A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 590:

Cook shook his head and said, "Follow him."

"That's true." The other orc executives were relieved when they saw Cook's indifferent appearance.

"In this way, I will first produce a blueprint. Each of your races needs to support a portion of the manpower. As for food and daily necessities, I can provide them. Let the followers of the God of War clear out the old site of the Temple of the God of War. You need to provide manpower to build it. The house will do." Cook thought for a while and said.

Hearing Cooke said this, the orc executives breathed a sigh of relief. If Cook didn’t care about anything, it would be a big expense for all races. After all, millions of people’s food, drink, tools, Of course these people will bring some things like daily necessities, but when they arrive in a new place, everything needs to be prepared. Millions of people require tens of millions of catties a day for food. For all races of the orcs , Is also a huge expense, after all, food also needs to pass through the portal.

The drawing was taken out by Cook the next day. In the area where Sanggan Lake belongs to Cook, a site more than 1,000 kilometers long and more than 3,000 kilometers wide was first marked out. This is the site of the new God of War Temple.

The former site of the Temple of the God of War was surrounded by a city, and then this stretched along several rivers and several roads, and at intervals there was a town plan.

The reason for planning in this way is to reduce the burden on the entire city. In this world, transportation is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, the only way to spread the personnel is to disperse people. Of course, each road is surrounded by grain-producing areas. Outside the grain-producing areas are hunting areas. Are all distinguished.

"This is a long-term plan. Let’s take a look. Every town has a limit on the number of people. It cannot be too many or too few. You of each race choose a town with enough people of your race, then build roads and build towns. As for the grain-producing areas, cities, and the Temple of the Gods of War, I will leave it to me. The stones cleared from the previous ruins can be used to build roads." Cook explained it carefully and said.

"Speaker Cook, in this grain-producing area, do you think we can let the Lions do it?" However, the answer that Cook expected did not come, but the Lions asked for the project.

"..." Cook is speechless, what are you talking about now, what are you thinking in your mind?

"I said that your lion people are as good as our mouse people in the project?" But what made Cook even more speechless was that the mouse people actually fought for it.

"Don't mention you rat people, as far as your small body is, we tauren will support you five." The tauren sneered.

When Cook saw these orcs look like money fans, Cook said: "Don't talk about it yet. It's not just you who reclaimed the grain-producing area. Seeing that there is no one here, this large area here is long. A huge area of ​​more than 2,000 kilometers and a width of more than 4,000 kilometers. The rivers of more than 30 large and small rivers must be renovated and widened. Both sides of the river must be protected with stones. There will be things you will do in the future. This time the reconstruction of the God of War Temple, you Whoever performs well, I will give them more projects." Cook marked the best alluvial plain of Sanggan Lake on the map, and then said.

In the God Realm, food is also a hard currency. You can say that the god-level strong do not need to eat food, and the god-level strong itself does not have much effect on eating food. He is hungry all day long and contains low energy.

However, as the foundation of the God Realm, countless ordinary people still need food, and the servants and descendants of God-level powerhouses need food.

"Hey." Hearing Cook's words, the orcs were shocked.

Of course, this area is simply not comparable with that of human beings, a large food producer. Why?

Because more than 99% of the food production in the God Realm is provided by humans. It is the angels who are responsible for growing food. Humans, orcs, dwarves, dwarves, barbarians, giants, including some elves, etc., eat all human food. Planted.

This also caused a phenomenon that there are humans in any temple.

The number of these races mentioned above is at least tens of billions, maybe more.

"President Cook, don't worry, we tigers must be the first to complete the task." The tiger patriarch saw such a large-scale project, especially the improvement of the river, this is even more important.

"Okay, okay, it depends on your performance." Cook left with a shake of his hand. Of course, the drawings were given to the orcs. Now these orcs also know to ask the dwarf engineer or the dwarf engineer to do things.

Cook finally took the orcs' side perfunctorily. There are too many things. The orders for artifacts have been maintained at one level, that is, full orders. Just like that, there are long queues in the Mageweave Association. . ‘

Pharmacy school is not so good here, mainly pharmacists. This is a business that requires experience. Now the highest-quality pharmacy that apprentices can refine is the highest-grade pharmacy, and it’s junior, so Cook's energy here is also A lot.

In addition, there are the two races of Dragon and Tiger City. They are reminded every day, every day, and they want Cook to deliver the project. Fortunately, there is no one at Tiger City who can find Cook. I can only say that I see Cook and ask him. It’s not good here. La Milan doesn’t know what benefits he will get. As long as he sees Cook walking around, he will come to the Crystal City so beautiful, what kind of, the meaning is obvious, Cook, you have time to stroll, don’t know Finishing the work earlier makes Cook want to smoke this woman.

So Cook is busy at this stage, and the orcs have come to add chaos again at this time, so Cook's perfunctory play for a while, wait until this period of time has passed.

Now that the reconstruction of the God of War Temple has begun, Cook has to consider the situation after the rebuilding of the God of War Temple. Although Cook reclaimed his name, it is impossible for Cook to say that he will deal with the Temple of War God for a long time.

Give it to Wu Mei, yes, Wu Mei's current situation is not suitable at all, and it will take some time to exercise.

A personal choice flashed through Cook's mind. Among the orcs, Cook knew a lot of people. Many tauren, tigers, and bears followed Cook from the sanctuary plane, and there was no problem with their loyalty.

But to manage a temple, there are all aspects that need to be handled, and among the orcs that Cook knows with enough loyalty, none of them reach the **** level.

To manage the entire Temple of the God of War, not only must the strength value be sufficient, but also a savvy mind. Blindly displaying the strength value is also impossible. For the God of War to develop and grow, management must be in place, then the mind is more important than strength.

"Headache." Cook had a headache.

The biggest problem that Cook is facing now is the problem of talents. Although Cook is very strong now, Cook lacks middle-level managers. Needless to say, the bottom-level people have no right to speak.

Cook can only put this matter aside and prepare to complete the city of kings of the beast tiger city and the city of crystal of the dragon clan, because as the mage masters become more proficient in the construction model, two Levels and Level 3 Mageweave Masters also began to emerge, so the output of the construction modules immediately increased.

Of course, the Mageweave Association is also continuing to recruit Mageweave Apprentices, and now the Mageweave Association’s number of Mageweave Apprentices exceeds 200,000.

Cook has also paid a lot, and it takes a time process to identify the talent of the Mageweave Master, at least two or three months, before we can justify whether there is a talent for Mageweave.

According to statistics from the Mageweave Association, in just a few years, the Mageweave Association has appraised the level of the Mageweave Master for more than 200 million people, and selected tens of thousands of Mageweave Apprentices, plus the previous Mageweave Apprentices. One hundred thousand giants.

It can be said that the Mageweave Masters Association has truly become a huge force, and the several institutions under the Mageweave Masters Association have more and more power to speak in the gods.

The first is the Appraisal Association, which authenticates various materials. This was only the appraisal when the Mageweave Association purchased the materials. Now, no matter what the material is, as long as the appraisal certificate of the Mageweave Association is held, it is the most authoritative appraisal.

In addition to the sale of equipment, all artifacts produced by the Mageweave Association are artifacts. As the number of artifacts increases ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the equipment refined by the wuxiaspot masters that do not reach the level of artifacts, these things will be in the magic line. Sold by the Association of Masters, so whether you are a weapon merchant or an armor merchant, you have to look at the face of the Mageweave Association. Once the Mageweave Association cancels the transaction with these merchants, then these merchants will immediately go bankrupt, and the Mageweave Association will not follow suit. You trade, prove that you have a problem.

The other is the mission release of the Mageweave Association. This is the most lively place. The Mageweave Association publishes thousands of missions every day, and most of these are released by the Mageweave Master.

And you can get points by accepting tasks. Points are very important. In the Mageweave Association, points are hard currency.

Put it this way, as long as there are enough points, nothing is impossible to exchange, including artifacts, including orders for custom artifacts.

Mageweaves publish tasks to the outside world, and some people also publish tasks for Mageweaves, such as repairing certain magic items and making certain equipment.

However, when the Mageweave Master accepts the task, there are very few things that require Divine Crystals, usually materials or points. Points are more popular, which further makes the points of the Mageweave Association more valued.

The Mageweave Association has almost become formal, everything is in order, and what each department should do is stipulated, that is, the rules of the Mageweave Association, which must be followed.

"Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, fight, fight." Cook had just been busy for a few days, and he was blocked when he showed up.

"Who started fighting?" Cook asked, looking at the white bears in Bear City.

"My lord, didn't you ask us to maintain law and order in your territory, the swan people have fought with many orcs." Bai Xiong whispered.

"Call the speaker, why did you fight?" Cook shouted angrily, and continued to ask.

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