A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 540:

Dilly laughed and said, "Then you want to ask the judges, many people want to see this grand art event."

"In this way, there are ten places for a congressman, and all the other famous collectors are invited, and the others are fine." Cook said.

"Ten are a bit less." Dilly shook her head and said.

"If you want so much, it's worthless." Cook said.

"Isn't it free?" Dilly asked suspiciously.

"It's free on my side, and I can't control those congressmen." Cook waved his hand and left.

When Cook said this, Dilly also knew that this was an opportunity for the MPs to benefit, and then Dilly thought about it, too. Some of the ten places are not even enough for the presbytery shops, but the more so, the more precious it becomes. .

After the members of the House of Representatives got the news, they were almost unhappy, only a few people, why, this quota must not be sold for money, the elders, patriarchs, high priests of the temple, and friends who have good relations with them. , Trusted subordinates, family members or something.

As for asking Cook for more places, no one has thought about it, but then it was denied. How many places are needed?

Many congressmen think this is a troublesome thing, but Dili has changed it a bit. One quota can take one person, so there are 20 quotas. These MPs added up and turned in one after another. Sixteen for the Presbyterian Church and four for yourself. Of course, the members themselves don’t need a quota.

More than 20,000 artists gathered together. Many of these people have long been itching. Seeing that the elders and patriarchs of their own territories have come, they are very excited. But many people also know that this is nothing for themselves, just hoping to be able to More news.

Have the elders of all forces come? That’s for sure. Some are not interested in art, and they have to come. Why, because everyone is here, if you don’t come, it seems that you have no artistic accomplishment and are looked down upon by others. .

The various councillors also smiled openly. More than 20,000 artists gathered in a huge square. There were many stalls around the square. There were hundreds of wine barrels. There were waiters beside the wine barrels. What do you want to drink? Now, as soon as a certain wine barrel is about to run out, a new wine barrel immediately.

There are also hundreds of stalls, free to eat, what to eat, how did these stalls come, they were built by Cook himself, of course not, Cook only provides places, as for these wines, what? They are all provided by merchants for free. These merchants will be able to use the signs that artists drink my things and eat my things in the future. I believe they will attract many people who like art to patronize, and they will be on the wine barrels and food stalls. There are information about various businesses, such as the Green Forest Tavern on the Wine Barrel, the Pink Girl Tavern, the Grand Master Inn and so on.

The food stalls are also the names of various shops. Of course, eating and drinking is just a kind of adjustment. Everyone's interest is in communication. Various artists gather together, and those who like sculpture gather.

Among the carvings, there are reliefs, hollow carvings, etc., and there are those who like to carve gems, bones, trees, etc., and so on.

The whole scene is still harmonious. Dilly came out to greet everyone in person. Now it’s time for free exchanges. So the art masters are crowded with people around them. They all come to listen to the experience of a certain aspect of art masters. This is not a lot of time. , People say that colleagues are enemies, and the relationship is usually not in place, and you can't see them.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the first art conference. I, Cook, thank you all here. I, Cook, don’t have a deep understanding of art. I would like to invite you to give us more opinions in the future. In addition, I think we might Hold an art conference in fifty years, or organize an art association for everyone's convenience." Cook left the laboratory early the next morning and went straight to the Sky City to greet many artists.

"President Cook is polite." The artists below echoed one after another.

"Then let's have a toast first. In addition, I have set up a huge image spreading magic pattern. You can see this art event in the mountains of the gods and more than one hundred big cities in the council of the gods." Cook said to everyone. When he took the wine glass, he spoke.

"Tsk tusk." The people below listened and sighed, the image transmission system, this must be a magic pattern, and it is very mature in the gods, but it consumes a lot of energy.

Only Dili whispered secretly next to him: "The person watching charges for a high-grade crystal. This has already received more than two million crystals, and it is still increasing. What about learning art knowledge, I got into the eyes of money."

"Cheers." After more than ten minutes, Cook saw that everyone had the glasses, and immediately raised their glasses, and the people below also raised their glasses.

"Next, I would like to invite everyone to make artwork on site. I do not limit the time. Then we all judge who is the first and who is the second. For the sake of fairness, I will not participate in the test. Of course, I must also make a work, otherwise I just look down on everyone. The first prize in the competition is the low-grade space artifact equipment. I don’t say the specific attributes. The second place is a medium-grade weapon, and the third to tenth place is a medium-grade equipment, not a weapon. From the 100th place, one piece of low-grade equipment, randomly selected, there are weapons, equipment, and accessories. In addition, for the top 100, I will give you a priority to refine an artifact and equipment. Of course, you must produce materials and rewards. I’m discounting 30%, how about it? Cook is interesting enough," Cook said loudly.

"Okay." These artists were also stunned by Cook's big hand, how much is the value of what they took out this time.

"In addition, all the works of this time will be permanently exhibited in the mountain of gods, so that everyone can see the pinnacle of our art world." Cook continued.

"Okay!" The artists below exclaimed in excitement as if they had been beaten up.

"Okay, let's start preparing," Cook said with a wave of his hand.

The artists hurriedly searched for places and took out all kinds of things. Of course, Cook also provided water and drawing boards. These things were not worth much.

What made Dilly depressed was that she wanted to watch Cook's jokes, but now everyone who greeted Cook hurriedly left.

"Speaker Cook, this is really a grand event." The elder of the dwarf clan said.

"Thank you for the compliment, this is my wife of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Dili, Lina, West Asia, La Milan, Mickey..." Cook introduced one by one.

"Beautiful lady, it's nice to meet you. This is a little gift from me." The dwarf elder had already prepared, and drew out a handful of magic gems.

"No, it's just an introduction this time. I can't accept your gifts." Cook refused. The magic gems collected by this dwarf elder are all of the highest quality.

The dwarf elder glared and said, "I haven't given it to you. This is for the ladies."

"..." Cook was speechless.

"Thank you, elder." Dilly met the elder of the dwarf family and accepted the gift.

"Thank you Grand Elder." Mickey and the others saw the shining gem. Although they wanted it, Cook refused. They didn't say anything. After Dilly took it, they gave it to Mickey and the others. It is said that the dwarf elder really gave one by one person, and the gems are also divided into many levels, and there are few top quality.

The quality of gemstones depends not only on the color, but also on the purity and texture. The color is positive, the transparency is high, and the texture is fine. This is the ultimate quality. If the color is positive, the transparency is also high, but the texture is not very delicate. Sorry, this is not the best.

"Hehe, you can't let the boss take advantage. These are our brothers. We dwarves don't have anything. There is no shortage of gems." The other elders opened their mouths and gave Cook's woman gems or something.

"Then thank you." Cook said that he was very happy to see Mickey and others, and very happy.

A group of dwarfs squeezed in at this time and said: "Get out, get out, you don't say anything about gifts, why, look down on us dwarfs?"

"Speaker Cook, this is our gift. Our dwarf is very grateful to you. It is you who gave us the life of the dwarf family. Don't say anything if you refuse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come on, beautiful ladies, This is the jewelry made by our dwarf. Although it is not a magical equipment, it is beautiful." The elder of the dwarf brought out jewelry. The dwarf does the best in jewelry processing. I can't say that it has the best attributes, but it is beautiful. It is certain.

"This is our little gift." Another dwarf said.

"I think it was a mistake for me to introduce my wife to you. Don't give it away. If you give it away, I will be embarrassed to stay here." Cook saw that other races also wanted to give gifts. He immediately refused. The dwarves and dwarves are very Rich means that humans are also rich, but races such as orcs and giants are relatively poor. Although this gift doesn't mean much, it really doesn't mean much to Cook.

"Cook, you look down on us, thinking that our orcs are poor." The Bunny Chief stood up and said.

"Okay, okay, you are free." Cook was speechless, and Nima still gave gifts forcibly.

Mickey and others accepted gifts one after another. The Orcs gave some pets. These pets are carefully selected. Not only are they cute, they are also very high in IQ. Of course, only La Milan is not interested in pets, and La Milan even uses them. My pet trades gems with Mickey, and I can imagine what is the best thing in La Milan's mind.

"Okay, you go back, I'll chat with them." After the gifts are given, the gifts are also given by the elves. The elves have come to a lot of artists this time. There are thousands of artists. As for the purpose, Yixueqian The possibility of shame is great.

When the dwarf elder saw that Cook’s women had left, he immediately approached Cook and said, “Speaker Cook, we discovered several large mineral veins while exploring the dam project. It just so happens that you orcs are here, let’s see. It depends on what to do. Once the dam is built, this vein will be difficult to mine."

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