A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 563:

There are only two options for entering the thunderstorm nebula. The first is special protective measures. In Cook's view, this is obviously impossible, because the Death Star has no other protective measures at all.

The other is as simple as knowing the channels inside. Don't look at the lightning flashes in the thunderstorm nebula, but there are channels no matter where they are, just like in the swamp, there are also channels, just discovering and not discovering.

Of course, there is another possibility that the angels will abandon the Death Star and use the Death Star as a bait. In Cook's view, the possibility is very small because the angels are not sure whether they are on the Death Star.

In addition, the cost of building an interstellar portal like the Death Star is very high. It is no simpler than Cook building a sky city, because it is in the starry sky, the environment is different, and the cost is different, just like a space station. A big jar, it’s not worth a lot of money on the ground, but it’s worth a lot of money in space, and the truth is the same.

Of course, the angels need to pay more attention to the fact that if the trap does not kill Cook, the consequences will be even more troublesome. There is a big difference between using the Death Star as a bait and hiding the Death Star.

After feeling the Death Star stopped, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Stopping meant that the time to enter the thunderstorm nebula was wrong. Cook was more excited. At the beginning, Cook guessed that the angels must know this thunderstorm. The channel inside the nebula.

About a day later, the Death Star began to move, Cook was also equipped, a complete set of high-grade artifact suit, but even this artifact suit, in front of the huge lightning of thousands of kilometers in this thunderstorm nebula, it is not the slightest effect. of.

"Tsk tsk, this is the starry sky giant coming, and there is no going in." Looking at the lightning bolts in the distance, the Death Star is moving fast and sometimes slowly in this nebula, the route is very strange, sometimes it feels like Still going back.

"This Nima." Cook felt his whole body numb all of a sudden, and then sent a huge purple lightning that fell thousands of kilometers away. For these thousands of kilometers, Cook felt that he was electrocuted. You can imagine The taste of being hit, as for the equipment on Cooke, seemed to have no effect at all.

The Death Star did not penetrate deep into the Thunderstorm Nebula, but moved around a huge planet hundreds of times larger than the Death Star.

"Nuclear magnetic ore, these are all nuclear magnetic ore!" Cook was shocked when he saw the huge planet. It turned out to be a huge nuclear magnetic ore planet.

Then Cook also understood that the magnetic field emitted by the nuclear magnetic ore planet would not be attacked by lightning at all nearby, but the nuclear magnetic ore planet would be hit. How to say that this nuclear magnetic ore acts like a lightning rod.

"It's too big, will there be magnetic gems on it?" Of course, Cook was only surprised at first, just like gold is a precious metal in the lower plane, but in the starry sky, Cook has seen gold content of 90% The above planets are incredible to others.

There is also a planet full of crystals, where the magic of nature is revealed more concretely.

The Death Star stopped. Cook thought about it. He did not go deep into the Death Star, but looked at the nuclear magnetic ore planet in the distance. The nuclear magnetic metal extracted from the nuclear magnetic ore is used in many ways, but this nuclear magnetic metal ore does not After processing, it will have a strong magnetic beam. Of course, the magnetic cannon made by the wizard world using the characteristics of nuclear magnetic ore is very powerful.

Magnetism is not easy to defend at all. In the entire energy system, magnetic defense is the most difficult, and it is harder than defending space energy. The main reason is that magnetic attacks are silent, and magnetism will destroy the internal magnetic field of objects. The impact on living things is a short-term imbalance of body functions, and more commonly it is paralysis.

This is not numbness caused by external force, but numbness inside the body. The magic weapon that Cook equips Mickey and others' guards is a magnetic weapon.

Unless the energy defense is turned on in advance, once the magnetic force hits the equipment, the equipment operation will have problems, paralyzed, and even the internal structure will be destroyed by the magnetic force, causing the equipment to be scrapped.

"How to obtain this?" Although Cook was excited, Cook also faced a very serious problem, that is, how to obtain this nuclear magnetic ore.

You know, this thing exists like a lightning rod, no, it should be said to be a lightning rod, because as long as the lightning appears in this magnetic area, it will be attracted to it.

At this moment, dozens of lightning bolts of various sizes struck the nuclear magnetic ore planet. If Cook wants to take these things, he must first find a way to avoid the lightning. This thing does not have a precise head. If it is hit, the consequences are difficult to predict.

"What are these angels doing?" Cook saw an angel coming out from a distance, and quickly disguised himself.

The warden saw the white nebula around and the lightning that appeared from time to time in the nebula, and said: "Protection measures must be taken, and if it is hit, it must be repaired quickly."

"Yes," the angels around said.

Another angel opened his mouth and said: "This way, transporting materials from outside, there are also protective measures, which requires a lot of energy."

"Let's take a look first, if there is no energy from the upper part, let's just move this thing out. We all say that the guy Cook is coming and coming, why didn't he show up?" the warden said impatiently.

"I don’t think it’s possible for Cook to take risks himself. After all, Cook is now a big business, unlike when he first came to God Realm, he didn’t have anything. If Cook takes any action on our side, then Cook has so many names. Isn't all of the industry in danger?" An angel said.

"Don't say so much. By the way, stay away from the nuclear magnetic ore. Don't say I didn't warn you. The closer you are to that thing, the more harm you will suffer." The warden was impatient, and the warden himself didn't know. What happened, and then the warden left with his guard.

After all, this place is still very dangerous, but what the warden doesn't know is that after he teleported it, and then teleported back, Cook already knew the opponent's spatial coordinates.

"Tsk, insidious, insidious, it's in the realm of God, tusk." Cook sighed after seeing the spatial coordinates.

The determination of the spatial coordinates of Cook is calculated through a series of complex data, because the spatial coordinates of the transfer and the spatial coordinates of the connection here are two phones on a telephone line, and between the two phones. The number called is completely different from the number specified outside, which means that the spatial coordinates obtained by Cook are not completely correct, but Cook comprehensively calculates the time when the portal is opened, the direction in which the channel is opened, and the energy consumed. The approximate location of the space channel.

It is this series of calculations. If the profession of wizarding is not analyzed, Cook’s own calculations will take at least half a year. There are many things involved, and this calculation is not something that everyone can calculate. It must be understood. It can only be calculated if the law of space is used and the operation of the portal is understood in detail.

To put it plainly, it’s like the length of the space channel opened by this portal and the energy consumed. It was accurately calculated. It would not be said that it was originally opened at a distance of 500 meters. I increased the energy and opened it for one kilometer. No one can stand the energy consumption.

Seeing the spatial coordinates, Cook discovered that he was still in the God Realm. You said that the angel actually turned from the starry sky and returned to the God Realm. Who knows that.

"But it's actually in the Wild Continent." Cook took out the map again, and after comparing it, he found that the prison was actually in the Wild Continent.

There are as many as five known continents in the entire God Realm. Among them, the Council of Gods is not the largest, but it is the most intelligent creature ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This continent has no name for the time being, we will become Main continent.

Outside the main continent, there are wild continents. The creatures in the wild continents seem to have undergone a certain mutation. They are not very proficient in the use of energy, but their physical power is extremely powerful, and there are almost no intelligent creatures. According to Jin Guangyan’s father, that Creatures with a length of one hundred meters on the side are the gadgets at the bottom, thousands of meters, tens of thousands of meters in length, huge creatures, that are a group of groups, the fighting power is extremely sturdy, mainly for fear of death.

In addition to the Wild Continent, there is also the Ice and Snow Continent. It is said that even energy can be frozen in some parts of the Ice and Snow Continent, and there are often icy winds. The lower gods will not survive a day in this icy wind. It is said that even the gods can Frozen.

There is also the yellow continent. Because of the hot weather here, the vegetation on the ground is very scarce. The whole continent looks yellow, but it is not a desert. It is yellow clay that wants to dry up. However, there is a circle of green forests around the yellow continent because of the surrounding area. There are deep canyons, deep water in the canyons.

There is also the Bright Continent, because there is no night in this place for more than half a year. The plants growing here are very luxuriant and there are many creatures. But what makes Jin Guangxian strange is that there are no angels here.

"It looks like I'm going to the Wild Continent." Cook made up his mind secretly.

After knowing the other party's coordinates, Cook planned to leave, but before leaving, Cook was going to explore the thunderstorm nebula, after all, all came.

Of course, the most important thing is that Cook wants to see if he can collect some nuclear magnetic ores. If he can find nuclear magnetic gems or nuclear magnetic spars, it would be even better.

The nuclear magnetic planet Cook did not come close. Cook analyzed it and felt that the larger the nuclear magnetic ore, the higher the probability of being hit. After all, the larger the magnetic field, the greater the gravity.

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