A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 561:

"Why is it nothing?" The two streams of light stopped near where Cook fell, and then two angels in white armors were seen, one of them said.

"Look carefully," another angel said.

The two angels looked for it carefully, but there was no trace at all on the ground. A large area around it was carefully searched by the two angels, and nothing was found.

"Is it dust?" an angel said a little while ago.

"Not sure," another angel said.

In the starry sky, such a dead star has relatively low gravitational force, and there is no obstruction such as air or atmosphere. Some dust in the starry sky will fall on the ground.

"Let's go." The two angels looked up again, there was indeed no trace, and then they left unwillingly.

However, inside the Death Star, the warden was nervous and ordered loudly: "All the outposts are dispatched, and there is still half a month before everyone can rest. No matter what is abnormal, we must be the first time. report."

"Yes." The angels below answered loudly. The prison is an independent space. Here, the warden has high prestige.

"The guard responsible for guarding prisoners. Once a prisoner is found to have escaped from the prison, he immediately initiates the obliteration procedure and must not allow a prisoner to escape from the prison." The warden told another group of angels.

"Yes." This group of angels is responsible for internal affairs.

"Okay, all go to work." The warden said with a wave.

Somewhere on the surface of the planet, the ground slowly collapsed, and then a head slowly emerged. A few minutes later, Cook whispered: "No."

Cook did not feel right. At first Cook didn't notice it, but now Cook has noticed that such a Death Star cannot be a prison for the Angels at all.

Why do you want to say this? Cook also ignores the extremely important information, that is, no matter where the prison is, powerful energy is needed to suppress prisoners. The prisoners here are not like ordinary people, and they can be controlled by cages. Although a cage is also needed, this cage requires a lot of energy to suppress prisoners. When necessary, powerful energy is used to punish prisoners. The prison is built on the Death Star, so there is no such condition.

Yes, this effect can be achieved by using the energy in the different space, but the energy in the different space cannot be moved. Once moved, the space coordinates will change, and the prison will likely lose its energy supply.

This is absolutely daunting. Although Cook only knows a part of the prisoner information in this prison, this part is enough to make the prison collapse.

To imprison these levels of prisons, but the cage is useless. It must have powerful energy, just like a divine weapon. If energy is not used, it is harder, and sharpness is not mentioned.

"Craft, this place is probably just a transit point." After Cook wanted to understand, he had another comment on the angel family.

Then Cook’s head sank into the ground again. Under the ground, the Heartbreaker in Cook’s hands was constantly swinging, and the hard rock was powdered by the Starbreaker. Then Cook used the power of the Starbreaker to crush the rock. The dust was thrown directly behind him.

The whole process did not use any energy. Although the Star Smashing Hammer is said to have become smaller, this is the energy inside the Star Smashing Hammer. The artifact is not like a creature. The energy of the artifact can not leak out. Of course, this requires extremely superb technology. The manufacturing process of the hammer has transcended the boundaries of the gods.

It can be said that Cook is only using the Heartbreaker as a drill bit. Because of the unique properties of the Starbreaker, these stones become powder, and there is no movement at all.

There is a complete picture of the entire Death Star in Cook's mind. Of course, where should he go. After a while, Cook will see that it is no longer a rock, but a metal substance.

"Tsk tsk, it's an angel, this protective design is not bad." Cook pulled away some rock powder and saw the magic pattern on the metal.

Although it is only a small piece, Cook already knows that the magic pattern protection on this metal is very powerful.

Someone wants to ask, it's just a transit place, with such abnormal protection?

This is related to the environment. The situation in the sky is dangerous and complicated. On the planet, because of the protection of the atmosphere, there is no need to worry about cosmic rays, radioactive dust, invisible meteorites, and inexplicable energy fluctuations.

And there will be no unknown creatures on the planet. If ordinary cosmic creatures enter the planet, it is simply looking for death. First of all, there is no huge pressure on the planet in the starry sky, and there are bacteria. In a word, different environments create different creatures.

And the larger the planet, the more stable the space, because the planet itself is a huge magnetic field. Although there is no direct relationship between this magnetic field and the stability of space, there has been almost no space wormhole-like phenomenon on the planet. .

But in the starry sky, this happens occasionally.

As for the invisible meteorite, it is a meteorite that carries some kind of dark energy, because it will absorb all the light around it, this kind of meteorite is invisible to the naked eye at all and it is very dangerous.

However, in the starry sky, such meteorites can still be distinguished by the naked eye, because at a glance, such meteorites are black holes within a certain range,   it is like a big hole in the background curtain, which can be seen from the background.

And in the universe, the protection of the portal is also the highest level, because no one knows what impact the violent spatial fluctuations will have on the surroundings, the space is broken, the space collapses, or it attracts some strange creatures.

Space fragmentation and space collapse are completely different things. Space fragmentation means that the energy of the different space flows into the starry sky, and the space collapse means that things in the starry sky are sucked into the different space.

As for what a different space is, this simple explanation is that the dimensions are different. We are in a three-dimensional space, and the different space is a higher-dimensional space.

To use an image metaphor, the general space is like going downstairs to go downstairs, and you have to take stairs. This is normal. There is another way. The whole person goes directly through the floor to reach downstairs. This is another way. .

This is just a metaphor, because the understanding of different spaces is very rare, and the high-latitude space is just a conjecture.

After finding the place, Cook began to study. What Cook has to do now is to locate and locate the spatial coordinates of this spatial portal.

This kind of thing is unbelievable for outsiders, but for Cook, it is just a little difficult.

It's like hackers, biological authors, I don't understand, but it doesn't hinder the existence of others, that is, what, loopholes, use loopholes to operate.

The reason why the space portal is stable is that the two space portals that need to be transmitted are linked. Just like this mountain must transmit information to another mountain, the other party may not hear the call, but if there is a telephone line, the other party Decided to hear it.

The portal is like a phone at both ends. You can talk no matter how you move it. As long as the phone line in the middle is continuous, this is why the Death Star dared to move. According to the space coordinates, the space coordinates of the Death Star follow. The movement also began to change.

Therefore, interstellar portals are completely different from planetary portals. Planetary portals can be said to transmit information to each other in the local area network, and the planets move in the same local area network.

But Interstellar Teleport is different. This is to enter the big network. If your company moves from Jiangsu to Beijing, the computers in the entire company's local area network will not change, but it will definitely be different with the big network.

Of course, the more complex things, the more loopholes, which is like the aircraft carrier, but why do you need so many warships to form a team?

Cook uses this link in the interstellar portal to find out the other party's spatial coordinates. The analogy is ip.

Two hours later, Cook began to move around the metal, which took a spherical shape with a diameter of several kilometers. Cook came to the other side of the metal ball, and then slowly came to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, the disguise is good enough." Cook's head slowly moved out of the ground, but he knew that there was a living creature around him. Cook slowly opened his eyes and saw a big rock next to him. There is a stone on the Death Star, which is normal, but there is an angel inside the stone.

However, the place where Cook appeared was a blind spot of sight. Not far away was something like a cave. This cave was also hidden under a large rock formation, and this place was still a large depression. If you don’t come down, you will never know this. There is also a cave in the place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is the entrance of the portal. Cook confirmed it and returned to the ground.

After reaching the underground, Cook began to continuously expand the surrounding space, of course, the place is also particular, and then Cook began to take action, began to get busy on the protective layer of the portal.

I was busy for a day, and then I waited. Cook didn't want to expose himself, so he needed to passively collect the other party's space coordinates, but to collect the space coordinates, he needed the interstellar portal to run Cook to collect them.

For several days, Cook waited quietly, but as the waiting time got longer, Cook felt more and more uneasy. For the sixth sense, Cook was very accurate.

"Is there something unexpected happened?" Cook muttered.

Cook had to be careful. After all, the angel family's background was very powerful. Cook calculated the speed of the entire Death Star in his mind, and a message popped out all at once.

"Want to yin me?" After this message popped out of his mind, Cook understood a lot of things.

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