A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 562:

"Tsk tsk, this angel family is really reluctant to have children and can't catch wolves. I wonder, since this is a transit station, why does this angel family move? Now it seems that it is a trap for me." Cook tsk said.

"Yes, yes, but these angels probably don't know that this trap is not ordinary things. I want to see if these angels are willing to give up their children, and the wolf ran away, what their expression would be." Cook drew it again, and then It's even clearer. This is the benefit of analyzing wizards. As long as you think carefully, certain information will naturally pop out. It sounds very mysterious, but in fact, cultivation itself is a very mysterious thing.

Cook straightened his thoughts, and then began to prepare.

Among the angels, several angel royals in the conference room looked at a twelve-winged angel and asked, "Is there still nothing wrong?"

"No, so far, there has been no abnormal situation. The entire Death Star is our people." The twelve-winged angel said.

"Boss, should we stop the action?" another angel royal next to him said.

"Old Sixteen, is there anything abnormal on the Council of Gods?" The boss continued to ask another person.

"There is nothing unusual. Just yesterday, Speaker Cook also delivered some orders for artifacts." Old Sixteen replied.

Hearing this, the boss asked confirmingly: "I have seen Cook with my own eyes."

"No, these things are not easy for Cook to come forward, but according to the information collected, in the past 20 days, the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, and the Academy of Pharmacy have not appeared in Cooke, and the two are being established. There is no shadow of Cook in this city of the sky... I suspect that Cook has been on the Death Star." Sixteen hesitated and said.

The boss nodded and said, "It's possible."

"I don't think so, Cook is very treacherous." An angel royal family next to him shook his head and said.

Sixteen also nodded and said: "Judging from what Cook has done in the God Realm, he has not only strength but also a brain. This time it may also be a smoke."

The boss sighed and said, "I can't figure out what happened this time. Why did Cook release the news? Does the Council of Gods want to disadvantage our angel family?"

"Impossible. Although the strength of the Council of the Gods has improved, the various forces in the Council of the Gods are formed together, and they are not united at all, unless Cook personally." Sixteen shook his head and said.

The boss rubbed his head and asked, "Why is that? Why did Cook release this news, making the relationship between our angel family and the Council of Gods tense?"

"I don't know, but there must be a conspiracy. Should we expel all the other races in our territory?" Another angel royal said.

"Get out, your people come to plant the land to clean up the garbage in the city?" Sixteen said irritably when he heard this.

"No matter what, continue planning." The boss waved his hand when he heard this.

Sixteen sighed and said: "This will be very troublesome to travel to and from the prison in the future, and according to my guess, if our transit base is in the Thunderstorm Nebula, the annual consumption will increase by about five times."

"Five times..." When the other angel royal family heard this, they were a little dissatisfied.

"Five times is five times. When you allocate the **** crystals and cores, you just need to allocate less." Another angel royal said.

Hearing this, some people are dissatisfied: "If you want to make fewer decisions, mine can't be less than one point. I don't have enough **** crystals every year, so less? I don't agree."

"That is, we can count on this resource. My plan has been implemented two hundred years later. If you have less resources like this, I have to re-plan. My experiment is the most important." The other angel royal family also spoke. Said.

When the boss heard that it was resources again, he said angrily: "Your resources will not be deducted."

"Then whatever you want, but don't expect me to go to the Thunderstorm Nebula to maintain it. That would be too dangerous." Sixteen shrugged and said.

"You..." The boss glared at Sixteen when he heard this.

Sixteen hurriedly said: "The thunderstorm frequency of the Thunderstorm Nebula is not regular at all. In case of an impact thunderstorm, don't want to stay."

When the boss heard this, he asked very annoyedly: "You all agreed to the original plan, now you have to go back?"

"I didn't say to reallocate resources back then." Someone said immediately with dissatisfaction.

"I said, don't deduct your resources, don't deduct." The boss immediately got a headache when he heard the word resources. Now the whole angel family can be confused, and all kinds of work cannot be performed. The entire social system is simply The chaos, the families do not buy each other, causing the whole angel's territory to become more and more chaotic.

As the people in charge of the angel family, there is no way to deal with these. Although the angel royal families have different strengths and statuses, if you really want to do it, the angels below are useless.

From this point of view, it is very similar to the leader of the sacred beast clan. The conflicts between the various families of the sacred beasts are resolved by the clan leader himself. Of course, the clan leader is also facing the same situation as the angel clan.

There are always more than one hundred angel families. Of course, there are more angels in the angel royal family. However, as a person in power, in this matter, he dared not act rashly because the other party is a group of people. And the entire resources of the angel family are allocated according to proportions. Once it is said that resources are really needed, the boss believes that more and more people are opposing him.

In addition, many related industries in the Angel Clan will be paralyzed. You must know that to maintain a huge race requires cooperation. If some industries do not cooperate, the entire territory will be chaotic.

So the boss, these talents, came up with a way, don't let Cook catch the handle, then there will be no enemy against the Council of Gods.

The angels are not afraid of being an enemy of the council of gods, but at any time, the angels don't want to conflict with the council of gods, because the consequences of conflict are not acceptable to the angels.

What's more, there is a metamorphosis in the Council of the Gods. This metamorphosis has also made a few sky cities. Although the Council of the Gods actually controls only two, the power of these two sky cities has been demonstrated in the Canyon of the Gods. These angels have a way, but the number of god-level powerhouses in the Council of Gods is more than several times the total number of the angels, not to mention the abnormal and weird potions, as well as the force. Cook wants to be true If you do it, it is estimated that only a few old guys in the Angels can fight against.

So no matter what, the angel royal family used the transiting Death Star to set up a trap. If Cook dared to come, then Cook was hit hard.

Once Cook is hit hard, then the Angels will launch Thunder Action. First of all, Cook’s two sky cities. The Angels must grab one, but if Cook does not show up, this trap will not know whether it will work.

Of course, the angels don’t think anyone can rescue people from the angel’s prison, but the boss who is in power hopes that Cook sneaks in secretly, so that Cook suffers a dumb loss.

"Go on, the Death Star is in the Thunderstorm Nebula region, which also avoids external influence. Once the identity of the prisoners in the prison is leaked out, I think you don't want to be an enemy of the entire God Realm." But after weighing it, the boss still chose Let the Death Star continue to enter the Thunderstorm Nebula.

There is a large white nebula, at least a huge galaxy stretched out. This nebula looks like a tulle, floating in the starry sky, giving people a sense of emptiness, but what Cook sees is the white nebula shining from time to time Bright light.

"Tsk, the magic of nature." Cook sighed, because the countless flashes that erupted at that moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were huge thunder and lightning.

How big is this lightning? Thousands of thousands of kilometers long and thousands of meters thick are very common. These lightnings form a dense power grid, which is constantly moving in the entire nebula.

From time to time, there is a white mist in the middle of the nebula. This is not something else, it is a meteorite or a planet that was exploded by lightning.

"No wonder this place is like this. After all the planets of Nyima are exploded, the energy contained in the nebula is integrated into the nebula, making the energy contained in the entire nebula more and more, and the sky does not absorb lightning, so the gathering is more and more. The more, tut." Cook looked at it for a while and finally understood. Cook can see it now, but if you want to get close to this thunderstorm nebula, the entire Death Star will have at least a long flight.

"I don't know how much energy the Star Breaker can absorb?" Cook's heart was hot.

You must know that the Star Breaker’s energy in Cook’s hands has not been guaranteed. The reason why Cook dared to come to this thunderstorm nebula is based on this. Of course, the area of ​​the entire nebula is too large, and Cook does not It may be said that deep inside the nebula.

In another two days, Cook could see the huge lightning, without the slightest sound, but the lightning that occupied the entire eyeball, Cook still knew the power.

"Finally all went in." After the angel on the Death Star withdrew into the cave, Cook dared to come out brazenly, not to mention who Cook was afraid of, it was Cook who didn't want to expose himself.

"I don't know if there are too many nuclear magnetic ores here." Cook looked at the Thunderstorm Nebula. On the star chart, this is the area of ​​the little finger afterwards, but when he really got here, Cook found that it was a few galaxies the size. In front of these things, any creature is small.

But crying is more concerned about how the death star of the angel family enters the thunderstorm area, which is also the focus of Cook's attention.

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