A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 541:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

When the orcs patriarch and elders heard this, they all gathered. The rabbit patriarch first asked sourly: "In that orc's territory?"

Bunnymen are of course sour. Once this mineral vein is discovered, it is a large sum of money, and the land transfer fee is a large sum. As for the value of the mineral vein itself, the orcs do not fully understand, and the exploration area is far from the Bunnyman clan. far away.

So someone has to ask, why don’t Bunnymen develop themselves, but sell to others, ahem, this is related to a question, just like a race develops itself, can it be developed? That’s for sure, even if it’s not. It can smelt, and the ore mined is also very valuable. Don’t have too many miners of the orcs.

On the one hand, it is troublesome for the orcs not to develop. On the one hand, the mining of the mine is not a simple project and involves many aspects. The other is that the orcs mine ore internally, so the other orcs of the clan also To dig, can this high-level race prevent others from digging? It's impossible, everyone's collective thing.

The other is to directly transfer the land. This is a clean and neat way of taking the money. Of course, some people at the top can eat the benefits. It is simple and quick to take the money. No need to worry about it.

"It's here." The dwarf didn't speak directly, because there are too many territorial disputes between the various races of the orcs.

"Huh, is this part of our Tauren territory?" The tauren said with wide eyes.

"Find out, this is our tortoiseshell site." Sure enough, the tortoiseshell man said.

"Cut, that's also from the middle of the river." The tauren said irritably.

"Tau Tau, you take out the original territory distribution agreement. We hawksbill people own the water area. This river belongs to our hawksbill clan. Your tauren people are on the river bank." The hawksbill people were not convinced. The orc territory was extremely remote, so the Council of the Gods was sloppy. As for the tauren himself, the place where the tortoiseshell bordered was not only remote, but also desolate, so he didn't care.

Cook asked, "What kind of vein is it?"

"Gem mine, and it's a magic gem mine. It used to be a big volcano. There were many types and quantities of gems, and the quality now seems to be pretty good." Dwarf $∠style_txt; Confucian exploration is no worse than dwarves.

When Cook heard this, he asked, "Can the Miners Association let the orcs join as a full member?"

The main body of the Miners Association is dwarves, there are some dwarves, and there are also some humans. Orcs have never had it before. When the orcs heard Cook's words, they all looked directly at the dwarves.

The Association of Miners is a true association for the sake of miners. It protects the rights and interests of miners. Unlike some guilds, some guilds know to oppress members.

And after joining the Miners Association, once mineral veins are found in a certain territory, the miners of this race will have an extra income. When the dwarves specify this rule, it is easier to mine ores in other territories. After all, there are local people involved. Can find a relationship.

Therefore, it is easier for dwarves to mine veins in human and dwarf territories. First of all, miners in these territories welcome dwarves to mine.

"This is okay. Our dwarves are also negotiating recently. The Miners Association can absorb some skilled..." The dwarves have begun to engage in officialdom. Why don't the dwarves involve the orcs? That's because the orcs don't make much sense. Use your fists to solve this problem. No one likes such spoilers. Of course, you must use coolies. After all, it is not the miners' association, and no one has come forward to guarantee the rights of these orc miners.

When Cook heard this, he interrupted and said: "It's all from the Council of Gods. You dwarves have no reason not to allow the orcs to join. If this is the case, then the Pharmacy Association and the Mageweave Association will be cautious with the dwarves in the future. I thought about it. In addition to the projects on the orc side, the materials cannot be bought from the dwarf side."

"That is, how much material has been purchased by our orcs for your dwarves, and your dwarves' miners' association does not have an orc." The orcs immediately said.

"It seems that after I go back, I can't let the dwarves enter our lion-man territory." The lion-man chief also said.

The dwarf sneered at what the orc said, and muttered in his heart, what the orc's project was obviously Cook's project, but when Cook spoke, the dwarf had to back down.

"Well, let's consider it formally." The dwarf elder promised.

"Don't think about it, you are all here at the top, hurry up to discuss, whoever wants to disagree, I will do the job." Cook waved his hand directly, some things can not be delayed.

The dwarves went to the side reluctantly and began to discuss, the dwarf elder said: "What does your miners' association mean?"

"In fact, our Miners Association once applied, but the patriarch directly became the owner. Now there are fewer and fewer mineral veins in humans, dwarves, and our dwarven territory, and the quality is getting lower and lower. The orc territory is very huge, and there must be many hidden mineral veins. , If you want to open a mining farm in the orc territory, you must either directly buy the **** crystals or let the orcs buy shares, but anyway, the miners must speak for us and buy directly from the **** crystals. Maybe those barbarians will come to mess around. What do we do, once or twice, we have become accustomed to it. The profit of the mine will definitely decline. The orcs will buy shares. The orcs will not make sense at all. When the time comes, we have to eat more and occupy more. What should we do, but there are orc miners on our side. , We can use miners to deal with those unreasonable guys." The president of the Association of Miners, the mining master said.

"You, when did I get stuck with you?" The dwarf patriarch shouted angrily.

"You said those barbarians don't believe in forging temples at all, so..." the president of the Miners Association said angrily.

The dwarf elder angered and shouted: "Is that right? You can't become a member of the Miners Association if you don't believe in the Forging Temple."

Forging the temple in the eyes of others, it is one of the best and second-rate forces, but in the eyes of the dwarf elder, it is nothing, you must know that the elder is almost the highest strength of the entire dwarf clan.

"Great Elder, this..." The dwarf patriarch shouted at the Great Elder, and immediately had nothing to say.

"Okay, let the orcs join in." After the elder said, he looked at the dwarves around him.

"I agree, but the number still needs to be controlled." The second elder said.

The third elder sneered and said: "Control it, you control it. Then Cook will know it, control and control us, don't cry."

"That's right, Speaker Cook has come forward this time, you can go and count, how much is Cook's deal with our dwarves in a year?" The Fourth Elder also asked angrily.

The Fifth Elder shook his head and said: "It's not much. Cook directly took out less than 500 million high-grade **** crystals."

"It's settled, let alone control or uncontrollable, orc miners still need to control, is our dwarf's brain simpler than those barbarians?" the dwarf elder said angrily.

"Okay." The dwarven patriarch had to agree. If he doesn’t agree, his position will not be preserved. The dwarven patriarch also knows how much Cook’s project has had an impact on the dwarves, so to speak, who wants Scolding Cook in the dwarf city, it is estimated that he will be beaten up, because Cook’s orders have made the living standards of the entire dwarves soar. The civilians are not interested in politics, countries, diplomacy, etc., even if they are interested, I can't be the master, just look at the excitement. The common people feel the quality of life the most. This month's salary can buy two catties more meat, the salary has risen, and so on.

If the increase in wages is not as fast as the increase in prices, and there is no grievance among the common people, then there must be some. A safe society may pass after everyone's tolerance. Once the society becomes chaotic, it will only become more chaotic.

Cook said to the orcs: "After you join the Miners' Association, you orcs can't be arrogant. Don't move and just swing your fists. This makes sense and becomes unreasonable."

The lion elder asked, "Speaker Cook, what if those guys beat us?"

"Then fight back, if you can't fight back, that's a coward." Cook said directly.

"Hao Le." Hearing Cooke's words, the orc executives were relieved a lot.

The Bunnyman asked, "Speaker Cook, do you say these dwarves will agree?"

"I said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the word you, short, is heard by the dragon guard, it is racial discrimination, and you will pay the fine later." Cook pointed to the rabbit patriarch and said.

"Yes, yes, that's easy." The patriarch of the Bunny nodded quickly, distressed. The higher the status, the higher the fine. Why, because the dragon guard has submitted an application to Cook, it is said that people with high status violated the rules. The influence is too great and the punishment must be increased. Of course, Cook agreed.

Seeing that Cook was discussing things, a small group of artists who wanted to say hello to Cook couldn't wait and started to create art one after another.

The art event created by more than 20,000 artists has allowed dozens of cities in the entire God Realm to conduct similar live broadcasts. Of course the host of the broadcast is Cook's woman.

"Hello everyone, here is the first art conference of the God Realm. What you see is the creations of artists of all races. This one next to me is the dragon artist who is said to be the number one in the collection. He has another identity. It is the patriarch of the Red Dragon clan." The host is Lori, and Cook's other women have things to do. But this Lori is a woman with a small nine in his heart, and Cook let Lori take charge by the way.

"Shit, this dragon is a robbery artwork." The audience watching the magical video yelled.

"Then the Red Dragon Patriarch..." Lori began to ask questions.

"Sorry si, I said that the collection is the first. I am the first." At this moment, someone interrupted Lori and said, the Red Dragon patriarch heard this and stared at it.

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