A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 625:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

"Uh, half a year, about thirty catties." The beast looked at the salesperson in astonishment.

"Then use this color, use a small spoonful for each bath, and eat one one a day, each for five consecutive days..." For different ages, different weights are used. This is also The good stuff for money is just like the milk powder. Of course, the ingredients in the medicine are definitely different.

Everything is on the right track. La Milan does not have to do anything at all, just as a shopkeeper. From the purchase and sales, there are people to do it. La Milan is the boss.

"There are already eleven cores." Cook murmured when he saw La Milan watch the past with his eyes.

&n] Novel mp; "Okay, I'll go first." Cook said hello to the white bear, and then left. It has been a day's delay here, of course, after a long time with La Milan, Cook didn't count. inside.

Cook rushed to the Stoveberg Hospital, everything was normal. Cook used several intractable diseases as teaching cases, professors, and physicians. Then he wandered around, and then came to the dwarf side. There were some intractable diseases. Teaching cases, and Cook videotaped it, it is impossible to say that Cook will demonstrate it himself in the future, it is too tired.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Physicians in the Physicians Association are also graded. Now everyone is a first-level physician. As for the second-level physician, I will talk about it later. As for the issue of fees, this is also very simple. Directly open a fee office and charge the amount. Cook has just drawn it down. Cook is not going to separate the canteen. Some hospitals’ canteens are contracted out. Everyone will not say what the result will be. Of course, the senior management will definitely get a lot of benefits. The six-figure benefits are a bit unlucky for the middle and low-level medical staff, and the bad food prices are still high.

"President Cook, Fort Hammer, Ironforge..." The dwarf patriarch followed Cook in a crooked manner at the Blast Furnace Hospital.

"Dwarf, I save you face." The dwarf chief glared at the dwarf chief.

"I didn't look for you again." The dwarf patriarch felt angry. If it weren't for watching the dwarf elder staring at him, the dwarf, the dwarf patriarch would definitely have a violent beating.

"This is the place of our dwarf, we don't welcome you here." The dwarf patriarch is also confident, there is a great elder, if this dwarf dares to move himself, the great elder will have an excuse, he will hum.

The dwarf patriarch also knew that if he did it now, he was going to suffer, and he turned his lips and ignored it but followed Cook.

Cook pretended not to see. Cook also wanted to open up more than a dozen dwarf city hospitals such as Ironforge, Hammer Castle, Black Rock Fort, etc., but there are not enough doctors. There are two hundred internships in the fortress hospital. Physicians, it takes at least a month of internship to match new and old doctors and then open a new hospital.

In addition, there are the most orcs among the doctors. Although these orc doctors didn't say anything on their lips, they must also think that the orcs opened a hospital.

On the human side, there are more human cities, hundreds of them. Of course, hundreds of cities belong to various temples, families, etc. The Council of Gods has asked Cook to go back to the meeting. It has been notified several times, Ku Ke knew what was going on, so he didn't go back, there was no way to go back.

"No outsiders are allowed in the operating room." Cook walked directly into the operating room. The dwarf guard who was in charge of the guard immediately looked at the dwarf patriarch. The dwarf patriarch was so tired and crooked. If Nima changed the environment, he would dare to look at Lao Tzu like that. Your mother doesn't recognize you, but now in other people's territory, the dwarf patriarch can only recognize it by pinching his nose.

"Oh, I'll help." Seeing the busy doctor, the dwarf patriarch immediately ran to help.

"Well, you wash the dirty things on this person." A female fox physician saw that the dwarf patriarch offered to help, said immediately.

"Uh..." The dwarf patriarch looked at the smelly dwarf child, who was obviously having diarrhea.

"Let's come by ourselves, come by ourselves." A pair of dwarf couples immediately acted on their own, pushing the dwarf child to the place where the patient was bathed.

"What's wrong with that child?" the dwarf patriarch asked after following the fox female doctor.

"Poisoned," the female fox doctor said.

"That..." What else did the dwarf patriarch want to ask.

"You dwarf, dare to disrupt the normal order of the blast furnace hospital and interfere with the work of the doctors. Please go out. You are not welcome here." A dwarf guard walked to the dwarf patriarch and shouted.

"You..." The dwarf patriarch was so angry.

"Look over there, it's the rules made by Chief Cook." The dwarf guard didn't wait for the dwarf patriarch to finish speaking, pointed his finger, said, and looked at the dwarf patriarch with a sneer.

"..." The dwarf patriarch has nothing to say, and there are indeed words that irrelevant people can harass while working as a doctor. Immediately driven out of the hospital.

The dwarf patriarch has no choice but to leave the dwarf territory. It’s not that Cook doesn’t want to open more hospitals, but that once it’s opened, Cook himself is tired. It’s nonsense to say that Cook doesn’t care about the lives of these children, but for a while. Yes, it is impossible for Cook to solve the problem of hundreds of millions of children in the Council of the Gods at once.

The only thing Cook has to do is to make the doctors' medical skills more exquisite. This is the best result.

Fortunately, the mental powers of the pharmacist apprentices are pretty good, and they are much easier to use than microscopes. Each physician has a high-power microscope. In fact, this physician is very simple to look at. It also has some unique functions in judging diseases. Minor differences can be distinguished. Minor differences in temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, skin color, etc. can all be distinguished.

As for the laboratory test, there is no need at all. Cook has prepared some reagents. Through these reagents, you can know whether the patient is poisoned or plagued. The reagents are simpler things for pharmacy apprentices. After all, they are only for The reagents of ordinary people are not used by god-level powerhouses.

After the hospital was on the right track, Cook only went to inspect once a day and then instructed the doctors to solve intractable diseases. Cook rarely did it by himself.

Now at the School of Pharmacy, the number of applicants has reached a new peak at a time. The profession of doctors is aimed at ordinary people, but don’t forget that 99% of god-level experts have grown up from ordinary people, so the profession of doctors has been Many people are optimistic that as many as 30,000 people have signed up for the profession of physicians, but Cook did not come up with a plan for the selection of physicians. In the past, they were selected among pharmacists and pharmacy apprentices.

"Women of wood, water, and light are preferred." Cook gave the definition directly.

Why doesn’t Cook talk about the natural department, because in the natural department, only the wood department has treatments. Doctors who have treatments should not be too convenient to perform the operation. After the operation, suture the wound, a weak treatment to let the wound heal outside, Basically, there will be no infection. Of course, the intensity of the release treatment depends on the patient's physique.

In addition, if there is a major bleeding during the operation, just take a treatment, not too convenient, and then cooperate with the water of life medicine prepared by Cook to make the patient get better in minutes. In addition, there are delivery services, any problems, and treatment. The surgery is also very convenient.

Cook set the tone, and then the selection is very simple. The other staff in these departments hardly need to be selected, they directly become physician apprentices, and then they are sent to Blast Furnace Hospital and Furnace Fort Hospital to start learning with the physician assistants. .

A few days later, he had already accepted 30,000 apprentices of physicians. Of course, Cook didn't know, but when Cook saw a group of elves wearing apprentices of physicians at the Stoveburg Hospital, he was a little confused.

"How can these elves become physician apprentices?" Cook asked the doctor who was in charge of screening physician apprentices.

"President, you didn't talk about race." The person in charge of the screening replied nervously.

"That's it, that's okay, let's do this first." What do the elves want to do, know that Cook and the elves are very at odds, it can be said that there is a contradiction, what do the elves of the Medical Association want to intervene in?

Cook directly found the member of the Elves in the Council of Gods, and the answer that this member gave Cook made Cook dumbfounded.

"Sir, our elves think that the profession of doctors is the most suitable for us. No matter what race, children are innocent. Our elves are very willing to be doctors." The idea of ​​the elves is very simple. The profession of doctors is the best. Those who are suitable for our elves, our elves are very kind, and the doctors heal the wounded are very suitable for the character of our elves.

Cook will not deliberately target the elves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To tell the truth, after watching the elves' surgical stitching, Cook felt that the Elf Councillor was right. The elves' stitching technique is simply an art.

"Dean, our wizard carving is much more difficult than this operation. The texture of the wood is more complicated than the body structure." This wizard doctor apprentice was asked by Cook, and the answer given made Cook realize that both carving and surgery It uses a knife. Of course, compared to wood, bone, or stone carving, the operation is much simpler.

In addition, Cook also discovered a secret, that is, elves have obsessive-compulsive disorder, everything must be done well. The things that other doctors have used are returned, but there is no neatness of the elves doctors. In addition, the elves do The best, but a little too good. If you look closely, you will find that the thread distance of the wounds stitched by each wizard's operation is the same, there is no difference in the slightest. This is not what OCD is.

In a week, there were a full 80,000 apprentices of physicians, so Cook had to consider diversion, and if diversion, it would be to build a new hospital.

"This..." After Cook had plans to build a new hospital, he collected relevant information and found that the entire Council of Gods had established more than two hundred hospitals, and the specifications were exactly the same as those of dwarves and dwarves. Yes, of course, depending on the race, the size of the facilities in the room is also different. //The 3d floating dazzling mobile game "Master of the People", adapted by Tiancan Tudou, is open for beta testing. Book friends who want to play please follow the WeChat public account to download and install (search for sykfdq in the mobile game Open Server Daquan and hold for 3 seconds to copy )

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