the little old man.

"This is a magic map, really detailed." After the little old man walked into the command room, the first thing he saw was a huge magic sand table.

"Yes." Connie's heart was tense, but the two frost giants next to Connie gave Connie some confidence.

"Tsk tsk, it's the magic civilization of mankind. Although I have heard it, it is the first time I have seen it." The little old man tut looked at the scene on the magic sand table.

"There are actually two frost giants." The little old man only saw the identities of the two frost giants at a glance, and was surprised.

"Your Excellency Khaki, it's been a long time." A frost giant greeted the little old man with a smile.

The Khaki priest immediately jumped up and asked in surprise: "You know me."

"Haha, we have been paying attention to the Lord Priest since the time when the Holy Priest of Khaki lived in the Maykai Empire. Otherwise, when passing the inner city wall, the giant crossbow would have attacked long ago, and we also know your favorite It seems to have gone to the east." The frost giant said with a smile.

Khaki's face was even more shocked. Khaki thought that he was unconscious, but he knew that he had been noticed long ago, but Khaki still said stiffly: "The giant crossbow, the giant crossbow also needs people to control it. No."

"Yes, but they are ogres and trolls. I wonder if Lord Khaki's charm is effective for ogres and trolls." The frost giant nodded and replied.

Khaki was completely speechless, and Connie, who had read Khaki's information, said with a smile, "Come on, get the best tea."

When a cup of steaming tea was brought in front of Khaki, even Khaki couldn't help but pale in shock. After a while, he hesitated and asked, "This tea."

"It's the leaves of the tree of life. I think Lord Khaki needs this most now." Connie knew that because Khaki uses life predictions, his life force is consumed very much. The tree of life is precious to others, but for the library who owns a tree. For K, it’s not difficult, but how to get Windsor to agree to pick.

"Unexpectedly, you all know this." After Khaki took a sip, he felt the rich vitality spread in his body and said bitterly.

"Hehe, we now have more than 3,000 priests, of which more than 500 are priests of the original God of War Temple." Connie said with a smile.

When Khaki heard Connie's words, he understood. Obviously, these news came from the priests. As for the three thousand priests, Khaki was slanderous. They were the priests of the temple of the Mekai Empire. , There is also a kind of battle priests, these priests are only specializing in a halo, the number is unknown, but Khaki knows that the temple in Black Wolf City is guided to awaken every day, although most of them can only grow into low-level Priests, but when the number is large to a certain extent, it is also considerable.

Connie looked at Khaki, and then smiled and asked, "I don't know what happened to your Lord Khaki when he came to me."

"Of course, some of my students, as well as the students of the students are in the Scarlet Fortress coalition camp. I want to ask Cook to send my students back safely." Khaki's eyes were full of smiles.

Connie was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little hesitantly: "The Scarlet Fortress, this is tens of thousands of kilometers."

"Well, it is more than 40,000 kilometers to be precise." Khaki replied lazily.

"Forty thousand kilometers, then what is your Lord Khaki going to give." Connie nodded and pondered, then asked.

"Haha, as long as Cook can bring my students back, maybe I can let the fox clan return to the Mekai Empire." Khaki said with a smile.

Connie smiled immediately, and then asked: "Okay, but we need to know where your students are. They won't be in the coalition camp."

"No, it's in a valley 150 kilometers away from the coalition camp." Khaki didn't understand that Connie was still smiling.

To put it bluntly, this is Khaki’s last test. It can also be said to make things difficult for Cook. You must know that there are millions of orcs in the coalition camp, and the distance is one hundred and fifty kilometers, which is basically within the range of the orcs' patrol. Inside, it’s important to know that the camps where millions of troops are stationed only stretch for tens of kilometers, and there is also a huge logistics site. So it is an extremely dangerous area at all. This is also Khaki’s unwillingness, because Khaki passed a few months Observation found that the Mekai Empire will only grow stronger.

And Khaki also saw the charm displayed by the Mekai Empire. Among other things, a small city was equipped with a witch doctor. According to the plan of the Mekai Empire, there should be a witch doctor in every town and every city. There must be at least one high-level witch doctor. Khaki has also seen the level of witch doctors. At that time, Khaki knew what witch doctors were here and there. This was basically a pharmacist of magic potions, but Khaki had to admire Cook for actually changing magic potions. A potion that adults can learn.

And what Khaki values ​​most is that ordinary orcs' lives are getting better and better. This is what Khaki really values.

"Then Lord Khaki, when do you want to see your students?" Connie asked with a slight smile.

"When, can I see it today?" Khaki asked in a daze.

"That's not necessarily." Connie replied with a witty smile, but Khaki was stunned.

In the Orc Wasteland, Cook, who had been arrogantly wandering, immediately yelled: "Baglu, Baglu, Sebastian, Sebastian, come in for me."

"Master." Baglu and Sebastian rushed into Cook's barracks.

"Sebastian, immediately find this place for me, and by the way find a few guides who have been there, Bagru, prepare a team of knights." Cook directly said a place name.

But within a few minutes, Sebastian pulled two guys in, one was Hobbit, and the other was a goblin. Before Sebastian could explain, Cook asked the goblin: "You know this place. "

"I know~www.wuxiaspot.com~Master, the little one used to catch fish there before, but after the orcs came, it was inconvenient to go there." The goblin stammered and replied in the common mainland language.

"Sebastian, you stay at the camp, Hobbi, let this guy lead the way, Bagru, Bagru, hurry up." Cook immediately ordered loudly. Cook is so excited now, the fox is actually It was about to surrender. I didn’t expect that the old guy Khaki would be so suffocated. He thought that the most difficult fox clan among the orcs would surrender in this way. Can Cook not be excited.

And Connie smiled after receiving Cook's reply: "Your Excellency Khaki, if you can have dinner here, I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

"Dinner." Khaki was puzzled, but Khaki still stayed. Khaki wanted to see if there was any surprise.

Connie continued to deal with the matter, and soon Khaki realized that something was wrong, because there would be some changes on the magic sand table, and Khaki came to observe carefully.

"Your Excellency Khaki, this is a dynamic magic map." Connie looked at Khaki and explained.

"Here, what is this place?" Khaki asked, pointing to one of the places that looked like a city.

"That is the Idyllic City under the Grizzly Bear collar." Connie said right away. Unlike Khaki, the glasses on Connie's face are not decorations.

"Moral City, what does this white mean?" Khaki asked suspiciously afterwards.

"The white area represents the area of ​​engagement, the red one is the area controlled by the Mekai Empire, and the black one is the area controlled by the Orc Empire." Connie explained.

"Then how do you control those troops?" Khaki finally couldn't help it, because Khaki had seen wars, and if nothing else, he called Lingbing more than one, but there were only a few people in this command room.

PS: Happy Labor Day, everyone.

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