A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 591:


"First of all, it was the Cormorant. I don’t know how to beat a Swanman. Then the patriarch of the Swanman, the elder brought a group of Swanmen to beat the Cormorant. At this moment, Crane came over and said that the Swanman was wrong. So the swan people and the cranes fought together, and then the tigers, lion people, and other races accused the swan people, but the swan presbyterians even beat these tigers and lions, and then the tiger and lion people quickly returned. They reported from their respective territories, and then a group of lion men and tiger elders sent them over and beat the swan people. Now those guys have gone to the swan people’s territory." Said the white bear, as you can see from the narrative, this white bear It's basically a running account, but Cook still understands it.

For the Swans, Cook doesn't have a good impression, but, as the speaker of the Council of Gods, Cook can't say nothing. Cook said angrily: "These guys, it's okay to look for trouble, really."

"Sir, we didn't do anything." Bai Xiong heard Cook say so, and quickly put aside.

Cook shook his head and hurried to Sanggan Lake. Cook first came to Sanggan Lake's own territory. To be precise, it was the territory allocated to the cormorants and other small races of orcs. You can see that there are cormorants in these territories. Cormorants, crane people and other orcs are reclaiming wasteland, but the planting of orcs is incomparable with humans. Orcs are still in the era of slash and burn. To be precise, they cut down the trees and weeds on a piece of land and burned them on the ground. Just sharpen the tip with a wooden stick on the ground, and then directly poke pits of different depths on the burned ground, and then put a few seeds in each pit, then, then nothing else, wait until the harvest Just come to harvest when you receive it. As for how much you receive, it all depends on luck.

Some people say that you are not afraid of wild animals ruining food? Where these orcs live, there are beasts. The ordinary beasts have long been cleaned up by the orc hunting team, but in terms of hunting, the orcs kid’s skills are better than human adult hunters.

The cormorants, crane people and other orcs look exactly the same in Cook's eyes. The hair colors on these people's heads are different. As for whether these orcs have wings, Cook doesn't know because they all wear animal skins.

"Speaker, didn't you give these guys clothes? Why don't you wear them." Bai Xiong personally delivered supplies to these tribes.

Cook said, "Animal skins are tougher than clothes. Look, in this wilderness, clothes have long been scratched, and animal skins are much more durable."

Cook inspected dozens of orc tribes and found that the houses built by these orc tribes were all similar in appearance. They were houses similar to tall houses, but much simpler, but in terms of planting, large areas of wilderness had been cleared. , Just wait for these


The cleaned plants are burned after drying.

The white bear didn't understand, the orcs were fighting, what did Cook come here to see? However, Bai Xiong did not ask. In Bai Xiong's view, his king was right in everything he did. In the cognition of sacred beasts, a big fist made sense.

The reason why Cook wants to take a look is to understand how many orcs have come, and what kind of race these orcs are, and get a preliminary understanding. After all, this territory is still Cook in name, and Cook is ready to support it. .

After that, Cook let the white bears still roam in the territory of Sanggan Lake. There are still surviving Hydras in the area around Sanggan Lake. If you send guards, it will be another expense. For these bear-like animals, Cook's orders must be carried out to the full. Who makes Cook the king?

The current territory of the Swan Man is adjacent to Sanggan Lake, and there is only a river separated from Sanggan Lake. This river is more than a thousand meters wide. This is not the point, but the river is very deep. The purpose of this river is this. The northernmost strait on the mainland. This river comes from the Chiken Territory and the Hawksbill Territory. In the tortoiseshell, Chicken, Eagle and Doug territory, there is a mountain range called the Watershed.

This is the watershed. The water in the area north of the watershed flows to the strait to the north, part of the water flows into the black water marsh on the south, the other side enters the human domain, and finally into the strait to the south of the human, and part of it enters The territory of the beast is actually the southernmost part of the human territory, which is also the territory of the beast.

Above this gorge, there is a cable bridge. This cable bridge is actually a thick, pitch-black vine. In the past, there were guard soldiers stationed by the swan people. The vines had thick wrists. Cook walked on it and felt that the vines were very It's toughness.

"Speaker Cook." On the other side of the cable bridge, there were dozens of other orcs. One of the lion men saw Cook and saluted quickly.

"Yeah." Cook nodded, agreeing.

After crossing the guard post behind the cable bridge, there is a road. The road is paved with stone slabs, only two meters wide, and gradually descends along the watershed mountainside.

After half an hour, Cook finally came out of the watershed. In front of Cook's eyes was a basin. The basin seemed to be only 70 or 80 kilometers wide. You can see the black and dense mountains on the opposite side of the basin, hundreds of kilometers long. There are mirror-like things in the basin, which are a series of lakes, but these lakes are obviously made by man-made, because each lake has a dam, and the dam is piled up with black stones. It is very visible in the field of view. Conspicuous.

"Speaker Cook." There is also a patrol of orcs on this side.

"Why are you patrolling here?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"President Cook, our patriarch said, we must closely monitor these **** swan people." The orc soldier said.

"What about your patriarch?" Cook asked.

"Over there, follow this road, and then up, is the city of swan people." The captain of the orc patrol said to Cook.

Cook wondered if the city of these swan people was on the mountain. After ten minutes, Cook saw two roads, one facing upwards and the other facing downwards. After walking upwards for only 20 minutes, Cook almost It's time to reach the top area.

Here is the city of swan people. In fact, it is a city, which is a cliff. The cliff is made into the style of five or six meters high stairs, and the cliff face on which each step is erected is a row of caves.

"Swan people like to live in caves?" Cook asked suspiciously when he saw the oncoming silver fox.

"The swan people are persecuted. The swan people will be harassed by the hydras. The temperature on the top of the mountain is very low, and the hydras will never come to the area with the lower temperature at the top of the mountain." Silver Fox explained.

Cook nodded. Snake monsters have a major weakness. Low temperature will affect their actions. Hydras are not ice snakes. In fact, the number of ice snakes is very small. Snake monsters are also cold-blooded animals. Once the animal's temperature is low, it will slow down the movement of cold-blooded animals. The swan people seem to be forced, of course, the swan people don't care about cold, it is nothing more than higher consumption.

"You are shameless aggression, aggression." The Silver Fox led the way and came to one of the largest rows of caves on the side of the Swan Man. From afar, Cook heard the roar of the Swan Man Grand Elder.

"Invasion, what about the aggression, you are the first to invade the Cormorant." The tiger patriarch said.

"Fart, the Cormorant would be extinct if it weren't for the shelter of our Swan people." The swan elder roared again and again.

"You are farting. We cormorants have been oppressed and squeezed by your swan people. This time our cormorants will leave your swan people." The patriarch of the cormorants replied loudly.

"You, you ungrateful fellows, in the age of ancient gods, if we hadn't said good things about the swan people, you cormorants could still have today?" the elder swan people asked loudly.

The elder Crane said: "You **** slaves of the ancient gods, you are ashamed to say that in the age of the ancient gods, you are all **** sellers."

"I'm fighting with you." Hearing this, the elder Swan Man rushed to the elder Crane Man.

Then there was a noisy sound, and then the scream of the swan elder. Cook saw that someone was blocking the way and he pulled it away. The orcs who blocked the way were all high-ranking orcs. He felt that someone was pulling himself and was about to make fire. After Cook, he stopped talking immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fight, fight, why don’t you fight anymore? "Cook watched for a few minutes, and the orc elders who had beaten the swan elder stopped. Looking at Cook, Cook asked angrily.

"Speaker Cook, this." It can be said that the Dougs and the Swans have hatred, mainly because of this treasure tour.

"Don't say so much, it's okay for you. So many people bully one, go on, kill one and kill one less. Anyway, you orcs are just this virtue. Fight?" Cook interrupted directly.

"President Cook, yes." The elder of the Cormorant National People's Congress immediately explained.

Cook pointed to the elder of the Cormorant Man and said, "You don't reveal the shortcomings of people. You know, how long has the age of the ancient gods passed. That era is the pain of all of us. Is it reasonable to say this to the Swan people now?"

"Also, if I have the ability to fight one by one, I Cook admires it. You guys fight one by one, I feel ashamed." Cook continued.

The others stopped talking. The swan people also looked at Cook bitterly. Cook looked at the swan people and pointed at the swan people and said, "You swan people, it's not me. Cook said you, you are really not a thing."

"Chairman Cook, you are insulting our swan people." The patriarch of the swan people said, glaring at Cook.

"Tsk tsk, insult, you swan people are in my eyes, not worthy of insult, because you are like garbage in my eyes, what garbage is, is waste, is useless, and you, swan elder, Calculate the others, if I were the elder Doug, I would have broken your neck a long time ago." Cook sighed.

"You." The swan elder glared at Cook.

"Shut up, you guys who calculate yourself, say one more word, I will let you lie down for the rest of your life." Cook directly pointed his finger at the elder Swan, threatening directly.


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